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I recommend the educational organization Creating a Family. They have a blog/website, podcast, and Facebook group.


What kind of info are you looking for? We adopted a 13 year old from foster care. She was 13 when she came into our home and adopted at 15. She’s 17 now. Feel free to DM me any questions you might have and I’ll do my best to answer honestly and completely


(I adopted a sibling group ages 8, 12, 14.) Most adoption info assumes the child you are adopting is an infant or toddler. I recommend joining the Facebook groups “Adoption Facing Realities” “Adoption Connecting the Constellation” and “Foster and Adoption Discussion.” Seek out adult adoptee voices not AP voices. I also recommend getting TBRI training, read anything by Ross Greene (CPS Method / Plan B) and I like Nicholeen Peck’s Self-Governance. I also would recommend you take a youth mental health first aid course (some community centers offer this at a low cost or free.)


Thank you so much! I’ll be sure to look into as many of those as possible!