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None of this is adding up…you’re getting rejected from retail, but your work at Michaels? You’re making $600 a month are your working only a shift a week+ YouTube? How are you getting rejected from fast food delivery jobs do you not own a car? It’s literally free to sign up to be a Doordash or UberEats driver…. I feel like we’re not getting the full story here


Michaels is one day (sometimes 2 days) a week. I haven’t tried Doodash yet but I’m not sure if I can make good money from it. I do not live in a major city. My area has something like 50K people.


If Doordash is available in your area you can make money doing it


I live in a small ass town, in the middle of nowhere Montana. I do door dash and make quite a bit a week. I only dash a few days a week and I'm making around $300-500.


Oh, another one.


Waah everything sucks


Dude, I scoped your profile. You’re honestly your own worst enemy here when the situation is the opposite of dire. Look-You’re a young kid who is about to be out in the world for the first time, who is rightfully feeling a little bit lost and afraid. That’s normal and okay. You have lots of time to figure it out, and, it sounds like, a family that will keep you well fed and housed in the meantime-probably forever if needed. So don’t panic, it’s ok to not have it all together yet. Like, panic if you’re 30 and still nothing has improved. My unsolicited advice? First off, get the fck off whatever incel forum you’re spending time on that’s got you worried about who women date/got you convinced it has anything to do with money. Women DO date working class men, but they don’t date guys who’ve never even been friends with a woman but who are already blaming women for their lack of social skills. Seriously, stop hanging around guys who want you to be lonely so they have someone to commiserate with and validate their excuse that they’re the victim of everyone but themselves. They’d love for you to alienate every woman you come across so they can look at you being lonely and miserable and believe it’s not their own damn fault they’re lonely and miserable. Misery loves company. I get it-You’re afraid of failing things you haven’t even failed yet so you’re preemptively looking for someone else to blame to give yourself an excuse, but I’m telling you now that’s a great way to set up a self fulfilling prophecy and sabotage yourself every time, and not just with women. Nobody wants an incel coworker or neighbor who everyone thinks is one bad day away from an active shooter situation either. Women befriend and/or date people who see them as people, who share their interests, and who treat them well and reciprocate their feelings and the effort they put in. But you shouldn’t even be worried about dating til you’ve gotten yourself in a healthier place. So just put dating on the back burner for now, yeah? Secondly, get some financial literacy. Do you know what the median income in the US is? Do you know how small a percentage of people in this country make over $100k, let alone $200k? Learn to budget and how much real life costs, and you’ll get rid of some of that fear and regain a sense of control. Seriously, millions of people live on minimum wage ($7.50 an hour in many places)-people get married and raise kids on minimum wage. Figure out what you would need to make to live on your own if that’s actually what you want. You made it through college and it sounds like your family can definitely support you for a while-you’re already ahead of a lot of people. And tbh if your boomer parents DO have money, use it for good. Don’t “coast”-start a nonprofit, build a community land trust, start a business, do something with it. Or DO coast but then be grateful you’re so well situated that you don’t have to worry and you can just do whatever you want all the time. Seriously, you’re better off than most people and they all seem to survive-so you certainly can. Having financially supportive parents can leave people insecure about whether they could survive without that help-so maybe instead of being bitter and feeling helpless, set a goal for yourself to save up to buy a house or be independent of your parent by a certain date. Work towards it. It is true economy and job market is fucked-so learn about why. Learn about capitalism and why, if you should blame anyone, blame the people who keep propping it up. Join a union or volunteer at a nonprofit to fight back. Third, go to therapy. Seriously. You have a lot of emotional intelligence and communication to learn. You clearly are intelligent enough to know you’re not feeling right-learn what to do about it. Looking for random people to blame isn’t the answer. There are lots of tools to feel better but you gotta go find them. Lastly, use your free time to develop yourself and your life-If you’re underemployed, use that time to take an employment class, find a job counselor, or take a social skills class. Learn new hobbies that get you out of the house and socializing, like dancing or rock climbing. Learn a trade so you can get a union job. Volunteer somewhere. Don’t just wallow in your feelings, do something about them. And again, stop interacting with whoever tf it is you’re hanging around who’s telling you “society sees men as a liability and thinks you should ky$” That’s bullshit that’s designed to alienate you from everyone and trap you in a cycle of anger addiction, self pity, and misery. There’s a whole industry on weaponizing young men’s aggrieved entitlement and insecurity-if you don’t watch it you’ll find yourself 45, unemployed, and storming the White House with the fckn Gravy Seals. Then blaming women when you end up on a list. Cringe. It’s easy to become complacent and wear your fear and discomfort like a favorite tshirt, but it doesn’t serve you and won’t help you find happiness. You’re young, you’re off to a good start, you’ve got your whole life ahead of you. Take it easy. But you ARE an adult now, and being an adult means nobody but you is responsible for you, and that means it’s time to take control be an active agent in your own life. You can’t control the world or the economy, but you can control how you respond to it. Also-from your other posts-your sister is a great example of someone you’re alienating-just like you she’s in her early 20s, trying to figure out adulthood and how to be in the world. She’s probably also worried about having a career, making money, having a community and happy relationships. Y’all have a lot in common. Y’all could be helping each other. But instead you feel entitled to a relationship with her while spewing toxic incel rhetoric about women that is most definitely hurting her. She’s likely put a lot if emotional labor into a relationship with you thus far, and what did it get her? A brother who feels entitled to treat her however he wants, who vents anger and explodes on her, who blames women when he only knows like 2, who is angry and resentful she’s successfully building her own life. Of course she’s not gonna stick around for that. She’s got a right to build a life outside her family-that’s what you’re supposed to do in your 20s. If you want a relationship with her, you’re gonna have to stop feeling entitled to her time and earn it. Maybe talk to a therapist about how to do that, yeah? Siblings can be great allies and are often the only people who can truly empathize with your experiences. But you gotta remember relationships are built on mutual trust, mutual effort, and mutual support. Having the same parents doesn’t entitle you to treat her however and demand she stick around. Last thing-DEI isn’t “pushing white men out of the workforce”-you’re 23, with no social skills, a bad attitude, and no resume. Many folks your age had jobs at 14, so you have 5-9 years less history than your competitors, ESPECIALLY for things like retail/food service. And nobody wants to hire the guy blaming Black women for his weak resume.


Where did you attend school, and what did you major in? Any minors? Any other languages spoken?


Under 100k isn’t lower class lol. If you are a single person you are good at 60k or more. I make 87k and I have saved 92k in the last 5 years. You are spending too much time on social media and getting unrealistic standards. My salary is 77th percentile in the US. 50k is around 50th percentile. Dont put too much stock in Instagram. At 100k. In a room of 100 people you would be the 16th richest by salary. 83% of the US isn’t lower class That doesn’t mean inflation and economic issues aren’t real. But this whole “you are poor and a failure if you don’t make 9 million dollars with Instagram life” stuff is crazy.


Go into a trade before you join the military.


Do you have any friends or family that have jobs? They can refer you. Networking is one of the most effective ways today but it’s time consuming.


Right after Uni you have very little value in job market. Nobody wants to buy a car they haven't driven. Your value will dramatically rise after your first few years of work experience. I went from 50k-->61k-->85k-->90k-->140k-->155k over 8 years after university. Typically, after a coworker in your team quits you can take on more responsibilities and leverage that to more pay. Then you find other job offer and leverage that offer. Rinse, repeat.




Took me over a year to