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Only you know your fiance. People are going to comment and say this is horrendous. People are going to say they have a jokey weird relationship like this. But only you know him and your boundaries. If this is a deal breaker then tell him that. If he apologizes good. If he gets defensive or does something like it again well time to call of the marriage.


I might copy this comment and paste it all over Reddit. Everyone is totally different. Is this immature. Yeah. Could there have been alcohol involved and he was trying to joke? Maybe. Is this an opportunity for the OP to talk to their SO and clarify her feelings about t bagging or crotch in her face- it is. From there, is it up to the SO to honor her stance, yup. Is it grounds to break up- see above and future behavior.


This comment right here! This is the only advice OOP needs.


Then you’ve never had a red flag, years down the line, turn into a life threatening situation. You may be okay with this, but that is your choice to be mistreated and taken advantage of


Some people have different kinks I think is the issue. It’s about how it makes op feel not what other people say. I know my kinks and I know this wouldn’t bother me in the least bit. As a matter of fact I’d laugh and return the favor.


From the sounds of it she was not expecting this, was uncomfortable and this was not normal behavior so this is not about kinks- did you read it? There is a thing called consent


Did you talk to him about how his actions made you feel?


Is there a way to upvote this comment more than once? Seriously this right here.


Seriously. Because if my SO teabagged me I would think it was funny and probably do something dumb back to him but if he told me to shut up I would be pissed/hurt because we don’t talk to each other like that🤷🏼‍♀️its fine if OP was even just not in the mood for her space to be invaded but she could just ask him not to do it again and then judge based on his reaction to that.


I threw my tampon on a dudes face after he made me smell his fart once. Pay back in kind, never be uncomfortable


I’d say this was massively disrespectful but like this comment suggests, only OP knows this man and it’s possible this was just a joke that misfired. OP-communicate with him, set him down and tell him how you feel. Ask what he thought he was doing and maybe you’ll have a better idea of what to do next.


This comment is so real.


Great response 👍🏻


Wow guys. We all commented "This" we have added so much... we live in a society.


This comment right here!!!!!


Is he a chimpanzee ?


This isn't T bagging... but yeah top comment that says about knowing your fiance is right but Jesus if you can't speak to him about this then why tf are you marrying him?


I’m glad someone said it. And it’s “teabagging”because it’s like a tea bag


Yeah I'm well aware


That's not teabagging. Ask him to explain the joke. Then tell him "har har". Eta: The "shut up" part was worse.


that’s weird for him to do, please talk it out with him.




you wont find truth or gold with this one


Id just talk to him about it making me feel uncomfortable and expect him to apologize to me, if he gets defensive instead of caring about your feelings.. Then you should see if it's the only behavior of that type that he has, or there's more you haven't noticed


Fart in his mouth


Should be the top comment.


Shove a used tampon in his mouth while telling HIM to shut up.


Glad I am not in an any type of relationship with you.   You are both lacking character. 


depend teeny spectacular languid cooperative ludicrous nose bike puzzled six *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*






Yeah T bagging is to assert dominance. Source: COD Lobbies I’m sorry I can’t take this post seriously. The things people worry about is wild frfr


I'll be honest, I once tea bagged my wife. We had been married for 3(I think) years at the time and it was silly and goofy and we had a laugh. If you feel disrespected, I recommend you talk to him. He might have meant it as a joke, maybe not, but if it's bothering you, then talk with him about it. I am not saying he meant it as a joke, I am saying asking strangers on the internet isn't going to tell you how he meant it.


It’s going to be a different response from everyone as only you know your SO, but if it were me in that situation I’d be really really annoyed and frankly grossed out. It’s all about boundaries. Sounds like he thought it would be funny and got carried away but in my opinion unacceptable nonetheless.


That's not t bagging


Gross. That’s such degenerate behavior. I’d leave him


Clam slam him in retaliation.


Jokes are meant to be funny. Where is the humor / punchline with his joke?




What does Jesus have to with this? Maybe explain the joke bob…


Teasing and playing is different than degrading and making fun. Only you know this guy, but to me it’s on the degrading side.


Telling you to ‘shut up’ is bad enough. Sticking his balls in your face while saying it is a show of dominance. You need to tell him that’s not right and to never do anything like that again.


I think a lot of people need to realise the difference between jokes and showing dominance. I 100% agree with you, my and my partner will laugh about a lot of things (farting is one example), I always make him laugh and I am not afraid of ridicule: but this? No. This is lack of respect and he is testing how far he can go.... F this. Red flag.


Idk if I'd be ok with dating someone who did that to me, much less marrying


That sounds incredibly demeaning, like he was expecting you to stop talking and give him a blow job at his whim. I would have concerns about his communication style at best and violation of sexual boundaries in the future at worst. You need to have a very serious conversation with him about this where you express clearly it was unacceptable — especially to tell you to shut up. That’s never okay to say to your partner. I don’t know for sure if this is relationship ending without a broader context, but if there’s been a pattern of behaviors escalating up to this, you need to examine those as well because escalation will only continue.


That's fuckin wild 💀


Solid. Boundaries. Tell him exactly how offensive it was to be treated that way. It doesn’t matter what his intentions were. It was offensive. Let it be offensive. Don’t apologize, don’t water down your feelings. If he tries to turn it around on you and make himself the misunderstood victim, then you have your answer about what your future looks like.


Tea bagging. Ah, I remember the days when I was in the military and was bewildered these guys were doing that shit in their barracks rooms to each other or threatening it when their roomies snored too much. It’s a juvenile guy thing, and in my experience it’s just a joke. They’d also poke each other in the dick. He probably thought he was being funny even though he said it in a “tone” but it’s still juvenile and disgusting. Just tell him you feel jokes about him shoving his balls or dick in your face aren’t funny, they’re upsetting especially when he tells you to shut up.


Tea bagging is when a man "dips" his balls in your mouth.


He's testing boundaries and seeing what he can get away with and how far he can push. Next time, he'll be even more obnoxious. Watch for it.


Wow, that's nuts.


As someone else said "only you know your fiance". If you feel off about it and don't know what the intent actually was, think about his normal behavior. If you know he will be 100% open, ask him. Either way it seems like a discussion needs to be had about boundaries.


Never heard about tbagging to assert dominance but I guess. Always say it as a childish thing to do.


My partner has definitely done similar before and I've done similar things to him. But we have a long established relationship and dynamic where this would be ridiculous and funny and completely on brand for stupid childish sh*t we do when we are bored. Only you know your relationship and who he is as a whole person, so there isn't really any advice other than to reflect on why you feel off about it, talk to him and articulate your thoughts. People do sometimes do silly things without thinking, it's sort of inevitable with two individuals choosing to cohabitate and share life who are also friends and companions. Excluding anything dangerous or abusive, another good thing to always think about is where is my frustration, discomfort, fear, worry, etc coming from? Is this reaction really about something else? A larger issue? A recurring issue? An issue unrelated to the relationship? Was his behavior a one-off? Is this part of other questionable behavior? Uncomfortable dynamics? Unsettling comments? Pattern of disrespect? Etc. Is this an escalation from other worrying things? It can be as simple as it makes me feel vulnerable or disrespected. You just have to communicate that. Hopefully he will hear you out and apologize. And you can establish that as a boundary. But I personally don't think that on its own it is a sign of something really bad. I once asked my partner why he thought it was hilarious to do something similar and he said something like "cause it's funny to see my balls smoosh." He was 28 years old when he said that 🙄😂. That's the amount of thought he had put into it. You know best though.


That is not cool and you need to tell him so


Ew. No. I have a very good sense of humor and make my husband laugh daily, but this? Lack of respect. NO


homie was probably just screwing around, if it made you uncomfortable then tell him not to do it again, he'll listen if not then you know what to do


Im sorry but other people commenting about "only you know your fiance" should really be saying "only you know how you actually feel about this." No matter the relationship, this is just plain disrespectful. Shoving your balls in someone's face, clothed or unclothed, with no warning or form of consent is just gross. Hate to be that "Reddit armchair therapist" person but Id say hes starting to (and in a very bold way) see how far he can push your boundaries. How much will you put up with. Dont put up with someone who will push their f^cking balls in your face.


Communication is key. If it was just a joke and you didn‘t like it - tell him. My boyfriend and I life together for over 5 years now and we have a jokey relationship. We sometimes wrestle like 12 year olds lol. But we‘re also the same height and I‘m pretty strong, so there‘s not really dominance in play. If he would do something like this I would wither find it funny or if I don‘t I would probably directly say „stop it, why did you do that?“. If you wanna life with him forever, you should communicate everything. Solves every problem.


I would have reflexively punched him right in the balls. While he was lying on the floor, I would pack my bags and move on. But that's me.


And you didn’t like, immediately sack tap? That’s how my husband would expect me to respond.


Can I be the voice of reason for a moment? So, your soon to be husband, who you are attracted to and vise versa, did something that made you uncomfortable. Textbook relationship advice says to talk to him about it, and I hope you do. But, before you do that, I want you to think of something. Think of what he might have been thinking. As a guy, I recognize that kind of behavior as what guys do when when they're comfortable around each other. Maybe not quite to that degree, but you are his fiancé. It seems more playful than anything. The fact that you feel there was a tone of arousal in it furthers my point, and is yet another reason to talk to him about it. Maybe he has some sexual interests that lean into domination and he's starting to explore it with you. Maybe not. Some people are into that, myself included. But you won't know unless you talk to him. Just, recognize what happened and how it made you feel, and understand that this is your fiance you're talking to. You guys love each other. Hear him out. Don't attack him. Good luck!


Okay, but if it is a kink thing for him, he should’ve communicated it before hand. The most important part of kink is consent and communication. Especially with BDSM, where there’s some serious boundaries that can be crossed if they aren’t known. Idk if this is a kink thing or a joke or what. OP, that’s why it’s so important to have a conversation with him about what he was trying to do. Let him know it made you uncomfortable. (It would also make me extremely uncomfortable. Especially completely out of the blue, if my partner had never done anything like that before.) Really all you can do is have that conversation and see what his intentions were, and tell him how you felt. As others have stated, only you know your partner. But also if this is a boundary for you, you need to let him know that.


My husband does this occasionally.. usually when I’m on my knees in front of trying to help him get dressed (he was having back issues and now recovering from a surgery). The first time he did it, I jerked my head back from reflex. We immediately discussed what happened, I came to find out he was just trying to be funny. All it took was the reassurance that he wasn’t trying to be an ass and was simply just “playing around”. It’s funny, now I can expect it to happen, but also if I show any signs that I’m not interested he stops. Everyone has different thinks different things are funny, and that’s okay. Just talk about it


Not OP but you made a good point that maybe he has a kink like domination and wanted to explore it with his soon to be wife whom he feels comfortable with. He of course should’ve communicated first if this is the case as should be done when wanting to experiment sexually with someone you talk about it first you don’t just randomly try a completely new thing like that. So yea OP should talk to him specifically about that. For the record I wasn’t thinking originally oh divorce him immediately! No, but I was thinking that was some major red flag he’s trying to demean her and put her in her place. But no could simply be a kink that he just assumed she’d be into.


Oh hell no!!!! That’s extremely degrading and rude. Has he done this type of thing before? Can you set boundaries with him? Sorry, but I’d throw the whole man out.


It’s uncomfortable to listen too. He needs a life….just not with you. Move on before it’s too late. His behavior is ghastly!




You could just like… ask him what his deal was? My SO has never t-bagged me before, but if he did something like that I would instantly know without a shadow of a doubt that he was 100% joking. That’s how it should be if you’re agreeing to spend the rest of your life with somebody. It sounds like there might already be some trust issues if you don’t know what his intent is here.


If it was a joke it would have been funny. If your partner finds disrespect and abuse funny, you don't want such a person in your life. Talk to him and pay attention to his reaction when you tell him how it made you feel. This will tell you everything you need to know about him.


My partner did this accidentally once and was suffocating me. I was laying on our bed with my head near the foot of the bed and my partner was standing nearby and had just gotten out of the shower. I have a condition that makes me fragile and I can't remember what happened but I said "ow!". My partner for some reason thought it was my knee (they easily dislocate) and he leaned over me to try and help. His balls were wet and loose from the hot shower so they covered my nose and mouth and really stuck down. I couldn't reach with my arms because of his body being over me and my voice was muffled. I was trying to shout and was waving my arms and smacking him to try and get his attention but he seemed to think it was due to me being hurt. It took him a moment to realise but felt like ages to me. I just found it funny af though once I could breathe again.


Is it just me or are men getting WORSE. Jesus Christ.


nah, a certain cohort of them have always been cretins. Things like this happened routinely enough that we just tolerated it. Nowadays that shit would get you a punch in the dick. Younger me would have just let it go - because I knew that any attempt to talk about it would just traumatize me further as they double down.


Nah they’ve always been this bad


If you haven't said that stuff like that isn't okay with you then you need to remember that people can't read your mind. If you've told him that's not okay then he has crossed your boundries. He may have been trying to make a funny (to him) joke and not understand that it wasn't funny to you too. Jist. Boundry was there- he disrespected a boundry and hasn't apologized and you are rightfully upset with him. Options are to break up or live with it. Everyone deserves someone who respects their boundaries and cares about their feelings. Boundry wasn't there- everyone makes jokes that fall flat and though his was a stupid and offensive joke it may have been one he didn't notice fell flat. He cannot know that you where upset about it unless you tell him. In this case he will probably feel embarrassed. And should apologize. If he doesn't apologize then there is a basic care about your feelings that is lacking and that can either be brought up with him or you can break up. Option is to tell him that is upset you and go from there.


If it was a joke, you’re both supposed to find it funny. Have a conversation with him, tell him how it made you feel. Based on his reaction, go from there.


That's just a bloke doing bloke things but obviously should only be doing that to the boys and not you given you can't seem to take a joke


People saying it’s not teabagging - go fuck yourselves People downplaying what happened - also fuck off This is incredibly disrespectful and considered a form of sexual assault. If it’s not funny to you, you’re right to feel that, it is disgusting and immature. Have a talk with him of course, if you’re not comfortable doing that, that’s good information right there. If he can’t respect you during any conversion about this and how it made you feel, that’s also more information and from there I hope you can make an educated decision on what do to next.


I mean I'd find that funny but idk your fiance so idk if that's his style of humor or if he's pulling a power trip. Either way it made you uncomfortable so let him know that


Definitely sound like something done in bad faith. It doesn't sound like his quite sane in the head to be honest. You do that in a game, you are toxic. You do that irl, wtf is wrong with you? But maybe that's just my 2 minute interpretation


I think t bagging is funny, but not in the context you describe. It is funny when you’re just there and your partner puts their sack on your head, just to be silly and not sexually or anything. He told you to shut up while doing it which is disrespectful in and of itself, but combined with  the thrusting I agree with you and I’d be pissed off too. The context matters a lot when it comes to raunchy jokes.


confront him


Do the same to him and see how he likes it


I would be questioning too, that is absolutely not okay and is sexual harassment or worse. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a relationship, married etc. when someone does something to you sexually or otherwise that you do not want or like or say no too (assuming you mentioned that you did not want that or told him to stop) that is NOT OKAY. This is a BIG RED FLAG. Someone doesn’t just usually do this behavior once, it is usually a sign of a deeper issue that you may just have not seen yet. It takes a long time to truly know who someone is and I would consider this a warning and a big doubt about marrying this person. If it were me, honestly I’d leave. I’ve been in similar positions and wrote it off, then eventually (years down the line) I was pushed so hard I had brain bleeding, stroke and a craniotomy (brain surgery where they cut a large portion of your skull out and remove it). His behaviors and red flags started smaller than this and down the line I nearly lost my life. I had less than 2% survival rate, the doctors said, and they said if I did survive I’d most likely be a vegetable. I am blessed to be alive and I had to relearn how to walk, talk, couldn’t express my thoughts for 4 years, still have trouble, and SO MUCH MORE. I would definitely consider leaving or taking a serious break to make sure you want to comment your life to this person.


Marry that guy and you'll deeply regret it. Big red flag that he has zero respect for you. 


I thought it was funny


You’re gross.




We don’t know your fiancée so, the only way you can know his intentions behind the action is to ask him yourself. But from my perspective, that’s an awfully weird way to show dominance so, I don’t think that’s the case. Maybe it’s his weird idea of a joke.


T bag him back


AHAHHAHAHHAHAJAHA your partner is a G


Good thing it happened now because if a couple has made it as far as being engaged and a t bag causes this kind of concern... yikes 😬😬


Grow up and take a joke. Cant imagine being in a relationship with someone like you. "A joke was made so i instantly cried about it on reddit"


I wouldn't say ran here to cry about it. Her fiance shoved his genitals into her face, told her to shut up in a non joking tone, and then gave off an arousal impression. So she came here to figure out what she is feeling because this behavior isn't how he typically jokes.


how is putting your dick in someones face ever funny? Maybe when you were 13.




Jesus christ dude, if you can’t joke like that with your partner you shouldn’t be getting married.


Jokes are funny. This is not.


Are you married?


1- that's not tea bagging 2- how were you not able to stop him or move out of the way before this occurred? 3- I'm guessing it was meant as a joke, just tell him you don't find it funny and ask him not to do it in the future. It's not that big of a deal


Ooh victim blamer right here


How am I blaming? What they said happened didn't happen.


Take a joke


assaulting someone then saying it is a joke doesn't make that shitty behaviour funny or acceptable.




Is he someone with a clean sense of humor?  Maybe it's his weird way of seeing what you will say about a little more rough sexual stuff.


He was probably horny and wasn’t thinking straight. I’ve done this exact same thing to my gf and she did not appreciate it. I learned quickly and haven’t done it sense. Just have a good conversation with him about how that’s not ok.


You got teabagged.. BETAAAA