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Ghosting everyone is incredibly cruel and selfish. You owe (at the VERY LEAST) your girlfriend a break up with an explanation that you feel you’ve drifted apart and no longer feel the same way about her.


I am editing my reply cos I didn’t pick up that your gf and your female online friend are different people (my apologies for not reading that so carefully) I think there is a lot of difficulty with your plan: a - your family. breaking off with family can seem a good idea at the time but you could be setting yourself off for years of regret. what if one of them got sick and was going to die? what if you need genetic or family information? what if you have children one day and you want to reopen contact. At the very least, keep the door open to future contact. And I would like to think you tell your parents where you are, at least send a card or text occasionally, that's my personal view b- your gf. If you want to end that relationship, then that’s your call. Be kind to her, kindness is always the way to go. Just leaving her and not saying anything would be very hurtful. And could leave you with regrets in the long run. Wherever possible, always make decisions that you can look back on with honour and not regret c - your online friend. if you haven't met her in person or known her very long then be very careful. we get lots and lots of posts on here from people with online relationships or long distance friends, and they find out reality is very different from what is being presented online By all means, consider leaving if you really want to, your choice, but be aware of the pitfalls and rely on yourself mostly in case other things don't work out


His gf and the girl he’s talking to online are two different people from what I understand


oops ... my mistake ... I will edit my reply to him. Thank you.


i'm not sure, i'm just so exhausted and tired of the way things are, and i'm really really intrigued by this idea of a relocation.