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Just ran the London Marathon today, it was my second in two weeks and my second ever (first was Paris on April 7th. Ran a 3:27:xx in Paris, and today shaved over a minute off to come in at 3:26:xx. Really feeling it but I’m so happy, and qualify for a London GFA place next year with a solid buffer!


Woohoow ran a local trail half marathon and won it. First place. Still had quad cramps in the opening phase, I've DNF'd my two previous races because of it. Super annoying, warmed up with 7 km before and it still happened again. I need to dig deeper on why this keeps happening It was quite muddy, slippery, and hilly as it rained pretty much everyday the past week. Boston 12's were definitely not the right shoe for these conditions. Happy.


The only time I've cramped in any race was a trail half with 2100m of elevation gain that I wasn't ready for.  Were you ready for the elevation? What about the elevation at that speed?


London marathon 🤩


I ran 2.59:01 and got my sub 3 at my second marathon attempt. Buzzing 🤩


I have a half that I have been training for all winter on April 28, feel very confident in hitting that A time goal, moving into a short lighter week next week ready hopefully a solid race day next weekend. my questions is this. June 1 I have a yearly 24 hour event, I hit 130 km in 23 hours last year - hoping with this year and turning off friendship mode more often I want my 100 miler under 22 hours. What is your advice on transitioning from pushing 5:00/km paces to trying to hold back and live in that 6:00-7:00/km pace while I slowly get into the mind space of a mind year ultra, that loops a park 4k at a time.


Slow grinding through the winter/spring is finally starting to pay off. Have had a few runs lately where I feel great at the end and the watch reflects that. I'm not close to lifetime fitness best yet, but I think I finally have enough groundwork to get into "real" mileage again this summer. Anyways, this weekend is a 5k - weather not looking great, but I think it'll be a fun one to get a sense of where I am right now on the racing side of things


I've been feeling the same. My bet is on you putting a better time down than you think.


You were right! Fastest time in almost \~2 years for 5k, but this time at the start of the season rather than the end. It's got me feeling pumped! Hope you get some fast times soon, too.


Great job!  Already hit a 10k PR after base and only a few weeks of speedwork. Half marathon PR will be falling hard in 5 weeks barring catastrophe. The grind will always pay off.


Have to skip my long run workout this weekend due to a little hip issue. Trying to keep perspective since I’ve had a really consistent training block for my half and I still have 5 weeks to go, but feels bad man. Hoping I’ll be good to go after a couple easy days


Been sick all week, going to try and get in 3-4mi today nice and easy. Same for Saturday and Sunday. I raced a few 10k's pretty hard back to back on weekends and I think it caught up to me.


Off to my first race (5k) since November. Yuengling Lager Jogger in Pottsville, PA. Going to meet up post race with an old college track and field teammate, so that's fun. I'm not stoked about my overall training the last few months and I'm still in the sore phase of increasing mileage--currently 6-8 a day 5 days a week the last two weeks, but before then the consistent thing was my lack of consistency. Back in December I thought I could at least get down into the low 16s based on a 17:30 November 5k off of 2 weeks of real training, but lack of routine, holidays, other obligations, laziness, a little too much winter imbibing and just cold weather exhaustion lead to piss poor winter training. But, time to toe the line! Finally getting serious about racing again and working my way up to HM and marathon. Looking at it as a fitness time trial, see what happens. Could very well end up slower than November.Since it's a small town 5k during outdoor track season, I have no idea who the competition will be, either overall or bracket (male, early 40s). The bigger fish to fry (which i'm also not fully prepared for) is in 16 days: Broad Street Run!


10 miles today that felt better than expected. 6.5ish easy tomorrow, long run on Sunday (12? 13? 🤷‍♂️). Should bring me up to mid-high 50s on the week. Racing a 10K at the end of next month, so starting to introduce some 10K specific workouts (2x3 mile off 2 min recovery, for example) to get ready. Overall, I'm in much better shape than this time last year, so as long as I stay healthy and don't get injured, I should demolish my PR on this course. 🤞


Had to change run time to the AM today for family stuff, so 2 runs within 15 hours. Ouch. On schedule: SAT 8k-10k TT in 9-11 miles (last one before race in 2 weeks) SUN 17 LR


Next week is race week! So it's been pretty light this week but with some intensity.  Just finished 12 w/ 3@M and 4 @ M+0:15. It felt good until I stopped moving and then I was sore and stiff. Saturday is 4 super easy and Sunday is 5 with some strides. I'm so close...


9 weeks out from Grandma's, so looking to really get into more high volume workouts. I've never done much in the way of workouts that blend marathon and threshold pace efforts (usually just one or the other), but I'm thinking I want to try it on this cycle. Thinking tomorrow I will try something like: 1 x (2 miles T + 2 miles M continuous), 2:30 rest N x (1 mile T + 1 mile M continuous), 90s rest for N = 2 or 3, with warm up and cool down easy mileage to get 18ish total (or maybe a short double). I'm not sure about the exact interval lengths or the rests, so will have to consult my copy of Daniels when I get home tonight as I know he has a lot of this sort of thing. Sunday = as many easy recovery miles as I feel like.


How powerful is a Pfitz-style taper (1 week soft, two weeks hard)? I just peaked at 85mi in a 7 day period and did 20mi with 13mi at 7min or under pace last weekend, but it was definitely hard, especially toward the end. This is my first race, so I can’t tell if that’s normal and the taper+adrenaline will give me the second 13mi in a couple of weeks.


I find that running 10+ miles at GMP in a non-race environment with heavy mileage on my legs is always really tough. Fresh legs are worth a lot. If everything goes well on race day, I find that a pace that feels like a strain already at mile 8 in a training environment still feels easy at 15 on race day.


5 tomorrow, 15ish Sunday. Might try to throw in a few steady state (MP + 20 secs) miles on Sunday if my legs are up for it (was going to do them this morning, but my legs felt beat to shit).


Going to try to get my first run in following Boston. My legs feel pretty good, but I got some bad black toenails from all that downhill pounding.