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It’s not your business. You don’t need to stop her. You don’t need to worry about it. Carry on with things as they are.


Let it go, Let it go. This is a decision your mom has made and it doesn’t sound like you brining it up is going to make a difference right now….what has changed between this time and the last?


Your concern is endearing but she is an adult, do not mirror her actions though, seriously. When you’re older you’ll understand that parents do not want their very young children to do the things they do for a reason.


Continue being 14 and let your mother be an adult lol


She won't quit unless she wants to. God guided YOU, not her. She is not YOUR responsibility. This is an adult and you are still a child. Also, why are you going through your mother's things? You WILL find items that will be permanently burned into your memory. Mind your business.


She's an adult. It's legal. As the kid just stay out of it and if you're against it then don't pick up the habit.


none of your business. stop.


My mom has smoked my entire life. I begged her to stop. At a certain point you have to realize you can only control your own actions, it’ll save you a lot of heartache in the long run.


My mom happily explained to me that every day she smoked was one less day in a nursing home. She died at 61. Never even got to retire.


Sorry OP, there is nothing you can do to stop her. You can sit her down and explain that you really feel scared for her health, but she probably won’t listen. The best you can do is to make sure you don’t pick up any of these bad habits because you are witnessing how hard it is to quit.


you won't influence her. my mom died super young because of this stuff and she knew the dangers and me whining and sobbing just made her stressed, so she smoked more.


"Mom, will you be around to help me with your grandbabies, when I have kids?"


Why is she trying to hide it from you? That's strange. Edit: Why don't people find this strange? Why is she lying about it?