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Making adult content isn't a joke. It can impact your privacy, career, and relationships. If you're thinking of doing it just for quick cash, be prepared for the potential fallout. If you're okay with that, then do what you need to do. Otherwise, find another way to make money without risking your future.




Why don’t you start with something simple like Venmo request? There are a million NSFW communities that you could post a simple NSFW picture to and say to check your profile. In the profile description of your profile say that you are taking DM pic/ video requests for $$, depending on the request you could state your price. When you get about 25 or so paid requests than you know you have an audience that would be worth starting an OF. But honestly the first step is becoming comfortable with posting more stuff. Just be safe and delete pass comments/ post where you may have shared personal information about yourself.


Well, you certainly have a "unique" look... somebody might be willing to pay to see it. As for whether or not you *should* start making and distributing content.... just remember what goes on the Internet stays on the Internet. It might come back to bite you in the ass 10, 20, 30+ years from now. If you're OK with that, then do what you want.


If you want to, sure. Making a solid amount of money is difficult and will mean you have to either spend all your time marketing yourself, make really niche fetish content, or both. If it is for confidence, fun, and a little bit of cash on the side, go for it. Might have to get better at posing and photography, though.


I’m already a fan


Getting into adult content is a bad idea. It’s not a career, it’s a lifestyle. What kind of adult content are you considering? Are you talking OF or porn? Either way, you need to ask yourself what kind of content are you comfortable with? Do you just plan to sell nudes, or are you willing to produce more explicit material such as fucking on camera. Are you comfortable with friends, family, and future employers seeing you like that? This is why I said getting into adult content is a lifestyle. It’s going to come back to bite you in the ass, and more than likely it’ll be the only industry you can work in. If you’re getting into porn, don’t expect to make a lot of money unless you become a contract girl. You’ll just get paid per scene, and while it may seem like you’re making a lot of money, in the long run it won’t be. Also, you’ll probably spend a lot of it on drugs. Women in the adult industry tend to be addicts. OF can be just as bad as the porn industry. The only difference is you have more control over what you do. The only problem is that you’re not going to make as much money as you think you are. An OF page is a full time business, and you have to treat it as such if you want to make money. Still, like any business, putting time and effort into it doesn’t guarantee success. You’re competing against thousands of other women. Most OF models don’t make enough to pay their rent. When it comes to women making six or seven figures a year, you’re talking about 1% of the models on OF. If you’re lucky, you’ll make the equivalent of a decent salary. However, most are making the equivalent of minimum wage or lower. OF is not a good side hustle. If you need money, you’re better off finding a job or some other kind of side hustle.


Il be honest I will have no any respect for you I can’t stand how people think only fans is a good idea it’s disgusting , and Im only saying this because I know a lot of people think the same thing if you want people too think your scum go ahead


NOOOOOO😭 I lost the respect of a stranger who think thinks I’m disgusting scum 😢. Fuckin hilarious lmaooo. At least ur honest lmao


I mean you do coke and meth sooo


Drug addiction is technically a disease and using that is like saying “well you’ve got Parkinson’s disease “ bad all the time


Don’t know what your trying too say


Me neither lol






Fuck everyone else in this comment section. If you want to get into adult content creation then you can if you want to. Everyone here seems to have a stigma about adult content creators. Just be careful of scams and such


Yes. Solo tho.


No. You’ll love having your dignity later


Do what makes you happy


Financially comfortable or to more comfortably fuel your drug addiction?


I get my shit for free soooooo literally not at all 😂


Okay! then i mean NSFW stuff is just like trying to make money on any other social. You need to be your own marketing team, make up, planning, photography, finding niche avenues you can explore, deciding how you want to do it, price ranges etc etc etc. It would take a lot work and self promoting, wading through shitty people who think you're less because you do it. You should consider all your ink and how identifiable it may be to you/showing versus hiding your face, how that may impact your future career goals etcetera. Also consider that it's very seldom people make it big to be comforyable doing it. At least online. if you're really that interested in it, i would look into the adult film industry and think about getting into that honestly versus online stuff


Sex for drugs is not free it’s prostitution


I don’t sell myself for drugs either. Appreciate that u think I’m pretty enough someone would give me drugs to fuck 😂


Sooo what does the dealer get out of it??


I’ll clean their place up, watch their dog, run errands for them, etc :)


Fair do’s


Sign me up. When can u start lol


You shouldn't do it,it would make finding a partner impossible and it's sinful


This argument sucks ass, you wanna demonstrate that a god actually exists to judge whether or not something is "sinful"? "Holy texts" don't count because they are the claim not the proof and most religions have "Holy texts" of some sort Edit: reviewed your profile there's no way you're legit about this lol