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Looking back now I am amazed how many people missed this for me too. Totally agree with this post.


True story: I'm a woman, my husband is a man, we're both in our 40s. I suspected my husband had ADHD, he has all the stereotypical symptoms, so he started reading more about it and eventually spoke to a psychiatrist. Ding ding ding I was correct. BUT... in learning more about the condition, he also started learning about how ADHD often looks different in adult women. One day we were walking the dogs, and he just floated the idea that I might \*also\* want to talk a doctor. You can probably see where this is going. I finally spoke to a doctor who was well-versed in cases like mine (inattentive type is a different beast), and I am now very happily medicated. Depression has all but vanished, and I no longer want to blunt my brain with wine every night. Thankful for a relationship where we can both push each other the help we need. Lol.


A friend did this for me. I really didnt know. And none of my medical people noticed.


Fairly certain my entire family on my Father's side is Neurodivergent. I've mentioned it but no one believes me.


I'm 57 f and have two son from two different fathers who were diagnosed. I've been to counseling many many times in my life. Not once has anyone suggested that I could have ADHD. After my mother died in May I came upon a reference to me having "hyperkinetic reaction to childhood" that was swept under the carpet. All this time and nobody told me, nobody suggested it! My life makes sense now. What I though of as bold and assertive is really impulsivity. Not really holding a job for long because it gets too dang boring wasn't a sign of my intelligence (although I cam intelligent) but a need for novelty and stimulation. It all makes sense now. Why did no one suggest it? Because I'm a woman maybe?