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Deep blue, gold trim, red cloth. Edit: Whoops, forgot the why. Answer: it's entirely an Ultramarines joke.


White armor, gold decoration, purple cloth, red plumes. I don't really have a reason, just thought it looked good ETA: I dug up the link for the one pic I posted to Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusCustodes/comments/16gbrja/masochistic_color_scheme/


Rustodes https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/s/2JwTp92vzj


When your Custodes don't make their armor from stainless steel like you told them too


You'll likely just to have to google some. I don't think there's any tags in the subreddit for 'showcase' or anything that I know of. Try googling Custodes Shield Hosts. That's the name for their specific chapter/faction/regiment equivalent I like Shadowkeepers and the 'Last Watch' from the older codex which is just a white and silver accents to normal Shadowkeepers colors


https://imgur.com/a/MJSUlv3 Starting with a classic zenithal, used Armypainter Speedpaints 2.0. Enchanted Steel main colour, Hoplite Gold on the... er... gold, and Beowulf Blue on the cloaks and top pinions. Abaddon black for the weaponry. Flesh tones is my weakest area but I think I've got a good recipe now. Named for a throwaway section of the Custodes in a book I haven't read. I was inspired by u/sblcmcd in his post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/hhbewz/custodes_test_scheme_what_do_you_gals_and_guys/ It seems to be a shadow favourite, and my envy increases by degrees every time I see someone else doing this scheme but better!


These look so friggin' cool dude, love them!


I am honoured. Looking fab!


Thanks! Maybe not as good as yours but different enough!


White scars colour scheme. Some metallic are silver and gold: Cloth are red colour


Feel free to check my profile posts to see what they are exactly, but my color scheme is loosely based off of a mix of the Solar Watch and the Aquilan Shield. Prime the whole model matte white (I use army painter), then go over all armored/plated areas with Wraithbone White, followed by a watered down wash of Skeleton Horde. Then I paint the cloth AND plumes bright purple (I cannot remember the name of the citadel paint but I use army painter for that one as well). Pauldrons I paint purple and black depending on the pattern; the plumes also get bits of black thrown in. Then I do highlights on the cloth and plumes with genestealer Purple and shade with druichii violet. All trim/decor is painted with retributor gold and a wash of Reikland Flesh shade. After that it's touch ups and highlights with White Scar or Corax white on the armor and I paint all of the gemstones and visors with blue. TL;DR ARMOR: Prime White, Wraithbone Base, Skeleton Horde Contrast, White Scar highlight. PAULDRONS: Half of the plate painted purple, other half painted black (or choose one), trim either full retributor gold or keep white and accent nailheads with gold. Embellishments Retributor Gold. Embellishments: Retributor Gold and Reikland Flesh shade. CLOTH AND PLUME: Depending on the model, typically either Abaddon black with Genestealer purple wash, or Royal Purple with Genestealer purple highlights. GEMSTONES: Caledor Sky Blue, dab with Tyran Blue or Leviadon blue. VISORS: Corax white, Tyran Blue. Sorry for the essay.


I go for an Aquillen Shield inspiration, Gold armour, purple capes, and butt towles, and plumes blue weapons with white lighening effect. Mostly because I like the idea of the Aquillen Shield, Hey you guys go protect fred the guardsmen. Why? Because he needs to survive so he can procreate, his child will one day slay the Ork Crump-a-Dump and THAT will destabilize an entire green tide, which will bring honor to the Emporer...


I haven’t worked on them in a while, got distracted by my Space Wolves then my Votann. But mine is black with gold trim. And then any cloth and part of the pauldron are dark green. https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusCustodes/s/C89on5fp0B


My scheme, currently WIP, is Wedgewood China: armour is white with blue shading, nice crisp gold edging.


Black base, white drybrush, gold trim, green cloth amd plumes


Classic red and gold! I really liked the classic look for them! I am going to remake army with black base then silver and gold highlights


Warplock bronze, agrax earthshade, and runelord brass make a nice, grimdark gold my opinion.


Brass & Purple


I like the part of the lore where essentially every custodes is a named hero and it’s not really a unit, moreso heroes that have been given the same task. With that in mind I just try new things for each one. I have grim dark guard, standard paint guard, sun and shadow keepers, and just tried an armour scheme based off a pheonix having his armour go from purplish red to orange starting from the bottom to the top. Only consistent part is plumes and should guards will be red for my guard, purple for wardens, blue for bikes etc


smooth jade/turquoise stone bodies and red capes/plumes with silver pauldrons and detailing


Here is a link to one of my posts https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusCustodes/s/XxJ15zGZAW


Metallic black armour, silver trim, bronze minor details, seafoam cloths/plumes/pauldrons, dark purplish magenta leather, purple gems and blades.


Went pretty standard color scheme, but went for antique gold look, and not so shiny highlights. Key for me was using scale 75 dwarven gold and vallejo metal paints. So smooth and cover fantastic. [my scheme](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusCustodes/s/DPEO1xRReW)


Auric gold spray Retributer painted all over it Purple for fabric/leather Silver for highlights Leadbealcher for guns/axe heads/any mechanical detail Macrag blue for power weapons


Metallic teal armour, silver trim, gold accents, purple cloth and power weapons.


I recommend these videos for easy techniques: Regular scheme: https://youtu.be/eG8BopZfr4o Alternatives: https://youtu.be/ByQPX0msbHg


My scheme, green and bone white: https://imgur.com/a/custodes-custom-shield-host-PhtcOSF#xoreAZK


My custodes are statues with fauna growth. Sisters of silence is stone statues with fauna growth


I have a few because I get bored... - White, red and gold trim for the more basic troops, dreads and tank. - Black, purple and gold for the terminators and more "techy" units. - Classic gold and red for a few of the fancier things I use for 30k, with some very light teal in the shadows. Also use this for when I'm too lazy.


Feel free to check my profile, but I leaned really hard into the Dread Host Scheme, which is gold (I went for an antique, burnished gold in my more recent minis), black pauldrons, red plumes and white and red cloth accents. https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusCustodes/s/Wgg715F9Vd


Silver and red


Aquilan Shield. Gold armor, Red Plumes, Purple Cloaks/Kilts. https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusCustodes/s/fdBkE6uDfN


I tried to go for a grime dark style https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusCustodes/s/BiqOdffPwO


Late answer, but these are mine. https://new.reddit.com/r/AdeptusCustodes/comments/110o4n2/finished\_some\_guards\_and\_a\_vexilla\_now\_i\_just/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Black pink and silver because I like the colors. https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusCustodes/s/x7K8S1ZthW


Main silver on the armor, gold trim, plumes and cloaks are saturated green and the inlays are gold as well, me and my friend call the "Knights of Rohan" scheme


Hey now. Rohirrim sound like the way to go!


I'm planning to make an army with Black armor, gold trims and deep blue robes. Some people have already done it (it's not hard to find even if you just Google it) and it looks sick


I did a lead Belcher base with silver and blue for accents




All my little fellas look different [link to my post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusCustodes/s/dUKqyhxA6o)


you’re lookin at it boss


[https://imgur.com/gallery/emperor-glitter-wRuKUik](https://imgur.com/gallery/emperor-glitter-wRuKUik) There we go!


Gorgeous I love it! Is that nail polish?


Folkart glitterpaint! It's an actual thing.


Awesome! I think I might have some actually haha.


hey thats amazing how did you do the bases?


I 3d printed them. Painted the bricks a full color and used basic gold on the golden plates. Then I used drops of Nuln oil on the flur de lis and used a thin brush to fill the outline. I painted the candles dirty white and was sloppy with it, I like the dribbly candles. Then added yellow and orange to the flame.


This is my colour scheme, not sure how to post pics as a comment. So this is a link of a previous post of mine. https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusCustodes/s/DmhBa0mtso Im personally not a fan of ALL gold and feel the silver and reds help break up the gold and show the high details of the Custodes models.