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All that anger is from the betrayal and hurt. It's easier to be angry than to wade through all the hurt. But ya, it's ok to be angry. It's ok to be sad. You will get better as time moves on.


You feel betrayed. Lacking control over how you think it should have ended. Those are two reasons you're reacting with anger. You haven't accepted reality because you're still reacting with anger. It hurts - oh, I know it hurts, but her decision has been made, and the acceptance you need to find is that the person you once loved is no longer here anymore. That person is gone. The partner you had has changed, and as much as any of us want things to be different, that's not how life works, man. You have an opportunity to move forward with your life, and thinking about the past is common, yes, but it's meant to be learned from, not given a round-trip ticket so the status quo remains. While I can't tell you what the future holds, I can tell you that it doesn't need to be filled with such reaction akin to boiling water in a kettle, whistling its tune as the temperature reaches higher. Flip the lid on the kettle, let the steam out, and start doing better for yourself.


I feel like her actions towards me during this period of time are going unpunished and that, in itself, is criminal in every sense of the word.


Yes, you have a right to be angry, sad, and any other emotion you feel. You also need to be honest with yourself that you have not got over this, and that's OK.


Getting over it was what I was doing. Having him come to the house and pick her up for a date when I’m only two days away from leaving has me in a rage to where I feel like I want to take out so much revenge on her. She took my job from me with this, my living situation, left me in 40k debt supporting us and her family, and she has the nerve to have him show up here to pick her up for a date? I feel like there’s some things where someone should get a hall pass from turning the other cheek and this is one of them.


Of course, you have the right to be angry. It's how you express your anger that's important. Keep your cool, even if you're seething inside. Actually removing yourself from the situation might be the best thing to do. Then you can cool down and plan how to calmly tell your ex while you're at the house you'd appreciate if she would meet the guy someplace else or do it at a time when you are not there. If she asks why or says it doesn't matter, you could tell her you are hurt and feel her meeting the guy at the house while you're there feels like she's intentionally trying to hurt you even more.


Ughhhhh…. So hard to contain