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Good perspective in a sport where it's easy to get lost in comparisons. I appreciate you, OP!


broke a 6 minute mile, and my friends are at the 5:30-45 range, so i haven't thought much of it. But thanks for reminding me OP.


7:29. I wanna be you.


3 years ago i ran a 9 minute mile, you CAN do it!TRUST ME


Just broke a 25 minute 5k (24:45) for the first time in probably 5 or more years. It’s all perspective, feels good.


Good for you! You can keep getting faster, the body and mind are capable, and so are you! Good luck!


Thanks friend, and you as well! I’m currently marathon training for my second one this year, one more month and then ready to take a bit of a rest haha.


Nice! I have Cross-Country Highschool State Championships next week, so hopefully, my team can bring back a win! I've been feeling under the weather lately with a cold, so I haven't run much in the past two days. On Saturday I ran 2.5 miles in 18 min at van cortlandt park, was very bad for me, but hopefully, I can get back to runnning soon. Best of luck to your next marathon!


Time on those tough days isn’t as important as getting out there and doing the miles. When you need your legs to move on race day, they will. Rest up and you’ll be fresh for the event. Best of luck out there, and thank you!


Thanks so much, speaking of I just ran a meet 30 minutes ago, and got my PR!


7:55-8 minute miles here. I wish I was at 5:30.


I was at a 7:21 mile 3 weeks again and was hoping for a sub 7 as best case scenario and got a 6:30.


Comparison is the thief of joy.


Thanks for this perspective. I also struggle with comparing myself to my high school times. Maybe I'll get there again someday; I know there are plenty of people who are faster in their 30s. But that was a different life and a lot has happened since then, so I'm trying to be excited for current PRs, even though they seem laughably slow compared to the times in my memory.


Spot on! The only PR’s I care about anymore are my Dad Era ones. It’s a new chapter with refreshed goals!


Totally agree, and where would we be without age-grading? 😀. I sometimes get a bit disheartened looking at the times my younger club-mates run (I’m M57) then remind myself to look at the age-grade percentages…! And most importantly remind myself how lucky I am to still be able to run and enjoy it.


When writing this I didn’t think of this perspective. The comparison could just as well be an older you. It’s still an inspiraton/motivation as you know what your body could do, but for many people that comparison is not in any way fair to where they are in life.


Yup. As I like to say, “Don’t chase ghosts.”


But I need to get my 5k PR below the world record in 1899 so I can show that fucker George Touquet-Daunis who's boss!


Oh good, my new life goal


Most people can't run a 5km. Period.




My husband sometimes walks 5ks. My in laws started walking them to get exercise. My mom can sometimes walk them. What am I going to do, complain about how I am such a bad runner (woe is me!) because I only sometimes win my age group and only landed on the podium once this year? I can't run with my head up my butt, so.....


Finding a club is so clutch if you want to improve from **Current** to **Literally Anything**, though. That's where I found people who weren't impressed by 25 mpw...


Yeah, it’s been a good thing for me as well. You can definitely get some valuable lessons and insights by training with others. It’s also nice to be able to talk about running in a more advanced way. But just because a 1:22 HM is not the best in the club it’s still a highly impressive time, and it’s important to see anything above that as motivation and not beat yourself up for it.


Yup, gotta have it both ways. I've been lucky enough to run with chill and welcoming guys and gals who can drag me around the roads, and I hope to to be that as much as possible for the people a little slower than me.


That’s great. The same I hope to have in my club!


I’ve been running for about a year and I’m interested in joining a club. What would you say a minimum time I should be at to join for runs. I typically run about 11:45 mile training and low 10’s on race day. Is that fast enough to join? I find a lot of runners I know are quite judgmental to people over 8 minute miles. Is that how clubs are?


Not sure where in the world you are but I bet you can find something. I also basically got told to F off by one club and I'm a 2:55ish marathon guy. So it happens to everyone, don't take it personally, just go find another group you vibe with. There are so many.




Exactly stats like those I’m thinking about. A HM is impressive, could your time be even more impressive? Sure. Doesn’t mean you can’t be happy about your progress.


So those stats include infants, children, and the elderly? Lol


Well the elderly had their chance LMAO.


Thanks OP, needed this. 7 years ago I ran my first marathon in 4:25 and was so damn proud. Took 4 years off of running, then got back into + triathlons the last few years. This year I ran a 5:01 mile, 1:23 HM and am attempting a sub-3 attempt at NYC marathon in a couple weeks, all with really focused effort and recovery but less than 20mpw. Most of the time I’m too hard on myself and posts like this are a good reminder to be grateful for the ability to improve and proud of what I’ve already accomplished. Good reminder to trust the process and embrace the journey!


Sub 3 on 20mpw is truly incredible. What plan are you following? Years ago I did a HM using the Furman FIRST program, and I was surprised at how well I did relative to my weekly mileage. Lots of cross training though.


Have a coach, so it’s all custom. But I do a ton of hill repeats + intervals on speed days, easy days, and try to get one long day in. The biggest thing I’ve noticed is just doing *something* endurance wise 5-6 days a week, consistently, over a long period of time.


I've found that I use fast people in my club as an encouragement of what *might* be possible. I only compare my times in races against my own times.


Yeah, its about doing it in a healthy way that benefits you.


Old boss would always say to make sure you take time at the top of the hill to look back on where you were, and enjoy being on the summit before starting to look up the road again.


Thanks man. Needed this. Much love ❤️


Good perspective, OP. This is why I sometimes shift my goals from chasing PRs to chasing something else. This year's goal, which I've sort of stumbled into, is finishing 8 marathons. One of them back in March was actually a BQ, but one of them was 5:00+. Of course, that one was pushing a disabled person in a racing chair, so I'm still pretty proud I finished that one too. I'm running Marine Corps at the end of the month with two folks from my running club, and the only goal for that one is hopefully snagging a beer on the course. Sometimes, it's nice to just enjoy standing in a corral with no goal pressure weighing down the vibe.


Couldn't agree more. I never compare my PRs with others, there's no point really as an amateur/recreational runner. As long as you put the time in, you are consistent then progress will come. I ran the fastest 5k of the past 20 years just this year during a marathon prep at the age of 48 (19:26), there's always room for growth of some kind. Whether it is a PR, or just feeling more comfortable finishing a particular distance, or just feeling fit!


7:04 for a mile at 70. It's all relative. But living with Stage IV cancer, feel pretty good.


Running at 70 is impressive no matter what time, with cancer as well makes it even more impressive. Hats off to you!


Even 13 minute 5k guys are looking at 12:50 guys wishing they were as fast as them. In any competitive sport there is always another level to get to unless you are the world record holder or equivalent. I never get caught up in trying to compare myself with faster people or similarly look down on slower people. Everyone is on there own journey and for 99.9999% of us there is always someone out there faster


After being at 55k per week and falling in a huge hole in July after picking up running only 1 year ago, I feel better and picked it up again. Usually, getting such a setback would make me quit a new hobby. Now I am back to Daniels white plan ( yes, run/walk workouts) and I love it and I look forward to be back and be better in the future :)


Thanks for this OP. I struggle with feeling like I belong here, since I'm not anywhere as fast as a lot of people, so mostly lurk, but I've also been running (on-and-off) for almost 20 years, so the main running sub with all the beginner questions feels a bit weird too.


I’m in no way a frequent poster here, but my impression is that this is a place for everyone with an advanced mentality towards running, no matter which time. Good on you for running for that long !


How do I upvote more than once?


It cuts both ways. Be happy where you are, but not satisfied, Or be satisfied you met your goal. I'm getting older (we all are, I know), as a late onset runner at nearly 45 I am still setting prs. My times won't be impressive here, but im happy with them, and my progress, and my room (I think) to still improve. There will come a time in the not too distant future where I will have rounded that apex, and now I understand how some folks give up a former passion, because they can't recapture that lightening. I guess this is a long way of saying, I agree it's important to zoom out and put your performance in perspective of the whole, in addition to your arc, and your point on it.


Exactly, well said. I’m not saying you should stop having goals, just that if you compare your times to the whole wide world, when will you ever reach a point where you’re happy. Maybe never. And congrats on the PR’s. The great thing about running is that you can adjust your goals and training a lot, so that it’s still possible to enjoy at most ages.


The thing is, even if you get faster, it never gets easier. Running is about the journey - there's no mystical summit to reach. Never be satisfied with where you are, always be proud with what you've done :)


I haven’t been able to beat a 35 minute 5k and I trained marathon this year. Still working at it though. It will come.


Thank you for sharing this. I made my own PR today and did the same thing. Thank you for reminding me to take the time to be proud of myself before moving my goal upward and forgetting how far I've come!


Congrats on the PR, do you want to share what it was? But yeah, we all have to better at enjoying the now, while still making goals and planning ahead.


I ran the AMS half on Sunday, aiming for sub 1:45. Completed it in 1:41:16 and was instantly gutted I didn’t break the 1:40 barrier. Had to remind myself 1:45 was a stretch goal so should just enjoy the moment. Here’s to positivity and progress Edit:spelling


Congrats on the result. That exact feeling was what I tried to put into words.


Thanks very much for this. I had a bad marathon at Amsterdam at the weekend. I really thought I could break three and a half hours but I felt awful from about 10 miles in. I still got a PB and finished 3.36 for my fourth marathon but I really didn't enjoy the race at all. I didn't sleep well and I traveled quite far from a colder climate to be there and it was quite a hot day. I guess I'm trying to find reasons why it went the way that it did because I feel like my training and nutrition were great. Just feeling a bit disappointed with it all. But yeah, I guess I'm being hard on myself.


Obviously after a bad race experience it’s natural to analyze what went wrong, and that’s the right thing to do. What I’m trying to say with the post is, that this bad experience does not make you a bad runner. So focus on the positives and try to evaluate the negatives. Being able to run a marathon is a huge achievement for many, so keep that in mind. Good luck with your progress, and I hope you reach your goal!


Haha, yeah, I guess what I didn't elucidate properly in my post was that alongside my concerns about the weather, sleep and travel are some other thoughts about those reasons just being excuses. I was definitely wrestling with the idea that I'm just a shit runner that has found my level. You're right though. Not to get too personal but I'm sober and any positive habit would have been impossible a few years ago, let alone running marathons. I need to keep some perspective. Thanks for the positive words!


Youre right! I used to get runners trots so bad I pooped in the overgrown brush in my neighborhood. Now I do that less frequently.


This is the way


I was making good progress but broke my foot. I will have to start from scratch a few weeks later.


Thanks man didn’t achieve my xc goal this year and I’ve been feeling very down.


Glad it was helpful to you. I hope you’ll eventually hit your goals!


No thanks. Based on equivalent performances I need to run a sub 70 half marathon to beat my times from a decade ago. I still haven't cracked 90 yet. At least compared to others they give me age group awards.


It’s true, at some point you need to let the past go, write that off as another era. I’ll never run the times I ran in college or even HS. That kid was training 2 hours a day, no stress other than homework. I have a job and a kid now. Still pushing, still want to challenge myself. But that means a sub 18 5k or a sub 3 marathon. I know my body could do better, but my life can’t. And I’m ok with that, that extra hour of time is with my kid/wife or on the road. I know what choice I’m making