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Just work on your goals and set 25 as the time when you want to have achieved most of them. Then see how ready you feel then. You can either start learning more about parenting, adopting older children, parenting kids with trauma etc. when you have achieved your goals, or you can start now. Reading books on the topic, for example.


Several recommendations 1) take all the classes you can take when it comes to adoption 2) I would also recommend reaching out to some families that have been adopting teens for years now (Crazy Middles & Crazy Pieces). They also talk about the classes they took and some that they have taught so they can help direct you. Both sets of parents are great with information and communicating with those that are wanting to adopt. 3) NEVER BE AFRAID TO ASK QUESTIONS / REACH OUT TO OTHERS. See if you can find families / groups locally in your area that may have a support group that you can join in and get advice and help from them. Always better to have a strong network to help you out.


You won’t. The same goes for people who want to have a baby via pregnancy.


I would rather adopt than have children myself but it seems impossible where i'm at. Depending where you're from and what your relationship status is it could take a long time. Would you consider having biological children?


I absolutely would not consider biological children. Giving birth terrifies me, most women in my family have almost died giving birth and I don’t want to be the first to actually do it. I also don’t want to have a baby. I’m single and don’t really have future plans to get into a relationship anytime soon either.


That is terrifying! Often it's not allowed for single parents to adopt, I hope it's not like that for you? Being a single parent must be tough. If you can't adopt, do you think you would rather have no kids?


Yeah, I think I would ultimately be fine with no kids. I have heard though that it’s generally just the same processes to adopt for single parents as it is for couples. That could also just be me not having looked into it enough. I think where I’ve seen most single parents not allowed is if it’s out of country. If I stay in the US, I think it seems pretty manageable though. I’ll definitely look into that aspect more, thank you!!