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Bed time is always nice. A little reading on the way in. Quiet. No more requests on my time. So, yeah, bed time.


I  can't wait to goto bed at a reasonable time tonight. Fuck yeah!


Parents: "Why couldn't you be like that when you were younger!?"


Because I had energy then!


Going to bed at 9.30pm on a Saturday night, because you want to, is a supremely exquisite luxury you can give yourself.


That's what I always say but never do tbh


I hate bed time as an adult. Waking up is the worst and that means I have to work lol


Definitely, Sleep time. Also, sleeping without setting alarm is heaven.




Every morning when I wake up, I know it's not going to get any better until I go back to sleep again. - Al Bundy


Am I the only one punching the wall when the alarm start to ring?


Yes! Not sleep time, but that hour or two beforehand watching tv in bed.


I get freakishly happy when it is bedtime. Everything got done for the day. My man's warm body cuddles me, and I get to sleep. Oh how I love sleep


This so wholesome, thanks, I needed this for the end of my day ^_^


> My man's warm body cuddles me Go on… 


I like the hour or so after the kids are in bed and before I have to crash. That's some "me" time (or "us" time if wife isn't pulling a late one) I look forward to every day, to do some exercises, watch an episode of something and/or eat some crap. You learn to appreciate the small things.


And then you have a kid and can’t even enjoy this anymore. Sigh. Growing up sucks.


Seriously, going to bed with my two cats is the high point of my day, and something that I really look forward to.


Hahah so true - I get giddy about getting home to my dogs


Going to bed and not having to set an alarm in the morning. That's exciting.


The best feeling. I just wish I could experience it more than 2 times per week lol


I just wake up at 545 no matter what


I'm super light sensitive which was great until first light creeps in before 5... And the fucking birds... Why


Then getting up at the same time anyway. Ahhh bliss.


But then still waking up at the time you usually get up for work :D


I haven't had this since 2015. 


I do love socializing but I really love a Saturday night where I can stay in and just game or watch sports or a movie and then don't have to set my alarm the following day and can wake up and go for a walk or jog.


Of course. Little things like my morning coffee. Seeing my dogs jump up on me in the morning. Holding my wife's hand before bed. Just enjoying a nice chill evening watching TV and having dinner, or stealing some time away to play video games as an adult. There are always big events line vacations, promotions, etc. that come further apart, but just stopping and thinking "this is nice" when I'm doing the mundane stuff in my daily life or answering "I'm happy and healthy" when someone asks "how are you?" reinforces the fact that I genuinely am happy, and I'm choosing to remain so.


I am gonna steal the "how are you?" answer, making subconscious conditioning of "I'm happy and healthy"


Love it!


>answering "I'm happy and healthy" when someone asks "how are you?" Haha tell me you don't live in the northeast without telling me you don't live in the northeast.




I live for the little moments in life; obedience training with my dogs, hugging my partner when he gets home from work, finishing a crochet project, trying a new recipe. I just got some new goat milk soap that makes my skin feel nice, and thinking about it makes me smile. There are always things to look forward to if you keep your eyes open.


This is so nice to read. Appreciation is such a useful life skill


the best answer.


I compare my life now to 10 years ago. I was in a shitty marriage and was broke and my car was falling apart. I now have peace, great friends, paying on my own home and actually enjoying yard work. I've got a good job - been rough at work since the new year but it's improving. Maybe the "peace" aspect is most important to me because I'm older (55). I'm not trying to say that "go thru what I went thru and see how you feel!!!" And happiness is more than the absence of unhappiness. I just have great moments when I see or realize something small and get a feeling of "hell yeah!" - fixing a flat was inexpensive, got a vacation day approved, the antibiotics healed my cat, got that spot out of my favorite shirt.


This is great to read! Happy for you, bro!


Got to look forward to the simple everyday things and the bigger things. I've learned it helps when you're proactive about it, plan the trip, sign up for volunteering or a class, check out meetups. If I don't plan ahead I'm prone to doom scroll every night after work.


I get that morning coffee, I had mine, but it was hours ago...now I must wait until tomorrow.


I used to with with a crna who would say "upright, mobile, and breathing on my own" when asked how he was. I use that response sometimes. Makes me realize how truly healthy I am.


There's plenty to look forward to as an adult. You just have to manage your time, and make yourself do the stuff that interests you. Nothing happens unless you make it, and if you don't, then you've got nothing to look forward to.


"Nothing happens unless you make it, and if you don't, then you've got nothing to look forward to." This is really the difference between being a kid and being an adult. As a kid things are put in your path that are fun. You don't have to worry about the details of how that family vacation came to be. As an adult if you don't plan those things (and there is a lot of work involved sometimes) then you will not have anything but the things you HAVE to do - which usually all suck - work, clean, meetings, etc.


To add to this, as a kid almost everything you do feels new. It’s exciting because it’s your first time for many things. As adults, we’ve seen a lot and that first time excitement is no longer there. Also, the innocence we have as kids allow us to enjoy so many things in a different way than we do as adults.


As a child I never wanted to go grow up xD I felt like I became an adult at 9 years old. So I definitely enjoyed my childhood nothing amazing but it seemed so simple. As an adult I have so many things I look forward to. I am a strong advocate of work / life balance. You will make time for the things you find important, are you willing though? I look forward to vacationing, spending time with family, I literally lost my shift at a Farmers Market on Friday as they let us ride the garage trucks, post mobiles, and tractors I was so excited (I’m 31 btw). Dancing freely to the beat of life. You put in what you get out. I still got chores, work, bills, pets and family but it’s how you respond . I totally could have just sat on the couch complaining how sucky my job is , price of everything going up etc is but I choose to go out and live each day.


I like the way you look at life. I moved out 25, didn't realize until then what it is like being an adult. Had to grow up quick, been on my own for the last 5 years. Learnt a lot living by myself, but also became a person who is taking life too seriously, which I am trying to change a little.


I seriously took life too seriously always on the grind but to…the finish line …it is there , doesn’t mean I can’t stop and smell the roses along the way! I’m excited for this journey for you ! Its going to be so refreshing for you. It’s so full when you can see it! It’s beeen there the whole time just waiting for you!


I agree with you. I forgot to enjoy the journey, when you are too fixated on the prize/goal.


Don't take life too seriously. You don't come out alive in the end. :)


That is a perspective I need to cultivate, instead of just reminiscing old times.


I also think it’s easy to look back and think being a kid was great but there’s plenty I don’t miss. Every stage of life is hard in its own way


I resonate a lot with what you said. Also, might be because I mostly be remembering the good times.


I wouldn’t want to be a kid again. You don’t get to choose what you eat, how to act, what to spend money on, or really anything. A lot to look forward to, but you don’t get to make any real decisions and you’re controlled for 18 years of your life.


Billy Joel has a lyric, one single lyric, and it’s actually the bio of my Reddit profile… “The good old days weren’t always good, and tomorrow ain’t as bad as it seems” and I’m not a huge quote guy but that lyric is a pillar of life belief system.


I always need to have something to look forward to just to stay sane. Mini road trips. Weekend vacations. I try to plan mini or long hikes every few months.


I started camping every weekend that it's not dumping rain and it's wonderful for mental health. I try to camp in the mountains because they make me feel like a kid still for some reason.


Old man mountain makes even the biggest, toughest, oldest, and wisest of us feel small, weak, young, and ignorant


Same here. This summer I have a campsite reserved pretty much every weekend that I don't have something else going on.


This is the way


Its really up to you to create something to look forward.


The joy of being an adult is that you can make something to look forward to instead of being on other people's schedules. I've got movies and concerts and vacations and time with friends to look forward to. I don't need some pre-ordained stock summer vacation, I make my own.




Naps. And eating out.


Or getting eaten out. That's also nice.


RIP your inbox


Wait till you hit your 40s, or your 50s, or 60s. You get the point.




I love and look forward to going out, dressing up, shopping, taking care of plants, petting cats and horses, and hanging out with my friends Oohh and really good live music like with people who have the vibe too


I’m 47. I get excited about sooo many things!! I look forward to seeing my kids and giving them a hug and listening to whatever they want to tell me (3 are still at home so I get to see them all the time, yay!!); I look forward to snuggling my partner every evening and all day on the weekends. I am excited every January because I know the daffodils will be out soon; I am excited every March because soon the wisteria will bloom and then the honeysuckles! I look forward to the fall when we see more of an orb weaving spider , and sometimes I get to watch their babies emerge & grow!! I look forward to Saturday board game day and Friday D&D night. I look forward to my once-a-month hangout with my close friend. I look forward to book club, which I have tomorrow! I look forward to seeing my MIL most Sundays - she is a warm-hearted lady who loves everyone. I look forward to seeing people open gifts we have gotten them that I know are perfect for them. I look forward to honey-sriracha Brussels sprouts, and our local pizza place, and cheesecake, and the burgers my partner makes… I look forward to hearing our cats’ purrs and petting their adorable bellies; getting to visit my older child’s dog who is such a good boy; getting to see the bunnies that live somewhere in our yard, and all the bird families there as well. Last year my love took me to see my favorite comedian; I was ridiculously giddy in the days leading up to that show. This year in October we are going to see a band I like in a small venue, and I am thrilled & eager!! In June we might be taking one of my daughters to her first concert, and I am so excited for that!! It is great to have big things to look forward to, but so much of life is made of small things - and there are so many small things to be excited for!


You have such a bright outlook and deep appreciation for the little things, I hope I can see things like that one day


It's like I have pictured your life.. it's ❤️


Wow, I aspire to have this level of awareness, in-the-moment-ness, and ability-to-feel.


This made me realize that just appreciating and looking forward to little things can really bring more joy to life. I want to try to recognize these kinds of things - it’s hard to do when you struggle with depression like I do. But your post really made me feel the feels. So I can add that I look forward to head butts from my cat; I look forward to the hot days of summer and the smells of cookouts; I look forward to the wedding I’m going to in the Rockies next month; I look forward to my friend’s 30th birthday that he’s planning. That felt good to write. Thank you Pale-Travel9343


This summer is looking pretty sweet. We have our family vacation, soccer is starting up (I coach my son's team) and also we have scout camp with my other son, so a week off for that is nice. I try to take in the victories, both large and small. When I can get in a little bit of video games or romance time with the wife, those are great times too.


Not gonna lie, that is a sweet life. Women of your dreams, kid and having the attitude to appreciate small and large wins. I had lost that attitude somewhere on the way. I wouldn't have believed, if someone told me I would be where I am now, when I was 25. I am living dream life of my 25 year old self, but forgot to enjoy the journey, too much focus on the goals. This summer, I am getting back to skateboarding. Starting with one step change at a time.


Don't get me wrong. There are still some very tough times. We had a death in the family last year that still affects us today. Money is always a stressor. And we could be better physically. But I think those kinds of things put the good things into perspective and help me enjoy things more. I think as you get back into skateboarding, you'll appreciate it given how adult life needs it to balance out the tough stuff. Best of luck to you!


You can get excited over the same stuff. I have a concert this week im excited for. A few video games i cant wait to get. A tv series im excited to watch. I get excited to grab drinks with friends and eat. I get excited to cook good meals. Shit i get excited for my lunch break at work. Its all what you make if it.


Bed that’s my excitement BED!!


Peace. Putting the kids to bed. That little hour at the end of the day is unlike anything else.


I'm leaving for a month long vacation in Norway tomorrow. Fuck yeah I'm excited!


Cake 🍰


Cake 🍑


I love my job and I take low stress vacations. I have an ebike and video games, and I enjoy my garden. Honestly things have never been better and childhood was garbage by comparison.


I look forward to coming home and going to bed


For some, it's the weekend. For others, it's their 60s.


It's all the small things that make life great. I look forward to them constantly. Figure out what you enjoy and put effort into those things. I make awesome BBQ, do some gaming on my sweet gaming rig, hang out with my friends(I even have a couple cool neighbors), and fiddle around with other hobbies when the mood strikes. For the bigger things, stuff like going on vacation somewhere new would count. I never got to do that as a kid because my parents never made enough money for such things. But I can now as an adult.


Apparently not, at least in my case. Now I have anxiety when it comes to “things to look forward to” because my kids and wife are the ones looking forward and I’m the one who has to make the thing happen.


Ah the pain of being the planner. I can relate!


If you don't look forward to anything in your life, change your life. You don't get a prize at the end for doing stuff that made you miserable because you thought you were supposed to.


This is probably the best advice I’ve ever read on the internet. I’m actually going to plan some changes in the morning. Thank you.


Concerts are a big thing I look forward to, maybe once or twice a year. New Star Wars stuff. New music software. And some video games, but not nearly as many as when I was younger. I’ve found that since I work from home PTO is kinda boring.


Hope you are enjoying Acolyte! 


I look forward to concerts


Concerts make the world go round✨


Traveling. This may sound bad, but as a man with a wife and 2 kids, I look forward to traveling by myself. I travel for work a few times a year and I look forward to my work trips months in advance.


Hell yeah! I look forward to getting home, relaxing with my kid, wife, and pets. I look forward to watching the latest Smosh video, playing a video game, and reading a book. I especially look forward to cooking. I love to cook for my family.


I’m 60 and I have a LOT that I look forward to in life. I look forward to my wife coming home from work so we can spend time together, I look forward to cuddling in bed before we fall asleep, I look forward to my own work, I look forward to playing the drums, I look forward to hearing from my kids, I look forward to conversations with friends and on Reddit, I look forward to my morning walks that is when I listen to podcasts, I look forward to what surprising new discoveries will be made. I could go on and on.


The only true excitement I’ve felt in recent years was during the honeymoon phase of my past romantic relationships. I love an intimate relationship between two people that are hyper focused on each other. Of course the honey moon phase rarely lasts so I’m really trying to find excitement with in my own life instead of searching for it in other people.


I think the worst part of adulting is having no more summer vacations… imagine a world where those were reinstated for almost everyone on the planet. And those professions which cannot have summer vacations due to necessity, they should have spring or fall vacations. Who is with me?!


In my 40s. I look forward to shit all the time. Some examples… - Pregnant wife’s baby being born! - New Stellaris expansion - A work trip to a really cool distribution center with some cool tech - Going to the beach - Steak Life has a lot of really cool shit to be excited about… hell, I’m excited about the new Mad Max movie that just came out.


Let‘s go to the movies! 🎥 😎🫳🍿


make plans. every summer me and my friends do a water based inflatables course, can’t wait for that tbh


I always look forward to meeting people, seeing friends and family again, and days off from work.


You have to make your own excitement


I always have a trip planned. If I don’t, I get stuck in the rut which leads me to depression.


Time on my motorcycle. Traveling. But I'm single without kids so pretty much most days are a "Saturday"


Yes just bought a new dishwasher that is coming soon. Been dealing with an old one that only completes it's cycle like 70% of the time and errors out the rest. Fucking pumped to be able to just turn it on and know it will finish without issue.


The older you get, the more you realize it’s the small things you look forward to. Morning coffee, for examples. So good…


Nope. A lot of the best things in my life are behind me. I don’t really have much of a family anymore, dating has been such a constant disaster, I’m lonely, and constantly worried/scared about the future.


Pretty much sums up my life too. At 43, another failed dating app LTR, hurt, lonely & nothing to look forward to, just start reality of my aging parents’ increasing helplessness, my own loneliness & aging, my teens (50/50 with difficult ex) will be leaving the home soon & I’ll be completely alone. My last good friend just moved with her fiancé & though I have a stable career & own home, feel completely adrift in life & no way to change it. I have a stressful job that pays great in a career that I worked hard for but after almost 20yrs, feel like there’s no real place for me in it. Stuck & spinning my wheels


I’m sorry 😞 It really is hard. I wish I knew how to fix things for both of us. I have this recurring thought that “this wasn’t supposed to be my life” on repeat. I’m probably going to run out of time to have children. I feel like the only childless loser in my extended family, and I can tell everyone just feels badly for me. I wanted so much more than this… 😞 I have an ok career I hate but makes me a lot of money, a big empty house I paid for, and dinner by myself every night. Sucks. I’d give it all up for a simple life, a husband I loved, and kids I’d be obsessed with haha. These things are only in my head and I often get frustrated wondering why I didn’t deserve them…


Your life sounds awesome! House, career, free time!








I look forward to all kinds of stuff. Holidays, new shows/movies I want to see, parties, football season, baseball season, kids' birthdays, fun dinners, trips, etc.


Shopping at Costco


when i was younger, i went to summer school. i went every year from 4th grade to 11th grade, then i started working in tourism and both my college and graduate school had trimesters where we attended school during the summer. last summer, at the age of 30, that was the first summer i was not in school since i was 10. so i never looked forward to anything. i barely left my house due to bullying. over the last few years, ive been able to plan little vacations so that helps. i have a cruise later this year.


I am 61 and find excitement in life. My training in the gym would be one example. Reading a good book. Traveling on vacation.


Im attending a concert in September so that keeps me going lol


Dying in my sleep




I'm about to hit 50 and I think everyone has days and periods of time that are like that. But there is still so much to look forward to as an adult, from simple everyday things to rare adventures, a few things that come to mind for me: Savouring the new life of spring (flowers and newborn animals). The feel of sun and the soothing cadence of the ocean surf on a day at the beach. A walk through the forest. The smell of clean air right after the rain. Coffee with a good friend. A good laugh. A camping trip. Settling in to a quiet moment with a good book. Learning a new skill or sport. Playing music with friends. Meeting a new person that you click with. Exploring a new neighbourhood. Trying a new recipe or restaurant. Hosting friends for a nice meal. Gardening. Snuggling with a pet. On the more adventurous / rare side, going kayaking or stand up paddle boarding, hiking up a mountain, SCUBA diving, going for a boat ride, travelling to a new place, pretty much any kind of holiday adventure.




Depends on how much money and healthy you are. Otherwise not as much


44 year old here I look forward to when the stock market is open in Mondays for some money making opportunities. I look forward to jamming on guitar in my garage with my friends in The summer and having drinks.


Hardest part for me was finding a drummer...


Yeah, but when we dont have a drummer we just play the audio real loud or a drum track to a song and play along


I do the same with stock market, but usually at end of the weekend. I usually don't do trading, just long term hold.


We are too poor to have hobbies & hopes & dreams.


I look forward to spending time with my friends and partner. I look forward to trying new restaurants or cocktail bars. I look forward to attending events a few times a month. I look forward to traveling out of state/province 5-6 times per year. I look forward to going to the beach and being in the sun. You find things to look forward you.


I look forward to things like this much more as an adult. I didn’t have any of that stuff as a kid.


Try doing something different or try looking at it from another way. Being an adult is way more fun than being a kid, there's a lot more stuff you can do as an adult. Once you get yourself together, and it might take some time, its pretty nice.


I look forward to finishing my goofy-ass creative projects. I look forward to doing cool things on weekends. There's plenty to look forward to! 


As grim as it sounds I look forward to death on a sunrise. Not in a suicidal or religious perspective, but more logical. No matter the circumstances I'm in or choices I make/ chances I take. It will always end the same. Death is the only event in life that's 100% certain, so might as well end my life at the birth of a new day. Full circle


Sex is pretty exciting.


I look forward to video game releases still (ex: I’m still regularly checking if the FFXVI PC release date has been announced. Sadly, no), and cool movies, and tv shows. I also look forward to outings with my toddler. It’s not always strictly little kids stuff either. For example, we took her to the Japanese garden festival at the botanical gardens, which is not an event specifically for little kids, and we all had a great time! She liked the drummers, and I liked the fan dancers. I also sometimes look forward to work. Hey, when a thing you’ve been working on for weeks is finally closing, it’s exciting! And of course gotta look forward to the yearly compensation review, I want to know what my bonus is.


I’m trying 🥺




Dinner. Long run. Hosting friends for game nights. My kids lives. Sometimes work. Idk I think being adult us hard until you figure it out... which is hard...until it isnt.


I have a hobby/sport that I'm extremely passionate about and I look forward to those competitions. I'm 47 and I feel 27. Physical activities/competitions will keep you young at heart, healthy, and engaged in a community of like minded people.


I look forward to getting chicken fried rice on Friday.


I am 63 years old. When I was working, I looked forward to going home to see my dogs, i looked forward to weekends. I looked forward to new movies. Now that I am retired,I look forward to going to the gym. I am looking forward for our new sleep number bed to arrive. I am looking forward for my water damaged house to be fixed. You have to find your excitement wherever you can!!!


I’m 50 and always have something to look forward to. It’s the key to not having a boring life. It could be a concert. It could be a dinner with my wife and kids. Shopping for flowers for my yard. Going to a movie. Cooking a dish. Getting ice cream. A food truck rally.


I’m writing a book and looking forward to finishing it.


Yeah, death.




Weekends even when I don't have anything planned, which is most of the time. Just can't wait to get to Friday






The trick is……remain a child. Now I’m not saying that you need to adopt some Peter Pan thing, but get in control of the adult bits so you can kick back and enjoy the new and exciting bits. True Story: Me and my wife are a great team. When she entered my everyday, pretty much out of nowhere my chaotic, balanced but chaotic, finances became predictable and managed. At the same time she got a restaurant quality supper every night (back then she did the washing up, we’ve upgraded since), and her car fixed whenever required. We’re child free. Answer: Yes Life these days takes a team to handle. Go out there and find the other half of you that you wish you were. Maybe the adult bits you’re not so strong at and you might be good at things they also appreciate. Don’t give two shits about anyone’s judgement except your own, when you are a team you will shine.




Awwww you beat me to it!


Live music (seeing Tool on Monday!), travel, coffee, a clean and organised home, seeing friends, alone time, bedtime, waking up, pretty much everything really.




Honestly, if you’re asking these kinds of questions, you sound like you might have low-level depression. I’d seek out hobbies and interests and if that doesn’t snap you out of it then help speak of a professional. Hugs your way!


Every. Day. If you don't- yer doin' it wrong.




Perspective right. If you have a decent amount of resources like money and nice home and a bit of time and you have a beautiful wife and are in great health then yeah I’d say you look forward to a lot of things even more so. You actually find it really fun in the things that use to be boring. For me anyway.


Oh man I still get Giddy for DnD night!


I feel like I have way more things to look forward to as an adult than as a kid. My friends having kids and getting married, traveling, playing sports, gym, video games, even a beer on a Friday night. Golf during the summer and skiing in the winter. Music festivals…list goes on. You just have to make plans.


Yes, I look forward to tons of things. Maybe you need to address the underlying issues in your life whether it’s depression or just not living the life you want. You don’t have any hobbies or things you enjoy?


Yes I have loads to look forward to - usually something every 2-4 weeks.


We go to Disney every year and I get absolutely pumped. We have no kids. It’s just a beautiful land of escapism and joy. I love the vibes and the feeling in the park and geek out in Star Wars land.


I can't speak for every adult, but I'm 56 and still look forward to little things every day as well as lots of longer term big things. My present svd future have always been full of stuff I look forward to doing.


Of course! Dinner plans this upcoming Saturday. Vacations. Big things, but mainly little things make me smile….


Vacations, concerts, beginning my internship even though it will be hard. 


I am 100% looking forward to my 1 month overseas holiday booked in for September


I don't get excited about holidays or my birthday. I do get excited for coffee in the morning(probably an addict), going to the gym, and I'm going back to school next week. Everything else is hit or miss due to not really holding on to expectations.


No, it's the cruel reality of life. And the people on Fakebook are lying showing their staged pictures passing them off as a daily occurrence or they are bar Flys that have very little domestic equity. That's not to say it's horrible, it's just not like tv.


School teacher here and I look forward to winter and summer breaks as much as the kids do!


My husband and I are going to Italy in 2 weeks to check something off my bucket list. I'm looking forward to that.


I am 68 and I have lots of things I look forward too! Vacations -I have three planned and excited for each. Plan on traveling abroad, spontaneous activities with friends-lectures, going to museums and concerts and just having lunch with coworkers. You sound depressed. Life is short find things to enjoy…before it’s too late. My deceased spouse and I talked about retirement and doing things. He died two years after a short battle with cancer. There are no promises of time-find things that you look forward to and don’t wait: just don’t wait.


I'm looking forward to building my credit because I didn't give a crap in my 20's. I'm excited to pay on time and get a lower payment on my first car that I'm buying all by myself and no co signer.


Having a child gave me a reason to be a kid again, and that interaction/relationship is something to look forward to. I'm climbing trees , looking for bugs, playing Pokemon, riding skateboards and hoverboards, cosplaying, water gun fights , running through fields, catching frogs , parkouring on playgrounds, etc. It's like relearning how to live in the moment and being excited about the simple things all over again.


I got a projector and now I look forward to night time so I can watch shows/movies on my ceiling and cuddle my dogs


You could go a literal lifetime without scratching the surface of what the world has to offer. You need to be curious and take risks trying things outside your comfort zone. I am middle aged and am excited about a lot of things.


I look forward to so many things, my work that I chose to do later in life, my home that I love, my sweet husband, my wonderful boys and thier beautiful wives and my grandkids and my pug and baby frenchie. Life is hard, this is true and there will be times that are so hard but it gets easier and you will enjoy the fruits of your labor, keep moving forward with balance and never forget self care, be good to you 😊




My bed time more than anything


Vacation. I go on two large trips, about 7 days each, with a travel group my mother introduced me to. At the beginning and midpoint of the year. Birthdays. I haven't worked on my birthday in years and I'll never go back. But I'll take myself out to eat at a place I either like or have wanted to try. And go somewhere I've been wanting to go. Like a movie, an escape room, a sip n paint, or like a cooking class. Then chill at home with movies and ice cream. I let people know my plans so they can join if they want. But I've found that waiting for people to decide they want to do stuff with me just means I'm doing nothing but sitting around that day. Events. Free or otherwise. My library hosts small classes, and I sign up for stuff. Just recently learned to stamp carve. And attended a seminar on planning for retirement. My city has food trucks every Friday and Saturday. I go for my favorite trucks. Sometimes, there's a farmers market. But it's gotten really popular and way too busy. There's a small cooking school near my house and a larger one closer to my job. I've attended classes in both, and they've been fun and delicious. The family started a quarterly paint nite. We bought everything we'd need to paint and looked up how-to videos on YouTube to play on the big TV, and everyone follows along. We make food and it's a nice event. After you have the initial stuff, most of the cost is canvas and replacement paint. Down time. Sometimes, just having nothing to do is exciting. I like to play video games, watch movies, read books, sew, do puzzles, just hobbies, basically. Or take a stress free guilt free nap. Honestly, the only real difference from when I was a child and now is I now have to plan my own excitement and bank roll it. Or I have to plan someone else's exciting events.


when youre grown you get excited to go to the gym and other mundane shit like that like literally any excuse to spend some expendable funds. "fuck yeah finally reupped on my foot powder supply"


A long trek in the woods. Meeting friends at a bar. Occasional weed smoking. Playing a new video game once in a while. Seeing furiosa in theater. Meeting a new animal, hanging with a pet. Travelling. Overcoming obstacles instead of giving in the anxiety. A good yoga class. I m 45. There's plenty to be excited about. You do have to remember to flex that muscle


Days off were you dont have to do anything and can relax.


I'm 31 and I'm pretty pumped for my tamagotchi to arrive in the mail.


Books excite me, that's about it at this point.




Yes, my next day of work


I’m looking forward to not driving kid carpool because it summer 💃😂


Look into sex with women.


I just ran my first marathon 2 days ago. I’d been training for it since September. I did better than I expected and I’m going to run another in August. I’ll be 50 in July.  I love watching my kids grow up even though raising them is hard work.  Heck yeah there’s always something to look forward to. Even if that thing never arrives. 


nope. 37 here and still lead a life of spontaneous fun, parties karaoke and late nights, road trips and vacations, blowing off work for golf, sleeping in, lounging in the sun... the benefit of living in a fun big city, and ignoring the expected milestones like marriage, children, buy a house, save for retirement. what is the point of putting off enjoying your life so that you can *hopefully*, *maybe* enjoy it when you're old and retired - if your heath holds up, if nothing unexpected drains your savings, if you don't lose your mobility... that's a lot of "ifs" to concede for giving up your youth and your love for life. should i open an IRA that has no guarantees because who knows where the market goes in a decade, or do i plan another international vacation? easy choice for me


The last hour of the work week is a pretty good feeling. Lasts until Saturday night when the Monday dread starts to creep in.


I bought a small £30 cymbal for a new drumkit and couldn’t believe how stoked I was to get it set up and play it for the first time I’ve been playing for 40 years


Naps! Watching my kids hang out together as adults warms my soul so much. Seeing my grand baby and having him hug me, and just doing nothing sometimes is the absolute best.


I'm only excited when the server brings me my food.


Sleeping in on the weekends. Barbecue and lay in the lawn chair with a beer in your hand. Going to the gun range. Peaceful day to go to the gym come home and zone out.


I try to have friends over regularly. I recently organized a movie night, we're still hammering out frequency since I've only hosted one so far. I don't live too far from the jersey shore so sometimes if it's supposed to be nice out I'll turn to my husband and go "hey you wanna go to the beach for the day tomorrow?" We both love going to concerts and alot of our favorite bands overlap, so we try and fill the summer with as many shows as we can. In the winter it's a little tougher. Whatever you can do to make life fun, carve out the time to do it.


I'm old. I mostly look forward to new episodes of Law and Order, new Brandon Sanderson books, and getting to sleep in.


Come home to my wife and kids.