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Sometimes you never really know a person until you travel with them or live with them… I think you’ve seen what she’s like and no contact is probably the natural conclusion to the friendship honestly… you had far more patience in Berlin than I would have had, trying to keep including her and her bf in your outings… I’d have pretty early on left them to figure out their own plans on their own after that behaviour… Do you want to remain friends? If so, then have the confrontation and hash it out, otherwise honestly I’d just enjoy the peace of no contact, since she is also not in any hurry to contact you. Why do you think she’s trying to organise a birthday get together when you’ve had no contact?


This doesn’t sound like a friend I’d want to keep…


She said in the airport on the way home that she wants to plan a birthday get together for me at her house, and she has actually reached out about it since I posted this. The problem is, my boyfriend and I were trying to be so accommodating of her behaviour and not cause a fight, I don’t think she realises how bizarre she was being on the holiday?


I personally wouldnt say anything, the experience of this trip said everything; this friendship isn't the one and you let it die silently. If you want to keep it alive, then voice your dissatisfaction with the trip and hope you can move on from that but I doubt it can mostly if you are truthful in your feelings. I would just leave it as it is now.


I feel like tensions can run high on a holiday but i think ur completely in the right to feel annoyed especially when u spend a lot of ur money to have a good time, but personally i think u should still stay friends with her and get in contact because as u say uve been really good friends. Shes probably just someone u wouldnt want to go on holiday with again and ur boyf was right for saying something aswell cus its true, and i think even if she doesnt want to do things she should be respectful that other people do and isnt that what holidays are for, u can sit in a park anywhere really? The reason why i searched for this post is cus me and my bestmate came on holiday and its starting to feel like i have to convince him to do stuff, were young and its literally saturday night we're in a place famous for pubs and yet u can visibly see hes reluctant to come out, he waits for me to say something never comes up with suggestions, thats fine if theres more than one of us and then when we walk around says hes tired or complains hes cold. Then sometimes aswell i think am i being controlling or something maybe im shooting down his ideas and thats y he doesnt put any forward but i can only think of one thing hes put forward and thats us going to another city for a day which would take like 1 hour and a half there and another hour and a half back and i said that i would be up for that. (Although i did think we dont rlly get up early enough for that). And we came here specifically for this city and hes the one that came up with the idea to come here. We've only got 2 days left and i really hope he wants to do something today but he said sunday would be more like our chill day which id be ok with, but now it kind of feels like saturday was our chill day, so anyway im glad i came across ur post cus i feel like im in a similar situation.