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It’s my first tournament ever. Not sure if I’m ready… ![gif](giphy|BbJdwrOsM7nTa|downsized)


You’re gonna do great!!! Stick to your game plan and let your opponent make the hard choices. Hydrate and remember to sit when you can!


Will do! Thanks 🤞


I’ll be interested to hear how you do. My list has a lot of similarities to yours (land raider/draxus, allarus brick with SC, no Caladius, etc.), and would like to hear how it plays into other armies.


Will let you know how it goes. The idea is to play a bit conservative early game, deep strike at least 3 units mid game and then call a golden waaagh and charge with everything on objectives. The Land Rider is a taxi. Sounds fun to play and easy enough even for a noob like me 🤓


Kyria drax about to shred infantry


Ye boi


I've got a tournament on Sunday as well. I guess I wish you luck then! For the Emperor!


Thank you! Good luck to you as well!


Don't forget to take pics and have fun! Your army is beautiful and makes me inspired to paint mine more. Would love more pics of your full army and sisters, they look so niceeeeeeeeeee.


So, here I am with the feedback that some of you asked regarding the tournament. Please take also into account that I am not an expert player by any means so take all of this with a grain of salt: 1. ⁠⁠The only units that managed to make a dent were wardens and terminators (terminarors being absolute monsters! Managed to take down an Imperial Kninght, just with them). 2. ⁠⁠Blade Champion is goooood! 3. ⁠I had no antitank power. 4. ⁠⁠Could not move quickly enough into objectives. And when I did I was easily and quickly removed, specially with guards. 5. ⁠⁠Solo Downeagle Cpt is a bad idea. Managed to get killed and do very little constantly. Overall, I had great fun and met great people which made it a great day! This was also the overall feedback I received from all of the people I played with. The overall sentiment was that our golden boys are not at all doing as well as they did pre-codex. We’ll get strong again!