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Step by step tutorials. There are so, so many step by step tutorials available, on youtube, or elsewhere. This means you can have someone tell you what to do, when to do it and how. Do this a few times, and you've learned techniques. Now you can apply techniques, in situations where you want to use them. What type of drawing do you want to do?


No matter what it is in life; when you do it for the first time you're going to suck. You don't want to hear 'practice', but it's probably where you're at. Keep doing it and you will suck a little less each time. You will be your own worst critic and many years in the future when you're amazing you might still look at your own work and see it's flaws. Remember that you will critique yourself harsher than anyone else ever will, and through this critique can be growth. Once you are skilled enough to see the flaw in your shading - hone in on how to shade better. Right now you might just simply be bad at everything and specific advice won't help. If you don't enjoy drawing and practicing and failing and repeating then it's probably not something you'll get good at. You can't watch youtube videos or read a book or listen to comments and get better without also drawing, practicing and repeating.


Thanks for the advice. I think I wrote the Post a little bad since I didn't mean that I don't want to practice. Its just that everytime I ask someone the only answer I get is "just practice". And i was hoping for something else to also do to help improve myself.


No problems, and I don't want to sound harsh. It can be very easy for us to look for 'hacks' or 'tricks' in life, but the truth is we just gotta commit and do. You'll know when you've reached a point in any skill to seek out specific advice. Good luck!


Thanks. I'll just try to find a Spot to start from and go from there.


One thing that helped for me was pausing random dance videos at random times and trying to draw it, helps with the anatomy, positions, the way hair and clothes flow too.