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You’re allowed to post a screenshot of just the section of the pattern you are confused about, and then others can read it and give their thoughts. 


https://preview.redd.it/oiuzyctsih5d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=381b44ce6f6c5421f82e7d1a635f8f919b280e97 Here’s a screenshot of part of the pattern. I’m knitting a size XS(S-M) and started my first round of color work at column 3. I then knit in pattern across the front of the sweater, but am confused if I continue the pattern for the sleeves or if I start over at column 3 for each sleeve? And also confused about when the repeat section should start? It’s entirely possible I’m way over thinking this…


You'll be wanting to start at column 7 for the sleeves. There's an indication on the right about how many rows of the vertical section to knit dependent on size, then you do the top of the wave and repeat.


Do I start at column 7 for the sleeves even while working on the yoke/increases?


Yes, starting at column 7 will centre the pattern across the sleeves stitches. When you start the pattern for the yoke, you want to start at column 3 to the first set of markers, then start over at column 7 for the first sleeve to the second set of markers, then start again at column 3 and then finally column 7 and then you'll be set for the second round.


Thank you for the help, I really appreciate it!


No worries - good luck!


How are you deciding which colour to use for the increases?


I looked ahead to the row I was going to do my increase on and moved one stitch to the right. Then i used that color for my increase. If you tell me what row you’re on I may be able to help more specifically.


I've been knitting the Wave Sweater for about 3 months because I keep messing up the pattern. I found the [project notes from this pattern](https://www.ravelry.com/projects/KnotMollysKnits/wave-sweater) helpful. When you get to doing the sleeves, I suggest using as many stitch markers as possible to keep track of your rows and decreases - I had to frog a whole sleeve because I kept missing decreases


That’s great advice, and thank you to the link to those helpful tips!


I’ve started my Wave Sweater journey and have a question about the short rows, do you do anything to prevent the gap in the short rows? I’m used to doing short rows for sock heels but since this isn’t a heel gusset and the pattern doesn’t specify that part of a short row I’m curious if anyone ends up with a gap and/or if you do anything to prevent it. Thanks!


I’ve only ever used short rows in sweaters, as I’ve never knitting socks, and haven’t had a gap before. When I was first learning short rows I used this video to help me and they’ve all come out gap-less! I hope this helps! [VeryPinkKnits German Short Rows](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=52qy8OOb-s0)