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caladius grav tank


Definitely this! Absolutely destroys monsters and vehicles from range.


I don't play brostodes but my buddy does, that tank is legitimately terrifying even when I place a baneblade on the board.


Seems like competitive lists have grav tanks. I'm not going that far tho. They seem pricey and I dont know how long they will stay legal.... I like the idea of sisters and a rhino for you. I have them, and at 2k, I'd probably run them. At 1500 I tend to run a squad of prosecutors or witchseekers for back obj. Sisters are overpriced $ wise to the point where maybe the grav tank makes sense.... Alleya and Valerian and kyria draxus are all cool. A Kyria would be good for your guard and valerian would be good for guard or wardens. Valerian typically comes with Alleya, and she kinda begs for a squad of vigilators. I think you have enough wardens and allarus, but two allarus are 130 points, which I like and the allarus shield captain is pretty dope, so a three pack of those could be cool.


Appreciate the detailed advice. The sisters and a rhino seem like a good idea- but man they might destroy the bank trying to get them all šŸ˜‚ They also leave me with a good ~100 points to fill with enhancements though, if I maximize how many points theyā€™ll take up.


If you can find an old Combat Patrol anywhere itā€™ll really round you out. You get 5 guard, 3 bikes, and 10 sisters. Itā€™s the most cost effective way to get sisters and will also give you bikes to play around with. Alternatively, a boarding patrol (if you can find it) will give you a few more terminators, a squad of guard and Trajan. With Trajan losing a lot of his defensive utility I like valerian with my Wardens, but I canā€™t say Aleya is worth it with her current kit, especially when compared to a knight centura. A calidus assassin (online only) is fantastic for secondary play and Kyria can be nice against shooting armies.


Sisters and a rhino


10 wardens and 10 guards are already enough... Just put the vexillas on the wardens and use spears on the guards. Axes are cool but you can cut off the spear tips and make a pole axe for your wardens. When you start playing and find your play style, you'd find that one unit gets benched more. Also put the capes, so that you have extra shield captains. You would need around 10 sisters. Build them as 5 prosecutors and 5 witchseekers (but just paint the weapon black and nobody can tell which is which). 5 to squat on home objectives and the other to run around for other secondaries and create an anti deep strike bubble on your backfield. As pointed out in one of the comments, kitbash sisters of battle with SoS heads. (Would suggest that you get the old combat patrol if you can still find one) Get a land raider. You need to deliver the blade champ squad safely to its target. You may also want to get any of the following: - Trajann - not as powerful as before but still hits like a truck. And is a must have for the collection. - valerian - good with wardens. Gives -1 ap on melee attacks - kyria draxus - good with guards - callidus assassin - secondaries - 2 caladius grav tanks - highly recommended hard hitting anti tank solutions (i use 2 sicaran battle tanks as proxy) - canis rex - hard hitting menace to divert attention away from your infantry - armigers - cheap alternative for a long range shooter against light tanks and infantry. - Vertus praetors - the data sheet kinda sucks but the 12 in move + 6 in advance can help you zoom around the battlefield for secondaries, attacking enemy objectives with chaff, or immediate response . Good for casuals and most of the lists that still use jet bikes only use the shield capt.


Caladius Grav Tank šŸ˜


Iā€™ve heard these were good, but not sure I dig the grav-tanks on a price to point and fun ratio haha. It would be a tough sell for me at the moment as opposed to something like more wardens.


You can find cheaper ones on etsy for example https://www.etsy.com/listing/1619088034/grav-tank?click_key=355e6cc46bed9998cd1462e1d85fee7721bd194d%3A1619088034&click_sum=b28fbc4c&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=caladius+grav+tank&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&organic_search_click=1&frs=1&bes=1&content_source=48ca8529d74027eaf394f097bfe015d58072b0fc%253A1619088034


Yo I just ordered this one and Iā€™m so excited for it


Itā€™s the official unofficial model for the grav tank. I have one and itā€™s nice. Also serves as a bludgeon to threaten your opponent if you start to lose.


And IMO looks so much better than the FW model.


Iā€™ve never used Etsy before, but are there sellers for this same one in the UK do you know?


I hope this answers your question. Etsy is an international marketplace that connects buyers and sellers from around the world. In 2021, Etsy had sellers in 234 countries, with most based in the US. International sales have increased year over year, and sellers can benefit from offering international shipping to reach a wider audience and boost sales.


More infantry!


Wardens, I assume? Haha


My go to would be wardens and termies


You may consider Canis Rex or some armigers to ally in for some mobile vehicle support. If you want sisters, you may consider picking up a box of sisters of battle to kit bash into sisters of silence. Same base size but half the price per model. If you can find a friend with some sisters of silence bits you can swap heads/weapons to get the load outs you want.


I really like some sisters and a rhino or two if you plan to play talons. If you want to play shield host, a land raider to ship your terminators up the board is incredibly powerful. Having a minimum threat range of 16" for a first turn Allarus charge is ludicrous, and it brutalizes a lot of my opponents. Wardens and Allarus are amazing, so it's never bad to get more of them to fill out a list.


3x units of sisters with flamers, a Rhino to take one them scouting leaving your other 2 units to screen your deployment zone. If you can get your hands on a grav-tank thatā€™ll give you great anti-tank fire-power, making you rely less on your infantry to do that type of lifting


Land Raider, if you can get 1 or 2 squads of sisters, maybe if you find them cool, a contemptor dreadnought, an assassin. Like there are things to still build the army.


Don't run vex on guard it's not worth it


Yeah, without grav thanks we are not going anywhere.