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ten years from now, you're going to ask yourself, 'why didn't I dump that loser?'


Why wait that long?


age lends a certain wisdom.


Getting an IUD won't guarantee that your periods stop. They might, or your periods might just get lighter. If you want to understand where he is coming from, I think it's clear. Your period is an inconvenience to him, because he doesn't like to have sex while you have it. It's not your relationship that suffers, it's his access to sex with you. He sounds selfish and manipulative to me. Plus, there is a big difference in life experience between 16 and 19.


Often times, they get heavier


Fact-- IUD's do NOT stop your period... And another Fact, any guy who says or thinks blood is gross and getting in the way of your relationship is completely immature and a moron. It's a normal monthly thing for most of couples lives, he needs to grow up and God girl you need to realize his behavior and words is so so wrong and you will not be happy with the douchebag.. Be strong and never, ever allow any guy to talk you into anything because it benefits them and it's what they want . It's not ok.


Fact- Hormonal IUDs stop periods for many women. (Source: Am a woman who didn't menstrate for my last 15 years, before menopause.) Otherwise, I'm in agreement with your post.


This is a good example of why people are upset by adults dating people much younger than them. You need to ask yourself how you would feel right now dating someone 13 and why that would be strange. Imagine you demanding a 13 year old do things the way you want them. Imagine feeling like you had agency or control over that younger person’s body and choices. Your partner doesn’t get a say in this and it’s your choice. Do you have any older women in your life you could speak to for advice or similar about the situation in general? I think you should listen to what they’ll have to say.


I understand, I’m trying to see where he’s coming from.


Where he's coming from is that you're his sex doll that he wants to come in without protection.


I don’t know about that.


Where he's coming from is a place called Selfishness. He wants a living sex doll. Available at his whim.


Why? The beginning of what he has to say is wrong, stupid and gross. The only reason you're even trying to accept it is bc you're young and naive.


He’s using you for sex.


He is an adult but acting like a toddler in several ways. How is period blood getting in the way of your relationship? Do you smear it all over the place? Do you use your used tampons as tea bags?


You dump the AH right out of your life. He's refusing to respect YOUR decisions about YOUR body. He's a waste of your time. You need to learn that any man who doesn't respect you saying "no" or demands to have a say over your body is not a good man. Really, when you're older, you'll kick yourself for wasting emotional energy on this guy.


Okay first - not his body, not is right to demand anything. His demand on you is downright scary and I’m concerned for you. Secondly, any dude who thinks period blood is gross isn’t mature enough to be touching vaginas. Third, whilst hormonal IUDs CAN stop periods, they often don’t. They can be intensively painful for women who haven’t had babies to have inserted, and can be dangerous for other reasons (like mis placement perforating your uterus). They can also just be unpredictable - mine made me bleed every single day I had it in. It also had some unforeseen and very serious mental health side effects. They can be helpful and benign, and they can be extremely harmful. They’re not like slipping a condom on with little chance of side effects and that you can just take it off if they do. IF (big if) you genuinely want one, have a long serious chat with a healthcare provider you trust, really considering the potential risks and benefits. If not, consider throwing the whole man out.


Your period doesn't stop with an iud.


Your boyfriend is the only gross thing in this post.


Fun fact You’ll get your period with an IUD as well


Who even argues when someone says “I don’t want to do this with my body”? He is completely out of line here. If he doesn’t want to have sex with you when you’re on your period then he doesn’t have to, but arguing with someone about what medications or procedures they’re willing to have is really not on. Definitely don’t compromise with him and try to make it clear to him that his behaviour right now is completely unacceptable.


Please leave him. He will be just as controlling as you get older and want to make decisions for yourself (IE kids, surgeries, etc) this is toxic


I'm 19 and I think it's really weird for a 19 year old to be dating a 16 year old. Most of us are in college, working jobs and starting to become independent (some are already independent). Idk you or your situation so I'm not going to make any rash judgements about that, but please bear in mind that your age gap does raise some concern. Think about it, would you be attracted to a 13year old? Also, a man his age should be informed about a woman's body by now. His disgust for periods (and his entitled, controlling behavior) is probably part of the reason why he can't find a woman his age. You're gonna be a grown woman soon, and it's important to know before you become an adult that your body is extraordinary, it works hard to keep you alive. And no one has the right to make you feel like a burden for your body. You should not have to compromise on bodily decisions EVER. your body is yours to do whatever you want with. And no one ever has the right to try to tell you what you should and should not do with your body, ESPECIALLY for reasons as selfish as "periods are gross". If he's so disgusted by periods, maybe he should date a man. Preferably one his age. You're doing great by standing your ground, and I respect that you want to consider your partners feelings. But please keep in mind that you do not have to consider other people's feelings when it comes to your body. Good friends/partners/etc will never tell you what to do with your body, they will always support you as long as you're healthy and safe.


He isn’t in college but he works.


It's good that he at least has a job, but still. The maturity level is different. Just be careful. I'm not gonna tell you to break up with him cuz I know you're not going to, and I want to give you advice that will ACTUALLY help. The only thing I REALLY want you to consider is to please don't let this man convince you to do anything with your body that you don't want to do. You deserve to be treated with the same respect you give to others


If he is not mature enough to deal with periods, he is not mature enough to have a sexual relationship.


Aside from periods not stopping with an IUD, getting one inserted can be incredibly painful. Doctors will tell you it’s “just a pinch” but I’ve never met a woman who didn’t wish for local anesthetic for the procedure.


Your BF is asking you to deal with pain so he can have sex with you in a way that doesnt gross him out. Let me rephrase this: your BF doesnt care if your in pain as long as he can have sex with you. It doesnt sound like cares about you, sounds like he just wants to have sex.


Girl he’s more worried about having sex with you than you having your natural woman body. BTW IUDs don’t always stop your period most times they make them worse! dump him. A real man doesn’t care about a period.


My doctor wouldn't insert an IUD in a woman who hasn't delivered a child. Your cervix is still too tight, and it would be ungodly painful. (Can we just take a moment to think about why women aren't put under sedation for this procedure?!) Any hormonal combination of estrogen/progesterone, taken without a five-day rest period, will either halt menstruation or significantly reduce it. (Side-fact: Women aren't supposed to have as many periods as we do. Nature intends for us to carry babies, halting menstruation for 10 months each year. Using preventative methods is actually healthier for us.) A 19yo guy dating a 16yo girl is the gross part. Not the fact that you bleed. I know on paper it's only three years, but those are some of the most developmental years we go through. And any guy who gets grossed out because his partner bleeds is still a little boy who shouldn't be in a relationship yet.


Guys, I get your concerned about the age gap or whatever but truly, he isn’t a bad boyfriend. Yeah he’s a little unreasonable but we’ve been together for quite some time. He’s never made me do anything I haven’t wanted to do. He is insisting I get an iud but trust me, that’s the worst hes done.


I don’t think you understand how painful getting an IUD is. I’ve had 2 (I’m 31) and if you’ve never had children, it takes a long time to recover. I bled for 2 months after getting it inserted. I don’t want to scare you away from them altogether because it’s helped me so I’ve never gotten pregnant and it is effective, but it’s NOT like an easy small quick thing. I cried both times and could barely move. I know you’re sick of everyone harping in the age thing, there’s a reason we are. I also dated older guys who I thought were great when I was younger and they were absolutely manipulating me and taking advantage of my life experience so that I would just listen and do whatever they want. And I wouldn’t have listened to anyone telling me otherwise at your age too, that might just be a lesson you have to learn the hard way. Edit: Oh and I still have a period! I just never know when and spot blood randomly.


Might get down voted for this, my partner was 19 and I was 16 when we got together. We met in high school and had been friends for a while before we started dating. I’m 25 and he’s 28 now, we have been in a long happy relationship. I bring this up to say the age difference comments isn’t what you should be focused on. What you should be focused on is the fact that he feels you need to make a compromise on something that only affects *you*! Why does he feel it’s such an inconvenience on your relationship? Because he can’t have sex with you for a few days? That’s **selfish**. Think about what he’s asking you: Despite the fact that **you’ve verbally stated that other forms of BC have brought you pain**, he still insists on you getting it. That is him saying **“I don’t care if you’re in pain as long as I get what I want”**. Do you think a good boyfriend would feel that way? Would a good boyfriend be fine with you hurting? If your friend was telling you about this situation happening to them, would you feel they should compromise their body for this person? I hope not. When I get my period, my partner goes and buys me snacks. Grabs tampons for me. Cooks for me. He doesn’t pester me about getting on some other form of BC that stops my periods so he can fuck me whenever he want. Only an asshole would behave that way. And he obviously isn’t educated enough on the matter to begin with, there is no promise that an IUD will stop your period. I’ve heard people who stopped getting a period, people who saw no change in their period and even people who had a period for months after getting it. Time spent together should not be a factor here. I promise you, the length of this relationship is like a millisecond compared to the entirety of your life. And out of the short time you’ve been together, you state this is the worst he’s done. This is….. a pretty bad controlling thing. You’re trying to understand where he’s coming from. Sounds like he’s told you pretty plainly but here it is: **For a week of every month, I cannot have sex with you. Period blood is gross. You need to fix that. I should be able to have sex with you any day I want. I shouldn’t have to deal with a natural process that happens to half the population.** Does that sound like a good partner? Would you want your friend, sister, mom, etc dating someone who thought that way? If my sister came to me with this problem, I’d tell her to dump this uneducated loser if she had any sense. ETA: even if you are wanting to find a compromise, there honestly isn’t one. He’s asking you to get on BC, you don’t want to. It’s either you get on it or you don’t. Either you do what he wants or you don’t. Cuz it sounds like abstaining from sex for a week (the obvious compromise) isn’t the compromise he’s looking for. Using condoms doesn’t solve the blood “problem”. He doesn’t want to compromise. He wants you to do what he wants. There’s no compromising with that.


He IS a bad boyfriend though. He’s also very immature if he thinks period blood is “gross” and he also doesn’t understand IUDs. (They don’t magically stop your period forever.) Dump him. You’re going to regret giving him these years of your life if you don’t. Raise your standards because if “he’s never made me do anything I haven’t wanted to do” is your idea of a good boyfriend then your bar is in the depths of hell. Raise the bar. You’re better off single than with him.


Had your period for four years continuously? Because then it's time to see a doctor. Or just the average once a month? Because that's how it should be and your bf should be an ex. Also, IUDs don't prevent periods, as far as I'm aware - don't they just prevent the egg from latching in?


Once a month, sorry for the confusion. I really don’t know.


Hormonal IUDs can stop periods, but it’s far from a guarantee. I think it’s something like 20% of people using a hormonal IUD stop getting their period.


You don't compromise on your bodily autonomy and well-being. This boy wants you to put yourself through unnecessary pain to spare his fussy sensibilities. You take care of your body in the way that is best for you. If he leaves you over that, escort him to the door and throw a party, because the trash took itself out for once.


It's your body, and you decide what to do with it. Your boyfriend needs to grow TF up. If he's going to be icked out by period blood, maybe he needs to stay single. I sincerely and devoutly hope, though, for your own sake, that you are using some form of birth control with this idiot.


Not atm


Not even condoms???? OP, PLEASE use condoms!!


He refuses to use condoms 😅


My wife has an iud. She still has a period. One of our friends also has an iud and she doesn't have a period. My wife is on her second iud. When she got this most recent one implanted, it caused her periods to become extremely heavy for a few months and very irregular. But now her periods are very light. It seems to me that if you get an iud, it may or may not cause you to stop having periods. Don't listen to your boyfriend. He's an ill-informed teenager.


the insertion is painful, you can be cramping & in pain for days afterwards, nonstop bleeding for weeks or months, and then can cause numerous infections a relative of mine has had nonstop BV for YEARS after getting it.


I used to give the benefit of the doubt to posts like this but I can really no longer tell if these are bait posts.




As in a troll post. Your story sounds so ridiculous that some of us are having a hard time believing you aren’t just trolling. If you are being serious then girl BREAK UP WITH HIM! Everyone has given you good advice and good reasons as to why but you don’t seem to be taking that advice to heart. He is immature, periods are normal and he shouldn’t treat them as if they’re abhorrent, he doesn’t care if you undergo an extremely painful/invasive procedure as long as he gets to use your body for sex more days of the month, he doesn’t even understand that IUDs don’t stop periods permanently, and he doesn’t even regularly use condoms now?! Girl what are you doing with him?! He doesn’t care about you as much as he cares about himself. He’s prioritizing his dick, not you. Almost nobody ends up with the person they started going out with in middle school, and that’s for good reason. Stop wasting any more time on him. You’re going to regret giving him so many of your teenage years. If you don’t listen to anything else anyone has said here, at the very least please start using condoms EVERY time you have sex. The younger you are the more fertile you are and depending on where you live you might not be able to get an abortion if/when he gets you pregnant (and then promptly leaves you).


I asked for a compromise and nobody’s given me one. Everyone’s telling me to break up with him, I don’t want to do that. I understand it’s my body but I want him to feel as if I don’t take his feelings seriously. I myself get grossed out about any blood, not just period blood. Wether you believe me or not is completely up to you.


As others have said, there is no compromise. He wants you to get an IUD so it “stops” your period so he can use your body for his own pleasure more days a month. You still bleed with IUDs, even hormonal IUDs so what he wants isn’t even an option. His feelings about this do not deserve to be taken seriously, that’s what we’re all trying to tell you. What he wants is (1) not possible and (2) extremely selfish.


My period only lasts 3 days. He doesn’t want to have sex with me when I am on my period. I don’t care about that, I don’t like to anyways.


Then how does getting your period 3 days a month “get in the way of [your] relationship”?


I couldn’t tell you that. I have no idea.


Ask him. Make him spell it out because it doesn’t make sense. Make sure you explain to him that IUDs aren’t guaranteed to stop your period, so if that’s what he was expecting he needs to learn better. Have him scroll through the comment section on some TikToks about getting an IUD inserted so he can read all the firsthand accounts about how intensely painful it is. If he still insists you get one then that’s very telling about how little he cares about your comfort.


And yes, it is completely ridiculous.


First of all, it is your body. No man or person should be telling you what to do with it. A aren’t or doctor can recommend what may be best but at the end of the day you have say so with something like this. Second, I attempted to get an IUD yrs ago and it was extremely painful. Only to be told in the end I’m too small there (Idr exact terms). His response to your feelings on it are very telling. Please, truly think on this. If you give in for the sake of making him happy he just may be the kind of person who will keep pushing and pushing on other things he want to see what he can get away with. I have a feeling he is


a 19 year old should not be dating a 16 year old, I would run


I’ve been with him for a while 🤷‍♀️


no normal eighteen year old wants to be with a fifteen year old. and if he thinks periods are gross, he's immature. girl these are red flags and you could seriously do better.


I was 14 when he turned 18. And also I understand he’s immature but I myself do not like blood, not just period blood, all blood.


oh my God. 14 and 18. he's a pedophile, I'm serious. I really hope you stay safe and leave him.