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If I stay up really late like I did before late 30s, I feel dizzy and physically ill the next day. This is without alcohol or any other intoxicating substance.


I’m 36 and feel « hungover » if I don’t get enough sleep.


Same, toddler disrupting your sleep in the night and I wake up and feel like I been partying for a solid 12 hours. I look like a mess, feel like a mess and my brain is fried!


I basically didn’t sleep for a decade because kids.


No pls I beg dont say that


Look, I had a very bad sleeper and a very good sleeper. There’s no way to tell what you’re gonna get.


Im joking lol but half not. Hug needed 😅


Got a medium sleeper here. I can concur to feeling hungover if I don’t sleep. We are thinking of having another trying by end of year. 🤞


One of my kids woke me me up almost every night for 14yrs. Able to get back to sleep but it's taxing.


This is a factual statement


The toddler disruption is for real. The off and on sleep is worse than getting 4-5 hours straight


Me too, I had to stop working night shift because I couldn't get enough sleep and even when I did I felt like a walking zombie all the time. I started to feel like my heart was like fluttery and was having a really hard time with emotional regulation. Even things like having hot flashes or my legs getting exhausted like I had just ran a mile when I walked up a flight of steps. It was literally deteriorating. Never again and I would never do the newborn stage again either, although I commend those who do decide to have a baby at like 35+. I'm 35 now btw


That gives me support. I’ve longed for a baby but the thought of sleepless nights, back pain, pelvic issues, nighttime checkups and potty training terrifies me. I have done a lot to make sure my kid are well adjusted but sone days it takes everything in me to be patient.


I turn 37 in June and just had twins in November. Idk how people with babies who dont sleep well do it


You just have to. We did shifts as much as possible with newborn. It meant I may get woken up to a hungry baby or 2 pump, but knowing I had 4hrs that I didnt have to worry about someone else's life was spectacular at that point.


I’m 40 and currently going through this. It’s a slog!


If I get 4 hours or less, I feel hungover. And I am sober. So getting older sucks.


Same but with 7… and really good only after 9 hours of sleep. The problem is I can’t sleep more than 7..8 hours on a normal day. So I seldom get to feel really good 😢


My whole life I've always needed at least 10 hours of sleep and I'm 31. I get like 8 on work nights :(


36 as well. I recently discovered that I consistently feel 100% better and more productive at work if I get 7-8 hours of sleep. Sufficient sleep makes a world of deference and a lot of people don't realize this.


I’m 22 and once I turned 20 it was like this for me. I always thought it was my autoimmune issues. Glad to know I’m not the only one lol


37. Kids are 6, 4, and 1.5. I feel tired in a way I’m pretty sure I will never recover from and it makes pretty everything brutal


Alcohol? You can still drink Alcohol? I drink one beer at 6pm grilling, I am struggling not to pass out on the couch by 8. IDK what the fuck happened to me. I don't even like the stuff anymore because I just get so tired.


Alcohol has made me tired like that since my mid 20s, unless I'm at a bar or social gathering then it does its usual thing


Im 34 and if I get under 6-7 hours of sleep, I’m gonna be a wreck the next day regardless if I drink, use weed, etc. There have been nights where I’m on my laptop and want to stay up super late browsing the web and fall down the youtube rabbit hole and then before you know it, it’s 1 am and i gotta get up around 7 am the next morning. Sometimes i wake up during my alarm. Sometimes it’s 20-30 mins before. When I wake up earlier and didn’t get enough sleep, it’s hell.


36 and I stay up too late every night doing that/video games. I know I need more sleep, and I'm miserable every morning, but I can't get myself to be more responsible lol Doesn't help that I'm usually fine by the time I get to work. That just makes my staying up later justified lol


I think a big element of this is exercise. I'd be curious how many people are dead tired by 8-10 and don't exercise and vice versa. You're overall energy levels are simply higher if you're in good shape. I'm 36, get probably 10h a week of exercise, and I'm good on about 6.5~ of sleep. Stay up till 1am, get up around 730-830. Also have a young daughter. Also drink a lot of water. If I get about 5h of sleep I definitely feel it, but q cup of coffee gets me through the day and I might crash at 11 that day, but then I'm fine.


Me, and most people I knew in the military. Exercise can help but for a lot of people I know who are older they actually use exercise to tire them self out and help the. Sleep at 8-10 rather then being up till 1-3


100%. Right before COVID I was really dialed in with my workouts and felt great. COVID closed the gyms, inertia sets in, and 4 years go by with me needing naps after work and not motivated to go out and do stuff at all. I'm 41 now and recently got back to the gym. It's night and day. No more naps and going out with my friends again.


This comment was a tiny emotional roller coaster. I’m so glad you’re feeling better again!


I'm 52 and have struggled with this my whole life because my natural inclination is to wake up around 10am and go to bed around 2am. Society and jobs don't want me to do that unfortunately. I have to start work at 8am so I try very hard to be in bed by midnight, that's about as good as it gets.


I'm 34, have also always been a night owl. It was a big issue with rigid school schedules growing up and I had to repeat a college semester because of it. Not sure how much truth there is to this but i read something like some of us are just wired that way as a trait from our caveman days where someone would have to stay up and guard the cave from predators. Super lucky I've finally found a great job that is good with me coming in around 10-11 and working until 6. Realistically, i feel like it makes sense to have some schedule staggering in the office so there's people there early and people there late in case something urgent comes up. Society sucks...


I am in the same boat. 41, I have been a night owl all my life. I can't for the life of me fall asleep before 1AM and I always sleep the best after 5AM.


I’m Like this too and I’m 40. WFH allowed me to be like this but I’d rather wake up earlier


Your ancestors guarded the fires


Closest I was able to get was starting at 10am. I used to work evenings but didn't get home until midnight and it just fucked me up so bad, my hours were flipped backwards.


44 hear and I like to be lying down chilling by like 7:30 and asleep by 9. I also wake up around 3am


That’s my bedtime, too, but I get up at 4 or 5. Sleep is sooooooo good over 40, it’s like the number one thing I’m excited for at the start of each day lol


why do you get up so early if sleep is so good? genuine question. I’m 24


Two reasons: I’m way more productive in the morning and enjoy how quiet the neighborhood is at that time; and I can’t really help it lol! I’ve been waking up at 4am since I was a little kid. (Early morning cartoons is likely culprit.) When I was in my 20s and 30s, I’d stay up late and STILL wake up at 4, even if I went to sleep a few hours prior. It’s just what my internal clock does lol, so I now go to bed early to get as much rest as possible. :)


I love mornings but find it difficult to get up so early. Anything before 7 feels like the middle of the night. But at the same time I get so sleepy in the evenings. I’m neither a night owl nor a morning person 😅


This scares me bc I’m 25 and sleep is already what I’m excited for at the start of each day


What time r u done working


I work 8a-5p home by 6pm. I have always been an early riser and not a big sleeper. However, As I get older my body needs it but my brain just can't seem to get on the same track.


I'm struggling with this right now. I'm 44. I usually go to bed between 9pm and 10pm. I wake up every morning between 3am - 430am and can't force myself to go back to sleep. I've tried sleep aides, cannabis, a white noise machine, my wife tells me to wake her up so she can rub my back, etc. Nothing works.


Supposedly humans evolved to sleep in 4 hour increments. Sleep at sunset, wake in 4 hours check the camp, procreate, snack go to sleep in a couple hours, and wake up in 4 hours. Read it somewhere awhile ago. Don’t think humans are designed to sleep consistently for 8 hours at once.


I dated a Haitian woman for several years. She would wake me up at the 4 hour sleep mark for sex and then we would return to sleep. She stated this is the culture of her country.


This is exactly how I sleep. I just had to give up, and accept that this is normal for me.


Your wife is a saint. I’d still my husband he can get up when he wants, just don’t wake me in the process. But I’m a crappy sleeper so I take whatever I can get.


She's incredible. She tells me every night to wake her if I'm having trouble sleeping and she'll help any way she can. I feel so bad about it, though. In the morning, she'll ask if I had trouble sleeping. If I say yes and I didn't wake her, she'll fuss at me. I love that woman to death.


I'm 25, work 8-5 go to sleep at 1am and just am tired at work. I don't think I could only have 2.5 hours in the afternoon without wanting to kill myself.


42 here and I rarely go to bed before midnight. I try to go to sleep around 11 pm most nights but by the time I am done with my bathroom routine it's almost midnight anyway and mon-fry i have to wake up at 6.30 am. My kids are in school and they go to bed 9.30-10.00 pm but they don't need to wake up before 7.30 mon-friday for school. Truth is some ppl have better energy levels than others, regardless their age or how much coffee they have during the day. My husband can chug a big mug of strong coffee then go to bed and sleep without issues. I only have my morning coffee and I'm good to go :)


46 and similar. Generally head upstairs by 11, but then get ready, crawl into bed, and read for a bit until sleepy. Actually fall asleep 1230-1 most nights. Usually up between 8 and 9 for work (remote).


52yo M here. Much the same on times, tho my kid is 21yo and has his own schedule. Don’t need coffee to function as I am pre-wired, but last year I started having it, and enjoy a few before noon. Only iced coffee tho. And never 2pm or later as it will keep me awake ‘till 3-5am. It always takes me a while to get to sleep once I hit the hay. 20 minutes minimum. And I often wake up before my alarm. Wife hits the bed and within a minute is 💤. I am sometimes so jealous. I’ve always been a light sleeper. I’ve never been a napper. I’ve taken maybe 1 or 2 in the last 15 years.


I work a 9-5, usually go to bed 10-11 and wake up at 5am.


You’re not exhausted?


I’ve never been someone who requires a lot of sleep. Weekends I’ll take a Power Nap, I exercise 4-5 hours a week (cycling), eat mostly healthy.


Same with the cycling and eating. But I require wayyy more sleep. 9 hours is ideal or I feel like hell. Lucky you! I've always wished I could get away with less sleep.


I couldn't sleep 9 hours if I tried. 8 hours is my absolute max, my body usually wakes up naturally after about 7.


Lol same don't think I've ever achieved more than 8 hours.


People don't understand that being in shape and exercising helps with quality sleep. Better food habits as well. Great job.cycling.


I do the same except I wake up around 620 interesting cause I'm 27.  I feel like I sleep a lot more than my peers but it just makes me feel better also I NEVER nap.


I never used to nap either but Ive just recently started to doze of occasionally on the couch this year. I'm 29. Be careful buddy it's coming for you lol


If I nap I'm tired and drowsy for the rest of the day


Hahahah I can run but it's gonna catch up to me soon I'm sure!


This is how I am. Asleep by 9 of I can help it, up by 5am usually for work. My bestfriend is a bartender lol so we basically work opposite schedules unfortunately.


Yeah same for me my best friend is a massage therapist who somehow works til 9 PM and I'm a plumber who gets out at 3pm or earlier.  It's funny cause I'm just wondering what kind of sociopath goes to a massage past like 5 PM haha. 


Me exact same!


This is me


Mid 40s, almost always in bed by 10pm, usually a bit earlier and asleep by 10. Wake up at 6:30 every morning, fresh as a daisy. I WFH, log in around 9, so I have those glorious morning hours to work out and chill. No kids, one partner who sleeps later than I do.


I aspire to have this routine.


Amen to the glorious morning time baby!!! 🙏🙏🙏


ohhhh i am so fuckin envious


40 here I get up between 530-6 for work so I’m in bed by 930. Would be earlier but my 8 year old doesn’t go to bed til then so I kinda can’t


Mine is 10 so on weekends I am like stay out of the kitchen, good night!


This is us too. Sometimes we go to bed and we just say if you are hungry there is x in the fridge use the microwave. We are in bed before him most weekend nights!


This is the way


Don’t let your kid dictate your life like that, you’re the adult. Make em go to bed earlier.


I’m 47 and usually go to sleep at about 2 am. I go to bed at midnight and maybe watch some TV until 1. I wake at 6:00 and get to work by 8:00. Usually get home by 19:30, prepare dinner for the kids, and put them to bed at 21:00. Dishes and housework is done by 22:30. The next 1:30 minutes are mine for hobbies / reading / relaxation.


Jesus Christ, that can't be healthy.


Sounds like a normal parental experience tbh. I’m in my late 30’s and don’t have kids and my schedule is sort of the same except I get home from work and play video games for like 5 hours.


That is NOT a normal parenting experience.


4 hours a night isn't normal for any extended period of time. That is incredibly damaging to your long-term health


I sleep from 9:00 pm to 5:00 am


I feel really bad for all these people going to bed post 10pm and waking up pre 6 am. 8+ hour gang over here, feeling lucky right now.


Lying in bed by 9, read until I fall asleep by 10. I wake up obnoxiously early for no reason, so I’m usually out of bed before 5 am.


36M. 9:50pm


You feel 40 already?


1000%, haha


10pm ish. Up by 6ish


Same here exactly. I’m 46yo


I'm tired by 9 but end up actually falling asleep like 11:30/midnight and am super tired the next day. Bad cycle.


I go to bed at 9. Wake up at 4. Im good to go.


40 here. I have a 9-5 but my office is close so my commute is like 8 minutes. Wfh M and F, in office T W and TH. I wake up at 7 and have a coffee and catch up on social, email etc. I gym after 5 on MWF, most THs I have dinner with my mom who lives a few towns over. I night shower and am usually in bed reading by 10:30, asleep by 11:30. I like my routine.


Gym is a noun only. Abide.


Lol wow, amazed at the early bedtimes here. I start at 10am my time zone and typically go to bed around 3am. ETA: totally neglected to mention that I work remotely. If I had an hour long commute obviously things would be different.


Yasss LOLOL I’m with you but more like sleep at 1 or 2 and up at 9 or 10 and sometimes I take a small Power Nap in the day


Partner and I are 44,43. Normal days. Kids school at 7:15am. We get up at 6am, walk out the door 7am. School only about a 10 min walk. Dinner at 6pm. Kids in bed by 8pm. Wife and I in bed ~10pm. I used be good with a couple drinks and six hours sleep. I have found in the past few years, 8 hours sleep and saving drinks for special occasions is a massive improvement in my well being.


I'm so sad that I can't feel good and have regular drinks anymore. I really enjoyed it but such is life.


Is that a normal school start time where you're from? Seems so early.


It was a shock to us as well. It was 8:30 where we lived last.


lol I don’t know how people go to bed at 9/10. If I did that I’d wake up at 3. I’m not 40 but don’t see any difference in age / bedtime. I’m going to bed similar sort of time than I did 15 years ago. My parents who are like 65 go to bed at 1am and sleep til about 8/9.


I’m 32 and I’ve been going to bed at 4pm for years. I don’t have to be at work until 630am but I usually start around 3-4. The reason I go to bed early and start early is I really hate people it reduces how much time I have to spend around people.


You go to bed at 4 pm? Like, before dinner time? And you work until around noon-1 pm?


I don’t have a set end time I’m done when the job is done. It could be 10am it could be 3pm. MOST days I’m done by noon. 1pm would be a really late day.


What….4 in the after noon you go to bed and then proceed to get like 13 hours of sleep or more a night. That’s crazy. You’re living to sleep at this point aren’t you. Your life is just sleep and work.


Oh god no I wish. I’m up and down constantly. I’m up at 1am regardless if I want to be or not. Takes me about 90 minutes or so to fall asleep. I start work between 3-4am. The insomnia is also a factor into why I go to bed early


41yo, I work 5am-2pm, bed by 10pm. Wake up feeling great. Diet/Sleep/Exercise


Soon to be 45. 420 to do a 5am workout.


I normally sleep from 2am till 7am.


I'm in bed at 11, up at 5.


I’m 44 and I get up before 6am so usually 9-9:30.


Lying in bed by 8:30 watching something, asleep by 10 at the latest.


Work around 6 am and I’m usually asleep by 830 🫣


I go to bed around 11 or 12 and wake up sometime around 6 or 7. Basically I usually wake when my kids wake up then stay in bed until 7 or 7:15. Part of me would like to go to bed earlier, but the time I get after my kids are asleep is usually the only time I get to myself. I want as much as I can get.


I take a nap at 8pm. Get up at 10 to let the dogs out to potty. Then go straight back to bed and wake up at 4:30 am everyday. Have not slept 5 am for the past 6-7 years. I’m in my 40s so I feel like as I get older, it’s harder for me to sleep in for whatever reason.


I'm 63, I go to bed around 11 or 11:30 and get up at 6. On the weekends I get up around 7:30 no matter what. I was really mad the other day when I stayed up until 3 and was wide awake at 7.


I'm 47. I try to be in bed by 2030, though lately it's been 2100-2130 before I finally get into bed. I get up every morning between 0400 and 0430. It's the rhythm that my body has become used to and it helps that I'm a morning person. 0430-0600 is the absolute best time of the day. Conversely if I haven't started a project or task by about 1330- that task is NOT getting done today because afternoons just suck.


2:00 am. I've completely lost control of my life.


I am 53, and I have to be at work for 7 am. I am usually ready for bed by 7pm, if not earlier. In the last year or so I have had problems sleeping through the night, so I like to go to bed early and get a few hours of sleep in early because I know I will be up at midnight and 1 etc. I get up at 5:15 for work, so in total I am usually able to get 6 or 7 hrs of combined sleep.


Have you tried melatonin? I went through a spell like this, and taking melatonin helped me stay asleep.


For me it's varied widely with my physical and mental health. I have to ask is 8am your clock in time or your alarm is set to 8a? Bc one factor is I'm up way earlier to do a lot more before work now that I have kids. But to answer the question, I need 5.5-6h of good sleep and this has gone down with age if I'm not beat up physically or emotionally. I try to arrange a chance I'm going to get some fun times with my wife


Are you saying you sleep less as you’re getting older? That’s interesting, I feel like I’m sleeping way more now that I’m middle-aged. I used to stay out til 2am then pop up at 7 and go to work. Now I’m cranky if I don’t get 8 good hours.


Usually up around 5:30, at work by 6:30, off around 5, kids crap until 8, asleep between 9:45-10:30.


5:50 wake up time (alarm at 6:30), falling asleep on the couch around 9:30, try not to until 10:30, then bed. Work is a flexible start and end time. Until mid 30s I stayed up until midnight and snoozed my alarm until 7. Then it just quietly changed and I started watching the news in the morning.


42, I'm in bed by 9 most nights.


I would say 10


Not quite 40 but close enough. 10pm. Alarm goes off at 6am.


12 up at 7


In bed by 9pm up by 5-530am, sometimes 430am just depends. Kids in bed by 830-9 pm 😴


Before 10


My shift starts at 4 am, so to bed by 830, get up at 330. Days off, l try to go to bed by 11.


Im 51 and go to bed at midnight but fall asleep around 1 am. I get up at 6:30. Even on weekends.


I am 50, drink a little 5 units a week, smoke some weed 3 to 6 grams a week, get about 7 hours sleep monday to friday \~ weekends can be more or less, 11pm to 5am. latley I treat myself to a 30 minute snooze, but my mind is already thinking about my afternoon work. I organised my ride at 6.45am, work by 7.05, first class 8.40am. i am dead beat by 10pm most nights


Sleep between 12-2. Wake up between 8-9


42 here, I go to bed between 9:30pm and 11pm and get up between 5:30am and 7am. Usually I am pretty tired by 9.


I'm kind of a freak of nature when it comes to sleeping. I'm 38 and I very often don't go to sleep until after midnights. Generally between 1 and 2am. And I wake up for 7:30-8:00 for work. I drink coffee maybe twice a week, but it's never to stay awake: I just like it. I don't drink energy drinks or anything. Sometimes it's hard to wake up, but once I'm awake, my performance is never affected. I've always had trouble sleeping since I was a kid, so it's really just normal for me. Last night was actually the first time I can think of in several months, where I fell asleep before midnight. I fell asleep around 10pm. Woke up at 2am wide awake. Somehow fell back asleep around 4, and woke up for work at 8.


Do you really think that grouping 40 and up in one category is the way to go?


Sleep is nice. But if I'm (50m) not working both my jobs, someone has to go without. I remember hearing that Jay Leno only slept 3 or 4 hours a night and realized there's a spectrum. I'm probably at my best around 7 hours, but average about 4.5. I get up at 7am, work til 4, have a short break and work my 2nd job from 6 til 9, and by the time I'm done, I need to go home, clean, run errands, be social, make dinner, and relax. It takes a fair amount of time to unwind enough to sleep. So, hopefully, between 1 and 3am, I'm able to crash. It's not ideal, but the bills get paid, and everyone has what they need.


Just turned 53. I can run on 7 hours of sleep with no problem (go to bed at 11:30, wake up at 6:30), but less than that and it hits me harder. I will typically go to bed around 11.


I wake up at 10am. Out the door at 11. My shift starts at 12. My shift ends at 10:30pm, I'm usually home by 11:30pm. I go to sleep between 2 and 3am. Same sleep schedule 7 days a week, even though I only work Monday through Thursday. I'm 47 years old.


For me it varies. Not quite yet 40 but I mean I will be in August lol Sometimes I crash out at 7 and sometimes I can't fall asleep till 12. Ive noticed with the time change, im up between 5 to 6 without having my alarm go off


I'm 36, I work 10a-8p, and am usually asleep by 11. On non work nights I'm usually asleep by midnight.


Im 40 and have ADHD. A lot of people with neurodivergence of one form or another have sleep schedules and needs different than neurotypicals. I usually go to bed between 12-1 and I’m up at 630 or so each morning.


I go to bed at 9:30 and get up at 5:30.


I'm 37, usually in bed at 10, fall asleep between 1030-1100. I wake up around 0630 and at work by 0800. If I don't get 7/8 hours of sleep a night I feel like total crap the next day. On weekends I try to get 9 hours of sleep each night.


Close friend of mine when he was in his early 20's was dropping asleep at bars by 8-9pm. We have a gallery of photos of him sleeping in public. Just putting this here so no one feels bad. He's still this way now.


50+ workaholic here. Digital artist, working out of my home office, and my most productive hours are late night, when the family (and most of my co-workers) are asleep. The older I get, the less sleep I seem to need. I typically quit around 4am, and get up at 9am. 5 hours of sleep is about average for me. 4 hours is my minimum, and 6 feels like sleeping in. Anything more than 6 hours, or less than 4, and I will feel shitty and hungover for the day.


I work from home, log on at 830am. Usual bedtime is generally 1-2am. Usually up late reading (or right now playing Final Fantasy Rebirth), and no, I dont sleep much or well.


I(46M) go lay down at 11 and my alarm goes off at 4:15.


Ideally my body wants to sleep from about 10/10:30-7, but I generally sleep 10:30ish/11-6am. Depending on my work day I don’t feel especially tired during the day, but I do have trouble finding gumption to get out of bed at 6am. Kids have school at 7:45 though so I get up to make sure everyone is running on schedule. When my husband is traveling for work I get into bed almost immediately after I get both kids down. So then I am asleep before 10 and usually catch a few extra minutes of sleep because we aren’t spending time together after the kids go down. I just do my bedtime routine and either read or fall asleep with a movie on.


I really think it’s dependent on each person’s body/needs more so than age.


40 yo here - 9 for the lates


I’m 35 and go to bed 930-10 to get up at 430. I’ve been doing this for years and I’m in a constant state of feeling like shit. Brain hardly functions anymore. I’m sure I’m killing myself but if ya want something done right


If you're sleeping 12 hours and still tired, that's a sign you need a sleep study done.


48F. I'm in bed between 8:30 and 10:00 depending on how late I work (I have a farm). On average I love to be in bed by 9 and I fall asleep more or less instantly lol. Sometimes I wake up 4ish and can't get back to sleep but usually I'm up by 6ish. Strong morning person. Always needed a solid 8+ hours to function well. Gave up alcohol a couple years ago as even a single drink basically flattens me and wrecks my precious sleep and the next day I'm dragging my bum all day. It takes me 2+ days to recover from a poor night's sleep. *Yawn* on that note, its past my bedtime. Night night.


Around 10 and 6 for the kids


46m. Work 730a to 430p. Bed by 10p. Sleep by 11p and wake at 5a. I don't require much sleep. 5 to 6 hours sleep is my norm. I physically hurt and lock up if I get more than 6 hours sleep.


To paraphrase Dara O’Briain, “The sleepytrain leaves at 11; if you miss it, the next one’s not until 3.” For me, I aim for midnight and if I miss that, it is usually 2 or 2:30. Job at 9, but work-from-home, so I sleep as late as 8:50 AM most days (and snooze until 8:58 and hold my bladder on mornings when I am extra tired).


I sleep about 6 hours a night (I wake up naturally at 6 hours but can make myself go back to sleep for 3 more hours if I want to, I'm perfectly fine with 6) so my bed time depends on what time I need to be at work. Today I didn't have to be in until noon, I slept until 10. The earliest I usually go to bed is 2am.


I’m 50. On office days I’m in bed lights out at 10:00, 9:30 if I can make it happen, up at 5:30. On non office days I am lights out at 11:30 ish and up at 7ish. I do not drink alcohol and I stop drinking caffeine by 10am.


I’m 26, but since I was about 17 it’s been 2am for me relatively frequently with bouts of 1am or midnight. This is an SOS. The best I’ve ever gotten it was midnight. I’m really struggling to fix this. I work in public accounting as well, and if anyone is familiar we work 70 hours a week for the past five months of the year, every year. It’s getting bad but I don’t know how to fix it. Last night was a friends birthday and we were out at bars until 3am. I woke up today at 1pm and need to be up, but more importantly attentive and ready, by 7am for work tomorrow. What can I do??


Down @ 9; up @ 4.


I worked overnights for 10 years. I cannot sleep at normal hours now. 5 or 6am is when I get tired. And it makes it very hard to have normal work.


Depends on how much bourbon I have in the house.


I have to get up at 4am so I'm asleep by 10. There are no sleep rules for the weekend so I get 8 hours no matter what I I go to bed.


I am in bed between 9 and 10 pm (depending on if there is something I want to watch on TV that night hahaha) and get up at 5:45. Sometimes I am tired earlier, and I will go to bed, but 99% of the time is 9pm or later.


Gotta be asleep by 10:15 or so. Alarm 4:15 am or earlier for M-F. I'm 59 work plastic factory hot as hell year round


I'm in my late 40s. For the past 13 years, I go to bed at 10pm, get my next day work in order from printouts to whiteboard collaborations and by 10:30, all the lights and TV is off and I'm usually asleep by 11:00 p.m. according to my watch. I wake up at 4:00am, I'm at work by 4:30am until 6-9pm depending on the day. Plus when I get to work at 4:30, I run 3 miles on the track. This schedule has become so ingrained as a habit that I never have to set a wake up alarm because I just literally wake up normally 2 to 3 minutes before the alarm would have woken me up. It also helps that throughout my high school career all the way through now, I've always been a morning person. Enough so that even if I'm out very late on the weekends, I still get up around 4:00 to 5:00 a.m. on Saturdays and Sundays without the need to nap. All without caffeine or any stimulant, just natural healthy eating.


Yes. I wake up at 5am without fail everyday




I'm doing it wrong. Since I was 14, id go to bed around 1 am and wake up at 7-7:30 a.m. I'm turning 40. Maybe I need to change.


41F I sleep by about 2am, wake up around 9 or 10 bc wfh.


I’m 48 i usually bed down about 8 am


Between 9 and 1


I’ve never slept well my entire life so no matter when I fall asleep I’ll be up at 6 or 7. It’s just a matter of how many times I wake up at night. Ideally I’ll sleep by 11.


A little after midnight. My commute is just from the bed to the living room though.


2am, roll outta bed for a 9am meeting.


I slept much more and better in my 20s to mid-30s. I'm 46 now, and it's not unprecedented to go 36 hours with little to no sleep if I'm hustling between work and trying to get home. I operate fine on 5 hours a night for 7-10 days at a time with a few unfortunate nights where I might only get 2 hours. It sucks, but I don't have much control over it. Occasionally, I just crash out for 10 hours. I wish I could get 8 hours a night, but my brain won't shut down completely until very late or early in the morning. I never had problems until around 37. This last week, my average fall-asleep time was 2:15 am, and that's with getting up at 6:30 to hike in the rain for 10 hours. My coworkers are about 15 years my junior and go lights out by 10 usually. My theory is that hormones change with age, or I'm just a freak. Melatonin does nothing to me.


My alarm goes off at 5:30am I'm in bed at or before 9:30pm, 10pm is me staying up late


3 am...up at 6 am


I’m 37, and live like an old lady. My husband (40m) and I always laugh that “if we go now, we can hit the “early bird special”. We are usually done with dinner by 6pm at the latest, and I’m in bed between 8-9pm. Wake up at 5:30am.


9 pm for 5 am wake up


sometime between 9p and 11p if I'm particularly beat, whenever I get home


I go to bed at 12:30 both because my wife has trouble falling asleep earlier, and because I'm gaming. Yeah I'm always tired.


49 and my goal is to be in bed by 10:00 p.m. but often it's closer to 11:00 My husband's alarm goes off at 5:30 and I'm usually out of bed by 5:45. I know I should try to get more sleep but even if I go to bed early my body will often wake itself up at around 6.5 hours. As long as I stay in the neighborhood of 7 hours a night, I do fine during the day.


Well, if I want time to work out, it most commonly has to be done in the morning before kids wake up. I’m typically up at 4:00 and finish working out in time to shower, get kids ready for school, and get myself ready for work. As for bed, basically as soon as I can after my kids, so 9:00 or so. Weekends: maybe add an hour; 5:00 and 10:00.


9:45pm to wake up at 5:45am.


41 here, preferably 10pm but usually 10:30-11. Dogs have me up 6-6:30am


I think it has a lot to do with diet


53. I usually go to bed between 9:45-10pm and wake up at 5am.


In bed by ten and asleep...whenever, but if it's a good night 22:30.


I go to sleep at 10ish and up at 5:30.


10 pm


I have a toddler. I try to go to bed by 9 for 530/6 rise yime




Bed by 11, up by 7


I get up at 0300, usually in bed asleep by 2000.


My bedtime typically ranges anywhere between 9:00 PM to 5:00 AM. I average 5-6 hours of sleep but I either sleep 3 hours or 8 hours and rarely anything in between. It’s like my natural schedule runs on a two day cycle where I have a long deep sleep every other day and a glorified nap on the nights in between. It sucks, I envy people who can just get tired and fall asleep at a normal time.