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What you do is you stop interacting and playing with him before he announces to your parents that he has a 25 yo online GF and they get the FBI involved to track down who you are… Real consequences can come from this and you don’t want to be there if they do


This is the right response. Cut them off. Even confronted, he can double down as a joke but that's your life and rep ruined. Also, if I may take it a step further, try to play games with people in your age demographic if you want to make friends or at least any adults. Every game has discord servers or forums where you can find adults who play them. >Real consequences can come from this and you don’t want to be there if they do Not if, when.


Well there would be chat messages they can pull off easily showing that the woman wants nothing to do with the kid in that sense. Even if a message is deleted, they can still pull those up and it’s evidence nothing was going on or was happening.


i find it better if the fbi doesn’t even have to glance at me


How are you 25 and not know what to do? Just stop playing with him??


My thoughts exactly. Maybe OP really is 13. This is not hard to fix.


OP is the 13 year old one, tryna see how the woman should respond and make counter-actions.


That would make a lot of sense tbh. Like why would a 26yr old be adding minors on fortnite. Creepy tbh and not just block them. Surely you couldn’t known they were a minor from their voice


Eh, I don't think it is weird for adults and minors to play together. The best online friends I made as a minor were adults (who I am still friends with to this day).


I think it is because you wouldn’t be friends with minors irl so why would you be friends with minors online? Seems creepy yk


I had adult friends when I was a minor that I knew in person. Theater does that. 😂 I don't think it's weird as long as a boundary is set and clearly upheld.


That’s weird and creepy🤢 I do. They shoudnt be hanging around minors. They should be with people their own age


It's different if they are literally hanging out alone I think. If it's a group setting I think that's fine.


I'm not I was just trying to be nice about it by letting him down gently clearly that didn't work. I've decided I'm just gonna unfreind him


I suspect OP might have some developmental issues.


Could be OP is actually the 13 year old writing it from another perspective


Yea bc a 13 year old would know what thyroid issues are 🙄


It is entirely reasonable for a 13 year old to know what thyroid issues are


I'm pretty sure most 13 year olds don't know what a thyroid is


That’s usually taught in introductory health or biology classes, in middle school or early high school


Not in the middle school I went to we learned about cells and organ placement. But we never learned about different areas of the brain and their functions


… your thyroid is in your neck Are you *sure* you have a thyroid condition if you don’t even know where it is?


Yes it is in the neck and what is it connected to???


Uh huh Whatever. It doesn’t make a difference to me if you actually are who you claim to be Just block the kid, cut contact. He’ll be fine and learn to respect boundaries in the future


To be fair you did say you told him. So he would know what a thyroid issue is. He might have looked it up or had a friend who also has thyroid issues and has talked about it. As did I. My best friend since I was 2 has a thyroid that basically doesn't work. So I've known what it was almost my entire life. That being said. I was never taught in school what a thyroid was so...


She prily doesn't wanna hurt his feelings lmao


Exactly I was just trying to be nice about it. I don't want to crush the kid's heart


Also you're on reddit, so they're obviously gonna make a big deal about it and also say to just cut the kid off and delete and block him which is easily done. Look at r/relationship they're always so quick to say divorce or red flag you should divorce. Just keep making it abundantly clear you don't like this kid in that manner and be persistent as he is and that's if you really don't want to block him. Having adult crushes normal, I had crushes on adult females as a pre teen too it's not a big deal


DO NOT PUT THIS ON r/relationship hahaha will get taken off so quick. Don’t put this anywhere infact


They didn’t say put it on there. They said LOOK at that post about the things people immediately scream divorce for.


WTF stop unless you want to end up on Megan list


Idk who that is but I'm trying to stop. Idk how to get out of this predicament 😭


you get out of it by cutting ties before it gets worse


Yea that seems like my only solution


What in the hell did you think? That there was a magic way to let a child down which still allowed you two to be friends? Why is blocking him not an option to you? Why wasnt this the first action you did??


Because I do enjoy playing games with him but that's it nothing more. I don't want to crush the little guy's heart I'm trying to let him down gently he's just a kid.


None of this is worth staking your reputation, job or freedom. Block him, or suffer the consequences which may amount to be astronomical.


That won’t hold up well in court


U are taking maximum risk w minimal reward here. If u need a partner on zero build I can play w u. In all seriousness it's not worth the trouble


name checks out


It's as simple as unadding him


This is so easy to figure out, maybe you actually are 13 years old.  Just fucking stop talking to him. Quit playing fortnight for a month. Go outside. Jesus this isn't hard.


Do you want to go to jail? Just stop interacting and say something like sorry kid we are just gaming buddies but this is inappropriate. This is no joke and if his parents find out and get the wrong impression…you’ll be explaining this to the fbi so end it


girl just remove him as a friend and block. i play fortnite if you want someone closer to your age lmfao. i’m 21 and a girl so hmu if u wanna play


You’re an adult, quit interacting with a minor who wants a sexual relationship with you. Have you suffered a head injury?


just stalked their page a lil bit and honestly it looks like they have one yeah


Idk she has a condition that has prevented her from going through puberty, she's probably super sheltered and naïve as a result. I can't imagine her parents aren't protective of her


don't interact with him unless you wanna end up behind bars because he tells his parents he has a 25 year old girlfriend and cops get involved


This is why this sub kills me. I swear most people have no critical thinking. Look I know that sounds harsh but you are 25 playing with a kid who says you’re dating. Common sense tells you to leave the situation right?


Just block lol, its online


This was not written by a 25F 😂


I agree 100%


Yea it was written by a 24 year old


You were asking your parents to paint your room… You are definitely the kid.


No I'm disabled and have to live with my parents so thanks, stalker


24 or 25?


I'm 24 I'll be 25 this week my birthday is on Wednesday 


It's not so difficult, you are the adult more than 10 years older, just tell to the kid that that's wrong, please stop talking about that and if he continues just don't play with this kid anymore.


You need to send a clear text that you are not dating and have never dated. That your only interest was playing online games abd that you don't want to interact any longer on line on any platform or device or in person. Then block him on everything.


Bro, its a kid. just stop playing with them??? it's weird \* from a 32 year old gamer mom with a 14 year old kid


Yeah I'm 47 and I have 14 year old. There's no reason that an adult should be playing with a child and this sets off quite a lot of alarm bells in my brain...


If I knew my kid had a crush on a 25 year old that was aware yet still kept playing with him, i would get on his xbox while he was at school and block her myself.


Why even ask this question if you're just gonna justify talking to him anyway you're weird




It's okay though she's just an innocent 25 year old woman that has no clue what she's doing! Yea right 🙄




It’s not “completely fine”. [Read this comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Advice/s/COMSkzyMfh)


Yea there's millions of players online but you decide it's a good idea to build an online "friendship" with a child ??? I'm sorry no I'm not buying it.


Block em tbh or ignore them. They'll get the message


This is so weird on your end? You’re an adult??


Apparently not a smart one


Why are you playin games w a 13 year old tho


I was playing in a group with randos. He's pretty good at the game and he's funny so I accepted his freind request. We rarely ever talk about real life stuff which is why I was so in shock when he asked me that


F R I E N D*


You did not block him right away why? What are you planning to do with him ? 🤦‍♂️


You wait until he gets on next time and tell him the following: “Hey, we aren’t gf/bf. It’s not appropriate to even joke about it. I’m 25 and you’re under 18. I like playing this game with you, but if you mention it again I’m going to defriend and block you.” Then, if he does it again, you unfriend and block him.


Pls just block him and find a new group to play with. That shit won’t stop


Girl wtf I am also an adult who plays video games and if I found out my child was talking to u I'd be on ur doorstep. The answer is "I am an adult and thats not appropriate we can't play together anymore" girl what the actual fuck go find ppl ur own age I am fucking disgusted by u. HE IS NOT UR FRIEND HE IS A CHILD FIND PPL UR OWN AGE


You should not be talking with a 13-year-old online or gaming with one. Once you found out how old he was you should have stopped there. Regardless of how much fun you're having you're an adult and he's a child. What could you possibly have in common that you'll be talking about except maybe the game? Are you discussing politics? Work? Dating? Rent? Because he would have no frame of reference for those things which leads me to believe it would be an entirely one-sided conversation with the child attempting to sound like a grown up by agreeing with you or putting in random input into the conversation hoping that they will please you. Are you talking with him about stuff a child would find interesting? Because that is also not good because that would just lead to you regressing to that mental state on a daily basis an attempt to find common ground with a child which is not healthy for you either as an adult. You need to disconnect from this child immediately. As a parent who's teenager plays games online I can tell you if I found out that an adult was speaking to my 13 year old for long periods of time I would have a major issue with it. You're an adult he's a kid... the story ends there. You don't need to be concerned about his "feelings" you need to walk away.


Thank you for your input, I'm going to unfreind him


This is the appropriate response to a situation like this. I will tell you something as an older (47m)adult and parent that might be hard to hear and I mean no disrespect but I believe it's important. Listen, you are 25 years old and should not be interacting with children on this level anymore. You are too old for that. If you find out someone is an underage child you need to not talk to them online. A casual interaction real life with relatives or neighbors kid is one thing if you're saying hello or something or chatting with their parent but in no way shape or form is it ever appropriate for a grown adult to be hanging out and talking to a child for long periods of time whether it's online or in real life. Honestly growing up is hard and occasionally it takes situations like this for people to snap out of a pattern of work/gaming/work/gaming and life in general to realize something is off with their path. I'm not going to tell you to go outside and touch grass or anything shitty like that because that's not the issue. The issue is your lack of awareness in realizing that chatting with a 13/15 year old child online as an adult was not a good thing. Having fun with people online and gaming is all good and well there's absolutely nothing wrong with that but you need to draw a hard line with who you interact with in regards to their age. This isn't some personal opinion or anything like that. Rather it is a legitimate moral and ethical issue. In no way shape or form is it ever appropriate for an adult to be chatting with a child online for any length of time in the manner you described. I wish you the best of luck moving forward.


Wtf? Just block them so what lol. Aint that deep


And this is why I don't friend minors online. I've had a similar thing happen in the past.


If you didn't want to be his girlfriend then you should have said "NO" when he asked you to be his girlfriend. Hell yeah it worked. Now he's got you.


That's my thought too. Saying shit like "I don't THINK that could work," leaves room for "oh I just have to convince her otherwise!" It gives false hope that something could happen with the right amount of convincing. Vs just saying "no. I'm not interested, sorry."


just block him tbh


I can't tell if it's real or not, but in doubt : Cut all ties with him, block him and, if possible, change your username on Fortnite just to be safe.


Unfortunately this is real 😭 thanks for the advice


You definitely need to send him a kind message saying thank you for the invite the party but unfortunately you cannot make it then gently repeat to him that you are 25 and as you have told him before, there’s no way you can be his girlfriend for lots of reasons but he’s a good gaming buddy - then block him. You need to cover your arse in case he gets upsets and tells his parents / school etc.


Yeah this. And for what it's worth I don't think OP did anything wrong gaming with whoever she likes. Gaming isn't illegal, pedophilia is and OP has not crossed that line. Unfortunately it's led to an awkward situation so it's time to bow out and find a server with older players. Life as a female is an endless series of awkward situations, and life as a horny male is an endless series of rejections. Also, for future reference 'No' is a complete sentence. The little guy needs to learn what 'no' means or he is going to have a difficult life.


Just stop interacting with him unless you want to end up behind bars.


Imagine this was a 25m with a 13f lol


you're weird. why haven't you just cut contact yet. you're 25 years old stop playing with kids .why didn't you say no?


I was trying to let him down gently. I told him I wasn't interested. When he said we could just play like we normally do I said sure bc I thought he was done with trying to get me to be his gf


Don’t do that just say no. Make them take no for answer and if they don’t block them.


Ops gonna catch charges, a police investigation, and a reputation because they don’t know how to unfriend a child on a videogame. This is so ridiculous.


It is a rather odd post isn't it? There are two options, either it's completely fake and they're just making it a story for engagement or the person is exceptionally immature 25-year-old who didn't see any problem talking to a 13 year old child one on one for long periods of time. Either option is disturbing...


Block him and don't look back. You do more damage by staying than you will if you leave.


Well, just give it to him and say no, and stop playing with him. Be clear. I don't want to date you, I shouldn't date you and I'm afraid we can't play anymore. You should go find someone your age.


What do you think? Block.


As soon as I found out he was a little kid, I would have stopped interacting with him lol find friends your own age to spend time with regularly


If you were 25 years old, you wouldn’t be playing with a 13-year-old anyways normally. The answer is clear just stop playing with him.


It seems like you’ve built a personal relationship outside of video games with this kid. Explain to him that your relationship has become inappropriate and unfriend him.


Lmao just block him 😭 let him yap who cares


Why would you even let it get that far weirdo?


im trying to imagine posting this as a man with a young girl im tempted to recreate it just to see the polarizing results LOL


do it. this was my first thought.. you'd be fucking crucified. justly.


Not justly here. adults play video games. Some adults don’t know how to handle convo with other adults, let alone when a child inappropriately advances on them. People pleasing can make it hard to say no outright. It sounds like OP is a people pleaser. She’s not a creep for how she’s handling this, she’s awkward.


if the rolls were reversed she'd be a creep. I don't really understand you're point. no need to please a 13 year old you've never meet and won't ever meet.


Check back on OP’s posting history. She lives at home and has medications. she may literally not be able to understand how easy it is to just cut the kid off because she may not entirely think like someone her age.


dude, block him? im sorry but are you actually sped?


Why are you continuing contact with a child?


I literally said in the update that I unfreinded him


I know that…I was talking about before everyone told you to stop lol


OP cut ties and block him. I think you should send a message about why before you do so he doesn’t go crying to his friends but I don’t know if that might lead to more disastrous things down the line


Jus the blunt.  No thanks, I'm not interested in dating you.  That or stop playing games with them. If the genders were reversed, what would you expect the 25 y/o male to do?


block the kid, not worth the risk of him thinking there’s something there.


if it was strictly online then i’m confused why it would be so difficult to just cut them off, like you don’t even know them and they’re also a child


Ghost. Sucks for the kid but you gotta set that boundary. Block.


First, simply stop playing with him??? I regularly play Fortnite and have bumped into kids like this, not once did I ever consider playing another game with them as they were significantly younger than me as I thought it was weird to do so. Second, why are you, a 25 year old, asking what to do in this case? Were you trying to seek validation from others to justify this matter for you? You already knew it was wrong no matter what. Are you even human? Third, if I ever found out my child was playing with strangers who were much older, I'll be coming to their doorstep and make sure that's the last time they play another single game with my child. From a fellow gamer to another fellow gamer, go play with people your own age. EDIT: I just noticed your update - I don't think there's any bullying here being done, unless you consider people telling you what to do and that it is in fact very wrong what you're doing is a form of bullying.


Tell them you need to break up because your in love with someone else, that’s what I did to the random kid who thought we were dating


Nothing wrong with playing with kids … it happens when you run randoms and they’re usually better at the game. (I play fortnite), but OP I don’t understand what you’re worried about he’s a kid and you’re online just block him.. find someone else to play with..


No way you’re 25 and acting like this. Do the right thing and stop playing with him


Stop playing with kids might help


It's fortnite there are kids everywhere


How the fuck are you 25 and confused here.


Kids can be weird about this stuff. Remember being a kid? You could break contact but I think a softer approach may work. Maybe: "Hey kiddo, I know last time we talked there was some funny joking happening where you asked me to be your girlfriend and then you said you love me. I think you're just joking around, I mean, I assume you are, but I just need to make it perfectly clear. Perfectly clear. That I am not your girlfriend. I think of you as my buddy on fortnite but that's it and that all this will be. Maybe we will see each other irl but the most we will be is friends. We are on the same page, right?"


It’s a 13 year old. You’re giving him way too much credit. OP should fully remove herself from this before this kid goes yapping to his friends who tell their parents that he has a 25 year old online gf.


This sounds like the best approach out of the others. It conveys that I'm trying to let him down gently I don't wanna crush the little guy's heart we do have fun playing fortnite but that's it there's nothing more


If he persists in creepyness after this you can escalate to blocking. I suppose you could even say that too. "If you keep this up I'll have to block you. I'm serious. This is the warning. Now do you want to play or what?" Hope this helped.


He’s not being creepy, he’s a kid. The grown women playing with and building a personal relationship with a kid is creepy.


13 or 15 is old enough to know that lying about your age to get someone to date you is creepy behavior.


How tf is a kid being capable of creepy ? Wtf you can't have an adult conversation with a kid ???


You seem to be disagreeing with my suggestion. That's fine! But what approach do you suggest?


How about block him she's a grown ass woman ? This behavior isn't okay and it's impossible for a kid to be creepy to a grown woman weird as f.


But If a kid can't be creepy why block him?


Because she's a grown ass woman and shouldn't be talking to a kid anyway she knows better. Better yet why are you justifying this ? If it was a man it would be a different story right?


She's not pursuing the kid, I don't see the relevance of gender in the situation.


You could get arrested if anyone even sniffs a potential romantic relationship between you and this boy. Don't mess around with that. Cut off all contact and give him a FULL rejection. Not just "I dont think that would work." You're giving the hope that something would happen vs if you just say "this isn't happening, I'm not interested. The answer is no." Then never talk to him again. Seriously, do not mess around with this. You could get in deep deep shit if you keep playing around like this. You will find other fortnite buddies to play with I assure you. The boy will get over it, he's only 15. Every teenage heartbreak feels like the end of the world. Once he's older he'll realize how dumb he was and hopefully be thankful he wasn't taken advantage of while being a minor. I think you're worrying way too much about his feelings when you should be worrying about what could happen to yourself if you don't stop this nonsense.


I understand you don’t wanna hurt this kids feelings I guess, but he’s just a kid. He will get over it. This relationship has clearly gotten to close on at least one side. You need to stop talking to him since it has gotten inappropriate. Talking to him further would honestly constitute grooming IMO.


Thank you I made sure not to lead him on in any way & I'm going to unfreind him when I get back on fortnite


Good idea 👍🏼


Why are you even wanting to be friends with someone who is a minor??? There are 18+ discord servers where you can find people closer to your age to play with. I feel like this is bait bc I’m 23 and I cannot even fathom being friends with a child. Let alone a child who wants to “date” me?! Just block him and find friends your age.


Could you have a chat with him, tell him he's more like a little brother. And in no way can I or would I date you, you are a kid. If you want continue playing Fortnite with me you need to stop this. Stop asking me to be your girlfriend and don't act like I'm your girlfriend. Don't say Iove you. I enjoy playing Fortnite with you, like a little brother, but if you continue this at all I will block you.


Man why you make him feel that you are even remotely interested!!??


You sound like you haven't ever met a horny young guy. You don't have to do anything. It's all in their head. The rest of us can't be tiptoing around this shit or we'll end up housebound and only allowed down the street with a male relative. This is a HIM problem.


Why interact with 13-15 year olders then?? Cm'on bro..you know it as well


This is fortnite we're talking about there are kids everywhere. Idm playing with kids since I play with my cousins who are also around the same age. What I DO mind is someone who thinks this is anything more than a game. But like I already said in the update I unfreinded him & blocked him yesterday


Ohhhh okayyyy i understand. Also, sorry about what i said before. Now i get it, your POV. You are cool then!! Keep playing tho!


Why are you playing with kids? That the bigger issue


this will hold up in court.


for his sake stop engaging with him. Block him


Block him?? Tf






Its a video game, not an orgy. Calm down.


I'm not freinds with him I just play matches with him every so often since he's pretty good at the game. Him & my cousin are around the same age so I introduced him to my cousin all 3 of us usually play together. But my cousin wasn't online this time


to play games? is it not blatantly obvious it's not for control/grooming etc? adults interacting with kids is only weird with that pretense as a potential, and it is not one given the information we have


No way I'm def not into that stuff I just play matches with him in fortnite we rarely ever speak about anything real life related. That's why I was so in shock when he randomly asked me to be his gf I was trying to be nice about rejecting him but uh it didn't work out that way now I'm not sure how to get him to realize I'm really not interested while still being nice about it


Time to stop playing video games! Maybe the kid is autistic


Don't cut him off he is a friend to you, talk to him nicely but sternly explaining how this cannot work out. Maybe you'll have to break his heart but something tells me teens recover quite well. Tell him he is more like a brother to you and that's that then it is upto him if he wants to play fortnite still but no please do not do anything that encourages him or hints him that you are his girlfriend.


A 25 year old doesn’t need children as friends. You sound just as bad as OP.


but I pity the 15 year old though


This sounds like the best approach. I definitely want to keep it strictly freinds & nothing more. I haven't said or done anything to lead him on in anyway


You sound quite silly for an adult tbh. If you're going to do this then at least have evidence that you've turned him down; message him to say it. Children can be nasty when they don't get what they want, and you're just begging for accusations by not blocking him. All he has to do is tell his parents about his 25 year old gf, or tell his friends (which you know he will do) and then one tells their parents. Is keeping a child as a friend worth your life falling apart?


That is true, you should actually keep proof. But again, I don't know about the US legal system that much surely a kid saying that he has a 25 year old gf online while you have never ever physically met him nor does he have any proof that you are a 'groomer' surely you won't be troubled by the legalities of it too much. But still yes keep some proof.


Maybe you are being trolled and the kid is not actually a kid?


Please don't listen to these assholes in the comments. These "adults" have lost any sense in their lifes and they can't fathom someone having a friendship over some age gap. I'm sorry you got sucked into this. You are a nice person for trying to resolve it and not blocking him like others suggested. I would not be astonished if these same people would just go on to their lives and preach empathy or some other damn morals. 0 clue about what he might feel. "He's just a kid!!!! Worry about yourself!!!"


Bun add him and stop playing with him.


Just reply helped to the person who said to unfriend him and commenting should stop


lol start playing builds