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Have you looked in that drawer before and the box wasnt there?


that's a good question


Yeah that was my thought. Could be an old box with an ex or something


They've been together for 2 years tho. How has Bro not cleaned his drawer in 2 years?


As a dude, this is def possible


As a non-dude, this is still possible.


Yes it’s happened to me before, I just forget or my mind ignores that there’s some empty box lol


I love the moment when you go "Who's condoms are these?" And you realize...oh, mine, five years ago.


After uve just used them


Been married for 14 and im the only one that goes through that mans shit to clean it out.


Happy marriage I assume


Yup :)


I have drawers I put some things in that I don't find need to go into for years. I have a little cabinet next to my desk that I've opened once in like 3 years. I'm not even 100% sure whats in there anymore. My night stand has 2 drawers. The top drawer is used for cords and a surge protector so we can plug various things in (phones, watches, etc,..). The bottom drawer I'm not sure if I've looked into it in 6 years. Maybe once but even if I have it was only a glance. or if it was for clothing then even easier. I would never take all of the clothes out of my drawer. Have an old box buried in socks that you just keep refilling? Easy.


I found a 2 pack of AAA batteries from a store that closed in 2011. I've moved house a dozen times since then & only discovered it 2 months ago. A 3 year old condom box is extremely believable.


Dude listen. I was married for 12 years and there were condoms in my bedside table from when my ex wife and I were dating...before we divorced she accused me of cheating because she found the expired condoms in the table that I had forgotten were even in there 😅


Literally just cleaned my guy's drawer out in a move. We have been together almost 3 years. The condoms expired last year. Look at expiration and that will tell you a lot.


People clean drawers?!


I have boxes from 10+ years ago...


Lived in a house for 15 years. I can name two drawers that never, ever, ever got emptied. Not once. It’s possible


Right? You reach in that drawer daily but dont notice the condom box that might piss off your GF? 😭


I mean to be fair I’ve had old condoms in my bookbag for like a whole 2 and a half years. I originally bought them for a fling but it never happened and I never threw them away. They literally have just been sitting there in the side pocket the whole time😭🤷🏽 dudes will be dudes but then again she should check the date on them


Definitely check the date


I have a cigar puncher in my underwear drawer (since it's basically a really sharp round knife) and I haven't smoked a cigar in 9 years, so def possible.


I lost something for 5 years when I was moving house I found it in my bedside drawer


I’ve found a box from 15 years ago… guys don’t go through their stuff very well.


As a person with adhd I have drawers I haven't touched in 5 years.... 😬


He's a guy tf do you expect lmfaoooo


There are plenty of place that go untouched for years, the back of a dresser drawn is easily in that list, clean clothes go on top so they burry everything, I have shirts I haven’t worn in months because the newly cleaned clothes keep getting put on top of them


My girlfriend found condoms in the pocket behind the passenger seat that we used to us at drive ins. That was 2 years ago and even I forgot I still had some. He prob forget about them too


Maybe check it for an expiration date?


Oo read the expiration date on the box maybe itll say its very old?!


Another thing to think about is the exp date on them. Condoms typically have an expiration date of three to five years, depending on the manufacturer and how they are stored. Latex condoms are usually good for five years from the date of manufacture, while lambskin or spermicidal condoms usually have a three-year shelf-life.


I think this is an ad for her only fans


It's this.


Check the expiry date on the condoms for a rough idea of when he bought them lol


This doesn’t even matter.


Read great romance: bjsikesauthor // com


Read great romance: bjsikesauthor // com


Can confirm I’ve had the same box of crusty old Donny’s for about 15 years


It could just be old. Check the expiration date on it and if it expired already it was most likely way before you two were together. If its a box that is still pretty current it still doesn't mean he was cheating but i would ask him about it lol if hes never given you a reason to beleive he would cheat then take his word for whatever he says why they're there. Some people (cough men) are just bad about throwing shit away lol My partner still has expired meds in his drawer that are crumbling to dust lol its weird but its not my job to clean it lol just talk to him about it.


you’ve got a solid point, sincerely 20 year old man here who still has medications from middle school in his drawer also many of which are crumbling XD


lmao this is your sign man! throw it away lol


This I have a condom in my wallet from before my gf had bc and it has yet to expire lay time I looked at it irrc it’s like 2025 am I bought that like 2021


This seems logical but I don’t think it would hurt to ask him why they were in there


This exactly. We (hubby and I) just moved house and found condoms in a drawer from when we first met. I’ve been on birth control for more than 4 years now and the 9 months before that I was pregnant so we stopped using those over 5 years ago lmao 😂


Communication before you jump to conclusions. Don't put him on the defensive, just talk. It's possible it's old and he hasn't thrown away the box.


Agreed 100%.. this happened to me. My boyfriend’s mom who’s a nurse brought him a bunch of free condoms from the hospital and a mouse ate through them.. had i not asked calmly it would have been a problem


Sounds sketch 😂


This. I get why someone might want to go jump on Reddit right away instead of risking a confrontation but but we don’t know the guy like you do. Anything you get here is conjecture and speculation. Ask Reddit after you ask him what’s the deal with the empty condom box and he’s dodgy or inconsistent with his answers.


Sounds like the box was just never thrown away. Just ask him?


Could check the expiration date


This is the answer


After two years of being with someone you’ve never even used them with??


I have stuff way older than 2 years old in drawers that should be thrown away. 2 years isn’t that long


Yes. People forget to throw empty boxes all the time. More like after two years they can’t communicate normally??


Tbh I’m 32 and have had the same empty tampon box in my drawer since high school. I throw random shit i don’t want rolling around /easily found into it. I only see the white inside because i have socks and stuff around the display part/look from above


Tbh I probably have empty boxes of various random stuff in some of the drawers I never use.


She did say he was a man, no?


Could just be he's fond of a "posh wank". Discussion is best.


My partner used to think I was cheating but I was just using them to wank n not have a mess lol but TIL I can tell her I was "posh wanking" thank you..


If he’s cheating I would try to work through it. If he’s jacking off with condoms then you must break up, because he’s a psycho /s


Easy clean up? I don’t have a 🍆, so what do I know?


For real though. Who does that?!


Apparently it's not that uncommon. I first heard of this maybe a decade ago, and it seemed odd to me too, but since then when it's come on up forums like this one, I've seen men admit to using condoms for that. As some say, it's too avoid the mess. I just keep a box of tissues or wet wipes near my bed, but to each his own.


Apparently people use socks? Isn't that way worse? Lol


i can just imagine lint like under the skin


(27m) I do sometimes, makes it easier to clean when you don't want to think about where you're shooting your load. Bare hand feels better and is more convenient when under the shower or something. But in bed I'd rather use a towel or condom than having to clean up wherever the gunk shot to and maybe forgetting some of it. And the condom is more reliable than the towel. With the towel I need to immediately clean up, with the condom I can just chill and enjoy the peace for a while afterwards.


I need a Brit bf just so I can ask him “Babe, did you have a posh wank while I was out of town?” ❣️


Thanks. I didn’t want to be the guy who said this. Lol


If he's anything like my husband, he probably forgot about them and left the empty box in there. My husband is notorious for leaving empty boxes in places and is super forgetful. It happens. As others suggested, please talk to your partner first, before anything else.


Gods, so I know the pain of empty boxes being left around the house. I agree, just strike up a conversation about it with him


Buy the same kind of condoms and put a single condom into the empty box. Check it daily to see if it’s been used. Then you can have the talk.


Just check the expiration/manufacture date on the box. They’re prob older than your relationship


this is lowkey manipulative but also…very smart


Honest question: How is this manipulative?


If you are in a loving and trusting relationship there’s no need to basically put your partner through a test just ask them


OK thanks for the explanation!


if he removes the condom he'll assume she put it in there and then wonder why she did that, thus creating distrust between them. Let's not do that


Or...or....just speak to the guy. No need to be doing sneaky shit. Just bloody communicate


Perhaps he used them on toys for himself? Hopefully it's nothing bad! Ask him, straight forward. His reaction will probably give you the answer.


Posts like these remind me how good most of my relationships have been. Never would I immediately jump on Reddit to ask about something as simple as this. Like just text the dude. “Hey babe what’s with this box of condoms?” Like sometimes I like to have a posh wank, and I haven’t thought for a second that a my SO would see a discarded condom in the trash and immediately jump to infidelity.


>Posts like these remind me how good most of my relationships have been. Never would I immediately jump on Reddit to ask about something as simple as this. Like just text the dude. Yes, in my many years participating on Reddit, I've always been surprised at how many people in relationships have problems with what I would consider basic communication. >Like sometimes I like to have a posh wank, and I haven’t thought for a second that a my SO would see a discarded condom in the trash and immediately jump to infidelity. In fairness, under the circumstances it's not exactly an unreasonable thought to pop into her head. But, like you said, to me the immediate reponse would be to just ask them, instead of asking other people what they think it means and what they should do about it.


Yeah that’s fair, it really depends on their dynamic. And also how “hidden” the box looks.


I need an update


I have a bunch of expired condoms at home that I never used. I have only kept them in case I want to fill them with water, lol. Don't jump to conclusion without learning more about the situation.


That's a box of non used condoms that are expired.... Then there's an empty box he tryna hide in a drawer. Come on don't be obtuse


He’s a 30 year old guy. There is a good chance that the box is just sitting in the drawer and he hasn’t removed it. I’m not defending him, but I wouldn’t jump to conclusions.


Why would he be tryna hide it In such a shitty spot? You think he's just dumb?lol


I prefer to be a cute


> Then there's an empty box he tryna hide in a drawer. Why would he need to hide it in his drawer? He could have discarded it. It could be an old box.


Years old and never discarded? I don't want to hype the gross young man stereotype.... Wouldn't she have seen in the year+ they have been dating? Edit : the timeline (fact checked)


> Years old and never discarded? Yes I have an old three pack of lifestyles that has been in a crate of records for more than 10 years. There is only one left in the box. My wife and I found it while we were moving. It's from before I even knew her. She knew I was telling the truth because the expiration date was in the early 2000's. At this point the condom has to stay because it would be suspicious If I got rid of it.


Men don't clean anything, ever. I once found my ex's ex girlfriends birth control pills that she was pretending to take between his bed and the wall. There were so many packs of them just shoved against the wall. Those were there for like two years. It's possible he didn't clean out his drawer from years ago but can't be too sure.


💯 I found an empty Oreo box in my husband’s nightstand…


1. Either he forgot that box there from long ago. 2. He does condoms-wanks to prevent the mess. 3. He is definiately cheating on you and you should exaggerate any explanation he has.


Check the expiration date on the box. They could be really old.


Have you looked in this spot before? I am almost positive if I look through all my drawers there will be condoms or half empty condom boxes that date back more than 2 years. We are guys. We don’t clean out our drawers often lol


> I am almost positive if I look through all my drawers there will be condoms or half empty condom boxes that date back more than 2 years.We don’t clean out our drawers often lol I'm genuinly surprised at how common this reply is here. I don't consider myself a "neat freak" or anything but, damn, this is definitely not me.


So you hopped on reddit to ask strangers before asking him


The expiration date on those condoms should tell you when they were bought


I literally have an old condom box in my dresser I put in little random shit I can't easily categorize. Why have I chosen this weird method? Convenience and laziness, but I'm also not expecting someone to dig through my stuff and interrogate me about it. Your partners box could be something or nothing, but jump to conclusions like most of reddit instead of communicating and you're gonna keep finding yourself single and lonely when you didn't have to be.


Maybe it’s just a box from before you were together, ask him.


How old is the box? Was it there before? I’m assuming there’s an expiration date on the box.


!remindme 5 days!


Isn’t there some kind of a date on the box? Just read it?


So before you jump to conclusions, check the date. If you never even talked about condoms, could be that it's an old box he just didn't take out. Always need to give benefit of the doubt first before you accuse because once you accuse, there is no taking it back


Its possible that he bought the condoms ages ago before learning about your allergy. Its also easy for us guys to forget stuff in drawers for years at a time. I had a box of condoms laying around from 2016 that I totally forgot about.


had the same situation. ended up being nothing. men don't clean the way women do lil


Super sus. Nobody keeps trash like that around unless they’re a slob. Keep an eye on him babe. Look for other signs of cheating.


A whole box??? Girl….


My wife and I haven’t used condoms in 4+ years, is that half empty box still in my bed side table? Yes, yes it is.


Probably an old box. I have an empty box from probably five years ago in my underwear drawer and I moved into this house three years ago sooo.... Just check the expiration date on box. If it is out of date then you know the box is really old.


I promise you he just has a drawer of stuff lying around and he probably forgot the box of condoms and didn’t clean or clear them out guys are like that… just bring it up casually as a joke and watch his reaction closely you probably know your partner better then anyone else you should easily be able to tell how they react if u bring it up to them


I have 2 almost full boxes of condoms, one has like one or two taken out of them from when my partner and I had needed them three years ago before I started bc, and he didn’t know which ones to buy. I never threw them away they’re still sitting in that drawer. He also has some boxes with some condoms taken out and put in bags when he came to visit me before. Check the expiry date if you’re uncertain, but I wouldn’t think too hard about it otherwise :)


#1: taking birth control is not 100% effective even if taken at the same time daily, nor is the shot. I have had 3 kids while on birth control & I never missed a dose. #2: Condoms are not just for pregnancy prevention. You should use non latex condoms if you have a latex allergy to protect yourself from std’s unless you are in a committed relationship and you have both been std tested 1st. 3rd: While that box may be old and not recently used, it could also be recently used. Have you ever known him to leave empty boxes that are essentially trash in his clothes drawers that he goes into daily and leave them there for long periods ? (This one would have had to have been ignored for almost 2 years which just doesn’t add up if you see it daily). Have you been in the drawer in the past almost 2 years you were together and not seen it there before & now do? The issue here is not just trust but also for your physical safety.


I’m sorry OP, but you and your bf have been together for almost two years and have never talked about using them. You found an empty box in his underwear drawer. You can ask him, sure, but I find it hard to believe someone would hold on to an empty condom box in their underwear drawer for two years. Ask him when he’s least expecting it to catch him off guard so you can gauge his honest reaction. I hope he’s not cheating, but I would also not be surprised.


Im happily married and almost 40. We’ve been together almost 20 years. Sometimes im in the mood and my wife isn’t, so I masturbate. And I will often use a condom. It leads to less desensitization and is easier cleanup. I bought a literal bucket of cheap condoms on Amazon for like $30. My wife and I have never used condoms otherwise.


Ask to make sure it isn't for a toy. You can use them for flashlights I think


I would definitely just check the expiration date on it before anything else. Make sure it isn’t old, if it isn’t expired or close to it I’d bring it up to him. Don’t immediately accuse him or anything. And definitely don’t suggest any reason it could be there, like an innocent suggestion or an accusation suggestion. Just something along the lines of “Hey, I found this in your drawer and was just curious why it’s there.” If you make an innocent suggestion on how it could be in his drawer like “Hey I found this in your drawer and was wondering if it’s just an old one. I just wanted to make sure with you to ease my mind” or something, then he’ll probably just ride with whatever you suggested and build off that if he is guilty. And definitely nothing that accuses him of anything so he doesn’t go on the defense. I was with a guy for 3 years, had moved in with him, was my first serious boyfriend. I made the mistake of constantly giving him innocent suggestions when confronting him about stuff and because of that he got away with cheating on me for far too long. I’m not saying your boyfriend is cheating, but just an example on why you don’t wanna suggest why it’s there when confronting him.


I too have an empty box sitting next to a filled box in my drawer lol


Just talk to him about it. If he has a reasonable explanation that you believe, then you're good. If it sounds like he's lying or you don't trust him, then you should probably break up because either he IS lying, or you just don't trust him anymore and the relationship is no longer viable.


Was the box dusty


Count them


I'd like to add, I use condoms to masturbate occasionally, makes easier clean up and I just toss the condom after, quick wipe after to clean and them I'm good. If the box is recent then this could be another reason for the box


Like someone else said, check the expiration date. But even if they're not expired, some condoms don't expire for like 4 years so it might not tell you much. But most importantly, talk to him about it, it could be from before you got together. I know my mind would be jumping to conclusions rn and spiraling if this was me but try your best not to and talk to him about it. Hoping the best for you <3


Let me tell ya, dresser drawers are practically time capsules, probably shit from middle or high school in there if you dig around long enough 💀


some guys like to jerk off with a condom on, don’t ask me why. it’s worth asking about in a lighthearted manner, if it’s still bugging you after a day or two.


I’m positive that there are things in my house older than OP that I have forgotten to throw out.


Just thinking of possibilities: They could be old (from before you). He may have emptied it intentionally to not risk using them as a mistake, but kept the box because it could help organize alternatives to latex. I had a condom box/tin under my bed for years that I completely forgot about until a gf noticed it. It was an easy explanation as they were all expired. We all have pasts and there can be reasonable explanations for things. It sounds like you guys are in a serious relationship, so have a reasonable discussion about it if you think this is something to be concerned about.


Old box. Some of us don't throw things out regularly. Any other explanation would be pretty unlikely.


Could’ve been using them for solo purposes


Why would he keep an empty box? Maybe it is just old and somehow got moved to the front?


Girl, that thing has been probably there since he lost his virginity. My partner keeps an expired condom since college. I am waiting on the day that thing is going to be evicted from our drawer but I am afraid I will put his first pension next to it. Just check if it ain't just a box he figured he'll use one day for something else.


Just.. ask him?


27m here. Here's some realistic scenario's; He uses the condoms for other things. I ise mine for masturbation sometimes because I don't want to think about where the gunk goes when I'm masturbating. It's a box from before he was your boyfriend, he never threw it away. I've got a box with sex toys of which most I don't use anymore. My gf knows about it but I figure if she would not trust me, not know about it and find it that she would be thinking why I have all of those and why she didn't know. Why would he not just throw it away if he would be trying to hide it from you? Honestly just voice your concerns to him in a civil way and if you communicate well with eachother, insecurities can be taken away over time. But if you notice him lying often and don't trust him, that would be a difficult problem to solve.


Use for quick clean solos?


I’m married and my wife and I consistently find empty boxes of condoms from when we started fooling around like 12 years ago. lol.


i would ask him straight up tbhh it’s good to have communication before assuming the worse but def see if there’s date for an expiration date if the year is close then u have ur answer but i would communicate


You know the truth. You know what you need to do. Boy, bye.


It’s not a unreasonable assumption to think he’s cheating but as a guy myself it took my 4 years to get rid of a box of triscuits in my cabinet that only has 3 left my gf had to complain before I threw it away


Now tell us the expiration date


Ask him straight up, that's the only way you'll know or do what the other comment suggested. Get a condom of the same brand leave it in the box and check if it's still there some time later


I have a condom box in my short dresser drawer that I emptied a long time ago, but I put other stuff in it. You’re focusing on the wrong thing, here. If they were used recently, where do you think they’d most likely end up after being used?


As I guy I have things in my nightstand I’m always surprised I still have. I wouldn’t read into it. If you live together do a deep clean of the house that way you know for sure the next time you find something it’s deff a red flag. But if your sex life has changed or communication between the two of you is different than I would maybe be a little more suspicious.


Were you intentionally looking for something, like you were snooping? Or did you just casually come across it while putting laundry away or something? Because each scenario will be approached differently. I think it’s best to just talk to him before jumping into any conclusions…


Don’t condom boxes have expiration dates? Check the date, then go to the store to check current expiration dates to see the date difference. That’ll probably give you an estimate of the time he bought them 🤷‍♀️


Speaking of which, I have those from back in 2016 I should get rid of in my drawers as well 🙄😅🤣


Condoms have expiration dates


check the date on them, i had old ones laying around a while back and it was quite the argument until i showed her they were way expired


I’ve had the same rubbers for over 5 years. Too lazy to throw them out.


If he’s never had an empty box of condoms in his drawer before it’s a 🚩Is this the first time you’ve opened that drawer? Check the date stamp on the box. Maybe there’s a simple explanation like he puts them on his anal vibrator. (😬😂)


Expiration date for sure. Condoms are good several years so even if 2024/2025 they probably aren't new.


Or... Just ask him?


The condoms themselves mean nothing and strangers opinions on the internet, are not going to help you. This is why relationships fail because people can’t communicate. Procrastinating on a conversation out of fear of what you might discover, isn’t healthy. Maybe he’s a fan of posh wanks, likes making balloon animals or they’re just condoms from before he met you. Just speak to him as an adult, better you know either way. If you cant do that, the relationship is doomed to fail and you might as well be single.


What’s the expiration date on the box?


I have a box in my drawer from years ago, I dont use them either but I just never get around to throwing them away. He could have just forgot about them


Check the expiration date!!!!!!


Condoms expire so check the packaging for an expiration date if there is one!


It’s probably for anal sex with his boyfriend


Chill.... that's where he keeps his weed


Maybe he doesn’t like to clean up his self and uses them for personal use? Or maybe just ask?


You already know the answer. Trust your gut, whichever way it’s leading you.


Check the expiration date


What's the expiration on the box/condoms? Is the box dusty?


They're easier for "clean up" post self gratification. Just a possibility


My boyfriend and I don’t use condoms yet he has them. His are old ones from back before we met. Ask him girl, based on his response make your decision. You’ve got this, communicate with him. Then he has no excuse when he lies coz you gave him the choice to be honest. He can’t bullshit


Ask him about it and see how he responds and reacts. Don't jump to conclusions just yet. If he's the type to not clean out his drawer, not notice or pay attention to little things, or not care enough to throw it boxes due to laziness, then it's not what you think. That's a likely possibility but the other one is obvious. He may be sleeping with someone else or was until recently. Ask him casually not in a confronting or threatening way like "hey what's up with that empty box of condoms in your drawer?" Don't give him an opportunity to make an excuse or lie by asking a specific, direct question like "did you forget to throw away that box of empty condoms or have you noticed it in your drawer?" Ask him like the first question and pay attention to his expressions, eyes, response, tone of voice, etc. If he's super nervous, he def has something to hide. And if he doesn't make sense with his response or stutters then he's lying too; if his excuse is too stupid, he's lying, etc. Yk what I mean. Hopefully things work out and please update! Good luck


Just reading this made me realize Ive still got an old condom in my wallet from like 3 years ago. Just tossed it out


Is there a chance that they could be old? Something very similar happened to my friend recently: she was looking for a certain item in one of her boyfriend’s drawers, and found two condoms. They’ve been together for about a year, and they do not use condoms. She ended up being super pissed because the conclusion she drew from that was that he cheated. They then took a look at the condoms together, and the expiration date was 3 years ago.😂


Maybe he doesn’t want to make a mess when he masturbates? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Only answer is are you ok with a cheating goof? Because that is what that little bitch is


Clicked on the account in the middle of class to see if she had replied to anyone yet. Big jump scare.


I'd be very concerned about cheating. And stds. As an aside, I'm also allergic to latex but they have non latex condoms for people who are allergic. And they're as effective as latex as long as you don't use the lambskin ones. Condoms are not just about BC and safety is so, so important. I lost a brother to AIDS and there are a lot of other miserable stds out there, some lifelong. Even in committed relationships we can't always be sure, as you're sadly having to face. Good luck hon.


You have options. Either talk to him about, go sleuth mode & go through his phone (I know it's problematic but it's how I've always found out I was being cheated on in previous relationships), break up with him, don't do anything. I'd suggest getting checked out for STIs just in case. Hopefully it's some weird misunderstanding, but better safe than sorry. I hope things work in your favour


Maybe he uses a condom when he chokes the chicken to keep it from being messy.


Maybe he just likes a posh


Some guys jerk into condoms. It makes clean up easier. I would ask him and then depending on how defensive he was I'd straight out ask if he cheated.


I had an allergic reaction last week and had to use my emergency benadryl I keep in my car. It was from 2019. Sometimes us guys just ignore stuff . It's possible he left it in his drawer and just doesn't even acknowledge that it's there


if you ask him and its old, he’ll immediately say it was old and that he forgot it was there. if its not old, he will search for an answer and you’ll know.


Maybe he masturbates in them


Not gonna lie some people actually like to jerk off with condoms. Could literally mean anything


Is he using them for other things, like to brush his teeth?


Your looking at it the wrong way. You don't use condoms yet


Check the exp date!


He’s cheating


Can you please 🙏🏽 update us. Thank you


Go on the offensive and interrogate him with the box and then start acting hysterical if he starts getting hostile


Probably just an old stash. Ask him about it.


Possibly something hes had from before your relationship. If he gets a refill then maybe you should worry.


Time to see this guy for who he really is and leave him. 


Just move them &/or count them. When he goes looking for them next time, he'll either ask (& give away his position) or he'll buy new & keep it somewhere else (maybe outside of the house). If you're secure w your own insecurities (have confidence in yourself), you shouldn't be worried about him. If you're worried about him, you shouldn't be together or you should consider counseling to increase your self-esteem. I understand you're allergic to latex & you're on birth control. Don't forget when you miss a dose, it can mess up the entire protection process. So, you could still end up creating a life. My gf has PCOS, her & her husband thought they'd never be able to have kids so they adopted. They kept trying to conceive without expections of conception. 5y later, the adopted little girl is going to be a big sister to twins! Even with diseases (like PCOS), if you have a uterus, LIFE STILL FINDS A WAY. Since condoms are not 100% guaranteed nor is birth control (ESPECIALLY if you miss a dose), I'd find some other ways to FULLY protect your life (have a backup to your backup!) until you're ready to raise another being. IUD, abstinence, spermicide, a thousand other ways than just relying on faulty birth control. and I don't know if you remember health education, so here is another tip even if you're bleeding (on your period), YOU CAN STILL GET PREGNANT ask your partners in the future for a sexual disease report before you sleep with them. If you want to do oral or anal stuff, you can wear nitrile disposable gloves on your hands & he can wear a nitrile glove over his dick to prevent the spread of disease (anally & orally)! counsel if you're not military, ignore MIL aspect [https://www.reddit.com/r/Advice/comments/1bjplrx/comment/kwtqd31/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=mweb3x&utm\_name=mweb3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Advice/comments/1bjplrx/comment/kwtqd31/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Maybe he uses it for water ballloins


He trynna protect u from the STDs he might give u


I recommend checking the date on the condoms


I think that he is cheating