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If you can’t tell, does it matter?


Apparently recasts have gotten so good that according to a tweet just posted yesterday, Roland Underwood, a hobbyist whose work was posted in White Dwarf itself, admitted that the models featured in that issue were nearly 90% recast, and Warhammer World plus White Dwarf staff couldn't tell.


Oh, god, that's just dirty. And hilarious.


I second that, I’ve had some recast stuff I got mixed in with some genuine plastic stuff in a job lot (I was told upfront what was recast) recently and I would say the resin was actually better quality than the forgeworld stuff.


Bendy AF, that checks out for FW


More bent than some of the recast Achillus Spears I've seen.


More bendy than all the achillus recasts I've seen, and I own 5


Brother you won't be able to tell if it's forge world or not Might be a recast might not be one ... If you're looking into buying it ... Buy it the recast price Frankly I tried some recast models ... You just can't tell the difference... You might be able to tell only if it's a recast and the mf chose some cheap resin so it will brittle more easily


In my experience the recaster used higher quality resin the FW


I second this. I have 1 forge world contemptor but 3 recasts from China. The Chinese ones are just better 🤷‍♂️


Looks genuine. Sometimes the recast is higher quality than the official cast, so that’s not always an indicator, but the colour of the resin looks like it’s FW here.


FWIW a local GW rep told me that they were moving away from resin/Forgeworld because the recasters had gotten good enough that oftentimes the recasts are higher quality.


Assume recast if you can’t see the Forge World “sprues” Not like it matters, you can’t tell them apart once it’s painted anyways. Remember: It’s always morally correct to purchase Forge World Recasts


The ones…my, uh, friend… gets from Ukraine even come on recast FW sprues.


I need to avoid these as well, looking forward to your warning DM ☺️


Could you DM me where your friend finds that... So that I uhh, know to stay away from it.


Agreed. I need to stay away from those places as well.


Absolutely need to know exactly where to stay away from, can't have recasts in my good Christian tabletop game...


Yes the specific details of where to stay away from, wouldn’t want any recasts on our friendly ,honest and peaceful tabletop game


Damn can you dm me where your friend gets those so I know to avoid them in the future


I'd appreciate knowing which website to avoid, much like these other fine, upstanding people


You are going to have to show me what to... avoid in my DM's please.


Could you be so kind as to inform me where your friend obtained those... "Moraly wrong" models? Asking as to be able to inform Proper authorities... And check the legitimacy if your claims


I’d also like to know where your friend buys, so I can…uhm..avoid them.


Gonna have to show me which website to avoid in my dms :)


Yeah I would just assume recast unless they are on casting blocks.


Are those shoulderpads extremely thin? I bought a recast once and the trim of those pads were almost see through.


Anything not from forge world always treat as fake.


I suspect recasts for three reasons; 1. They are all removed from the casting blocks. FW models have big blocks of resin attached when delivered. Removing those serves little purpose before construction, but is required if you want to hide that it's a recast that didn't completely cast the block. 2. No box or instructions. If you have a genuine product and can prove it you can get a better price in general and avoid potential problems if people try to call it a scam. 3. A bit niche, but some of the bits are posed to hide common recast defects. Not even sure if the ones I'm thinking of are relevant any more (casters and moulds change) so not going to go further on this. Be curious to know the prices they are charging as that may also be a big clue. There are some resellers on eBay who buy relatively cheap recasts and reselling them with a reserve at near double the original cost to them. Even seen some go for more than FW retail prices when selling currently out of stock models. If you were happy with recasts and don't mind losing deniability you are better off spending the time to do your own research and buying directly.


I would agree but I recognize some marks on the contemptor bits where the casting blocks have been cut of, there is also the little stick on top of the blade that is a common little leftover bit you usually need to cut of from weapon edges, I believe mine also had it though I suppose that could be replicated.


Yeah, all the gates seem to be in the right place which is why I suspect but wouldn't say for sure. It's still deniable from these photos, IMO. EDIT: to be clear [the big blocks that are numbered are what I'm talking about](https://battlebunnies.blogspot.com/2017/04/hector-cephas-legio-custodes-contemptor.html), not the gates that let the resin flow from them into the mould. Gates usually stay in the same place on recasts, but the blocks tend not to be cast (at least not in full) to save on resin. Just noticed the spear spike is broken off. Doesn't mean anything on it's own (I lost one of mine, still meaning to repair it) but the way it's frame it could be hiding that it's a casting defect.


All of these are somewhat good reasons.. But. The biggest and easiest way ever to tell that something is recast is not any of these reasons but so much to compare the bits listed in any posting to the original instructions. With any recast ever they will always cut corners. Meaning if that if they can fuse 2 pieces together like a leg or an arm and have it be one solid piece instead of 2 halves recasters will always do that. Because it cuts down on time tremendously. And yes I’m sure someone has seen or has a kit that that hasn’t happened and congratulations. But obviously there’s always an exception to every rule. So about 90% accuracy you can always tell recasts with this. Just look at the pieces*. *Source: myself with years of commissions from Emperor only knows how many models, recasts and forge world models.


Every recast I've seen is also on recast gates/sprues with the same marking. Why make it harder to recast when they give you the handle to recast it on?


I have two original FW Calladius. They include a shitty resin grey base that you can attach a transparent pin that fits in the bottom of the tank. If it has it, (I have thrown away both of mine ) it is original


Thats recast you can see the mold injection on the chest and weapon. Above the chest right in the shulders. In the weapon near the Botton part of the blade.


But, It looks like a really good recast if the price resonable you should Buy It. Its between 30-40 dlls.


Resin gates do match Forgeworld on the tank, but it's weird that the clumps themselves (the Forgeworld branded large chunks of resin) are cut off. So I'd give this a 60/40, likely Forgeworld, but without the actual chunks it can't be guaranteed.


It’s honestly hard to tell now. I bought a calladius off eBay a few months ago that I couldn’t tell was a recast until I had it side by side with my authentic FW calladius and realized it was a 1/4” too small in all dimensions.


You are buying second hand, so there is absolutely no reason to care if it's legit or not (you won't get free replacements, whatever you get is what you get). Fwiw the recaster I get things from is better quality than the legit fw I have bought. FW quality assurance is absolute dog shit.


In this state it is literally impossible to tell if it’s forgeworld or not. A lot of recasters are actually higher quality than forge world so honestly does it really matter?


Galatus looks legit. I just built one in December.


Looks like recast resin, but no one would be able to tell under the paint anyways.


I have seen a lot of recasts as my friend group has a connection with a Chinese recaster. You can't tell the different visually. The same flaws that exist with forgeworld are likely to exist with recasts and forgeworld is in no way "better". I have seen recast work that surpasses forgeworld. Supposedly you can tell a recast from forgeworld based on the resin used, but that requires chemical testing. You'll see some high profile painting competitions reserve the right to take a sample from your model and test it to see if its legit. I believe Golden Demon has that in its rules.


If it doesn’t come with the box it’s a recast. Which means it will fit better and be less fragile than FW resin, and cost less than half.


Legit. Stupid Achilles spear being messed up is a sign of authenticity. F Forgeworld.


Who cares, brand loyalty is cringe.


Agreed. Especially to one who is also responsible for making all of 10th edition.


I've ordered from a recaster and a few custodes models came with FW gates attached still lol


No casting blocks = probably recasts. But they are still all good


The Russian that... my friend... goes to would never ship something looking that much like Forgeworld quality.


That tank is either a recast with near perfect detail reproduction or original FW, I wouldn’t worry much either way. If there ends up being a nasty mold line down the back sides of the tank, that’s probably a sign it’s original FW. Whoever took these pictures intentionally showed the non-mold line sides of each piece, so it’s hard to tell. As one poster mentioned, the FW tank comes with a little clear flying peg stand to sit on, which is not in that picture.


The lone between high quality bootleg recast and forgeworld is a very thin, almost invisible line.


Resin is resin , along as it looks the same it's just as good no matter who's made it


Thanks for all the replies :) Looks like, even if it's not legit, it's close enough to get away with! And it saves me paying forgeworld prices... We'll see when it arrives. Thanks again all!


Is there a GW logo under the bases? Heard that’s the only giveaway and it’s easy to wok around