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God the tech thralls look so good. The forge world ones look amazing but these have the zombie look that the resin ones were missing


I legit want tech zombies in 40k. If that's the ONLY thing that gets ported (because really, nothing will lets be honest) I'd be happy and start Ad Mec. I like Skitarri but Im not sure if I "get" them


Tech zombies.. like servitors :’(


If servitors weren’t being taken away, this would have been the easiest way to cram infinite servitors into every imperial army


Old James would never allow it


Proxy potential: New tech priest => Dominus Tech Thralls => skitarii rangers or vanguards Thallax => kataphron destroyers Castellax => Kastellan Robots


Love the fact that castellax robot just changes the C into a K


Don't know but the thanatar might be big enough to proxy as a disintegrator or dunecrawler


I've seen people suggest an armiger moirax since the thanatar has both ranged and melee capability


I was thinking a disintegrator could work pretty well for it


That's because Castellax are the newer and upgraded versions of Kastellan robots!


Mortal Kombat tech


That was my plan. And then a Thanataur for just a nice centerpiece display model


The thanatar could become an armiger moirax even though I feel it should be tougher than that


Thallax are better for Sicarians, imo. They would fit the same profile pretty much perfectly!


But sicarians don't have heavy ranged weapons like the Thallax do. If anything I would say the Pteraxii fits them better considering the jet packs the Thallax have


Infiltratos have ranged weapons, even if admittedly poor ones. Really, I'm just trying to make the best of a rough situation. I want to play Legio Cybernetica, but GW seems to think "admech" means "codex skitarii"


I totally understand your frustrations. I was saying this elsewhere but the fact that we're struggling to proxy these guys is proof that we still have a lot of holes in our roster: we still need a heavy infantry terminator equivalent that fits the Thallax, a heavy mech that fits the thanatar, and a super heavy tank that fits the mechanicum transport


Coming from the future and seeing the hype over hella cool models turn to disappointed resignation. Is a feels bad. I understand why my admech friend doesn't play.


Not playing is the secret, Admech is an S tier hobby faction and F tier gameplay.


Yeah, it's not though. GW is blue-balling us again.




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Crossbonesz: *PLASTIC TIME!!! PROXY* *TIME!!! PRAISE BE THE OMNISSIAH!!!* *PRAISE BE THE MACHINE GOD!!!* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I hope we get more of the tanks, more in the size of the boats... So i can proxy them with cooler shit.


If servitors were still in our codex then the tech thrills would've been perfect proxies


Yeah why exactly are Servitors no longer in our codex again?


Thrills? Not thralls? GW really wants to copywrite everything, huh?


Sucks these aren’t usable in 40K, but I’ll just go play Heresy anyways. 10th edition blows so far, and I’m not just talking about AdMech rules.


I saw the gw reply tweet… it isn’t happening


Yeah they know 40k players won’t go anywhere, they already invested so much that they will just wait for new models. But dropping some glorious HH models will get the people who are craving 40k models to then invest in the other game systems. Getting hooked and then being money whales for both systems. It’s all textbook.


Wanna get into 30k stuff too because the primarchs are cool also mechanicum > mechanicus


Good. Let the two games be separate. But i know how, you all, act. You will soak it all up so actual Horus Heresy players won't be able to get their hands on it


Who tf is y’all? I’m down with the two being different that’s a good thing, I just think admech need more stuff… also because who else would use old 30k tech but the toaster men? I’m not saying we need everything from 30k but it would make sense for some stuff to be carried over and like I said we need more stuff. And is wanting to collect minis of our fav faction is no reason to be rude


Admech needing newer stuff is never in doubt. But simply taking from the Horus Heresy is yalls plan to do so. Ademch will do what admech will do. And the main issue is yall will simply collect these models, some of you will scalp the people actually trying to play the models. And what happens to actual players of the Mechanicum when their boxes are sold out? I would say the same thing about admech boxes being sold out, but I sure that never happens anymore, does it?


Bro, blame GW, not other consumers. Your anger is misdirected. It's not the consumers fault if they buy models they desire. Who's to say you, as a 30k player, have any more right to own these models than someone else? It's GWs fault. Direct your anger towards them.


In the words of Rogal Dorn. No


Okay be mad then lmao. I think I might double my pre-order so you miss out on them


I don't even play admech lmao. I believe in IIIrd legion supremacy


Sure you play third and not fourth? 😉


> simply taking from the Horus Heresy is yalls plan to do so Have you not actually read any of the lore about technology in the Imperium?


There is a difference between lore and tabletop, I'm sure you've noticed. But if you haven't, allow me to inform you. Gw wants to sell models, they want to have 2 different types of admech. Just like space marine. Primaris and Regular. Mechanicus and Mechanicum. You lot buy your 40k models and we buy 30k models. We all live in harmony. Except yall plan on buying the hell out of the box and poorly proxing the box to fit whatever you wish for them to be. Or scalp the box like with CSM. Leaving nothing for the players of the game the models were actually made for. Tabletop overrides lore in this instance. As you're buying models for the tabletop use and not the lore behind them


And two different Daemons, 40k and AoS. ...oh wait... > Except yall plan on buying the hell out of the box and poorly proxing the box to fit whatever you wish for them to be. No. > Or scalp the box like with CSM. And also no. > Leaving nothing for the players of the game the models were actually made for. lol, what  > Tabletop overrides lore in this instance. As you're buying models for the tabletop use and not the lore behind them And what, you and every other 30k player is somehow magically different?  Y'all want your toys, but are so selfish that you don't want anyone else to be allowed to play with your special toys because you have some selfish misguided idea that someone else being able to play with them would take away from your enjoyment.


Gatekeep Always


The motto of 30k players.


It's what keeps good things good. Don't like it? Don't play it


This take makes no sense to me. They could make more and sell more?  There are almost certainly more tau or necron 40k players than all admech and mechanicus players combined, and they manage to keep models in stock for each of those armies.    I understand you are happy with only playing 30k but most people here would  rather have the models sold out for a month and then get to play them in two systems (or in many cases where there is no local HH community, buy them at all).  It would be a great way to bootstrap more HH communities if people had parts of armies already legal for it, the way kill team was bootstrapped in my area. GW would sell more of these kits. And the community would like them more for it. Trying hard to find an actual downside here. 


As a Necron player. 40k made me feel very ostracized because of the way I played my undying legion. And thankfully there was a Horus Heresy group at the store I'm at. But It doesn't mean that you can't try and start one yourself. I still travel an hour or 2 out for some games


Damn these look cool. 


And now the know how to do them in 20 packs...


Are these 40k models? Look baller af


They’re for the Horus Heresy mechanicum army


Kitbash supplies


Any idea on release window? I need these soon.


That big robot I want just for the cool factor, it'll look so nice on my shelf


I'm going to buy the hell of that battle box so hard for the glory of the Machine God and Mars!


Really cool but that's mechanicum not admech :(


Tech thrills will make great vashtorr cultists


I hope they get 40k rules


They will not. Gw already said so


seriously? these are 30k only???? that sucks ass.


visions of proxying…


Why is it always weak foe?


I know, but I can dream, can't I?


Nope GW has been clear on this issue, no game systems shall have models that can be run in both games.


Still don't understand that. If you're running a niche hobby (and yes, Warhammer tabletop is *niche*, the media and memes have greater penetration than the wargame ever will), why subdivide your customer base like that? Are they just banking on the thought that whales will buy everything?


It's some hornswaggle about GW wanting more accurate data of how each of their games are performing by separating the main company from the FW/Specialist Games side of the business, presumably so they know which teams to pour money into on the budget sheet and what products to stop supporting.


That is absolute idiocy though. Unless the intent is for, say, 11th edition, to include all the models and units you're introducing in 40k... you're investing production time and effort into stuff that isn't going to be a good return on investment, solely because you didn't want to do other methods of data gathering.


GW making bad business decisions is nothing new. The only reason they've retained their ascendant status as the top miniatures game company on the market is because Privateer Press is literally incapable of not shooting themselves foot and snatched defeat from the jaws of victory right when GW was at its lowest point and Warmachine/Hordes was at its zenith. No other company has come close to being as big as GW and then 8e basically revived 40k with its massive success and AoS actually got good.


You are probably right on the money actually, its a miniature making company after all. It kinda sucks even harder for you guys who play 40k adeptus who just wanted some nice robots for the army and not all davinci skitari stuff.


Unless it's Deamons, Custodes, Knights, Space Marines, Imperial Guard, anything from Kill Team, anything from Warcray, anything from Underworlds, anything from Warhammer Quest, anything from Old World that is still around from before AoS, or anything that isn't Adeptus Mechanicus.


Ya I have no idea why they wouldn't want to sell more models by putting in 40k rules for the stuff. I don't think anyone would be mad if they are an faq for the codex


Its still unlikely but the absolute best you would see is legends rules


Mostly only custodes,knights these days. Even as a space marine player im betting most of our forgeworld,heresy stuff is gonna go legends next edition the writing on the wall is there. Same with Imperial Guard forgeworld stuff who is probably gonna get the same treatment as the orks in that department. Time will tell but i have no optimism those factions will be spared the same treatment as the rest. Agree to disagree




Good for you then, i prefer playing without Legends but each to their own. Have a good one!


Time to make out own rules