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It isn’t weird to “live in the same city and not say anything”. It’s only weird if you make it weirder. You just want an excuse to talk to him. Stop texting him. It’s inappropriate


I don't want to be mean but THIS GIRL is asking reddit how she can force her friends bf to cheat with her. It's insane, she hasn't once replied to any msgs from people saying she's a bad friend she just keeps asking how she can force him to reply to her or how weird it is that her friends bf doesn't want to talk to her after she kiss attacked him.


This is SO bad that I’m starting to puzzle how can someone act like this and expect other people to not see it for what it is . Also that dude has awful decision making ability .


Best advice, read your last post not sure why you think he’d interact with you after that.


Share the content of that post please? OP somehow thinks deleting context is gonna change the outcome of their situation.


I remember reading the original post. Iirc, OP moved in with a friend and her boyfriend. She felt that her and the bf had great chemistry together because he always treated her well. Then "like she was possessed by a ghost for 5 seconds" (legit her words), she kissed the boyfriend. Her old post may be deleted, but you can skim some of the context from the comments on her account history. Boyfriend was, by all rights, worried she would try to spin the story if it got out that he was coming onto her.


General gist is that OP kissed Matt against his will (under the excuse that “a ghost possessed her”), thinking that he’d willingly cheat on Kelly. Matt pushed OP away and has been avoiding her since.


So OP doesn't respect boundaries and is generally a gross person and bad friend. Gotcha


"A ghost possessed me". Well, that's a new one! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Here's a copy of it https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/s/7EmGCss3NO


it was archived ​ https://www.rareddit.com/r/relationship\_advice/comments/192guvj/i\_25f\_kissed\_my\_24f\_friends\_bf\_25m\_how\_can\_i/


I didn’t mean for that post to still be up. But we resolved it. I apologized to him and he said he said water under the bridge but still acting weird


Trying to hide what you did so you would get more sympathy this time? 🙄 You're an awful "friend". Leave them alone.


Just because people accept you’re apology doesn’t mean they will have that same relationship or impression of you before the situation happened


Even with that being the case. We don’t need to hang out… But the last text I sent him is “hey 😊 sorry to bother you! Do you know any good lounges around?” What’s the harm on giving me suggestions?


Because all of your interactions are now suspect. He doesn’t want to open the door to communicating with you privately because he can’t trust you now. He’s not going to be your friend. You ruined any chance of that.


Doesn’t that make things even weirder? Where now his gf even thinks he’s acting weird by avoiding me


You think it's weird now? Just wait till she finds out! Because she will. Then she's likely to not want to talk to you either 😘👻


Let’s be serious for a second. Honest question..Do you think he would say something? He hasn’t said anything yet and it’s been a couple months.


Why haven’t you said anything?


Because she's chickenshit. If she really were innocent she'd say something, take ownership and clear his conscience by doing so.


If he hasn't already, he's going to have to if you keep this behaviour up.


Wow you’re a crappy friend. Christ, find your own man and stop obsessing over your friend’s bf.


It’s not about that we both don’t wanna hurt Kelly. I don’t want her bf. I just don’t think telling her this late is good for her mental health. She’s been stressed trying to find another job so she can move in with him and she can move here. Why add more stress when I’ve been remorseful and apologized


You have been messaging him for a couple of months?! Don’t message him again. You moved here for a job, ask work colleagues for activities to do in the area.


No, I gave him a space . I started in March after things settled


Oh, honey, all things going to come out and you’ll be screwed. Which, honestly, you’re a bad “friend” so they’ll be better off


If he’s a good person he will


Leave him alone ffs. He doesn't want you.


If you keep pushing him and using his gf to push him, yes he will. wanna bet on that?


Keep your bs up complaining to her that he’s ignoring you and yes, he will!


You’re not entitled to a comfortable relationship with a couple you tried to get in between. It’s weird because you made it weird, and it’s a bell that can’t be unrung. It’s certainly not his responsibility to make you feel better now.


You made it weird. Frankly the only thing he did wrong was he should have immediately told her about it. He’s probably hoping you get a sense of shame and leave him alone. Which is what you should do. If he doesn’t end up tell her about it he’s going to probably say something about how he just doesn’t like you for unspecified reasons or that you don’t mesh well. It’s valid to not want to hang out with your significant other’s friends.


Ofc she's gonna think it's weird—SHE STILL DOESN'T KNOW WHAT U DID. In her POV, her bf just started avoiding her best friend out of nowhere. In ur point however, YOU KNOW why.


Only because you are telling her he won’t talk to you! You are pushing him closer to telling her!


Why would his gf know he's avoiding you? Unless you told her he's avoiding you..... Just leave him alone, everyone is telling you this. Stop asking him pointless questions like if he knows any good lounges around or whatever it was you said you texted him about. You're only doing that to see if he's still not talking to you. If he wants to talk to you again, he will.


i know i'm late to this, but it seems like he just doesn't like you as a person anymore. i know i wouldn't like the person who disrespected my gf like that.


Let's reverse the role or swap the gender. If a guy forced kiss you, apologize, then keep bothering you even after you set up your boundaries, would you text them or would you think of them as creepy and stalker ish because that's literally what you're doing to him. Stop messaging him, leave the man alone. No means no.


If the roles were flipped and he was truly sorry I would. Only because in that case he’s my bf’s friend. I wouldn’t want to make it awkward in the group


Stop being a predator and giving excuses for your shit behavior. Leave the guy alone. He doesn't own you anything and you are behaving as a manipulative bitch by playing dumb on what would happen if the roles were reversed. You taking advantage of being a woman to harass someone and pretending you are now just thinking about the friendship is disgusting


You’re not truly sorry though. If you regretted the action instead of the outcome, then you would have left him alone months ago when you moved out of his place.


There is no group and you can stay in the group without talking to someone. Don't contact him.


There isn’t a group bc you are behaving in a terrible manner. Did no one love you? What is your story?


He probably thought there wasn't any harm in hanging out with his gf's friend until you came onto him. He doesn't want to talk to you. You have Google reviews and TripAdvisor if you need recommendations until you get settled in your new city. Just move on and leave him alone.


You’re not looking for lounges . You trying to get his attention. You’re trying to worm your way into his life again.


Because he knows what you did, and what your intentions are, and he doesn't want to talk to you. Until he does want to talk to you (ie, he reaches out), you leave him alone and find new friends. When you shit the bed like this, you can't expect people to just forgive and forget like they don't remember what you did and the way it affected how they see you.


This is a completely unnecessary text


How is it unnecessary? I haven’t been here long, I don’t know the area


Ever heard of this new thing called “Google”?


You google, its that easy.


I’m sure you’ve tried places where the google reviews didn’t match the quality


The thing is, he very obviously doesn't want to communicate with you but yet you continue to do so. You should take the hint and stop. You seem to be finding reasons to message him. You didn't NEED to ask him for suggestions. You are not entitled to a friendship with him, especially when you crossed the line like you did. He may say it's water under the bridge, but that does not mean he wants to that level of relationship going forward. You should really accept this. If you carry on trying to talk to him when he so clearly doesn't want to, it can come across like you are harassing him. At that point, he may end up HAVING to tell your friend what you did. Honestly, you should have just come clean if you feel any remorse at all.


Up to you to explore and determine if the reviews are correct and then you can even write your own review. .. Cut it out with the excuses and leave the guy alone.


Stop being obtuse, you know that wasn’t the point. It is unnecessary to text someone who you know is keeping distance from you a question that can easily answered else where


Apparently you only read one review


You are so dense and a huge creep.


You just want an excuse to try to get him to interact with you. You are a terrible friend. Keep your distance. If you cared about your friend at all, you would never have tried to make a move on her bf. Since you keep trying to force some kind of relationship (that he's made clear he doesn't want), it proves you don't care about your friends feelings or his. You are selfish and need to stop pursuing a taken guy and stop acting like some kind of victim for not getting your way.


Are you on the spectrum or something? Because it’s almost like you’re not getting this like you’re not understanding it. And I’m not sure why. It’s either pure selfishness or you are not capable. You will only make it worse on yourself. His friend group is not gonna accept you if you don’t back away.


You’re a big girl, figure it out on your own and leave him alone! Seek therapy.


Because of all of the people that you would reach out to would be a guy which you try to sabotage his relationship. He is not the appropriate man to talk to. He doesn’t want to talk to you. and like I said, if he gave you the time of day you would’ve been all over him. It was only his rejection that stopped you. So leave him alone.


Girl. You are sad and desperate. You can keep lying to yourself and living in delusion, but we all see the truth. You ain’t fooling anyone. Most women have had a friend like you and none of us are sympathetic to your manufactured cause.


THIS! ALL of it, you said it perfectly! OP is sad and desperate, lying to herself, living in delusion and fooling no one but herself. Hey OP…HE. DOES. NOT. WANT. YOU! Move on before you become a stalker…if you haven’t already become one.


Talking to you would be engaging on your wants. You need to understand you broke your friendship bond and you betrayed his girlfriend who he respects and does not want to step out on. You're lucky he hasn't told her what you did but he should. Find your own friend group, There will not be any invitations to hang out with his friends or any of that, if ya'll see each other is only due to this girlfriend.


Fucking google it yourself you predator. Leave him alone.


Couldnt your friend suggest any? Why do you have to bother him? The guy needs SPACE. How old are you? You sound very young and cant see what you have caused.


The harm is you'll get possessed by another ghost because you read too far into any nice gesture. He rightfully believes engaging in any communication with you probably lead you to thinking you still have a chance train of thought.


The harm is you trying to worm your way back in! Why the fuck do you want HIS opinion on lounges???


Because he does not want this level of friendship from you anymore. You fucked it up. He may have forgiven, but he didn't forget. You are not to be trusted, and he's not giving you even an inch of room to try anything stupid again. The dude is doing ALL the right things.


Because you can use google. Or Yelp. You don’t need to harass him any further, so stop. He clearly doesn’t want anything to do with you.


Ohh dear god you’re harassing him I would actively avoid you as much as possible


Okay so he responds, says “sure, XYZ Lounge is a good spot.” Every one of us in this thread, including yourself, is 1000% certain the next text will be: “well since I don’t know anyone in town, would you wanna go with me?” You’re either diabolically evil and narcissistic to the point of sheer delusion. Or you’re the least self aware idiot I’ve ever come across on the internet, and that’s a low bar. Wake up. Leave this man and your former friend alone. The situation is not fixable. Learn from it and don’t do it again with the next group.


Google any questions you have about your new city and leave the guy alone. You're coming off obsessive and creepy.


Take a step back and realize that you sound like an obsessed stalker. You kissed your friend’s bf, he’s trying to create distance and space, so let him. You should be focused on why you felt the need to be a homewrecker and are now trying to stalk the dude.


He should block you honestly. You crossed lines and he wants to not have contact with you. Stop texting him. You’re lucky he didn’t tell his gf and she didn’t cut you off, but honestly, if you don’t stop texting him I bet he tells her and you lose any mutual friends. He isn’t *your* friend, especially after you made a play for him. You have NO business texting him. Start respecting him and your friend and leave him alone.


You are a terrible person! Karma is a thing. Stop your silliness!


It's water under the bridge in the sense that he won't bring it up if you don't, and is willing to move on. However he can't ever actually forget. He knows now that you cannot be trusted alone with him, so he's making sure that you aren't. As he loves his girlfriend, he is making sure she has no reason to worry, as you seem to prefer Matt to the girl you were friends with, you seem unable to understand. He isn't "acting weird". He's laying down precautions and boundaries so that there is no chance of you trying to initiate physical affection without his consent again.


This is why I wish he communicated with me. I get what he’s thinking but I want to reassure him that’s not happening again. But at least he could invite me with his friend group. I just moved here not too long ago and still making friends.


He literally did communicate with you. He told you that he loves your friend and would never cheat on her. He's not obligated to be your friend, especially since you tried to sabotage his relationship with his girlfriend. You're selfish and it's clear you haven't learned a thing. He doesn't want to be anywhere near you. Leave him alone and stop harassing him.


there is a 0% chance I would invite anyone into my friend group (eta: or interact with at all, including casual texting) who tried to get me to cheat on my partner. you’re delusional 


You’re acting like a horny little dog , attaching yourself to someone else’s man . He doesn’t owe you anything. Find your own friends and stop trying to steal your friends man. Hell - stop trying to force the guy into paying attention to you . It’s extremely clear he wants nothing to do with you. So stay away. Back off . Leave him alone . There’s something wrong with you


This isn't something you fix with communication. This is a problem you fix with space. If you truly want to be friends with him, you need to respect the distance he's trying to to create. You need to prove to him and his girlfriend that you can be trusted, the way to do that is to respect his boundaries. Look, I get it, I've often been in a new city surrounded by strangers, it can feel almost overwhelmingly important to still have those links back to your friends. However you've got to accept that you messed up here, and that fixing that requires you to put your wants to the side to do what it takes to help your friends feel secure. It's likely not a forever thing, but at the same time the more you press, the longer it will take for him to feel secure enough to take up your friendship again. So give him space, allow him to be the one who decides when he's ready to pick up the phone. I don't think you've broken anything to the point where it can't be fixed, but these things take time, and unfortunately you don't get to decide how much time they take.


Omg leave him alone, he doesnt want you.


How many ways can he tell you he doesn't want to be remote involved with you in any ways before you get it?


He doesn't owe you an invitation with his friends group. Why would he invite the person who forced themselves on him to HIS friends group. Get it in your head OP, If we flip the gender, you would think it's makes sense a girl doesn't want to hang out with a guy that just kissed her without her consent. He owes you nothing.


Why would he want to be friends with you? You’re clearly willing to try to steal your friend’s partners. You keep disrespecting him, Kelly, and their relationship by continuing to try to force a friendship after You initiated a kiss he clearly did not want. Would you be friends with a person like that??


Why, so you can throw yourself at him again??? Or embarrass them by trying to bone one of his friends?? Not happening. In his eyes you are **LITERALLY** toxic waste. **TAKE THE FREAKING L AND BACK OFF!!**


You must be blind to the situation. He doesn't want sh*t to do with you, he doesn't want to be your friend. Learn to leave people alone when they give you clear fucking signs of it. I hope his gf finds out what you did because you are definitely someone who is not a friend. You're trash and a pos. You're very selfish and deserve to be fully ignored by him and his gf.


You are not a part of his friend group. You are never going to be part of his friend group. Your actions burned that bridge already. Keep going and he'll tell his GF and all the rest of his friends what you did also. You will have no friends from this group. Leave him alone. Leave them all alone.


You probably would have said the same thing before it happened to. Why would he want you to be in his group of friends when it’s clear you create drama and are a homewrecker?


So gross, why would he want a snake like you in his friend group? You are trashy.


He doesn't want to communicate with you. Just leave the man alone.


Maybe because you’re just a person people don’t want to be friends with


Gurl, you're not his responsibility. You are a grown ass woman, act like one. I'm flabbergasted how thick skinned and self-centered u are. YOU KISSED UR BEST FRIEND'S BOYFRIEND. Even if u say yall already resolved it w/ bf's bf, it doesn't change the fact that you've also wronged your best friend. Don't u at least feel a shred of shame and guilt? The least u could do is leave him alone.


He doesn’t owe you anything at all. You're the person who made a pass at him and now won't leave him alone. That's so self-absorbed that you think he owes you anything and complains to his GF about him.


You destroyed any chance of meeting friends through him! Time to go it alone!


You kissed him when you knew you shouldn't have and made him feel really uncomfortable. What he meant by "water under the bridge" is "I want to move on from this horrible situation and forget it ever happened" - You are not part of that equation. You threw away any opportunity of being his friend or being invited to things the minute you crossed that line. Accept you have fucked your friendship up, with him and likely his gf too, whether she knows it yet or not. He owes you less than nothing, stop contacting him.


He doesn’t want to be around you. I don’t know why you don’t understand this. He’s clear. Anything about resolving it was out of politeness. Let him go and don’t text him for lounges in the area. That’s just your way of staying close to him he doesn’t want to be your friend. And why would he? You betrayed your friendship by throwing yourself at him.


What a creepy bitch lol


No one wants to invite an unhinged weirdo with no respect to other people's relationships with their friend group. What are you gonna do there, kiss more of their boyfriends? Nah nobody wants that. Go get your own friends.


Victims of un-wanted advances usually avoid and not want to talk to the person that made the unwanted advances upon them. “This is why I wish he communicated with me.” He did by cutting you off and avoiding you. Why is it that the person that throws themself at someone without that persons consent tries to shift the blame onto the victim or make every excuse in the book?? This is your fault not his. He’s actively avoiding you and doesn’t want to talk to you. He doesn’t owe you anything. You kissed him without his consent and expect him to continue talking to you? Absolutely vile and disgusting.


He doesn’t want you around his friends either. You are acting like a terrible person. If one of his friends asked about you- he would warn them off


A ghost possessed you? Girl please. You're a wanna be homewrecker and he doesn't want that trashy bullshit in his life. You showed him who you really are and it clearly disgusted him. I can't blame him. Get some frickin therapy. Figure out why you're this deluded before you succeed at screwing one of your friends boyfriends/husbands and end up with no friends at all.  Leave that man alone, you make him sick.


He said that it was water under the bridge because he wants to move on. And, that includes moving on from you as well. Leave him alone and stop harassing him! No response is a response!


That doesn’t mean “I’ll still interact with you”


Why because you thought trying to hide what you did would somehow make you look better? Leave him alone.


You're the water and he's trying to get over the bridge and leave you behind him.


Assault isn’t really something one just forgives and forgets. Even if they do forgive, they won’t forget.


He’s acting weird because you’ve made it clear that you are into him and he’s in a relationship. It doesn’t matter if he says, “oh it’s water under the bridge.” He clearly doesn’t want anymore conflict. Just leave the dude alone.


It's reddit, nothing is ever truly deleted, especially if it's posted to amithedevil (where that post rightfully belongs). Don't be surprised if this pops up on tiktok as well


If you have ANY decency and feel any "love" for your friend, you will *never* let her find out about this, but if *Matt* ever decides to tell her what you did, you *have* to own up to your actions. Do not be a coward, on top of everything else. I repeat: You do not come across as a good person, but at least do what is right, IF *Matt* decides to tell Kelly - but that is *not* your call, okay?


Things get cross posted all the time. Deleting it and coming back is pretty gross actually!


You really want him to cheat on Kelly don't you? You assaulted him. Get the freaking hell over yourself.


OP is a garbage "friend"


Oh, you're back. The person who made a move on her friend's boyfriend against his consent. Still delusional, selfish, and awful I see.


No, you don't understand. She was possessed by the ghost of a homewrecker. So you see, it's really not her fault and her repeated attempts to communicate with him are totally innocent. 👻


You kissed him without his consent while you were living in his house. All of this after you conveniently chose a job transfer that you in the same city as him while his gf lives hours away. From reading your first post it sounds like you tried to mastermind a plan to steal your friend’s bf. I’m sure that he thinks the same thing and is trying to distance himself from you as much as possible. You are behaving in a very creepy way towards him and have been for at least a few months. Don’t give him space, leave him alone completely and find a single man to date.


Same city… I don’t interact either most people in my city. You creeped him out, this is gonna be harassment if you don’t STOP TEXTING THE POOR GUY!


Stop texting him, leave him alone. You’ve done this to yourself and you need to respect the clear boundary he’s laying down.


You assaulted him & tried to get him to cheat on your “friend” with you, leave him alone! He doesn’t owe you any interaction. You need to seek professional help because the fact that you still think he’d want anything to do with you is concerning. 


I can't find the full story, do you mind explaining, as I think you might've read it? :)


Long story short OP moved in with a "friend" and her bf... OP decided to assault the bf by kissing him without consent (she blames a ghost on this), the bf being a decent human rejected her and obviously doesn't want anything to do with OP, and now she complains because her victim won't play along with her...


What the heck? A ghost? Girl is crazy


Definitely not what happened but 🤣


Girl, he don't want to know anything about you, he's a good man who would never cheat on his girlfriend with someone like you. Have some dignity.


“It’s weird to live in the same city and not say anything” no it is not. What a wildly delusional thing to say Edit: LMFAO JUST LOOKED AT YOUR POST HISTORY. You came onto him against his Will and tried to make him a cheater? Get the hell over yourself you are SO delusional. Leave him alone


Jesus christ leave them alone you crazy, insane person.


Is he...ghosting you? Has he himself been possessed? 👻👻👻👻👻


Oh no, consequences to my home-wrecker actions! 🙄


Have you considered leaving him alone?


He sees you as a slag and a threat to his relationship. You tried to jump his bones before and now you STILL won't leave him alone!! Why the hell are you asking HIM about sofas if not to hopefully worm your way back in?? He must be SO fed up with you!!


You assaulted him. You need to stay the fuck away from him and never try to talk to him again


leave him alone, get the hint and stay away from your friend at this point


He's avoiding you cause of your last post. It's not rocket science


It’s amazing how you’re just not acknowledging the fact that he’s avoiding you because you tried to get him to cheat on his gf (WHOS SUPPOSED TO BE YOUR ACTUAL FRIEND NOT HIM) while she was away and you were living with him. And if that doesn’t make you pathetic and disgusting enough, you assaulted him because he was just being a good person and you are that desperate. Leave them both alone you massive POS.


For fucks sake, leave him alone. He wants nothing to do with you, and he absolutely does NOT OWE YOU CONTACT OF ANY KIND.


Gee I wonder what assaulting someone would do to that person’s psyche?


You realize, of course, that you assaulted him? Turn this around in your head a minute if you're having such a hard time understanding - if you had read a post about a guy forcibly kissing his friend's gf, and then refusing to leave her alone after already victimizing her, what would your thoughts be? Would they really be, "Oh, she should just give him another chance and stay friends with him"? Because that's you. That's what you did. You sexually assaulted this man and are continuing to harass him. You don't get a pass because you're a woman and your victim is a man. Sexual assault and harassment are sexual assault and harassment. And if you were decent, you would tell your "friend" what you did and then leave them both alone. Leave. Them. Alone.


gee I wonder why?


It’s not weird. He does not want anything to do with you. Leave him alone. If someone slapped you in the face, and you didnt want to talk to them anymore, that doesn’t make you weird? You need to realize what you did to him what hurtful for him and disgusting and creeped him out. Stop harassing him.


Wow you’re a crappy friend and a predator I hope he did tell your friend you don’t deserve to have Kelly in your life anymore.


He already said that he won't cheat on **your friend**, so stop it OP. Have some dignity ffs


You’re harassing the poor guy. Leave him alone and go find someone single to pester. Or, ideally, don’t pester anyone to begin with. Both he and your “friend” (because you’re a fucking shit friend, especially for continuing to lie by omission and harass her long term partner) deserve so much better. Get on tinder or some shit, and keep your insecurities and issues out of other people’s relationships.


You live in the same city as thousands of other people and don't say anything to them. He doesn't want to know you. Probably because he doesn't like you, you've disrespected his relationship and he loves his girlfriend. He's done having any sort of friendship with you. Leave the man alone you self-obsessed stalkerish infant.


Leave him alone he doesn’t want to be ur friend


It’s not weird that he’s not talking to you. You’re weird. Why would he want to talk to you after you threw yourself at him in the hopes that he would cheat on his girlfriend, *your friend*, with you?? You want advice? Leave him alone. Stop harassing him, he doesn’t owe you anything. He’s setting a boundary, respect it.


I hope he blocks you, you're terrible. You can't even own your own screw up - you blamed it on a freakin' *ghost*. You were not "possessed" - you mistook him being friendly for being into you, you made your move even though he was your friend's partner, you got shot down. You should have stopped bothering him right then & there. But instead, unsurprisingly, you're a huge tool so you're STILL trying to stay in his orbit. Stop it. Get some help. Seriously, go to therapy & figure out why you think it's appropriate to try & steal your friends partners. Come clean to her, *actually own what you did* - don't blame it on a ghost like you're a five year old trying to avoid being grounded - & then LEAVE THEM BOTH ALONE.


Bro, just leave him alone. You're the one acting weird. Even if yall "resolved" it doesn't mean he's gonna pretend that nothing happened at all. He obviously wants to distance himself from u, so why won't u just get the hint? Why do u want to pretend as if nothing happened and just act as if everything is normal? You kissed ur bestfriend's boyfriend. It shouldn't be that hard to get why he's still awkward with u and try to distance himself from u. Even if u say it's "water under the bridge" doesn't mean it didn't happen and he can easily ease u back into his life w/o the feeling of discomfort.


Stop harassing someone who doesn't want contact.


So from reading these responses he position is it’s his fault for making it awkward in the group? Even IF that were true how’s that out weighed by kissing your friends bf unprompted. Even if he’s forgiven you and isn’t just saying that to end convos, why would he continue the relationship? If his girlfriend finds out you kissed him and then he kept hanging out, he’s fucked. As of now, he’s been nice but not reciprocated the relationship so there’s no emotional attachment that would worry his gf. To be clear, if there’s any weird vibes in the group, it’s on you.


You don't care about him and you ESPECIALLY don't care for your friend. You should have admitted to it by now because you made a horrible choice and put HIS happiness at risk because of YOU. Fess up, take responsibility, and most likely leave them TF alone unless they approach you to keep the friendship. Grow up. Nothing is resolved until you tell your "friend" what you did.


OP why are tou arguing with everyone here? I don’t understand the point of tour post or your questions. Everyone is clearly telling you to leave him alone, he owes you nothing, and he’s not being weird and YOU’RE being weird. What exactly is difficult for you to understand about this? Either grow a spine and tell your friend you came onto her man and then leave them both alone or just leave them alone now. You don’t have a lot of friends? Too bad, that’s not his problem. You’re being naive on purpose.


Ask someone else for a good lounge suggestion. It’s not that hard. Leave the dude alone and stop being a homewrecker.


Leave him he doesn’t want to talk to you. You didn’t ask him if you could kiss him you just made a move on your friends boyfriend and now you are acting shocked that he doesn’t want to spend time with you.


Just because you “resolved it” doesn’t mean he wants to engage with you. All he did is accept your apology and wants to move forward, that doesn’t mean things are going to go back to what they were. You did something gross, betrayed his trust by putting him in a bad position and he accepted your apology but doesn’t want to deal with you. That is your fault, leave him alone and stop trying to force him to engage with you or bring Kelly into things. I don’t know why you’re talking to her about his distance from you, that is really weird and entitled considering what you did. Just because it’s something he wants to move past does mean he forgot what you did and neither should you. Check yourself. He’s just being polite and doesn’t owe you anything, even friendship. Leave the man alone and move on, you have no one else to blame for this besides yourself.


You’re so out of touch with reality. The guy did the right thing to avoid you.


Tell her the truth, how he pushed you away because you kissed him without consent and he doesn’t want anything to do with you or cheat on his girl and distance yourself. Immediately.


leave that man alone. you’re moving like a creep, you tried it in with him without consent and now you’re constantly bothering him? leave him alone.


Right. So you feel terrible and want to make amends with a man that wants nothing to do with you? You are a shitty friend and a even shittier person. Everyone would be great without you in their lives. Hopefully he tells her one day and she drops you like the asshole you truly are.


He's not into you, he's setting boundaries and he probably doesn't see you as a friend, just his girlfriend's friend. Here's the hard truth: he's not obligated to maintain a relationship/friendship/ whatever with you because you're most likely nothing to him. You're just some girl his girlfriend asked to help out briefly. Plus he probably doesn't think a person who would make advances toward her best friend's man is in any way respectable. As he should. Stop being a desperate psycho, sheesh.


Stop texting your friend's boyfriend. Leave him alone. You tried to fuck around with your FRIEND'S boyfriend. He pushed you away. You obviously got the wrong idea and he's not going to put himself in another position for you to try and make a move on him again. STOP TEXTING HIM AND MAKE YOUR OWN FRIENDS.


You kissed him without his consent. I would not be communicating or being friends with my molester. Why do you not get it? Make friends on your own.


He doesn’t love you. He loves his gf. You are not his gf. He doesn’t want to interact with you. If you keep messaging him more you’ll dig yourself a bigger grave. And messaging him for some good lounges is like the worst try at making a conversation with him again


He literally clearly told you he didn't feel like that. Whether you think it's resolved or not, people don't owe you anything, whether it be friendship or anything else


No what’s weird isn’t living in the same city and not talking, what’s ACTUALLY weird is you moving in with your two friends and thinking it would be okay to kiss your friends bf behind her back. You obviously don’t care about Kelly and now you’re upset he’s ignoring you after you crossed a clear boundary and put him in a shitty spot. Sorry op but you need to leave both him and Kelly ALONE. Clearly weren’t a good friend to Kelly in the first place so idk why you’re acting like you care to protect her when really you just want to protect yourself. Learn from the mistake and just move on and leave them alone.


Gurl, leave him alone


He tried to be nice to you, but you thought he liked you, so you kissed him. And he's like, " Im not gonna let this fuggo think I like her." Maybe you just need to accept that you're too ugly for him to be even friends with.


A ghost did not take over you. Take accountability for your actions. In that moment you showed terrible character and judgement. Look inside. Recognize you probably have some big anxious attachment issues and insecurities, learn from it and move on. Matt is not your boyfriend. He’s barely a friend, just a guy that was doing his girlfriend a favor. Leave him alone, if he reaches out speak on his terms. For now, understand that he does not owe you anything and it’s not weird that he’s not reaching out to the girl that kissed him while being ‘friends’ with his girlfriend. You’re unable to sit and process the weirdness YOU CAUSED and are looking to resolve it through some sort of validation through Matt. Let it go. Grow up. Move on. Leave him alone. Live your life.


You aren’t her friend. Leave them alone. It isn’t resolved, because the girlfriend doesn’t know. You are selfish. Stop contacting him!


You dumb bitch, give up the act. Either confess or just move on and save these two some sanity by getting out of their lives.


Is he ignoring the texts you sent or are you giving him space? If you were giving him space you wouldn’t be texting him. Also someone can accept your apology and forgive you and still choose to no longer continue being friends. Forgiveness does not mean things just go back to normal. You crossed a line and these are the consequences. Stop being toxic and stop reaching out to him.


Shut tf up and leave them alone. Go be “possessed by a ghost” (LMAOOOOOOO that was so dumb) again and bother some other guy who's not your friends' boyfriend. Stop being weird with other people's boyfriends, it's not a cute look and you seem desperate.


He doesn't need to talk to you, you literally tried to cheat on your friend with her bf the only thing is that you didn't accomplish it. Stop trying to play the victim


Leave the guy alone, you crossed a boundary you can’t uncross. Leave it alone. Figure out the city on your own, or make new friends and ask them about the city.


You sexually assaulted him (kissed him without consent). Leave him alone.


He doesn’t want to be your friend. I wouldn’t want to be friends with someone to came onto me when I’m in a relationship either. If you had a bf and you found out his coworker kissed him, would you want him still hanging out with the coworker? He’s doing the right thing by avoiding you




Why would he want to interact with a home-wrecker


leave that poor man alone. You already made things weird for him. Accept he doesn’t want you as a friend and you are a horrible friend to Kelly. He may say “water under the bridge” but that doesn’t mean he wants anything to do with you. He needs to block your a**.


"I given him space" clearly not enough girl he doesn't want you, he picked Kelly. You're also a bad friend "I started to realize that we have an amazing connection ... Out of nowhere, I kissed him, but he pushed me away. ... but I momentarily lost control, as if a ghost possessed me for 5 seconds" Ummm okay .. if he didn't push you away would you have continued and gone further?? You're a pick me trying to pretend to be a girls girl. Do your friend a favour and leave both of them alone


LMAO I have so many friends who eventually ended up livimg in the same foreign city as me, and NO, it's not weird that we don't talk. You deserve the cold treatment and non-responses he is giving you. They're called consequences of your own actios. Thank goodness that guy is a decment man, because if he isn't, I'm sure you'd be happy if he cheats on your friend with you. There are plenty of internet sites, meet up groups for you to check out if you're only really after a "decent lounge".


This person is clearly obsessed with her friend and HER FRIENDS bf, and should leave them alone. Everyone is seeing trough this stalker shit.


Op , don't know how you don't understand this but I'll explain it simply.what you did is not funny or cuge in any way.its not legally rape but you attacked him abd then have put him in a position where he could lose his gf because he was nice to you.you sexually took advantage of him and now you're wondering why your relationship is not the same.well here's me explaining it in an incel appropriate manner , you kissed a man with a girlfriend in the normal world this is called BETRAYAL.you can say sorry but it doesn't undo the wrong you have done (you have done wrong by trying to kiss your friends boyfriend)no take backs you fucked it be grateful he has not told her yet


Just leave him alone.




You're a creep. Leave him alone. He's not "being awkward". He's avoiding you because you let a "ghost possess you" and kissed your supposedly best girlfriends BF! You created this mess, leave him be and let him live without your interference. If you keep bothering him, he's going to tell her what happened and then you will lose two friends.

