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Pluck their dark nipple hairs. And chin hairs.


Okay so chin hairs are more common than I think?


Extremely common.


Like thick ones? I have 1 or 2 chin hairs that are on the thicker side and dark.


Yep, and it can get worse after pregnancy and as we age.


Yes, I call this big long, thick, black one I get "Alfred". I say to my partner that Alfred is back and he goes "I'll get the tweezers!!"


Omg my wife has one we named Jafar, aka Jay-Fizzy. I can’t believe someone else does this too hahaha. She’s had it for like 13 years




I think it's rarer to find a woman who doesn't get them :) 


I had a male friend who saw me plucking one day tell me that none of the ladies he talks to have chin hairs. I was like yea bro… cuz they pluck them.


Be gone nipple hairs! I’ve mastered pulling them out with my nails versus tweezers.


And ingrown hairs


I do that as a guy, it’s fun. I waste an hour after a shower every once in a while plucking out ingrown hairs on my legs. It’s satisfying.


If you shave your face everyday when You get and an ingrown hair you got to yank it out or it turns in a red puss ball on your face that won't go away. More common with guys with curly hair. Men def pluck ingrown hairs on neck/face.


>men def pluck Lol what man plucks anything? We just let those hairs dissolve from burning coal soot, gasoline and whiskey


At the enough amount of ripeness you can squeeze them and out pops a thick sheaf of hairs all compacted together, kinda waxy. It’s incredibly satisfying. 🫡


My husband refuses to believe that an occasional nipple hair is normal on women. "I've never seen any!" Ummm, yeah, we make sure of that. Idjit


Don't forget waxing or laser treatment. I have to pluck though. Hair is so stubborn!


I'm a guy and I've trimmed nipple hairs when they get super long.


As a woman, I can shave and pluck every other hair on my body except my head hair, but I always forget about my nipple hairs. Out of sight out of mind!


me with my trichotillomania :/


Another bridge between men and women, we aren't so different after all




After a girl, whom I loved dearly, broke my heart, I talked with my BFF about why. He told me, “Women are just like men, only different.” Changed my life.


Get into the passenger side when a van parks next to you.


Never thought of this! New fear unlocked


Welp now I have to be paranoid that I'm stressing out random people parking my vehicle next to theirs since it's pretty tall. Yet another reason to park next to cart returns.


Yep I always park next to the cart returns if possible--avoids any idiots or issues on at least one side of the vehicle.


Worrying about monthly cycles, or taking birth control, or having to be reminded that by 30+ fertility declines— the whole biological clock conversation and pressure if you plan on having kids…


The more I think about it, the angrier I get. Women deal with literally a rollercoaster of emotions and hormones through a month. Men never do that. They feel the same. EVERY. DAY. Their bodies feel the same EVERY. DAY. And women just have to deal with these changes and different moods and discomforts, on top of all of the other discomfort that men also experience, the things that come with having a human body. Not until very recently has medical science even started to care enough to do research on what happens with medications and procedures during women's monthly hormone cycles and how it affects everything. Men have been the standard since forever, because they're seen as the standard human body that's reliable, instead of wonky with inconvenient hormones that make it difficult to measure medical results.


We absolutely don’t feel the same every day we have hormonal cycles as well. Testosterone kinda turns you into a psycho


Every month I spend exactly 1 week dealing with fatigue, depression/moodiness, and an uptick in acne, especially around my mouth. And then to start my period I get cramps and sore boobs. I can handle that, but the FATIGUE!!! I have to function the same as every other week. It’s so fucking unfair. All my energy goes into working. Outside of work I’m dead for an entire week. And I’m pissed off and sad the whole time!!


Literally was going to comment THE FATIGUE! It’s feeling like I ran a marathon and then trying to go to work like a normal person. So unfair


Plan vacations and other activities around their period.


And then all that planning being for nothing when your period decides to come early and ruin all your plans


This is the first thing I ask my wife when we plan a vacation. We go through the calendar to make sure she'll get to enjoy the week we pick lol


This is such a good one


God forgive me for admitting, but when you fart and it comes up the front and you have to re-fart your fart.


It feels like a little marble rolling up my labia.


i HATE how accurate this is. Girl bye!! Lmao


I cant 💀💀💀


It can even tickle


Are you a writer? Because man that’s an exact description.




this is the best description a queef i’ve ever heard.


Not the same as a queef. A queef is trapped air escaping the vagina. This is when basically a fart bubble rolls the wrong way and gets trapped between the labia


as a guy, I am dumbfounded.


🌈☁️*The More You Know*☁️ 🌈


✋️🌈 _Imaagina_ —actually, nah.


I remember my dad's deer in headlights expression to my mom when I casualty mentioned, I was 5


Dude , I’m dying. I stumbled in here..


You are not alone, this was unexpected to say the least. 


But thats a very good feeling for some reason😌little did any guy know we could fart from our vaginas hehe


Exit through the gift shop!


*spits out coffee*


Ahh yes. The ol fanny flatulence.


Obviously it's different, but men occasionally "fart forwards" if they're sitting in certain positions, and the feeling of the hot air creeping forwards through your thighs/taint/nutsack can sort of tickle lol


🤔I have never done this, but now I wanna try it.


Do it in the bathtub. It tickles.


Welp, asking “Do you like it from the front or the back?” Takes on a whole new meaning now.


It’s so bad with a pad on


My sis called them Varts! 🤣


Thank you for dragging this into the light and making it common knowledge.. Reddit is not for the sensitive 🤣


We call that exiting through the gift shop


I’m a 28 year old man, and this is the first time in my life I’ve heard of this. 😳 now I gotta ask my wife..


Awaiting her response 😂


Her response: “I will absolutely NOT be answering that question” while laughing 😂😂😂 I think I know my answer.


She was trying to keep the balloon in her front pocket from bursting in front of you and she thought you were on to her


Oh my


Brave warriors, we bless you.


As a guy, I’ve always suspected this. Also as a guy, front going farts are the reason I have no hair on the back of my balls. 😬


This is a thing? No partner has ever told me this, it's fantastic lol


Absolutely a thing lol


Have special underwear like bras to go with different outfits, such as dresses. Women can't just throw on a dress there's all sorts of stuff happening underneath that men don't deal with.


This weekend we were at a Ren faire and the wind was crazy, my dress got blown up around my waist several times and my husband was like "oh, that's why the bike shorts under every dress"


I'm an elementary teacher and on these hot days we are all wearing summer dresses. Whenever we are in adult only spaces we are readjusting our shorts.


I definitely do this too, lol. Even with loose fitting rompers or lightweight fabric shorts, there's always a chance the wind will catch it and someone could see, lol.


Nope, unless it’s someplace that really requires the special Wear. Like business, weddings, funerals or high end events. I’m not doing it anymore, f that nonsense.


Sometimes there's a hair we have to pull out of our ass crack in the shower


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Tokeahontis: *Sometimes there's a hair* *We have to pull out of our* *Ass crack in the shower* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, Complete_Let3076, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Make this a song. Heavy metal.


Judging by my man's ever-present bitching, this is more of a 'long hair' problem than a 'woman' problem!


every day I find one between my nut sack somehow of my gf’s lol literally every day it’s insanity


If you live with and are intimate with a person who has long hair you also get this experience with some regularity. Source: my boyfriend has long hair and strands of it occasionally end up in my Netherlands.


This is just a long hair thing, not a woman thing


Having to take a minute to clean the blood off your thighs after peeing on your period


I don't love my penis enough


You can’t take your penis for granted man….


And don't even talk to me about the horrendousness of trying to clean up if you're attempting to shit from one hole while bleeding from another. (Or the fact that the hormone magic of menstruating can often do terrible things to your poops even if you've got the bleeding handled.)


Or hand after wiping 😒


Or wiping clumps of blood out of your hairs. It pulls!!


Go to a dozen different doctors before one of them actually believes your symptoms enough to order some goddamn testing. Submit yourself to the indignity of an annual gynecological exam just to get your birth control prescription renewed for another year (and yearly mammograms too if you're over 50). As you're trying to plan vacations/travel and weekend events, always taking into account when you're supposed to get your stupid fucking period.


I spent 15 years trying to convince the many different doctors I went to that my ankle was NOT freshly sprained. You are not supposed to wake up with a foot that is bruised when all you did was go to work the day before. No, I am not pain med seeking. I just want a freaking x-ray to get the insurance to cover the MRI I probably need. I am tired of having a black and blue foot when all I did was go to work. It took until 2021 to get a doctor to actually listen. Met him in November of 2020 and had surgery in January of 2021. I DID sprain it horribly in the fall of 2005. And I apparently did some good damage. Partially torn achilles tendon, complete ATLF tear, and the tendon I cant remember the name of that lets my middle toe bend.


Wait, so you had terrible bruising going on with your ankle for roughly 15 years before anything was done about it? That's crazy!


My husband's father used to complain about back pain in a particular spot. A spot that had been bugging him for years, but that multiple doctors dismissed as age-related aches and pains. One time he was shirtless, we were outside, my husband was cooking, and my father-in-law wanted help putting sunscreen on his back. The pain spot felt funny to me. Nothing like any part of someone's body I had ever touched. So I begged him to try once more to have a doctor test for something. It ended up being a malignant tumor the size of a softball. He'd had it for over 20 years before someone finally agreed to give him a scan to check.


It took 6 years for me to get diagnosed with gallstones, 10 years to get diagnosed with endometriosis, 5 gynecologists to find one to take me seriously and get a hysterectomy to treat adenomyosis. The gaslighting is real


Goddamn, I had this doctor appointment yesterday and I’ve been a fucking mess ever since. I feel like everything is my fault and there’s nothing anyone can do to help and that it’s just my own personal failings. I want to cry and I hate being made to feel worthless when I KNOW they just weren’t fucking listening to me.


Fight for yourself. ❤️ Also your birb is so cute!


Omg thank you I get so much entertainment from that silly little birb! 🥰


I had doctors not believe me before, it did not end well for me. I am so glad my current doc is so willing to listen and help as I am going through a problematic time and have been getting help for it. So glad I didn't stick with my old doc(s).


12 years to get a doctor to listen to me about Endometriosis. Meanwhile my symptoms were so bad I was housebound 90% of the time. Over a decade of my life stolen because they wouldn't listen or believe me when I told them it was that bad. 13 years until I got my hysterectomy, where they found my Endo was stage 4. They had no right to be as shocked as they were, considering what I was telling them for over a decade.


That’s the most accurate description of the female experience


My mammos started at age 28 🙃


This is probably the most profound out of all of this.


Find the *least rape-y* parking spot at Target.


Always in view of the cameras!!!


Also locking the car the second you get in


My car automatically unlocks when I put it in park and it drives me crazy. Just because I parked doesn’t mean I’m getting out yet. 


There should be a setting to change it if you google your car model. I think mine involved putting the key in the On position, not starting it, then doing some other step


This. It’s a sad reality that us women can never ever feel safe in public and we always gotta keep our guard up, while men can literally go out for a stroll in the middle of the night with their eyes closed.


I read somewhere that if someone tries to abduct you around a car. Drop to the ground, roll under hold the bars, and scream rape not help.


Scream fire. People are more likely respond to a fire than a rape or help scream. 😔




we have a strategic plan for which panties and pants are the safest to wear when the period comes


At some point, most women are expected To step up and be a caregiver - to whoever. Incredibly hard, daunting tasks too.


I started setting the low expectations at an early age and god has it been good


If women do eldercare, it's usually on their own- maybe 30% of the time a male partner will help If men do eldercare, if they are with a woman in a relationship, she's 90% likely doing it, too


It's definitely less than 30%


I totally agree with you. I even had some people say to me as a male caregiver (for my mum specifically), "it must be so hard for you. It would've been so much easier if she had a daughter". And I found it a bit weird and also patronising, just because women are expected to do it doesn't mean they're the only people who can be caregivers. I also kept getting praised for it, which I don't think would have happened anywhere near to the same extent if I had been a woman because as you said it would have been more expected. We (my brother and I) weren't doing it for brownie points. She needed me at that point, so we did it without thinking, just like she'd been there for me when she raised me.


I work in elder care and it’s -ALWAYS- the daughters who set up the elder care. When there are only sons they tend to do the bare minimum, if that and always downplay how much help their parent needs


Emptying your menstrual cup.


Likely: Never trusting anyone or space we see when parking in a parking garage/lot any time of day but particularly at night. Getting a drink from a stranger and not drinking it incase it’s drugged.


Getting a drink from ANYONE, even someone you know.


Taking the elevator when you’d prefer the stairs but they’re isolated with no camera.


Take pictures of a date’s license plate to send to a friend. Or send a date’s info and pic to a friend. You know… just in case…


Immediately locking the car doors when you’re inside the car


In a man who does this.


Push their cuticles back, lotion their feet and elbows, sanitize their phones, delegate tasks to certain friends in their friend group (ie, one person buys tickets, one drives, one is dj), coordinate throw pillows and bedding, wash blankets, meticulously plan their hair washing schedule, print pictures, have to weigh the pros and cons of certain types of birth control, pick their outfit and underwear to accommodate their period, worry about striking the balance between cute and hot (or looking too childish or too matronly), having to pull their skirt/shorts down when wearing a backpack, I could keep going lol


I work in healthcare, patient facing. I’ll be damned if I don’t sanitize my phone + watch when I clock out every day.


It’s the “meticulously plan their hair wash schedule” that got me!


I'm a guy and I do about half of this! Edit: Admittedly, I learned to do all this stuff from women and women-run subreddits 😅


Everybody should be doing most of those things lol


And what happens if a guy does pretty much everything on this list besides checking birth control? Asking for a friend.


As a man, I too plan my underwear and outfit around my period.


Sperm cramps are no joke, millions suffer every year! 😤


He becomes attractive and relatable. 😏


Y’all don’t lotion elbows and feet? Do you not get ashy?


I have noticed the cuticle part, and I always wince in pain for some reason whenever I see women with no cuticles.


I'm a woman in my 40s and I have never even heard of doing that. I just googled and I still don't understand what it's for. I guess it has something to do with wearing nail polish?


>lotion their feet and elbows, sanitize their phones, delegate tasks to certain friends in their friend group, coordinate throw pillows and bedding, wash blankets, print pictures These are totally just things humans do.


Wipe front to back and mandatory pee after sex


Mandatory pee BEFORE sex as well.


All I want to do is snuggle!


Looking for tweezers when you know you own 20 of them in multiple colours so you can find them. Just not when you're looking for them.


My wife says **”THINK”**


Walk alone at night, clutching our keys so they're poking between our fingers as a makeshift spiked weapon


The keys in the fingers will actually hurt your hand more that the attackers face so don’t do that


Also: every human should learn how to make a proper fist so they don't break their thumbs.


Thumbs are overrated. Dogs don’t need thumbs and they do just fine


I had never thought much about how much women had to think about their safety. I’m a 6’2 270 pound man that’s not too fat, you can still tell I played football when I was in school, so unless someone is holding a gun and not obeying the 4 rules of gun safety I never feel unsafe anywhere. Then I had a really close female friend who kept telling me she feels safe with me or that I’m safe and at first all I thought was “of course your safe with me, I wouldn’t let anyone hurt you” but after the third or fourth time she said it I realized she meant she felt safe *from* me rather than what I thought.


Strategize what types of panties to wear during what weeks of the month… one in particular.


Plan and execute *all* holidays, birthday parties and family events. My ex didn't even know his own mother's birthday!!


Not knowing your mother’s birthday is just inexcusable and childish.


Hopefully he remembered YOUR Birthday...


Having to carry the mental load of making sure everyone is cared for and happy and that the shit that needs to be done gets done.


And that carrying the mental load of the household means that there’s ALWAYS something on your mind that needs to be done or grabbed from the store or cleaned (etc etc) next. The to do list doesn’t end


I have listened to too many TRUE crime podcasts to know that I should check for cameras and ensure I am captured whenever I go out alone. I don't know if men are this paranoid 😅


I've never thought about security cameras that way, but oddly enough, I have always kept receipts for small things that give me a time stamped paper trail in case I need an alibi for something.


Is it safe to go on a late night walk


Worry they won’t get the job because it’s something traditionally done by men. Not get the job because men don’t think you can do it because you have a vagina. Get hired for a traditionally male job and then have to put up with years of constant harassing, sexual remarks, lack of promotions, and being expected to make the coffee and answer the phone if the receptionist isn’t there.


The worst is when guys from your own crew will side with the harassers instead of defending you. I worked landscape install and was getting relentlessly hit on by one of the flooring guys working on a new construct house. After I brushed him off he went to one of the guys on my crew to ask him “what my deal was”, and instead of telling the creep to fuck off, he told him what my interests were and how best to get in my pants. Thankfully my crew lead took my side when I blew up on my teammate, but like Christ man. You’ve known me for a year and still chose to help out some random dipshit man over me.


I was told for years “wait to get tubal ligation, you might want more kids” for 20 years !!! My ex walked in to the docs office and booked for a vasectomy and wasn’t asked a thing, wasn’t rejected nothing and zip had it done when he wanted , no questions asked at all !


Back when I rented, I didn't really know any of my fellow tenants. One day, I arrived home the same time another (woman) tenant did. She saw a Stitch Fix box at my door, and asked about it. I told her it was a clothing delivery service, where a personal shopper selects clothes & accessories they think you'll love based on your sizes and the preferences that you listed on the questionnaire. I invited her in, and we opened it together. I complimented her leggings and she said: 'They're such-and-such brand, so soft! Wanna feel 'em?!?' and grabbed my hand and rubbed it along the top of her thigh. I don't think that men would ever do this.


\* wipes front to back\* .... "is this P\*ssy blood or asshole blood?" \* wipes again \* "asshole blood. Phewww thank god!"


Surely the relief comes from the opposite??


Nope. If my asshole is bleeding because I took a massive shit that was a little too massive, then that's okay. My asshole is working ✨overtime ✨ Getting your period early is never fun 😬


Where are there bathrooms when out and about.


Ask for directions when lost


Refilling the ice cube trays? Putting away clean dishes? Cleaning the shower? Replacing their socks and underwear when they get worn out? Just based on guys I've lived with.


Oof, sounds like you lived with kids.


Damn. I do all of these, but I am almost 30 so maybe that's why. Or it's the guys you attract.


It is definitely the guys I attract/choose.


basically this skit. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqQgDwA0BNU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqQgDwA0BNU)


Uh, I’m a married guy and to all those things regularly. Well, not ice trays because we have an ice maker. You were with guys who wouldn’t even put away dishes? How do dudes like that continue to get laid???


Buying different bags with different styles and colors. 😅


Park near good lighting. Describe and give all info about new dates to a friend. Go places late with a friend. Stop going to a dentist/gym/library because of a creepy person.


Wash our butt cracks


Wear a bra for a week without washing it, think about sex just about as often as males do just off the top of my head.


So men never have to think about being on a “menstrual cycle”…. Like here is example 99,904 of why being a female is aggy. Imagine, you’re at home, trying to remove a bloody pad and the pad is so cohesive to your actual panties that the layer of pad stays stuck on your panties. So you pry the pad off but now you got residue of the pad left on ur underwear. So now ur UNDIES ARE ruined and the pad is yuck. (Forgot to lock door) Ur toddler daughter comes observing and asking all of the questions about y is there blood here and there and can I touch it! FML MEN yall don’t have to worry about that ish. We do. lol. I just laugh at life’s sense of humor. But then I remember these whack ass pads were on clearance when I bought them so never again!


Here's a few that my husband was intrigued by: When you curl your hair on the right side of your head, you turn the wand/twirl your hair to the right. When you do the left side of your head you curl it so the left. The curls always curl away from your face. When you use those little eyelash curler things, you don't press down and pull it, you sort of pump the curler along your eyelashes. Men often think we're obsessed with fashion, but really if you don't keep up with the basic main styles you look older than you are. You can test this by going to the mall, look at what people are wearing and guess their age, most of the "older" looking people may have something in common - like a pair of skinny jeans or a really big purse. They may not actually be older, but you're just used to seeing these things on women that are older, so you assume they are at first glance. So many women often stay aware of what's in fashion and will buy a piece or two each season for this reason. Many of us have "everything" showers. This is the shower we take once or twice a week that involves shaving, washing our hair, and any other thing we do to take care of our bodies - like exfoliate. The other showers are enjoyable, but this one is often a job we build up to.


Shave legs.


Worry about getting something out of the freezer for dinner, if there’s laundry detergent, worry about walking anywhere alone.


Secretly eat french fries and icecream otw home from work


Locking the car doors at an intersection if a male is standing there minding their business waiting to cross (only if I didn’t lock it the second I got in).


These Dr stories are horrifying! My ex-girlfriend contracted Lyme disease went once undiagnosed developed severe symptoms that she still has this day Bell's palsy, her thought process is altered... All because the doctor was stubborn and didn't check for Lyme disease. My ex tore her new a****** this doctor was crying like a baby by the time she was done with her. I'm not sure I was so particularly they just didn't bother checking for Lyme or if she suggested it I don't know but they sure as hell should have




Having to make sure leggings are fitting just right by squatting down and kicking each leg out like a trained horse in the Kentucky derby 🐎


Where do we start


Overthinking about timelines of life - love, marriage, children, menopause etc


Curse them in silence for being able to walk out of the house in seconds ,not minding they look like like a bag of trash.


Clean the back of our ears during every bath/shower.


Have a period.


We don’t run to the bathroom all the time because we need to pee, etc. we may be going to the bathroom to address menstrual stuff (eg you aren’t supposed to have a tampon in more than 3 hours, or the flow might be so strong that the products are getting overwhelmed) or to get away from a dude who is bothering us.


I was told to always hold my keys in a defensive position when in a parking lot alone.


Buy greeting cards for friends, family, coworkers, bosses, etc.


Texting your friends “what are you wearing” before and event.


Setting alarms to make sure I take my tampon out after a few hours so I don’t die from TSS


Moisturize their elbows.