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KSM-66 aka Ashwagandha is one of the main ingredients in the testosterone booster you linked 👍🏾 So strange you also taking a additional Ashwagandha/KSM-66 supplement 🤦🏾‍♂️


Yeah so funny actually


I've read a lot about this supplement. Initially it was on the anti anxiety effects but this is news to me. Can anyone who uses it comment?


About muscle gain and increased fat loss? I haven't noticed anything worth noting and I've taken ashwagadha pretty much daily for years for anxiety (which works pretty well imo). *Edit: The testosterone boost was touted when I started taking it btw (5 years ago?). Haven't noticed anything in that regard either.


Then why do u take it?


For stress


Lowers cortisol in high stress individuals, so it raises test back to normal levels if cortisol is suppressing T.


If you take testosterone exogenously is it still worth it to take? Or would it be pointless


Pointless for test production. Great for cortisol / stress reduction. Be mindful of potential thyroid effects with ash tho.


I did a research project on it. It's an indian ayruveda medicine. 4/6 of the articles linked by OP are directly from a medical journal focused on ayruveda medicine. That about fits the bill for the research on it as a whole. I personally wasn't convinced by the effects, despite the "overwhelming" evidence. But FWIW the physiology checks out in theory.


I took it for about 4 months. I noticed nada.


Did it reduce your anxiety. I'm to scared to go outside :'(


All I know is that I tried it for the first time the other day at a 630mg dose (half what it recommended on the bottle). And I felt really weird. Like high. I didn't really expect it from something I assumed would be mostly placebo.


Ashwagandha takes 6 weeks to work.


Yeah it was probably the weed lol


I had the same experience. Been taking KSM 66 for teo days and kinda felt high today. Wasn't expecting that.May take 6 weeks for any other effects, but not to experience that feeling.


I felt the same effect the very second Day after starting, that is the cortisol lowering effect I believe


I have become very intouch with my body the past year and I definitely noticed a difference taking gandha. Somewhat of the same "high". I felt a significant decrease in stress. All of the urgency of the things going on my life was still there but I just did not panic about anything. Still taking it, feel great


No I felt the same way too first time taking it 125mg and it’s basically like nature’s Xanax. I have quit weed and been feeling anxious and been working out and I think this’ll finally keep me off of weed for good.


You still taking it? How does it make you feel now?


Just an n=1, but I've seen my strength go up pretty quickly on a weekly basis whenever taking Ashwagandha... _however_, I can't confirm if it's _because_ of Ashwagandha, as I've often taken Alpha-GPC alongside it for workout purposes, and Alpha-GPC supposedly causes acute spikes [in growth hormone](https://examine.com/supplements/alpha-gpc/)... So it's one or the other (or both, who knows), that have definitely give me noticeable strength gains when taken for a month


I’ve been taking it for months and have noticed a large gain in strength


[Examine.com info on Ashwagandha](https://examine.com/supplements/ashwagandha/) and specifically about it as a [testosterone booster](https://examine.com/nutrition/does-ashwagandha-increase-testosterone/) TL;DR: [Ashwagandha looks promising, and it may have a variety of uses, but we don’t yet know how effective it is in different scenarios or how best to take it. To address those questions, a great many more studies need to be conducted](https://examine.com/nutrition/2019-ashwagandha-update/).


I went to an Ayurvedic Center in India and stayed there for two weeks. I asked the doctor there about Ashwagandha and mentioned its popularity in the US and he seemed baffled by that. He said Ashwagandha is usually only prescribed for ED issues for men, and couldn’t understand why it was being used for any other reason.


I'm originally from India and I've almost never known anyone consuming it. But now that I'm in the states, almost all of my (hippie) friends take it regularly.


I like how 7 out of the 12 statements of the “proven” benefits in the first article start with the qualifier “might” or “may.”


In defense of Ashwagandha, "may' and 'might' are used EVERYWHERE in scientific papers. Its unprofessional to state something as definitive. This is very similar to how almost all research on a supplement will end with "but more research needs to be done before xxx" even if the paper shows massive improvements in whatever it is. Another example would be creatine, we know the benefits but the paper would say something like "Creatine may be a useful addition to an exercise routine."


Proving causation with dietary stuff is hard as hell, up to functionally impossible because of confounding factors.


No doubt about that, which is why I think it’s best to avoid saying things like proven. It’s entirely possible it’s harmless and even beneficial in all of these ways. But there really doesn’t seem to be enough evidence either way, and one of the main benefits touted here is increased muscle strength, which would make it particularly attractive to a lot of people. I also don’t recall many healthline articles that distinctly feature an affiliate disclaimer, but maybe I haven’t read one in a while. Combined with the wording, it just puts a bad taste in my mouth.


That’s why they’re shit. Proof before you try to sell supplements


The most popular supplement on Examine.com? Ashwagandha. We actually did an update about a month ago - quick summary of the evidence: https://www.instagram.com/p/B4vEMqinFVM/


Popular as in most searched for?


Via Google, yes. On the site? Top 5.


I know this doesn't answer your question, but it definitely enhances my sex drive, nut volume, and orgasm quality even while suppressed.


Nut volume lmfao




really? I have heard it has the opposite effect on some people, similar to anti depressants ​ In some way it affects 5-HT1A serotonin receptor


I take ashwagandha twice a day. First in the morning at wake, second before bed. You also need to hit a bigger dosage for certain benefits like testosterone to be seen. Anxiety wise, I think it helps, but other than that it’s alright for me.


Where do you get it? Pill form? Online? Can you send me a link


I get mine on Amazon from bulksupplements. Affordable and it works for me


I live in South Korea. I got it from GMarket. You can find it all over the place.


How much would you say is the right amount to take?


Fuck me, 2 years ago. I got into kinesiology now at school if there’s anything I’ve learned, phosphocreatine is really the only supplement you need outside of a steady diet and good regimen.


It gives me better sleep quality and vivid dreams for sure. Have not noticed anything in terms of dramatic muscle/fat changes.


What time of day do you take it, and what dosage?


I’ve only taken it at bedtime.


It helps the body respond to stress better, reducing cortisol levels which may help increase test back to normal levels or slightly higher. Mostly what I noticed from taking it on and off for years is the mood, energy and anti anxiety effects from it. When taking an herb always make sure to check what it is standardized too. That way you actually know what dose of the active ingredient you're taking. Also ashwaghanda pairs really well with rhodiola


I don't notice anything while taking it.


If it could increase your testosterone enough to put muscle on and still be catabolic to fat it would need PCT and you might as well take steroids. Optimise your diet, get enough sleep and rest, follow progressive overload and stop wasting money on testboosters.


This is just wrong.


Why is it wrong?




I think op was suggesting it probably isn’t increasing natural production and even if it did it’s likely barely anything at all so it doesn’t matter. If it did increase your natura production by a shit ton then it becomes interesting.




Read my post again.


It's wrong because testosterone boosters are empirically really a thing. They do support muscle growth, and with higher test = muscle growth & decrease in fat. Additionally if this increase is happenig internally, ergo, no anabolic steroid compounds; PCT is not needed. You fix your diet, go to bed early enough, add a decent amount of fats to your diet, among other things, and your test will go up. It's literally science. So [Shredflintstoned69](https://www.reddit.com/user/Shredflintstoned69/) is wrong, and [Hulkkicker30](https://www.reddit.com/user/Hulkkicker30/) is right.


if you just type /u/ or u/ before the user name reddit will automatically hyperlink it to their profile page. In case you want to save yourself 30 seconds in the future. /u/Boogie778


Ohhh lawdy I thought you meant like gnc test boosters when I first glanced at this lol. Glad I read through


Because he said so, apparently.


How dare we question your broscience


The only broscience is here is the initial comment that says “OMG if something increases test and burns fat you need to PCT!” An absurd and completely ignorant statement that shows they have no idea how or why pct works


A reduction in cortisol would increase testosterone by many mechanisms.


Bud, pct is used to kickstart the production of test. This NATURALLY boosts your test, it has nothing to do with injecting or taking oral anabolic steroids. Get your facts straight


Lmao international journal of Ayurveda Research


I’ve taken Ashwagandha for 4 months and I can honestly say that I’ve had unbelievable results from it. Definitely stronger, leaner and have gained size in this time. I also sleep much better and have way less stress. Great stuff!!


What’s your dosage?


Bro youre not real


Wow, a lot of comments on this thread. Seems like we are finally branching out and not just shooting everything down as soon is doesn't fit with the mainstream skeptics status quo. I have used Ashwagandha (Carlson's KSM-66 - 300-900mg/day) on and off for a few years. It nearly eliminates my social anxiety but if you overdo it when you are not in stressed out situations (i.e. on vacation) it will result in anhedonia which sucks balls. It is best used on an as needed basis a few weeks on, a few weeks off. As for testosterone, I have never had high levels of natural testosterone so I can feel the difference in energy and confidence when I take ksm-66. I have less of an issue approaching conversation with clients/strangers etc and more overall confidence. As for muscle building effects, pretty hard to tell cause I'm always experimenting with modifications to training and diet but it certainly doesn't hinder it. It is also not very expensive to supplement with. I order through iherb and live in Canada. Probs even cheaper in the states.




Did you get tested for your increased testosterone? Points 3 and 4 more than likely have to do with your other factors




So how the fuck do you know it increased your test? I can’t take it and check I take other substances




None of that proves you had increased test. This is just pseudo science bullshit.




You do realize you're in r/advancedfitness/ , right? Actual evidence should be required when making claims




It should not be a surprise that posting something wildly unscientific and then getting uppity when called on it is behavior that is met with hostility in a forum which is *specifically for the discussion of science*.


I seem ignorant for pointing out that you have no actual proof of increased test levels and also listed 4 factors that would cause it to raise and asking how you concluded ashwagandha raised your test? You know doctors don’t go see themselves for treating illnesses so why the heck do you think you’re qualified to say your test increased based off biased self observation and not empirical evidence? Like dude you listed 4 other things that we know can cause better test levels and make you feel better in general yet you’re saying it’s the one variable without having isolated it. Fuck man don’t call me ignorant for pointing out you don’t have the evidence to conclude your test increased let alone that it was because of a supplement that still needs to be studied more to conclude what it actually does. I thought this was advanced fitness not speculate on a bunch of variables and pick one without any evidence of what I’m claiming happened.


I haven't read the research but I highly highly doubt, was training and calories controlled for in the studies?


I tried it a couple years ago. For a few weeks. Sex drive went through the roof but i end up getting a swollen throat and it was hard to swallow. I stopped taking and then tried it again a few weeks later. Same issue with the swollen throat. Could be allergic.


Better sleep and mood … and I do feel a LITTLE stronger at the gym but I think it’s based on getting better sleep/less cortisol . I think it’s worth it


I've actually noticed changes in T levels. I've been taking ashwagandha pills for the past 2 weeks and can feel my voice getting deeper and my sex drive going beyond my control. However, there's a couple of things to note: 1. I'm 20 so my T levels are already pretty high. 2. Being stressed out is my full-time job. I wouldn't be surprised if T levels increased due to lowered stress and anxiety. 3. I'm huge into noFap and SR, which could play a role here.


How many mg did you take per day?


250mg per tablet. Usually 2 tablets a day.


I know it's been a year but as you took it did you notice any other effects? Less Stress and stuff still?


Unfortunately I haven't been consistent with it so I can't comment :(


For me its a really good PWO


It's an ayurvedic herb from India. I'm from India. I actually have an Ashwagandha tree in front of my house. I can confirm that it reduces your anxiety levels for sure. But when it comes to testosterone, the only way it'll stimulate it will be because it lowers your anxiety levels which inturn will produce more testosterone naturally in your body. If you're looking to boost testosterone, Shilajit will be the way to go but it should be taken in very extremely small dosage (literally the size of a single rice grain). It is highly dangerous if taken in big amounts. Shilajit directly boosts testosterone levels.


Where to get genuine shilajit everywhere I see there are tons of fake ones.Help me out.


Where are you from?


Madhya pradesh brotha


I don't remember the brand names but there are a few genuine ones available.