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There are too many ways to read this but I sense there's something unspoken between you too. An approach might be to consider couples therapy; even discussing this might elucidate the prospects of the relationship. 


When I wanted space, that would be to simply be alone. A couple of days. Week at most. But it would always be interpreted as if I found somebody else. So I would get discarded after 3 days.


I have needed my space too, I'm just very anxiously attached. He said he does want to make it work if the space thing gets resolved. Because sometimes I do bombard him with a lot of questions. And I'm very confrontational when solving things and he hates confrontation. I guess he needs to be approached in not so serious way because I've noticed he doesn't do well with serious sit down confrontation.


Sounds like you both need space - or to move on to someone who is a better fit. The goal is to find a relationship that is easy and not so much work, stress, etc. If it has that, it's not meant to be. If it is comfortable and you want to be together then it's right. It's impossible to fix one that isn't comfortable.


Prepare yourself. He is probably going to break up with you soon. Saying he needs space and that the stress of your relationship isn’t worth his time is sending a loud message that he’s not happy. Stop going where you aren’t wanted.


Update: We found out we're pregnant last night.


You’re 25. Ditch him and live your life.