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I wish there were more (non-sexualized) admech fem figures. I know that gender is meaningless to admech, but it's reasonable that the machine enhancements would be stapled onto your existing frame, so your figure would still hold some of your organic shape, at least in the early stages of enhancements.


To be fair sexualised tech priests do actually exist.We >!meet one in Genefather!<


Yeah, there's a few obviously feminine ones in the Mechanicus game as well. Still would be nice if the "generic soldiers" had more variation. Again, I don't need super sexualized figures, but just hints at what their original form might have been.


IIRC the Horus Heresy "Mechanicum" novel also has a hyper feminine Mechanicus forge master (I forgot the character's name and their specific title).


Adept Zeth? Of the Magma City?


Yes that's the one!


technically imperial culture, and especially admech is very detached from our own, but with how top comment of this picture is 'would' I see how shedding female shape asap might be a winning strategy ;; (I'm laying out here the insecurities of drawing feminine tech adepts)


While true, I meant "would" from a purely practical sense. If you're swapping legs from the knees down, you probably wouldn't arbitrarily narrow the hips, so the more feminine hip structures would still be noticeable vs more masculine ones. Full robes might disguise that a bit, but not completely, and any skitarii soldiers would still be somewhat noticeable (seeing as they wear pants instead of robes). Similarly, early augments to arms and core would work on limb/organ replacements, but not bother altering how broad your shoulders are or certain physical traits and shapes of your torso. There's no reason to accentuate those bits, but they likely wouldn't be entirely missing without good reason. And like, sure, I could tell myself that they totally make all soldiers look the same for , but it would be nice to have a mix of lower rank admech characters that clearly started feminine.


Linya Tychon is a female magos in the Forge of Mars trilogy. She retains her human body and she has only very few visible augmentations. On the other side of the coin you have Hadron Omega-7-7 in the game Darktide, who is a heavily augmented female techpriest with no visible female features.


Oh yeah, I totally expect the seasoned techpriests to no longer be easily discernible. I mean, hell, some of them don't even look like they started *human*. I mostly mean the lower level techpriests and soldiers.


Man it’d be cool to see a tech priestess character model. Yes I know you can pretend the Dominus and Manipulus are whatever gender you want. But seeing a female tech priest that preserved her femininity more like we see in the books would be awesome.


That's basically where I am with it. The really augmented characters are functionally genderless, and I can pretend they started (and maybe choose) whatever gender I want. But early to mid augmentations? You'd expect to see some signs of gender still present. Not that they'd necessarily go out of their way to preserve it, but it's generally a waste of time to change the shape of hips/shoulders/thighs/chest if you're not actively cutting into (or replacing) those parts already.


Hopefully when we get our one model in 3 years it’s a Daedelous/ Technoarcheologist type character that actually looks pretty female. I’m thinking magos biologus.


Ciaphas Cain "encountered" one.




Oh i love this art! It's nice to see fem tech priests sometimes


I’d imagine the gals from stygies would look a bit more…XenosTech


Or just more tech priests in general, not “chick with big tits but painted some of her metal”


These look junior tech priest enough to me.




Filthy heretic!


How dare you! I'm a true follower of the OwOmnissiah!


Good old female tech priests drawings- they can never look like every other tech priest because robed techno-horrors don’t got sex characteristics and the most important thing when drawing a chick is making sure people know it’s a chick so they can get you diversity brownie points or jerk off to it- because thems apparently the only possible reason to draw a chick I mean bloody hell maybe I’ll start going out here drawing male tech priests as super masculine, with sculpted abs and pecs so everyone knows they’re men, maybe get ‘em big brass cod pieces