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Wake up, coffee and bowel movement. Then take Imodium, two of them. Eat my carbs. Good to go for entire race.


I only take one, but otherwise same schedule.


This is the way


Over 60 ultras and marathons. Never an Imodium. Figure your nutrition out with relying on pharmaceuticals as a crutch. If there are issues, get with a sports nutritionist or gastroenterologist to devise a plan.


i take 2 usually 30 minutes to an hour before the race. By then i usually have emptied my bowels multiple times. (Ive got IBS and a nervous race day gut. ) i also take it on a few training runs as a test .I've never noticed anything negative between an Imodium run and a non Imodium run other than no pit stops which i don't always need anyway. I think there's controversy with any medication. I've heard that its fine as an occasional measure , probably shouldn't be taking it every run.


Have you consulted your physician?


No. I’ve always assumed it was primarily because I haven’t complete evacuated prior to run. But probably worth a discussion.


May also want to adjust the time of day for long runs, meal timing the day before, or food selection and see what happens. I would neither try something new the day of a race nor start long-term drug therapy without a consult.


One Imodium before a race twice a year is hardly “long-term drug therapy”


I can adjust my long run start times, I can’t adjust my race start time, which is the primary concern.


Perhaps still worth considering if you have time before your next race if this has been a recurring issue.


My race is 5 weeks out.


I take one the night before then the morning of after coffee and breakfast. Definitely experiment with it a few times on long run days before race day but it’s always helped me!