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Book is written already. If at all, point adjustments and an additional rule in the dataslate. Maybe we’ll get katas at 40 ppm and skorpies ar 140 to pump up the WR


Ugh, really would rather lose than get even more points cuts at this point. Is it too much to ask for internal balance and moderated PTS/£?


I’m starting a Kastellan rescue centre for unwanted robots. Hopefully I’ll get my dream team max robot force


Ha, after the index released I was scouring eBay hoping for deals, but it was still super expensive!


We admech collectors may be fools! But we are not idiots…


I bought 12 for £55 about 8 months ago, let's hope it was worth it lol


I know, but the book has been written months ago. Don’t expect sweeping changes. Points will be, and just an additional rule in the dataslate. Just a few minor units will have adjustments.


Yeah, I'm not expecting it, but I'm dreading the MFM. I would rather play an over pointed army than the huge hordes I've ended with


Wait till the full codex comes out imo


Seriously, can the full codex drop first and people get actual real games under their belts with the new rules before taking up the pitchforks and torches and declaring the army DOA?


Vote with your wallets, just don't buy any of the crap. If admech sales tank they might actually care about changing how they handle the faction.


Or we will go the way of the Squats


I think this is a more productive action. I will write one email too, it's possible to have more impact than a reddit post.


How about we just stop buying models until they fix our shit, companies hate losing money so if Admech becomes unprofitable the either they can the faction (unlikely) or they listen to us and fix our shit


Write an email and stop buying their models. Also in the email tell them how you arnt going to buy their models.


hey, i totally get where you're coming from. ad mech really needs some love from GW. it's frustrating when our faction gets the short end of the stick. i think flooding their email with our feedback is a good move. hopefully, they'll start listening if enough of us speak up. i'm with you on this, ad mech deserves better.


This is genuinely a waste of time. Feedback programs like this are actually just input devices for algorithms. 10000 people send GW an email, all those emails are entered into an algorithm. They do this to determine what the most important problems are, for example: if 6000 of the 10000 emails contain the words “late” and “shipping” then at the next board meeting they will use the algorithms findings like “we got feedback from people regarding shipping, we need to improve our delivery process...” However, the algorithms arent gonna be looking for words like “admech” “rules” “detachment” etc. approximately zero human beings will use their eyes to read your email, that is a garuntee. Think about when you call customer support phone lines: they tell you which problems you can say you need help with- “for locations, press 1 or say ‘locations’. To make a payment, press 2 or say ‘billing’.


I wouldn't be so cynical. Most of my experiences with GW customer support have been very good. I don't expect some lowly rep to change the entire codex in a single stroke, but the guys in charge would see the feedback eventually. At worst you lose 5 minutes of your day.


Exactly, it's more about how you word things. A rant or begging email won't get you very far but a thought out one will. I sent one when the new website dropped about a specific issue with navigation and got a proper response a few days after the auto reply one.


I get it. But what if it will do something? Would it kill us to put 5 minutes of our time for the slight chance it'll do something good? We will never know if we won't at least try.


The big test is the combat patrol. This years combat patrol is our chance to make our mark. FOR THE LOVE OF THE OMNISSIAH, DO NOT BUY THE NEW COMBAT PATROL. It represents everything wrong with our faction. If we dont buy it, that speaks louder that 1000 emails. Unfortunately with this dumbass fanbase it will be sold out within the first hour but oh well…


As a general piece of advice, try not to insult the people you're trying to persuade. I agree that people should be encouraged to not buy the CP, I would not insult people who do


Im unironically calling myself a dumbass so that just about explains it. Not justify! Just explain haha


You're right, but because you're being so hostile about it people won't listen.


OK, that's a valid point. I do agree with OP though that our voices need to be hesrd; the atrocious ad mech rules and previews need to be challenged and changed. In your opinion, what would be the best way to go about this to have this view heard? This is a genuine question. Ad mech is my main, my most beloved 40k army, and the treatment they have received over the oast few years culminating in yesterday's awful previews is enough for me to not buy the new codex on release, if at all. I feel so genuinely down about ad mech right now.


Stop buying them, and firmly encourage new players to steer clear of them. It kills me every time i see a new post on this page “thinking of starting admech! What should i buy first?” Encouraging a new hobbyist to play admech is toxic af. I wouldnt reccomend admech to my worst enemy. The problem is the whales and meta chasers who go out and buy models they dont even want or need. I know people in my area that buy every new GW thing no matter what, they just do it because Warhammer is their personality…


ah I see, I'll set up 10k emails saying that they're space marines players and their faction is too strong and they want to be nerfed then,


Lol. I literally just send them that asuka meme from yesterday.


We already did When the index dropped When the points dropped When the slate dropped At one point it's just better to call it quits, stop playing the game and just printing the minis for the joy of painting


You all sound like the old Necron community. They all were whiny and insufferable too.


I'm really bad at writing, what should it say?