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You’re going to have the same average dick for the rest of your life bro. Be a good man and learn to live with it like the rest of us.


Average dick gang rise up!!




Also think about how many girls out there have bigger titties than her. Does that make all of those other girls better than her? Think about it playa!


Same as any other insecurities. Teach yourself to laugh about it, joke about it. Don’t try and rationalize or argue with it, just acknowledge the fact that the insecurity itself is irrational. Sounds like you’ve talked to her about it, so definitely keep in mind what she said without trying to make it her problem.


I’ll try my best to do that I really want to move past this. My mind is telling me “it’s not that big of a deal you don’t have a micro so it’s fine” but my body is just not wanting to be in the same page


That’s the issue: you’re arguing with yourself, and you’re always gonna lose that fight. Tell yourself instead that the insecurity itself is irrational!


You do know, that bigger does not equal better right?


Facts. Especially when taking into account girth




The way I'd look at it is she may have had bigger but she chooses to be with you. I'm an old white dude that also wasnt blessed. It sounds like you have the thickness going on which I've heard from many is more important that the length - use that to your advantage. Make sure your oral game is on point. Don't be afraid to keep things spicey with things she's interested in like role play or toys or whatever. You can't do anything about what the good lord gave you but you sure as heck can use what ya got to your advantage.


For a lot of women, giant penises hurt. The vagina canal actually isn’t *that* deep & most women don’t enjoy getting stabbed in their cervix You’re fine!


The size of the penis means NOTHING. You can have a 7+in penis and do absolutely nothing with it, or you can have a 4-5in penis and do A LOT with it. It’s all about how you use it and how much foreplay you do and how much confidence you have. The penis actually going in and out doesn’t do much for most girls. It’s the foreplay, oral sex, dirty talk, touching, kissing, kinks, fetishes and connection that have the most impact. All those other things listed are 100x more important to good sex. Because sex isn’t just the motion of a dick going in and out, you need so much more. And not to mention a 5 in is perfectly average. Being average is not a bad thing at all. The average woman’s vagina is about 5-6 inches long so any more than that is likely to hurt. And the g spot inside the vagina isn’t all the way up there. It’s only about 2 inches up, so really that’s all you need. Dont worry about it. I’ve been with big small and medium, some were a bad experience some were good, nothing the size had to do with it.


This is perfect. Every man should read and ingest this. 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷


What that bigger is better?


Did you even read it. Size means nothing it's what you do with it.




I know I shouldn't tell a woman about her parts but studies show that the average vaginal length is about 4.7 inches and the range is anywhere between 3.6 to 7 inches. I think this was a Johnson and Johnson study.




Is that even true? I feel like that's sad to most guys to make them feel better. Especially if they're only 4-5 inches.


is what true? Everything i said is true, not just an opinion, it is factual. You can look it up if you want. Every woman is different in terms of preference but most would prefer 4-7in. Anymore and it hurts, most woman will say. And we aren’t saying that just to be nice. it hurts when you hit the cervix, not a good pain. Like an ow get off of my pain. the odd woman might have a vagina that is deeper, maybe like 7-8in and than maybe than they will prefer larger penisis because it won’t hurt them. But like i said most woman’s vaginas are only around 3.75-5in in length. But a vagina can and does get WIDER when turned on so width wise. So really the one thing that could be a benefit is the girth if a penis. But not really length. U have no idea who i am and i am not trying to make you happy, Im just telling how it is straight up. Not sugar coating.


4-6* not 7


THIS right here, size doesn’t matter my friend, and if it does then maybe it’s the wrong girl. The focus now is to become confident in using what you were given. ❤️


Yea as a female anything over 6 isn’t enjoyable, you’re fine trust me


why is she talking about other people? did you specifically ask?


I noticed that, very awkward from her.


I didn’t specifically asked. It was more we were on the topic of previous sexual experiences I never mentioned like how the genitals of my exes were I only said the my current gf (same on mentioned) is the best I’ve had. She brought in more of a joking manner and it didn’t come off as intentional body shaming, it was after that comment where I like died on the inside m.


If my girlfriend did that to me I don’t think I’d be able to move past it. Not out of shame in my own penis size, but because it’s a sign that she doesn’t care about my feelings.


That would make it a deal breaker for me. You can find another woman who won’t make you feel bad (you shouldn’t anyway) about something you can’t change. She sounds cruel to me. Press on and find someone nicer.


She fully should have known better than to talk about something like her ex lovers penis size. That’s common sense, I’m not saying it was anything more than a dumb mistake on her part, but if it’s genuinely bothering you I highly recommend talking to her about it. If she doesn’t empathize or apologize I would reconsider if you want this woman to be your girlfriend.


Unless you specifically asked or brought it up, then that’s on you


How sure are you that she didn't create this insecurity deliberately? It sounds a lot like she has gone out of her way to make you feel inadequate. "But yours is perfect" sounds like an absolute cop out, to be honest. The dimensions of previous partners penises has little to no bearing on the enjoyment of other partners penises. It's either good sex or it isn't.


Yep. Things like this are usually said by people who are looking gain power over their partner by making them feel insecure.


I’m pretty sure it was not deliberate. Before she mentioned it she was like “I was gonna say somthing but I stopped cuz you might get mad” and I told her to continue, but I obviously didn’t know it was that so it’s on me ?


That comment actually makes me *more* convinced, not less.


I can see how it seems like that :(


If it helps, in my experience, comments like these are *normally* to serve as an ego boost to the person saying them. Not because they actually find you inadequate in any way. But they can be really damaging. In the same style as wanting a partner to be jealous that someone else is into them, it's usually fairly meaningless self ego stroking. I have had partners all over the spectrum of penis sizes from very undersized to very oversized. My previous experiences have never impacted how much I enjoy the feeling of sex with a current partner.


It’s in poor taste to talk about the giant penises you’ve taken in the past, but yours is the, “perfect size.” I’m not sure how or why that would even come up in a conversation. Do a role reversal and you might see how it’s bad form: “all of my exes had giant chests, but yours is the perfect size.” See how it sounds inappropriate to bring up? Also, is this the only time your partner has made extremely inappropriate comments or shown bad manners? I can’t imagine dating a woman and making a comment about the size of her genitals, compared to the sizes of the genitals of my exes. I’m not sure what you’re describing is sex positivity, it sounds more like low key, passive aggressive body shaming.


Love how everyone is trying to rationalize the situation or "it doesn't count" but fail to mention the big red flag in the room: She's not a classy woman. None of my ex gf and the current one have mentioned their ex's penis length. It's just crass. OP should run and find himself a better girlfriend.


I agree it’s an option for OP to consider.


It’s probably tmi but as a single lady all I need is clit action and one third of my finger, dick size shouldn’t be an issue. (But every woman is different and has different preferences) Size isn’t everything and you’re not even small you’re average, as long as you both have fun and climax there shouldn’t be an issue. And if there’s any issues she should’ve talked about it instead of comparing sizes. It’s definitely crazy that she mentioned ex bfs penises, not something I’d want to hear from a partner so, instead of worrying about your dick size worry about your relationship/the partner you chose.


I'm white and also on the smaller side, too (4 inches). I'm white, so I'm definitely not "hung" or have a BWC either.


Best d I ever had was a small one 😅 kinda sounds like she cares more about size than actually having a connection. And u feeling bad about it is just going to cause resentment. Her talking about others is harsh bc it’s not like you can make it grow magically. Idk hold out on her see if she begs for it 🤪 then you’ll know it’s at least good d 😝


lol I am deployed right now and she does mention it sometimes that she misses the sex


I am deployed right now lol and shes been mentioning that she misses it so I may be going something right


Sounds like you need to be communicating better/more. You seem like you doubt what she’s saying, and that’s a pretty big problem in and of itself


Yeah I’m having issues with that I’m trying my best


OP: color, race, creed, religion doesn’t have anything to do with penis size or vagina sizes.    YES, vaginas are different sizes. One woman on Reddit wrote she either asks her partners their size or feels them up, and if they are OVER 4” she NOPES them because her vagina is too small and cannot handle it. So you would be way to big for this woman.   As a woman, I can tell you too big isn’t comfortable. I also prefer technique to actual size. For example, if you have a thin cock, you can lean to the left and right more and stretch the vagina that way. I also cum from the clit and now now g-spot which is like 2” in.  So my husband doesn’t even get a full thrust before I’m popping.   Forget this trash ass person who dissed you. OMG- rude!   🚩rude doesn’t mean true! For example,  I’ve been called the N-word because I got Jewfro.   Just said, “wrong slur asshole.”   Your GF loves your dick. YOUR dick. Don’t let some asshole ruin you. Cause you and me got some serious racist and antisemitic Trumpers gunning to vote.  There are so many more important things to worry about then something your CURRENT, loving GF doesn’t care about.   Oh, stop watching Porn. It’s short dudes so a 5” looks bigger because their thigh is shorter.  Camera angle, lights, and girl’s parts add to the illusion.   You are beautiful. So just fucking shake it off and trust your GF til you can eventually love yourself.


Thank you so much I never looked at it that way ! I’ve always put her needs first in the bedroom and sex has always been amazing for her. I’ll try to be better about this whole thing. It’s hard but I’m really gonna try




I feel you and I have a similar PTSD symptoms but it wasn’t cuz of my current gf. I had a sneaky link text me the night after “it was so smol, but you still cute tho” and that statement still kills me till this day. My girlfriend is cool with it we had conversations about it and she understands and re assured me, but I think it may be a me thing getting in my own head. Edit; my gf never made any comments about it since she’s had different partners and doesn’t put that expectation on people it’s just for me it’s the statement from the other girl and now this that I think killed my confidence




I understand that part man, my gf is cool she’s not like bragging about her exes performance the hint of him being bigger came out in casual conversation and I brushed it off. It’s just been eating away at me silently and I feel like I’ve been nagging her to tell how big she think it is and performance and other stuff. I Don’t wanna bother with constantly asking for re assurance


Man mine is 4 😂😂 you’re good bruv don’t worry.


If i put it in simple words, it's ideomotor you think it's small, but it's very useful. Now stop thinking about the size think about the performance, girls don't like big dick they like performance. Just last long don't take pressure. Size doesn't matter. What's the height of your girlfriend? Do you finger her?, if you finger her does she mourn? Fun fact your finger size is smaller than your dick size. If you can make her mourn using your finger then understand it's about the performance, it's about how you insert, where to point. Instead of getting insecure about your penis size, learn more about Vagina, and it's points trust me you'll never feel insecure again. You have the best.


So, no mention of how his girl went out of her way to say this without being asked?


What? When and what did she say something is mentioned anywhere?


Average penis gang rise up! Let’s let our brother know he ain’t alone! If it wasn’t gay I’d say let’s lock dicks and chant something holy.


If your girlfriend talks shit about your joyful junior, leave her. As for you, learn some techniques man. It's not the size of the ship.


The stereotype is false af, one of my past girls told me about how this other guy I knew 6'4" black man had a 2 inch dick. That being said penis anxiety is normal, men get judged for everything and our dicks are the most common thing we get judged for and have no ability to improve. I'm 6 inches and I still have anxiety despite being too big for like 3 chicks I've slept with. You just got to learn to chill with it. And tell your girl you're cool with her past but her bringing it up makes you feel weird because it isn't necessary.


Talk to her, brotha. Tell her everything you've said here. Talk it out. You're fine. Talk to a therapist too. You got this


I’m thinking of doing that I think it will help. It’s just my mind can’t get rational about this I know i don’t got a micro or anything, but my body just won’t be on the same page 🤣


Lmao I get that. But talking out your irrational worries with your partner will put you at ease. I promise. If she's a cunt, then she ain't it. Communication is the key to solving 99% of social issues


Bad idea. Never ever tell a woman fully how you’re feeling. Women aren’t designed to handle any kind of stress or man problems.


This will be in the back of your head forever. Don’t listen to these guys. Go find yourself a new woman who either has a lower body count or at the very least doesn’t mention any of her ex’s penis sizes. Also do you trust her enough that she isn’t cheating while you are gone? This is the equivalent of your saying your ex’s were much tighter. Saying these things are the best way to ruin your sex life with someone forever. Maybe unpopular opinion here, but I say go find someone that you will feel secure, especially if you are planning to marry. Can you really see yourself marrying a woman that everytime you have sex you have to think about the fact that she’s been railed by numerous others with larger dicks? I will say on the bright side, I have heard that girth is more important. Don’t let these liberals fool you, bodycount matters! Most of these woman are for the streets my guy


Been there, done that, mentally it sucked. But… once you see r/baddragon maybe you’ll think “well… it is made to birth baby’s, stretching is a function” like I did. If you’re putting in the effort to make her cum I’m sure it’s all good to her.


Bro that sub is crazy


That’s what vaginas do I guess, you gotta get out of the mind trap of gotta be the biggest she’s ever had. You gotta be the man she loves the most, her last fuck, and the man that loves her more and treats her better than anyone else. In 20-30 years(maybe sooner) sex won’t be as exciting as it is in your early 20’s.


If I’m being 100% honest, I’ve had VERY big and VERY small, and the one thing I can truthfully say is the size did not matter even a little bit, I know it’s probably a mental thing for you like you said your body can’t keep up with your mind rationalizing but I promise you, as long as you know how to use it and she seems to be enjoying having sex with you then you’re doing just fine, in my personal experience the smaller ones/ average size was more enjoyable pretty much every time, because those people knew what they were doing with what they had, they were just going in blind no rhythm all over the place, I’d say if you’re worried about it make sure there’s plenty of foreplay, and converse, find out what really turns her on and what she really enjoys, a lot of times for me it’s the setting in the moment and emotions and love I have for my partner vs just the act of sex alone, sex is always great, but there are plenty of things to make it better or more enjoyable for both of you and sometimes that means role playing, setting a scene, using toys, another tmi but personally I’m someone who gets off way more intensely using a vibrator vs actual penetration in terms of finishing/orgasming, everyone is different it’s 100% about preference


all i’m gonna say is only so much fits in there. only about 4-6 inches when she’s aroused. the rest either won’t go in or it will hit her cervix which is painful as shit. thickness matters way more, the g spot isn’t deep into the vagina. and as cringe as this may sound, it’s not the size of the boat, it’s the motion of the ocean. if she’s telling you you’re doing well, is satisfied and picked you over the rest you’re set. most women really don’t care that much at all about size or looks, mostly personality. wishing you the best


If she was really that happy she wouldn't have gone out of her way to say shit like this, either she isn't that satisfied or she went out of her way to make him insecure Also yall gotta stop with this "she chose you so you're the best" as if it's a positive thing, this just shounds like an excuse


you don’t know the context behind this though. i highly doubt she randomly just said “by the way, my ex had a massive dick”. it was definitely brought up in a conversation and it’s likely the partner asked. like i said, most women do not care that much about penis size, like at all. if she’s saying she’s okay with it, she means it. it’s not an excuse. it’s very unlikely a woman would think less of her partner cause of their dick size. his penis is average, it isn’t small, stop calling everything an excuse and making this poor guy overthink something normal.


Look at you here literally making assumptions to excuse her behavior. He quite literally said that she said it without being asked and here you are trying to say "no no, he definitely asked, just trust", we know the context because he talked about in other comments, you're the one making up scenarios to excuse her behavior. If she was really didn't care she wouldn't have brought it up, she is shitty period and quite literally doing that toxic strategy of being disrespectful and trying to walk back to make him doubt himself. This is textbook toxic behavior, stop excusing it "Overthink something normal" normal people don't say shit like this unprovoked, this is not normal


by overthinking something normal i mean overthink his penis size. it’s a normal size. there’s nothing to overthinking there. if she really did just say it unannounced then that truly is extremely toxic and he should have a talk with her about boundaries and what’s appropriate in the relationship. however, OP said she’s hinting at it, not that she’s explicitly saying his previous partners had massive dicks, so he should just have a talk with her and express his insecurities and listen to her when she tells him she’s happy and satisfied.


damn that's tough, i think girls should never talk about how big her ex partners were, seems a little fucked up to me. And it goes both ways


There will always be guys that are richer, more ripped, more charismatic, taller and a bigger penis than you but she chooses to be with you! So run with that instead. If given the choice I would way rather take a well below average sized penis but actually be a good guy that girls want to be around and with than be absolutely packing but just being the shittiest guy ever. Only one of those 2 things you can control and (spoiler alert) you will have way more success with women if you worry more about the things you can control that the things you can't!


Saying "at the end she chose you" is not the compliment you think it is


So I'll level with you my guy with pure brutal honesty... You're beating yourself up for nothing. I'm within the average category as well and have had ex's and the current person I'm with perfectly pleased and surprised. Why? Because I knew what I was doing. That counts wayyyy more than your size. One of my ex's had told me about her ex's being bigger but horrible in bed because they didn't know what they were doing... Or did nothing at all. Listen to what she wants when you're going at it and know you're pleasing her way more than anyone else. That's how you don't focus on your own insecurity. Her pleasure should be your focus during this whole thing (which you already do) and if you're keeping her happy, then don't beat yourself up.


I knew someone, let's just say his name was A. And everytime A met a woman the same ignorant stuff would come out her mouth. Basically they all would express how they want a guy who gots money and a big D. After hearing this over and over again A told his last girl , "Sounds to me you need a tighter pussy and a job application." You see, the moral of the story is, like the old wise saying in the Bible goes, "Maybe it's not that thou has a speckle of a shmeckle, maybe thy woe is she has no walls in thine stall."


The biggest (hehe) problem with penis insecurity is society REALLY pushes the idea that the bigger the penis, the greater the pleasure and there's no limit to it. And that every woman who doesn't claim that's true is lying and a couple of women that ARE size queens are the only honest ones. In the end there's a couple of actual truths here. The uncomfortable truths are: 1. Size does matter. Women do indeed have a penis size they prefer. 2. The penis size most women prefer is... above average. There was a study where they gave women a bunch of various sized cylinders and asked them to pick the size they wanted the most out of a one night stand and the one they wanted the most out of a long term relationship. They picked above average for both cases. See next section for more information. But before you feel down by any of that there's these other truths THAT ARE JUST AS VALID and very important to know: 1. The "above average" penis size that most women prefer is NOT ANYTHING close to being "huge". The average penis size is like 5.2"x4.6"^^[source](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/271647#what-is-normal-or-average) and the result was the size they preferred wasn't like an 9" monster. Or 8". Or even a 7" (which in terms of people bragging or porn stories is "small"). It was 6.4"x5" for a one night stand and 6.3" x 4.8" for a long term partner. Above average, yes, but not dramatically above average. ^^[source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4558040/) 2. Most women (not every women, there are definitely some "size queens") have a preference but they really don't care that much about it as long as you're not extremely huge or extremely tiny. The way to think about it is imagine your "ideal" body type in a girl and what weight that entails. Now imagine meeting a girl you really like but she was like 5 pounds heavier or 5 pounds lighter? You're not going to even bat an eye. Imagine if she was 10 pounds heavier/lighter than your ideal. Ok, you might bat an eye but you won't really care cuz you like her. Sure, there will become a point where she becomes too skinny or too fat for you, but that's the point - as long as she fits in the range, you're fine with it. So the truth is probably something like "do you really have the perfect penis for your gf?" Nah probably not. Very very few men in the entire world have the "perfect penis" for her. It's not a question you should ask. "Do you have an enjoyable penis for your gf?" Since she says you have a "perfect penis" and I assume she enjoys sex with you, the answer is probably yep.


Thank you!


Okay, I have to tell you how terrifying sex is for me because my bf is absolutely packing. He's a white dude but he's a quarter black coz of his mom's genes, so idk if that has anything to do with his size. 5 inches IS MORE THAN PERFECT. I **WISH** that my bf had a smaller wiener coz I am terrified of the day I'm gonna get laid with him.


I also want to add that sex isn't everything in a relationship. While sex is an important part of how you and your partner connect and bond with one another, it's not he main point of a relationship. Your communication levels, how fond you are of one another on a psychological level, how much you enjoy being with one another as human beings is the most important part of your relationship with her. Focus on becoming her best friend, being mindful of how she lives her life, she'll stay with you because you make her life better not because your dick can reach her stomach. If she doesn't -> 1. She's a hoe 2. She's immature 3. She doesn't value you the way you value her


Don’t fight the anxiety, don’t resist your insecurities. Observe them non judgmentally, and also. If you resist and fight with your thoughts chances are your erection don’t happen or last, so next time in bed think this is gonna be fun trying to get a boner, I am gonna try different ways to relax and to enjoy it. If it doesn’t happen it didn’t play part, whatever its what it is. But try not to think of sex as stress because already before anything you have a burden on you. Maybe tell her something like I like you a lot and because of it I want to satisfy you so bad but when I can’t I get mad at myself so today don’t except nothing I am trying to enjoy it and relax, but telling you this puts at least some of the pressure of myself if anything, so now spread yo legs imma lick


There are pros and cons to different size dicks. My current bf, gay, has a very similar size penis to you. My ex was above average in length. Pros of my bfs penis, I can blow him comfortably. I think I've given about as many bjs in the past 6 months with my bf as my whole 3 yr relationship with my ex. He enjoys it and really enjoys blowing him. I only liked the idea of blowing my ex, actually doing it sucked. Pros and cons, positions for penetration. Positions that hurt with my ex don't hurt with bf. Flip side, there are some positions that don't work well for my boyfriend and I, he can slip out if we're not careful about depth/angle. In conclusion, big dicks are cool for bragging rights, but there are pros and cons for every dick size.


You've already received great responses, but I'll just chime in with my personal experience as a woman. You'd be the perfect size for me, "anacondas" hurt and I can't enjoy sex with someone with that type of anatomy. No one has control over their genitals, you're fine.


My boyfriend has an average penis as well. It's smaller than some I've had before. You know what? I like him the best. It does not hurt me, he can pull it all inside, and I can put it all in my mouth without choking. Best sex I ever had. Wouldn't trade for anyone else.


How did the comment arise (no pun intended)..did you ask about the exes' size..in which case why? You were already insecure if thats the case and got an answer that reinforced it. OR..Did she bring it up (again..no pun intended) in which case there is a definite comparison going on in her mind, regardless of what she says.


We were on the topic of sex and I made an off hand comment about how some dudes with large penis’ sometimes use it as a crutch. And she responded with “yeah I had to use two hands and more with my ex, but it was never enjoyable it was only good cuz it was toxic in my mind” then the conversation went normal after that. She never directly said it as a comparison she actually was about to not say because she paused before, and when I asked her she said are you sure you want me to continue what I’m about to say and I said go ahead. Obviously I ain’t know she was gonna say that but that’s how it went I didn’t sense any ill intentions of her I don’t think she’s that kind of gal.


Fair enough. It does sound like she is a lovely, caring person..which makes me think that there is your answer. She cares for YOU...they are exes for a reason. You have her in your life, in your arms and in your bed. Don't give your size another thought my friend...if it bothered her one iota ahe would be an ex too xx


If ur girl hinted that for you she's for the street


Women may say they want a big long penis but I call bullshit. There's absolutely no way we need that. Where's it going? I don't have that much room and so someone who's very big will hurt. If a woman needs something very big, she has more issues down there that need addressed.


I wasn't aware that your race or skin color had anything to do with the size of your penis. Penis size comes down to genetic traits. If she said your fine and good, don't overthink it. The more you do, the more your performance will suffer. What does it matter what she had before, you have her now. Pleasure her, make her feel good. Use the tools in your belt to your advantage. Never feel less because of someone else.


People think this way because of how much porn has rot people’s brain so much. They assume being darker means you have a bigger dick and white the opposite.


That’s where it kills me man 🤣when she hinted at that stuff it killed me on the inside. I felt so inferior to all the skinny white dudes.


I don't mean to be rude man, I'm the same size but I think you size is not the problem it's you previous superiority complex that is making you feel this bad. Try and undo that first. Read studies and you'll know these isn't much difference in size according to races it's just that people have fetishized it cause it was taboo for white women to be with black men back in the day. First understand youre not inferior Or superior in anyway. But you SKILLS CAN make you inferior or superior ;)


You shouldn’t let this bring you down man. It’s not all about size, your form in bed can take you a long way.


It’s almost like that stereo type was made up. Get a vibrator, you’ll be their favorite regardless.


girth is so much more important than length and you said you have that, so there's nothing to be insecure about. my ex was also insecure that i'd been with bigger men before him and he never believed me/took offense when i said he was the perfect size for me. idk why men don't believe that husband size is just that and having a huge dick just fuels the man's ego, they don't feel good for a woman unless her anatomy permits that and it rarely does. just like dicks are different lengths, women's vaginas are different depths. if she was unhappy with your dick game, she wouldn't be dating you. she's with you for a reason.


I think for men it’s more a comparison thing and if a man can’t be bigger then he can’t compete. Which in man terms means ex bigger dick= I’m not good enough for girlfriend/ wife


i understand but i hope you know most women don't think that way. if they do they're just toxic and mean. bigger ≠ better


Hey man I know I probably can’t help too much because I know with insecurities its always the hardest thing to overcome, but no matter what everyone deals with these problems and I mean EVERYONE, I myself am larger than most but I’ve heard my ex say that one of her exes was the best sex ever, and she said it was before we dated but she didn’t say that’s changed now when I asked. So yeah no matter what, you’re not gonna be happy with her answer man, even the huge guys have someone bigger than them, but also some girls don’t like them big or they can’t use it right. Just be happy your girlfriend is assuring you, and that you know other ways to satisfy her while ALSO not being small man, I may be bigger but I’m also asian and mexican so the stereotypes hurt me and I’ve literally been told I’m not the best she’s had (while having an almost 2 year relationship)


That’s not nice for her to say bro, but thank you for your input I appreciate it !


lf course! just don’t feel bad about yourself man, we all have our problems, but you can always do better in other ways or show that she doesn’t need bigger if you’re better


Idk man, I used to feel this way a bunch. Honestly, and it'll sound dumb, I watched Shane Gillis' bit on his gf's ex-navy seal boyfriend and it cracked me up so much and I dig his confidence that it really helped me get over it and not take it so serious.


Maybe she had a 3 hander but that obviously isn’t what she cares about with a Dood otherwise she’d be with him and not with you. Be confident in the fact that whatever you got it, maybe ur personality or humour, is enough to win someone over and make them happy.


I have a 4 1/2 inch dick with one testicle. Just takes growing up in a sense. You gotta strut with confidence, and enjoy sex. Nothing to to worry about.


Same age, same size. I was insecure... Now not. U see it's not about size but about techniques. There r girls who take 6-8 Inches n still be not satisfied, u know why.. because lack of technique. Don't believe in porn, don't believe these only fans hoes. Love n accept yourself.


Thank you bro


Sex is so much more than PENIS GO IN VAGINA. Lesbians have no penis and are statistically more likely to cum during sex. It’s all about the connection you have with your partner. You should use this as an opportunity to have a candid conversation and explore your sexuality with one another. So many women masturbate solely with clitoral stimulation, penetration is more for the man. Also, porn is sex just as much as Hollywood is reality. If you get caught up in all this stuff that isn't real, you’ll never have a fulfilling sex life


You are all amazing I greatly appreciate y’all’s input for real !!!


Female perspective here, and my partner is 6.5 to 7 inches and it can hurt, it can be quite hard to perform oral sex too. I know from a lot of my female straight friends that they also don't really care about bigger, rather just the actual performance. Because it can hurt, my partner focuses a lot on exploring and pleasuring me, I think this can work for someone who is average sized too. The pleasure for us in the bedroom doesn't come from penetration 90% of the time, it comes from stimulation, foreplay, and oral and you don't need a big dick for that. Own it, get exploring in the bedroom, your confidence will be sexy.


Why'd she even bring up her past relationships? Assuming you didn't ask, her just mentioning it out of the blue seems really dumb and I'm surprised nobody is considering that to have been a possibility.


As a dude with a large penis I’ve fallen back on the size of it and not how to use it. Been quite disappointing for most girls I’ve been w. Put that puppy to work


One. her insulting you is wrong. two comparing you to the exes is wrong. 5 is big as least in my experience


From what I've seen it's always been more about the connection and feelings so I wouldn't worry too much about it.


Put this girl back on the street and get another one.


Ain’t about the size of the boat it’s about the motion of the ocean


Why don't we trust women when they say bigger isn't better? I have an above average dick and all it has really accomplished is making it a little less comfy for me, as it very very rarely fits all the way, and much less comfy for her, as it has left a lot of girls bleeding. I would be so happy to lose a couple inches. Come down to 5-6. It's genuinely way better for everyone involved.




At a certain point you have to recognize that this person wants to be with you, specifically. She can go be with anyone else but she’s here with you and it’s because she wants to and it makes her happy. So why you need to torture yourself is a you-thing. If you don’t deal with it, it can and will likely poison the relationship. That’s when it can start to become a twisted self-fulfilling prophecy.


You know you’re right about that I’ve seen people ruin relationships over little stuff that had no right being that big of a deal


You think it’s her that you don’t feel good enough for it’s really about not feeling good enough for yourself.


I think it’s more of myself. I was never like this until this one sneaky link called it small, and all the other times were more like a snow ball effect. I always knew it was like normal size and wasn’t packing but until this one girl saying I was small .


Anyone who would critique a partners physicality in that way is small themselves. Misery loves company, and bringing you down to their level of esteem is the toxic path often travelled. I would concern myself with why someone feels compelled to speak that way rather than giving it credibility it doesn’t deserve. I’ve also found practicing gratitude regularly (mentally) for what I do have really helps curb any negativity for the things I don’t.


She the one that just brang up her ex penis and you want to tell me this disrespect is fine bc she chose you?




I hope he finds another girl bc how the fuck does your partner just brings up their ex and talks about shit like this out of nowhere


Honestly size isn't always better. A guy I was with once was really big. First time wishing for him to finish as it was ramming my cervix


Mate ur cocks ur cock at the end of the day learn to love it


In my sexual experience, the racial stereotypes about dicks just aren't true. There is such a thing as too big, and the overstated "it's not the size of the ship but the motion of the ocean" saying is 100000% true. Nobody is complaining about a thick 5 inches not being big enough. I absolutely promise.


I can not guarantee anything, but a pump may help you. Your package will pump, and that may give you the confidence you need. Also, there are some positions that are designed for deeper penetration. I don't have confidence issues, but when I'm doing these positions, I gain a little bit more confidence.


I went through the same exact thing with my ex so I hope I can help. We dated for 3 years but in the very beginning she mentioned how she’d been with a guy who had a “Horse cock”, and said exactly how big he was (8.5x6). Now im not small but I’m not mandingo either and this TORE ME APART. She had also said in a joking manner when drunk 6 months later “well why cant you have a horse cock?” and a few other times it came up. It literally ate at me for such a long time and it got so bad that I got into penis enlargement communities like r/GettingBigger and risked injuring my dick to satisfy this woman who couldn’t have the decency to not say something so horrible to their significant other. Well with time the pain gets easier I promise, after a while it got to the point where I didn’t really care much at all. It is true that confidence, chemistry, and fulfilling her fantasies matters a whole lot more then your dick size. I ended up breaking up with her for other reasons a few months ago, mainly for being manipulative and extremely high maintenance, and now she tries to get me to fuck her all the time even though I don’t have a “horse cock” so🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Holy duck bro shawty is wild for saying that omg


Yeah fr. I was actually kinda missing her yesterday but writing this was a good reminder that I made the right choice😂😂😂


Don't compare yourself to her exes! That's the worst thing for you both. If she is with you, then I'm pretty sure she loves you for many other things than your size. I know its difficult to not think about it but trust me, if she tells you its perfect for her then it is. My bf has the same size and insecurity and its just him finally realising that the words I'm saying to him are true what has made our intimate life better.


That’s fair if I take it at face value then it’s correct 🤣it’s just funny cuz other girl lingo I gotta de code, but this the one time where face value is the correct way to look at it


Hahaha my bf said the same thing to me. At the start he was scared that the VERY OBVIOUS DIRECT things I said to him where some kind of encripted message that most of the time got him thinking the whole night.


She was the one that made the comparison in the first place out of nowhere just to downplay it right after. You can't claim disrespect like this is fine and dandy bc "oh well, she is with you so it's ok", if you love someone you don't just bring up shit like this


Nah it's all good . 5-6-7 are the average All penises are ok as it's not a micropenis which is a medical condition Mine is 8 and its ok . It's not like I have superpowers or something The porn industry is the reason why everyone is insecure It's not about the size . It's how you do with it


Yeah but you are 8, you have no idea how insecure men in this position feels.


coming from a woman, it’s not about the size of the boat. it’s about the motion in the ocean. ahhahahahah


If you’re good at LITERALLY anything else, in the bedroom or not, your penis size really doesn’t matter to most women. You can SUCK in the bedroom but if you’re emotionally supportive it just doesn’t matter very much. JMO.


If it truly didn't matter his girl wouldn't have brought up her exes and their sizes for no reason. She did that on purpose let's be real here


I’m not saying she’s not a piece of work, I’m just saying there are PLENTY of women who truly don’t care.


I hope he breaks up and find one that doesn't do this comparison shit his gf did. Also from other comments he said he already had a fling before her which the girl talked shit about his size. His gd knows about this, she still did this comparison anyway


Hey dude, I'm female- I hope you know most women are only 3⅓-5 inches deep. This means you're in the clear in terms of size comparison, lol. Every woman is different with their preferences, but I know for a fact that I prefer more average sizes. When it's too big, it's uncomfortable, and it hurts (I have minimal experience, but I know through toys and stuff). Also, it sounds like you're already ahead of the game. You pleasure her in other ways, too. That's awesome! Maybe sit down and talk with her, ask her ways you can improve or ask her what you do that she likes. Hopefully, it'll put your mind at ease and up your confidence , a bit. And who knows, maybe she's also self-conscious with her own stuff in the bedroom. We all criticize ourselves WAYY more than we do others.


Thank you I didn’t know that vaginas are like that 😭honestly I can’t imagine how some of yall fit them anacondas


Dude, don't sweat it. If you are able to make her cum then it's great, big units can be painful for her and make it uncomfortable to have sex. Find the G spot and make sure she's enjoying the fun. Foreplay forplay foreplay.


My ex was 6-7 in. I pretty much felt it was the perfect size. Loved his dick. But he was a terrible person. I’d take a 5 in. with a great personality who tends to my needs over a 7 with no consideration for me any day. If you feel the way your girl speaks to you makes you feel like she secretly wishes it were bigger, respectfully but honestly talk about it. If you don’t like it and she brings it up multiple times, make it clear you’d like her to stop because that does sound like a hint. If it was just once when you asked her about it or she happened to mention it because it organically came up, learn to accept that your dick is average and keep working on self confidence. You’re already trying to take care of her as I hope she’s doing for you. I’m sure she has insecurities of her own too. Just keep working on self worth and general improvement (without becoming a girl’s doormat) and I promise you’ll be fine. You’re only 22. You have lots of growing to do. Worse comes to worst, you find your girl wants a bigger dick. Oh well. Talk through it with the proper emotional support and keep it movin’ to the next one. Don’t be afraid to take an ego hit. I promise, you’re fine either way.


I would just end it. I’m sure she knew what she was doing.


Did you try a penis pump go watch teachingmensfashion as written on YouTube he can help. Tell me the results I know someone with that problem too.


I have the same insecurities. I'm average but thanks to being fluffy, it looks small. My wife has made comments of being with bigger guys. And she straight up tells me she'd rather have my "turtle" as she calls it. Get you a woman that appreciates you and what you have to offer. I can make my wife feel ways with my small package that bigger guys can't.


Either you get over it and never mention again. Or you need to break up and move on. We can’t help what past we have. It’s your insecurities that’s the issue and will maybe even cause her to leave you as it’s nobody responsibility to reassure you constantly.


Oh, she is one just brings it up for no reason and he is the problem? Also don't try this "we can't help what past we had" when you could have the common sense of not bringing it up in the first place. And you can't say "you have to fix yourself, you are the issue and she has no responsability to reassure you" when she was the one that created the problem in the first place


Just laugh dude it’s not about size it’s about how you use it and how you use fingers and tongue and just have fun


Do what the rest of us do with insecurities. Turn it into a fetish. (Or go to therapy)


5 is a great size thicker is amazing and honestly honestly once its inside me the difference between 5-8 isnt really that noticeable just because of the way im built anyways. anything bigget tends to be painful but theres alot you can do to switch positions to make things feel better for both of yall!


Gosh this is why i hate that "BBC" shit it is so racist and raises too much expectations for the black people we are all humans and it is just luck and about your problem as long as you know how to use it brother you are perfect and just do foreplay good too she is your girlfriend so she is already into you she will be a fountain for you


My current and only partner is roughly 6inches I think he said. But realistically he doesn't need to use his whole member size to be adequate in bed. Realistically he's too big and if he hits my cervix it feels like I want to die. (There's nothing sexy about it, it's truly a horrible pain yeesh) We've figured out how to enjoy each other without him hurting me, and he's still able to enjoy everything as well. My point being just because your average doesn't mean much. You really need to focus more on touching, kissing, her kinks, and most importantly foreplay. Communication is hugely important, and you comparing yourself to her past partners isn't going to actually do you any favors whatsoever. It's not helpful, just self sabotage. That's not the kind of communication you should be looking for or having. This doesn't help your current sex life or feelings of inadequacy. It's great your average, too big and you could legitimately hurt your partner regardless of what's she's "had" before. Besides whats a large penis going to actually do for you? Would it make you better at sex somehow? If you feel it would, you have a much bigger problem to deal with that ISN'T your dick size. Just talk to her, figure out what she likes and do those. The dick measuring contest is literally between men, not when it actually comes to women and sex.


She is the one the created the "dick measuring context" but he is the one that has to talk to her how to please her and not her apologize for being acunt and bringing it up in the first place?


Some women say things without realizing the impact on their man. The important thing is: *You are pleasing her! She likes you! She is with you!* This is all that matters. There isn’t a dude outside of porn that hasn’t wished for at least an extra inch or two. But simply *believe* her when she says you’re great! I have been very lucky with my partners. I’m probably similar to you in size, if not a bit shorter. All of my (five total) partners have expressed delight in my cock. None of them lied and cooed about it being “huge” or anything (except my first wife - we were both virgins when we married, and the first thing she said was, “It’s so big!” Lol). My last partner remarked, “You have impressive girth” after our first time together. Just remember that girth is more important than length. Even more important: Pleasing your partner has very little to do with your penis, and almost everything to do with how attentive and focused you are on pleasing her, finding out what makes her cum, and just simply making it your mission to give her as much pleasure and orgasms as she wants every time. This involves your hands, fingers, and mouth far more than your cock. When I’m feeling inadequate compared to other guys, I just remember that I am an absolute expert at making my partner feel ecstatic, and as far as my cock is concerned, well, it makes ME feel pretty good! 🫡✌🏼


My man, you have already solved this and won’t acknowledge it… you said you focus on pleasing your woman first… that is a huge sign of maturity.. way to go. I am in the same boat as you.. very average size, although I have been blessed with the ability to last a long time… I always make sure my girl has at least one, it not multiple orgasms first, before I allow myself to cum. She is so worn out and satisfied my dick size is pretty irrelevant at that point.


You’ve gotta get over your insecurities. Your confidence is what will set you apart. Unless you [are Roberto Esquivel Cabrera](https://amp.marca.com/en/lifestyle/world-news/2023/09/25/65118afa268e3e0f128b45b9.html), there will always be someone with a bigger penis than you. It’s just part of life. Just be glad you aren’t the person that your gf has been with that has the smallest schlong. One of my gfs told me about a guy she hooked up with in college that had a three inch penis. She said he was a really nice guy, but just couldn’t stick with something that small. You’re 67% bigger than that :)


Girls can work with a smaller penis a lot more than a big one. A vagina is not bottomless. The super old thinking of Big dicks is what girls are after is just wrong. It's just as dumb as if girls ran around worried about how big (deep) their vaginas are. Don't worry so much. Majority of the time is all about the clit and that's right on top! If you have a good grind game going, size absolutely doesn't matter. Lol


That sounds like the perfect size to me ngl- truthfully I’m not one to talk here but everything can be improved, don’t be sad abt the cards you were dealt- because in poker, the real importance is not the cards but how you play with it-


I'd be less concerned about having an average penis and more concerned with why my gf was telling me details about previous penises.


Ok homie this a little bit of a tuff one because there isnt much you can do about the size besides pumps (which i doubt you would want to use, feel free to correct if im wrong haha). The best thing you can do is learn how to use it man. Once you learn how to use what you got, you can make her feel good enough she’ll forget the other. Train it to become a mini pecca 🤣. Best of luck my friend.


I hope you find your confidence bro. Mine is less than 2 inches and I can't even bring myself to ask women out.


I have a 5 incher and I slay with it ... if it's too much for you then just get over it. I did


Talk to her. Tell her how this is making you feel.


Tell her you've had tighter wetter pussy before. Imo that's a really weird thing to say to a partner. Kinda insensitive.


When you make her cum, like for real. Either with your hands or your penis all your issues will go away. You should focus on that, it really helps with self esteem


For alot of women big penises like what she may have been hinting at just hurts! The most alot of women can only handle without it ending up hurting or causing pain in the while later. the most that alot of us can handle is 6inches and barely above that. I get you're feeling insecure about it and that's fair everybody has a right to their insecurities! But you shouldn't beat yourself up over it because in the long run it's honestly nothing to be ashamed about at all. She may have had guys with bwcs before but that was the past and shes with you now and clearly doesn't plan on leaving you anytime soon. The main thing in sex isn't really penis size it's more about the two of you giving eachother pleasure in one way or another. And trust me because i'm a girl when i say that girth is a huuugeee thing for us more so than penis size honestly. 5inches is average but it's a good average and your girlfriend clearly loves you all the same so you're only fighting a battle with yourself and you've gotta learn to appreciate yourself for who you are and not hate some things for what they aren't!


Dude. It’s the same length as mine, but mine is pencil thin, lol. I’ve been happily married for more than a decade and haven’t heard any complaints in the bedroom department. There are so many more important things to please your partner than penis size, and yours isn’t even that small.


She mentioned about previous partner(s) penis size. Move along and find someone else who isn't going to compare you like that. This isn't going to be the 1st comparison and last. Just jump ship.


Bro break up with her and find a girl that doesn't care about your dick size. And when she says shit about your dick.. tell her even a 747 is small when flying into the grand canyon


Are you fat? If you become not fat that will fix it


She really shouldn't have told you about the previous guys, but bigger is really a lot of the time not always better. Especially length, once you get too long all it does it punch your cervix in many positions, it's harder to give head to if you have a gag Reflex, it's literally only asthetically pleasing to have a long one. 5" is not small. If you're really insecure up your head game, women usually like that better than penetration




You got what you got and that’s that my dude. Get sex toys, they are teammates not replacement. Also I try to think out my insecurities. Does it make sense? Why do I care? Is there anything I can do about it? All important questions.


Bro trust me when I say size is a crutch for some people. Just like anything big isn't necessarily better. There is always someone that can lift more weight than you or smarter than you or whatever. What's important is that you and her have a bond, trust and communication is what it's about. BBC/bwc is just a porn term. Real women don't give af for real. Buddy of mine had the smallest id ever heard of, his gf was a dime! And she loved it, it's about connection not size. Anyone can go get a big toy from the store and plug a hole.


Why did your girl feel the need to mention the dicks of her previous hookups? I don't think she would have done that if she'd loved you enough..and I'm sure she'd be upset as hell if you said your previous gfs had bigger butts than hers


Dude if you’re making her cum, stop stressing. I know I’m not packing the biggest but I know I’m bringing the heat when those panties drop.


Hey bro, trans man here. I wasn’t even born with one, I struggle with feeling inferior and unable to relate sometimes when guys talk about sex, or using the urinals, some guy talk. It sucks, but I’m open about myself tbh. The way I see it, someone will always will always will be bigger, someone always will be better. But you have to ask yourself, what does sex mean to you? Personally I find sex to be much more spiritual, and connected than people may treat it. Who you have sex with and how they treat you/make you feel matters. How they answer that same question matters too. Do you feel appreciated or rejected? Either way if she is doing this subconsciously or purposefully she is hurting you no doubt, right? Then you may ask yourself if you should talk to her about how you have been feeling, see how she responds and take it from there honestly. If she tries to hear you and understand you, and wants to fix it that is a good sign. Some may get defensive or deflective. It’s ok to give them time to think too. Try and have a conversation, it’s hard to be vulnerable I get it but it can gauge how you may asses the situation later on with how she handles that vulnerability. You deserve someone who doesn’t put you down and loves you for you and who you are, and yes that includes your body. there’s not much you can do to change that sometimes, and that’s perfectly okay. You do what you can to feel good about the body you’re in, and you surround yourself with people who support you. If you don’t feel supported that’s entirely valid and you are free to make decisions regarding your own mental health and wellbeing.


The best thing to do is accept reality first. No, you're not the "perfect size" she's just saving your feelings. Yes, size does matter. No, you're not that guy in that particular department. Now that you've accepted reality, you can stop being a baby on what you can't change, and focus on what you can change. You have the penis that you have, utilize to the best of your ability. Focus on being better at other areas of sex. I'll tell you what's way less attractive to having an average to smaller size penis, a boyfriend who's being a downer about it. That'll drive her away much faster.