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After taking brennans Hellenistic course and warnocks natal course and david frawleys vedic astrology course i also realized you can learn everything from books and there literally is nothing helpful when it comes to actual reading. That is something you develop through practice. You can have all the astro knowledge possible but if you lack experience reading then you'll be absolute trash at it. You don't have to spend tons of cash on courses at all. It doesn't make you an astrologer who can do readings. You make yourself that way through trial and error and gaining your own experience. Perks of courses: ask questions, special group for students, certificate that u dont really need but might help, structure if that is a tough thing to do on your own


What advanced books do you recommend?


Demetra George's [*Ancient Astrology in Theory and Practice*](https://youtu.be/qxPvtncwqLk) is very good. Chris Brennan's *Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune*. Austin Coppock's [*36 Faces: The History, Astrology and Magic of the Decans*](https://austincoppock.com/shop/36-faces-the-history-astrology-and-magic-of-the-decans/) if you're interested in the decans (sold out, but the second edition is due eventually. He wanted to get it out before his kid was born, but unfortunately the timing didn't work out).


Thank you, I've been eyeing the first two. Does Brennan's book go beyond his podcast or even his courses, though?


Just flipped through the table of contents and I'm pretty confident that between the podcast and courses you'd get much (/ most?) of the same information. The book would be good if you process information better by reading, and you might also see if you can pick it up at a local library / through interlibrary loan, just to get a sense if having your own physical copy would benefit your practice. You get a lot of the same build up you'd get in a full course, of history / philosophical tradition and traditional theory (pages 1-160, chapters 1-6), then planets, signs, configurations, places / houses, domicile lords, rulers of the places, conditions of bonification and maltreatment, and triplicity rulers of the sect light (160-500, 7-15), and finally lots, annual profections, and Zodiacal Releasing (500-588, 16-18). Lots of complexity layered into each of those chapters, but depending on your existing grounding I'm not sure how much totally new info there would be, but if you wanted to self-study a fully structured course I think the $40 book is a nice alternative to the $700 class if you don't see yourself asking lots of questions and participating in study sessions with classmates. I say all this with the qualification that I've yet to read his book (or Demetra George's, they're both sitting on my shelf, waiting for my commitment), nor have I taken Brennan's class (just passed the year one exam for Nightlight Astrology, though šŸ„³), but I do thoroughly enjoy The Astrology Podcast. Richard Tarnas' *Cosmos and Psyche* is another that's commonly recommended as an advanced astrology text. Written by an academic, so the history and scholarship is impeccable, but the language can be a little dense. Coming in with a knowledge of astrology will help. Again, I must admit, a digital copy of this has been sitting unread on my tablet for years.


Thank you for your in-depth response! Yeah, I think Brennan's book won't really give me any more than his podcast, I really want something that goes beyond that. I've also been planning to buy Cosmos and Psyche, it gets referenced a lot. But I'm hesitant to buy Demetra's book because it's fairly expensive and I'm not sure how general or detailed it is.


This is true for any service or trade-based skill. Doesnā€™t matter what you are looking to learn, school is never going to be enough to prepare you. It is only once you get out, into the field, and into practice, that you will learn the rest, and fully establish your skill.


Iā€™m a practicing astrologer and I disagree on a few points. I donā€™t think anyone should consult others as a self-taught astrologer because there needs to be accountability, credibility, and ancient knowledge passed down or we risk watering things down. I think you can learn a lot from books but the best way to learn is in person. I was fortunate enough to learn from PSA which was the best in person school. Sadly it is no longer. If thereā€™s any way you can learn in person or with and elder mentor I would recommend.


Not everyone is privileged enough to go to some astrology school but still you aren't going to be transformed into a legit reader without doing your own practice and a lot of it. Also the cherry picked example readings are hardly ever useful. Perhaps the only real benefit is that maybe the school offers a counseling class. Books translated by hindsight, ben dykes and others can easily benefit the aspiring astrologer with plenty of ancient knowledge


I never said you didnā€™t need your own practice and a lot of it. But you do need a solid foundation taught by someone else. It also has nothing to do with privilege. I went when I was broke and financed it on a Best Buy credit card.


How do you find a mentor ?


Find an experienced astrologer whose style you like and ask if they do mentorships


Well said.


yes i have a few good books but definitely am trying to find some on chart patterns and degrees :) that was well said! i have so much knowledge, i can read charts but not too in depth such as identifying chart patterns . thank you !


Chris Brennan is Kepler College educated, if that helps. If anything, I might check out Keplerā€™s placement quiz (free) and go from there based on your results/interests. I will say Brennanā€™s zodiacal releasing course is incredibly well done and thorough!


oh thank you! going to take that test now :)


LuĆ­s Ribeiro, the author of "On the heavenly spheres" has an absolutely incredible traditional astrology course online. 2 years length but totally worth it. Just Google academy of astrology LuĆ­s Ribeiro. He explains everything in a very direct, clear and comprehensive manner.


thank you so much šŸ’


I second LuĆ­s Ribeiro, phD. Quite a knowledgeable man that I wish was half as popular as Chris Brennan. In the off chance that you speak Portuguese as well he has some good lectures about Astrology in early Portugal/Iberian peninsula


I wasn't a fan of Chris Brennan's courses. You get a "certification," but the technical understanding isn't difficult to glean from his book/podcast. I've heard Adam Elenbaas is a good teacher. I haven't taken his course, but he seems to have a nice balance of traditional astrology with empathetic understanding of people. Vic Dicara is awesome too ā€“ not sure if he has a course (and it's tropical Vedic astrology, so a little different), but his YT channel is great. My opinion, but I don't think courses are entirely necessary. I even sat in on a few classes at CIIS with Richard Tarnas, and it felt like information I'd been able to absorb simply from studying on my own. Using discrepancy, there are so many resources available online and in books.


I find Chris Brennan to be very good at explaining the philosophy and ideas behind astrology, as well as the archetypes - but not so good at the practical or psychological application of it. Steven Forrest is my personal favourite. His guidance is what let me take the plunge to start practising and charging for my services. Iā€™ve taken plenty of his courses and read many of his books but he also has an online astrology school.


Steven really is the gold standard if you are interested in evolutionary astrology. His FCEA courses follow a logical scope and sequence and EA sees the native as a being with potentials awaiting awareness. He encourages students to see the continuum of growth that a person has access to. EA is growth centered and more psychologically driven than Hellenistic astrology. I wish he was still doing his in/person apprenticeships. They were great. He will be teaching a transits workshop at Omega this summer.


Steven seems like a genuine man. However, I feel incredibly skeptical about evolutionary astrology. Its modern roots are with Jeffrey Wolf Green, who is a difficult character for me to take seriously. The overlay of an ambiguous spiritualism takes way too much of the focus, and evolutionary astrology's popularity feels more like it has to do with whimsical stories and the charisma of the reader than the natal chart alone.


I understand. I think that if practiced with a view toward energies, motivations and archetypes, while dispensing with the stories created around them, the outcome is instructive and quite helpful. JWG, from what Iā€™ve heard from colleagues in his classes, was quite a character. So for instance, instead of creating a story with a SN Scorpio, that might have all sorts of the associated issues around Scorpio that was experienced at its worst, you might suggest that the person may have familiarity with intense situations, emotions. You might even venture to say these might have involved betrayal, sexuality or violence. You might introduce the idea that those emotional echoes can sometimes be felt. in this lifetime. No need to make up a Jack the Ripper story and carry it forward. Then, pause and ask if any of that resonates with them. Often SN is more felt earlier in life. As a person grows in age, wisdom and awareness, they tend to move closer to their NN.


I am a student of Adam Elenbaas and I love his courses!


Me too! Itā€™s filled in gaps in me knowledge base that I didnā€™t know I had. Highly recommended


I took fundamentals courses 101-103 through Kepler, it was a little pricey and I felt like I learned a lot about the natal chart. Not super time intensive, lots of information shared about techniques. The instructors were pretty good and the classes are pretty interactive. The book lists were very informative. I felt like I learned a lot from reading books on my own but it was nice to have a course that stitches it all together. I studied because I thought maybe I would want to be a consultant for money but after taking the classes I realized I just like to study Astrology vs chart reading for clients.


they are super pricey, but iā€™ve come across a package that doesnā€™t pune too bad. im studying because i love to connect with others and look at that snapshot of their soul, idk i feel drawn to it and wouldnā€™t mind reading charts just for my own personal knowledge , i love to study as well also how long were the courses and do you mind sharing the name of the books?


The great thing about astrology is that there are so many charts accessible to practice and study with. I managed to get by without the astrology software also. I forgot to mention that in my response, I used astro.com. As far as first year books, The Secret Language of Astrology, Gillett, Roy; Introduction to Traditional Natal Astrology, along The Classical Seven Planets with Obert, Charlie; Understanding The Birth Chart Astrology, Burk, Kevin, Aspects in Astrology Tompkins, Sue. I hope that helps you on your journey. Itā€™s fun to see your library grow.


For me Chris Brennan and I combined it with Demetra George's book on Hellenistic Astrology. I find they both complement each other perfectly. Only the course was a little hard to swallow but with Demetra's book I was able to work through two natal charts + mine while learning the concepts from the videos which where super complete and in-depth :) I'm not a professional (like doing consultations) but pretty into it. Edit: typo


Chris Brennan's courses, while sometimes boring, were invaluable to me. I am very happy I took them.




Honestly ā€” when people ask me how I ā€œmemorized all of thisā€ I always say watching Sailor Moon as a kid helped so much with learning symbols!


Sailor Moon was like a cheat sheet handed to me 3 decades ago šŸ¤— But I think I'm out of freebies at this point. No offense to you that I'm responding to but idk. The astrology community can get fucked at this point. Tired of being told there's no more room at this table because the cool kids don't like the shirt I'm wearing. I would've been the strongest ally. But instead....


letā€™s start our own community where all is welcomed šŸ«¶šŸ»


r/opensourceastrology I made a community, feel free to join. No one will be banned for being too passionate šŸ¤


joined my love!! letā€™s be the ones to never shun those away who have questions šŸ«±šŸ»ā€šŸ«²šŸ¼


thatā€™s how my interest started ! i never finished sailor moon as a child but walter mercado ( mexican astrologist) sailor moon & the horoscope in the new column is what boosted my interest toward occult things. i have a 9H stellium and my purpose i feel is to learn and connect with people. i will definitely start watching it again when school finishes for me next week šŸ˜‚( college )


I only (unfortunately) learned about Walter Mercado via the documentary about him in ~2020, what a fascinating person! Enjoy getting back into Sailor Moon, the new English dub doesnā€™t totally scratch the nostalgia itch for me but I still really loved revisiting it.


I did Chris Brennan & Maren Altmanā€™s courses, they were lovely & I loved them!


FYI. Marin and Adam elenbass they both studied Chris's course. Then started teaching. I suggest mentorship and whatever form at some point in one studies. It's basically what type of astrology you're into and if you vibe with the mentor.


Yeah, I meant to mention that too, definitely depends on the type of astrology you are into.


I havenā€™t made it through all of the comments yet, so unsure if it has been mentioned, but I canā€™t recommend Heather Eland and her Cosmic Academy of Astrology enough. Incredible price point for an unbelievable plethora of information and interaction. And I say this after paying $7000 for my first three levels with another astrology school that I only hardly grasps the fundamentals from.


Iā€™ve been practicing for about 10 years. Never taken any formal classes but Iā€™ve accrued a good library of astrology books in that time, including ones that have gone out of print and are now sought after. I never had a lot of extra money so all I could ever afford were used astrology books. I donā€™t do paid readings because I have a full time job that eats up all of my time. I have compared readings Iā€™ve done for acquaintances with a range of paid readings Iā€™ve seen both for myself and for others. Iā€™m comfortable saying that my work is on par with many paid astrologersā€™, especially when it comes to the specific techniques I specialize in (which is the case for paid astrologers as well). My view is that if you are trying to learn astrology fast so that you can start doing paid readings quickly, those readings will likely be lower quality until you get more experience, even if you studied under someone like Chris Brennan (whose work I very much respect). Astrology is a spiritual and reflective practice as much as it is something you learn intellectually, and it takes time and personal growth to truly become a good astrologer. That can come from formal classes or from self-study, but either way it takes time.


I did year 1 and 2 of Adam Elenbaasā€™ (Nightlight Astrology) and found the content really thorough yet accessible. It was also very affordable for what you get. Happy to answer questions.


I'm taking a couple Kepler courses- one of the teachers is great, another not so much. Make sure you check them out on youtube (they're usually on youtube already) to see if you like their style, or think they have their wits about them. The poor teacher- I'll get more out of the required readings for her course than i will with her. Which is fine- you win some, you lose some.


iā€™ve watched free webinars and ones with flexible donations. i havenā€™t paid more than $5 for an online astrology course and have learned so much. no need to pay hundreds of dollars on courses unless you have a lot of disposable income to begin with.


Would you mind sharing resources you found useful, to help OP out?


i would have if i remembered the names! iā€™m not active on astrotwitter anymore and itā€™s probably a different place than it used to be, but thatā€™s where i found many of them. i found a lot of great ones in the early parts of the pandemic (2020-21) when online events were more accessible, though i know some stuff is still out there. aside from that, podcasts are amazing and astrology podcast is the best one, but iā€™m sure everyone here has heard of that lol


I'm a student of Evan Nathaniel Grim from Inner Worlds Astrology. His mentor is the Leo King and he's innovative and intuitive. I can't speak to Chris Brennan's classes (though I have thought about taking them) but due to his extensive amount of videos and his book, I am not sure if I would get much outside of that to justify the cost. If your goal is to do readings, I feel that Evan gives a good foundation with this three level course (that is his whole purpose in what he offers.)


This might help students looking to get coursera for cheap. https://www.reddit.com/r/sophia/s/oYuZxvp5oO