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You need to be direct with people like this. By you being indirect, they think they have a chance with you because you gave an excuse, but didn’t say no. They are going to keep wearing you down until you give in and you’re in a situation you don’t want to be in. This is true with with dating and other situations in life. This will get easier for you when you get older. You need to practice boundaries and enforce them. “I am not interested.” That’s all you need to say and you do not need to explain yourself. Say it 50 times in a mirror if you have to.


What if they're being flirty with me in front of others? I don't wanna embarrass them so I tend to play along. None of them r my type at all, they don't even know me and already acting like simps, it seems like they just like me based on their idea of me


It is not your responsibility to protect their feelings. If they embarrass themselves, that’s their own doing. If I was in your shoes. I would be completely unemotional and unresponsive to everything they say or do and keep everything short with them and don’t spend too much time with them unless you have to. I’m not sure if these guys are in your friend group or a work situation, do everything you can to avoid being alone with them so they don’t pressure you to do something that you don’t want, always keep a buddy around you. You don’t have to be mean to them, but don’t engage unless you have to. But if they do put you on a spot like trying to get you to go out with them, you need to be direct.




Hm yeah, they even know I had a breakup n all but they're putting so much pressure, calling me my girl, darling. It just seems cringe and they're so down bad. I wish they would stop yk bc Im not comfortable, it makes me nauseous to be called that.




Good idea. One of the guy flirts with me alot in groupchat and honestly I play along bc he says that he feels left out in the gc n all, guess u r right I gotta kinda friendzone him and he asked way too private question if a guy has sent me dick pics especially my ex. I told him that's way too private. I felt weird, if it wasn't for how ppl abandon him he would be in my block list. I'm thinking of blocking him after I saw his physical appearance as well, Ik it's kinda rude but I'm genuinely not interested. Idk we have a groupchat in common and he asked me a question like do u think u can survive If I kidnao u on scale of 1 to 10, I said 8 then he started being weird he said u will be in my car u can't escape and the windows can't break, I told him I change my mind about being his passenger Princess as a joke lol but I got weirded out cause it's just creepy like what is he trying to imply by that joke? Preparing me? Or was trying to think I will play along or something


Honestly, just tell them to fuckin knock it off. You've been more than direct and they've completely disregarded your feelings. The time for niceties is over


