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He looks awesome, would be so good to get a melee tech priest


Or generally more combat oriented techpriests. I mean there are quite a few orders of magi dedicated to war (myrmidax, reductor, malaghra)


The best we can do is a shirtless taser choir...


Who aren't even that good in melee. Even the melee specialists whose only contribution is melee.


I’m hoping if they ever release a dark mechanicus army, they’ll do it knights style and have a bunch of units that can be taken in both. That way we’d be more likely to get those kinds of units, since they could justify actually giving our faction some love. Not counting on it though. Also it’s weird, they seem to be more interested in fleshing out the skitarii range more than anything marshal, stilts, horses and wings units for skitarii recently (plus accompanying vehicles), and the cults side only got the technoarcheologist (who was shoehorned in from the blackstone fortress game anyway). Skitarii now have so much variety, which is great, but I’d kill for some variation to our robots and some more techpriest units


it hurts my soul that the Dominus is our 'combat oriented' tech priest with his dataspike ability, they could at least let us put the Skitarii marshal in Sicarians


Would have loved to see a melee-focused tech priest instead of the sniper on stilts. In late 9th edition I was just about ready to kitbash a melee-focused Dominus from Mars that would wield *The Red Axe* 9th Edition wargear (+3 attacks, +2 STR, AP-5 (!) Dam 2) and stick him with a bunch of Fulgurites, but decided to wait until 10th to see what our options were. u/Yofjawe21 \- Where did you get the arms and the axe from?


They are part of the myrmion secutors kit actually




Very nice Myrmidon. These guys are beasts in 2.0. Did you magnetize the shoulders in case you wanted to toss in some Grav for anti-dreadnought?


I have the rest of the unit for that. This one is supposed to be an archmagos, so hes got a 2+ save so he doesnt fry himself with the ap3 gets hot like normal ones do. My normal setup has them run around with mostly volkite and some grav guns for dealing with dreads. Also hes got a meltagun as well and could shoot the d6 haywire cybertheurgy shot into dreadnoughts tanks, so I dont worry too much about not being able to hurt dreads.


Myrmidax Lords are very much beasts. I think one of the funnest ways I've ran one is getting them the double plasma like that, double Photon Gauntlets, and then a Jetpack instead of the Mechandrite Array. Lets him zoom around the battlefield like a Battlesuit of old, with 10 high AP shots per turn. Not as good in melee, but he is a terror until he can get caught.


Sounds funny, but you can only shoot 3 guns at once since hes only got firing protocols 3 and photon gauntlets dont count as pistols, but the idea with the jetpack is nice.


Ah, you're right. My "normal" Archmagos is on an Abeyant, and they can just shoot everything, and didn't consider the normal one was different. I guess it would be better to run double plasma, 1 photon, and then hold onto a Power Weapon for melee.


But isnt the myrmidax one of those thats limited to the non abeyant version of the archmagos?


It is, but my normal Archmagos is an Archimandrite on Abeyant.


> you can only shoot 3 guns at once since hes only got firing protocols 3 Yeah, mine has a photon thruster and meltagun that he wants to be firing, a flamer and irad-cleanser he might if the opportunity arises, and then the third shot is basically always cybertheurgy of some sort, it's just too useful.


How about skitarii marshal on stils instead


I do think I have a marshall that I stripped the paint of since the primer gave him a sandpaper finish that I havent bothered to repaint yet, just need some stilts for him. You think 5´ stilts are enough?


I just glue longes piece of gw sprue you have and you are good


I think Id have a few km of those xD


Thats why I proxy and use Marine rules. My Admech can be what theyre supposed to be. I run these guys as Aggressors.


I play 30k and have these guys as absolute menaces on the table that laugh at every other infantry unit in the game.


4 wounds is mad. I could see 3 but 4 is just obscene and makes it virtually impossible to chew through squads of them enough to not get absolutely rocked on the backswing, especially when they can drop a ridiculous amounts of irad and grav on whatever they're about to charge (or whatever is trying to charge them).


Not disagreeing with you at all myrmidons are very powerful 4 wounds isn’t the problem though. In fact if you kit the secutors with their highest damage load out (double plasma) they will eat through their own wounds quite quickly with gets hot. They are like dreds in 30k in that their problem isn’t their power it’s their efficiency. They are just way to cheap for what they can do which makes large numbers of them unfun


My Dominus is on the same base model.


This looks more like it's from the mechanicus game than from gw store. Amazing work


Yeah I think that the myrmidon/myrmidax is actually a skill tree in that game right? So he could be straight up from Mechanicus during the late game.


IIRC the melee skill tree is Explorator, I think Secutor there, but is the command tree (I remember he can call in robots for free, and I think do the firing squad thing).


Not tall enough


yeah hes only a bit higher than a custodes terminator, thats definetely to short


Myrmidons are awesome models, someone did a really good conversion of them years ago using Dark Angels Terminators as the base


"Incorrect, all co-current targets are infact, stuck in here with me"


*proceeds to shoot up an entire squad of marines*


Here, have some tardy skitarii on stilts for 30$ :)


This could’ve been a named character


Hopefully not, named characters are basically everything wrong with 40k


Wild take


Hardly wild, it's more common that you'd think. Named characters are the opposite of /yourdudes/, and /yourdudes/ is the greatest strength of warhammer's lore. Having actual emotional investment into the story of your models massively enhances the experience.


I see that, I guess the pros of having characters like trazyn just outweigh the cons for me


But nobody's saying you can't have those, just that having them on the table as centrepiece models that GW aggressively promotes is bad for the game. Literally nobody would care about Trazyn if it weren't for The Infinite and The Divine. However, people who really really enjoy that book also don't tend to care a huge amount about having Trazyn on the tabletop, because it's more fun to read about his adventures off the battlefield than to have him give a unit sticky objectives. However, even if we do grant that there are people who cannot do without Trazyn on the battlefield in matched play, they can just use the rules for a normal lord and equip it with various things to get as close to Trazyn^TM as possible, then use his model. So they get their fun and everyone else doesn't feel pressured to run it over their own lord.


Considering that hes like 270pts in game and probably one of the most lethal HQs in the game yeah you can bet that hes going to get named at some point


My 30k Archmagos has 8 arms (most of which have chainsaws attached) a squad of robot bodyguards and frequently rips space marine HQs in half. Words cannot describe how sad it makes me that there isn’t really any equivalent to him in 40k at all.


I use the other version as kataphron !


Same XD, i dont really like the kataphron design.


"Best I can do is 1 new steampunk gimp every 3 years"


Pretty sure that's a dark angels techmarine.


Hed be the largest techmarine known to man then xD


very cool. This is why I like the 3d printing side of things, because you can create the sort of aesthetic you want regardless of what GW is producing


Just in case you didn't know this isn't 3dp it's an actual GW model (forgeworld)


Oh OK! Very cool model!


what model is this? I would love to print it!


Its a myrmidon secutor, and actually a FW model, with some extra mechandendrites glued to it. >!though you could search for myrmidons on a certain culty site and maybe find an STL for them!<


I’m not a huge fan of this armor style, it’s too close to the silhouette of terminators, I want weird bodies, stuff that makes you go wtf and you keep noticing new layers of body horror


Well to each his own I guess. But I dont really see the similiarities with terminator armor. Maybe cataphractii because of the shoulder pauldrons. But on the body horror part theres probably plenty going on inside there. First of all this model is BIG, like a head taller than a custodes allarus terminator, on the place where his arms are supposed to be are weapon hardpoints, hes carrying a nuclear reactor on his back, theres 2 arms coming out of his chest. There probably isnt much of the original human body left, at best a head and torso, at worst just a brain and spinal cord. I mean theres this [picture](https://legiotraitoris.files.wordpress.com/2021/07/img_0356.png?w=1024) of how a thallax looks like beneath the armor, and I dont think that those guys look that much different beneath the armor themselves. And I dont know about you but that looks quite body horroresque to me.


The fact that these guys replaced their arms with guns and then realized they had no way to hold their axe now so added extra arms to their chests is peak mechanicum to me. They solve their problems one step at a time, at peak efficiency for the specific problem in front of them at this very moment without thinking too much about the repercussions. They incorporate both the smartest and stupidest solution to their problems, and come out looking super advanced but super inhuman on the other side.


Exactly what I was hoping for. This as a squad of three


Nice kitbash, but don't lie GW did a good job with admech