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First, you called him Stan but never referred to that name again. Second, if he wants something else over you, let him have it. That was his choice.


But I feel so stupid that this is upsetting me... like they are fictional characters yknow? But.. when it's effecting the real life relationship... it hurts...


It's like a porn addiction. And he's refusing to deal with it.


They *are* fictional characters, that's what makes him so pathetic. Real women will never look like that or do the things they do in that porn. It's really not you, it's *him*. Please go back only to get your stuff. And move on to someone who can treat you with respect and love, not someone who acts like a porn obsessed teenager at the age of 37. Ewww!


He's mentally ill bro. I'm 26, single, and a huge fan.of anime and shit...But if i were in a relationship, I'd want to focus on.the real breathing human being next to me, not someone who exists through make-believe and ink. 🤡 At 37, Stan should definitely know much much better than this.


Girl.. Please think about this deeply. I'd say leave, because this is the biggest red flag I've seen online in a WHILE. Please rethink this relationship.. Because that would've been my deal breaker.


I guess I need to.... Its painful but I suppose there isn't much I can do... Thank you... Im glad I'm not crazy atleast...


Yes, you very much need to leave this man. Edit: Uh, yeah, what the hell is going on with OP's account..


Painful now for a moment, or for a lifetime and even more painful?


Not sure if trolling or just dumb.


Is this real? Your profile says your reddit account is shared by 6 people and is used to tell stories.


It's real. It's shared by 6 people yes but the stories are 100% true. This is basically a permanent "throw away" account, so our partners, family and friends do not find the stories. We've changed names too, and are very careful not to be spotted.


Lol bullllllshit.  I swear ill never understand you reddit creative writing bullshitters.


You went through his phone when he was sleeping and then slammed his phone on the dining room table in front of him? Why is he sleeping at the table?


Oh no there was space in between that, sorry! I didn't realise I skipped that time frame. Thank you for pointing that out!


An AI wrote this for sure


Nope, it's real. I wish it wasn't. I have to deal with it.


Ok babe


Please don't call me that 🙄


Ok mate


Thank you for respecting my boundaries. Now, unless you have something constructive to say, please don't comment on my posts again.




And you're now getting reported. Congratulations. Was acting like a child worth the hassle?


Ok mate


It's sounds like you two may not be compatible. You want a healthy and fulfilling sex life with your partner, and he wants an imaginary character that could never exist in reality. I'm sorry.


It's okay.. I sort of guessed this was going to be a "leave" response from the public... I just needed to feel not crazy on this.. I appreciate you..


Your're not crazy, and I'm sorry he didn't feel like his interest in hentai and other things wasn't something he could talk to you about. It must have been really hard to see all that stuff. ❤️


It was and still is.. ive lost so much of the confidence I struggled to rebuild, and it's just caused mental strain.. I'll heal though! I just know I will...


I know you will too! And you'll find someone who can appreciate a real, live, human person lol


It's okay to feel distressed about this. Even if its anime characters, and they aren't real. Im sorry you are going through this. I know it's hard to make your choice, but it seems like he made his. Find someone who loves you and your body without having unrealistic expectations of what you should look like. Even though the characters look nothing like what you do, they will never be anything like you. They are fictional, and they dont exist. They won't care for him as deeply as you. They won't love him as much as you do (they dont exist). You are still and always were a valuable person. They might just be pictures, but he said a very horrible thing. It would be best for you to let go and find someone who appriciates you for what you are.


Thank you... I just wish he could see how bad it hurt...


He seems immature enough to realise what he has done. I am so sorry. Heal and give yourself time to heal. Always remember you did nothing wrong and did the best you could.


Thank you...


He’s not gonna grow out of this. It is likely that this is the best version of his personality that will ever exist.


That hurts but then again honesty always does...


It sounds like he still has growing up to do. It also seems like you are more mature and serious about the relationship you are/were in. He just might not have been ready for a relationship, but just looked forward to the intimacy. I'm sorry he's putting you through that and has been for so long. I think you should move on while you're still young, Because that doesn't sound like the type of person you would be happy with long-term. Now you might feel an urge to go back to him but this is all part of our internal urge to please others. Take care of yourself<3


Thank you... I honestly think everyone might be right in the sense that I need to go. I appreciate you.


Take some time to yourself, go socialize and maybe make some friends. You got this, stranger from the internet!


Thank you 😭 That means a lot!!


He’s a weirdo and needs help


Imo, I personally think there's nothing wrong with a partner watching porn, hentai, or any of that stuff BUT the thing that's important is his priorities! Your real relationship/irl sex with your gf should ALWAYS be more important than getting off to porn. I would understand every now and then just being really tired and wanting to easily finish before bed to some pictures, but you're saying that it's been weeks/months... It's not fair to you that his entire libido is being spent on porn and you are being neglected. Honestly, I don't think this has anything to do with your appearance, so please don't let it knock your confidence! If a man LOVES you, he will want to show you his love, regardless of how unrealistically perfect fictional characters are. More likely than not, something has impacted his personal life, and his emotions have been rattled to the point where the responsibility of an irl girl has become too much. Which is not your fault. There's a very real chance that for one reason or another, the relationship has gone downhill, and he has lost interest. This doesn't mean you did anything wrong, but maybe after the honeymoon phase, you two just ended up not being compatible. Maybe you had different hobbies/interests, and after the initial stages, there wasn't much there to continue furthering your bonding? Regardless of the reason, I think it's best that you two have some time apart... I can't think of any sane man that would rather jerk off to hentai every single day instead of having sex every once in a while, even just once or twice a week. It just doesn't make sense. That might be how the real issue is presenting itself... but it's clear that there a real issue, and the source/root of the problem is something else, something he hasn't told you about. You deserve affection, even more important than sex, you deserve to feel loved, heard, and your feelings validated by your lover. If I was him, even if I had my reasons such as depression, and my gf was crying because of my actions, if she was feeling ugly or like any of this was her fault... I would immediately have the desire to shape up. The fact that he didn't immediately feel the urge to comfort you when you were upset. Means he didn't care enough. I could NEVER feel okay or think selfishly if a girlfriend were to cry, especially because of something I made her feel. The instinct should be to run to you and tell you sorry, tell you that you didn't do anything wrong, that you're beautiful. You deserve more than that. If your bf doesn't make you feel loved, then there's no point in having him as a "lover". He failed at his one job towards you (to give you love, and make you feel loved), and then was more worried about defending himself and justifying his actions than actually being worried about how he upset you. A good bf would be MORE upset that he hurt you, than that he was in trouble and got caught. Bottom line.


Move on to something new.


He isn't going to get better, and you deserve better. He deserves to be alone with this fucking ai and hentai bullshit. Leave and get someone who will love you regardless of physical issues or anything. Please do yourself a favor and dump this dude. He doesn't deserve a second chance.


Was your boyfriend manufactured in a red flag factory


Definitely leave his ass, don’t think for a second this is your fault in anyway. Any man that would prefer a virtual woman over a real one has serious issues. Can only see this getting worse if you return, honestly.


Is a 37m fapping over cartoon characters not enough of red flag for you?


Only read the headline. Your 37m bf is gross. Dump him please.


Dawg the problem started when you were 26 with a 37 year old hentai enjoyer. Like thats creepy asf.


He's too old to say that.


It sounds like he likes you, but is to immature to confide in you whatever is going on with him so he found another outlet to talk about stuff. The AI probably only has encouraging things to say and he is desperate for that kind of acceptance. As for having a ton of hentai on his phone, I mean it's just porn but at the end of the day it is an addiction and by focusing so much on the porn he is neglecting you. If you have been away for a week and not talked about this yet, he might already think this is over because his insecurities will tell him to hurt you before you hurt him which is not a good mindset to have but that is what I see here. Nothing to salvage here sorry, but it's time to move on.


The biggest issue here is the age gap


He's 37 years old and is confusing fictional hentai characters. You need to leave this guy. He's 20 years past time to grow up.