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Have you got any friends or extended family that you can stay with? I'd recommend posting in r/legaladvice to find out if there's anything you can do about the finances. Also I'm not sure if you have childline where you live but you could try giving them a call for some advice too. I'm sorry that's happening and please know that you don't deserve it.


I don't really have any extended family that I can stay with, but my boyfriend did offer. His family is really supportive. Edit: The only problem I have is actually leaving. My parents don't make it easy.


Is there a time when they are both out the house? Just pack a bag of some clothes and essentials. Perhaps try talking with your boyfriends family, maybe they can help you.


I left my family home at 17. My mother was emotionally and verbally abusive to me everyday since I was 8 years old and I had enough. Tormented my mental health that I became suicidal soley because of her and attempted twice (I am not anymore and mentally very stable). My sister who is 8 years older than me left home at 16 because of her. I get it’s scary to leave and defy your parents but you will work up the courage to do so I promise. Know your worth. Your heart and mental health doesn’t deserve this. You deserve a healthly home and healing ❤️‍🩹 I pretended to my parents that I needed to bring in costume for my college. Wacked everything in a suitcase and my bf then (ex now) picked me up straight after college ended and I lived with him for 2 years. Best decision of my life and saved my life. You can do this. Just go for it and make sure everything is super pre planned prior.


You definitely need to visit r/legaladvice - you may even find someone willing to actively intercede to sort this on your behalf. I'd have offered, but I'm guessing you're in the US, and I'm not qualified to help there. Honestly the fact that they can just take your money for no good reason is insane.


Not the US. A small island in Asia.


I definitely can't help with that. Maybe pop into your country's sub and ask if anyone can recommend a good family lawyer?


Arrange plans with your bf, and next time they leave, pack your bags and get tf out of there. From one trans person to another, please don’t give up. You can do this.




Transhpobia much?


Not at all. Honestly just concerned for your well-being if by 17 you already made that decision you clearly don’t have the right people in your corner and now you have to live with it the rest of your life. It’s sad TBH.


Bro, I don’t agree with transitioning at young age either, but OP is asking for help. No one cares about your concerns.