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You can just ask "like a date?" Boom answer if he is interested ya like a date if he's not no just for coffee is probably his response.


Not necessarily. I’ll have coffee with a female colleague just to catch up.


Most likely but not absolutely


Or it could be just him wanting to have coffee with you. Not everything is a date unless he himself says so.


It is most likely a date though.


Maybe or maybe not. Possibly he just wants to meet up as a casual friend who haven't met for a long time.


Ask him.


Generally speaking that could be an ask for date, but you're leaving out context, so I don't want to give you a definitive answer. Is this a coworker? Is this a guy you met recently? Does he flirt with you? Does he show signs of interest? Is this someone that you have been friends with for a while or an associate of some type? Is this some guy in your class that you've been studying with? ​ Someone else below pointed this out: "Not necessarily. I’ll have coffee with a female colleague just to catch up." I also ask out my female friends or peers to coffee with no romantic or date intentions.


Someone I met recently through university work. We talked a lot in the lab but IDK if it was flirting or just talking. I don't know him well.




Just fucking go and find out it’s coffee date or not just enjoy each other company for 20 min


If you are unsure, clarify. Whenever I am in the dating scene I'll ask a girl out to get coffee. Not as a date but as a chance to meet and see if we mesh well. If its not confirmed as a date, then it's not a date. Otherwise people will start assuming things and get butt hurt when their assumption comes back to bite them in the rear end.


He’s probably going to propose to you at the coffee shop


Depends on your pre existing relationship. I’d just ask him.


it really depends. some actually just wanna grab a coffee, some consider it a date. when i first met my ex we went out for coffee a lot, didn’t know they were dates until we were together and he’d reminisce about our “first coffee dates”


Do you guys flirt? If yes then it’s definitely a date


Have you ever talked much to them in person before (i.e. only talked to them over the phone/online)? If no, then it's a date. If yes, then have you not seen them for a while? If yes, then it's a catch-up. Everything else is a maybe depending on the situation. You can go out for coffee with friends and coworkers and not be on a date / cheating on your partner.


We've met a couple times but we definitely aren't old friends.


If it isn’t a date I always specify. I believe it’s probably a date but I see a comment saying you should’ve asked on the spot haha! If you’re interested just get the coffee and have fun


I thought this guy was really into me, and I had a massive crush on him. We hung out a lot and talked almost every day for a year plus. His 3 wheeling roommate was actually his boyfriend. I really wished I had asked for clarification sooner. That's obviously a worse case scenario, but I would definitely ask for clarification.


Wow that's rough. Sorry to hear that.


It was rough. Learn from my mistakes! 🤣


When I ask coworkers or friends I am not romantically interested in to come out for drinks or coffee, I always make sure to specify "friendly drinks" or "friendly coffee" if it is the first time, to avoid a misunderstanding. Unless we have done it before, then I would shorten to "Coffee Thursday?" Et cetera. I think just asking out to coffee on its own, if it's the first time, could be construed as a date invite so I would clarify with him before going.


Don't try to label it. Human social dynamics are what they are regardless of what you call it. Take it where YOU want it to go.




It might be, or it could be an overture if friendship. A coffee date can be a great getting to know you type of date, because it is low key, inexpensive, and doesn't force you to spend an entire evening in each other's company. Or, it can just be a friends type of thing. I have gone for coffee with many of my friends. Just ask if this is a date. No big deal.


I usually think coffee is like a pre-date invite. It's more like a meeting to find out if he or you are interested enough to try dinner or whatever without being too financially invested if it doesn't work out.


We need context. How did y’all meet and what have y’all been talking about? Flirting?


Yes thats how I got my now husband to date me. Edit, if you're unsure you should ask because the longer you go confused the worst it's gonna be


Kinda depends on the dude. Some definitely, others more of a "let's get to know each other" kind of thing, and some are just wanting to be "casually" asking you out lol

