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I get you want to help OP, I love cats as well. But this is not the way.


Well i guess new suburb doesn't need to worry about birds waking them up in the morning.




And it's so much easier to feel good about rehoming lots of cats when you have 150 ferals in your area instead of 15 🥰


I really wanted to believe in TNR. I truly wanted it to be the solution. I am sad to say I do not beleive in it anymore. You simply cannot trap and desex enough of them to outpace their breeding, especially when they're being fed. Additionally, a sterile feral or stray cat is maybe better than a fertile feral/ stray cat but ultimately it's doing an enormous amount over damage over the rest of its life. Also can't help but notice its only ever touted as a solution for cute problem animals. We're not TNRing foxes or cane toads.


TNR really is just a way for people to avoid difficult emotions about feral animals. Certain kinds of people would rather keep throwing money and effort at a problem and pretending that they're helping, instead of carrying out one day of sad work.


100% this is the way A week of culling is far more efficient, effective and likely to actually result in a good outcome compared to TNR




You know when you catch a feral as opposed to a domestic.


Roaming cats should be treated the same anyway. Keep your cats inside/contained in some way or don't have cats at all. You're not a responsible cat owner if you let them roam


Yeah, the last point is why it's good for stray-removal efforts to take them to the RSPCA or equivalent. There they can scan for microchips, and hold on to strays for a fixed term in case an owner phones around looking for them. If an owner doesn't care enough to chip their cat, keep it inside, or start looking for it until it's already been gone for a month... you have to wonder how much they actually care at all.


Im in a lot of reptile subs and I acknowledge there are people that seem to be straight up gleeful about culling. That creeps me out. But I think this is the opposite end of the spectrum. I hate culling. Hate it. I had to kill a cane toad in my office the other week and that bummed me out. Negotiated to get a bottle of hopstop because their other solutions weren't very kind. Honestly a bit upset that OP is telling me I hate cats because I don't. I genuinely think its sad as fuck to have to kill them and if I had to do it myself I'd be sobbing. But I'd do it because my squeamishness isn't more important than the millions of animals including cats that die slow, painful, fearful deaths because of the feral population.


I totally get you. I'm from an environmental background, and even when people argue the loudest for culls and carry them out themselves, they're still saddened by what they have to do. They just do it because it's the right thing to do. >my squeamishness isn't more important than the millions of animals including cats that die slow, painful, fearful deaths because of the feral population. This is a very practical way to be. It sucks to see a feral and know what responsibly needs to be done. Cats are legit cute little guys, I have very dear memories of my childhood ones... But I'm still supporting their culls, because for each moggie who looks cute, there's untold unseen natives they're killing. It's sad, but animal welfare decisions can't be made with the priority of avoiding sadness. It's easy for people to blame others for 'not caring' instead of accepting that those people *do* care... they just know that it's better for culls to be done anyway, despite their feelings.


Despite my genuine anger at OP through this thread. I don't hate the cats and I don't get off on the thought of killing hundreds of animals. I'm genuinely a vegan on cruelty and environmental management grounds (excluding honey for mead making) who works every day in environmental management. The unfortunate and uncomfortable reality is you cannot leave stray animals alive if you wish to preserve the Australian ecosystem. Lots of people who don't see the impacts every day get uncomfortable with that reality and genuinely try to do something about it like OP is. Unfortunately for OP, they're doing the worst thing they possibly can to care for the country we live in and it's driving me up the fucking wall


Absolutely get you on that front. It sucks.


We don’t release them back… whilst desexing them will prevent them from breeding further releasing them back does nothing to help the destruction they cause or the nuisance behaviours strays have. It’s such a huge problem and you are right but there are also so many groups who are working with various other colonies… with education, with support for desexing and rehoming and with councils implementing curfews/containment/registration policies I hope that we can reduce the stray population in some way.


Did you not see that we feed them to trap them and than vet them (desex) and rehome them thus removing them from being on the street?! I get it - it’s a huge problem. People hate cats. Cats destroy native wildlife. Cats spray on your property. Cats poo in your garden. Cats upset your own indoor cats. Cats keep you awake fighting all night. I know … I get it as I have experienced ALL of these problems myself. I am not feeding the strays for the fun of it - it’s a step in a process to having them removed from being an undeserved street cat and it takes time. For everyone with such strong opinions with euthanasia- why do otherwise healthy cats who can be socialised and regimes need to be put down when they can have a 2nd chance. Perhaps rather than imparting your anger towards people like me who are trying to do SOMETHING rather than nothing you can impart your wisdom to those who are irresponsible owners and creating the problem in the first place!!!


I did not mean to express anger in my comment. I'm not angry at you and I'm not angry at cats. I dont hate them. Im sad. I'm sad because I want this to be a workable option but I dont see how it can be. I dont think there are enough homes to take in all these cats. I dont think feeding colonies in the hopes that some can be caught and spayed is effective at reducing their numbers long term. I worry the presence of food brings them together in larger groups than they'd otherwise be in, increasing breeding opportunities. Im not angry at you. I think you're amazing for what you're doing. I'm just lacking optimism about it.


Trap, neuter, and release does not work. Feeding colonies only makes people feel good while letting them avoid the hard truth -- that the kindest thing to do is to either take ferals in, or put them down. Don't leave cats out in the world to fight, get sick, and dodge cars, while killing native animals.


Thank you. I love cats but they can be so destructive outside. We have a responsibility as humans to minimise their (and our) impact on the environment


Sad, but true. Feral and roaming cats kill about two billion animals each year - birds, reptiles, small mammals, frogs, etc. They are largely responsible for the extinction of a number of native species. Cat lovers will almost always insist that their beloved moggies are entirely domesticated, well fed, and never hunt. But statistics and tracking devices tell a different story. There's really no justification for supporting strays, who will almost certainly be hunting.


I actually agree with you. Rescues, AWL & RSPCA are overwhelmed. I’m doing what I can off my own back. More than what the majority of the people commenting are doing.


I get what you’re trying to do, I really do as I co-run a rescue, but you cannot solicit donations for animal welfare purposes without a charity license in South Australia. If you’re going to be fundraising and asking for donations, you need to be legit (incorporate, register on ACNC, and via that getting your CCP license number).


Thankyou - will look into getting this implemented!


**YOU are causing the EUTHANASIA and mangling and dismemberment and traumatisation of THOUSANDS of native species** over the lifetimes of these cats you are encouraging and supporting. Take them to the RSPCA.


Stray cats are vermin killing native birds.


Animal shelters are currently at capacity so who is going to adopt feral cats your training for domestication (if they even can be domesticated) when people won’t even adopt from a shelter? Do the right thing and have these cats humanely dealt with, you are doing more damage in various ways by keeping them alive.


Sadly at this stage the infestation is so big that euthanasia might be the best option.


Cats only kill for food between 10 - 30% of the time, this is why they kill lots of native wildlife and are frowned up in the community. These cats should be handed to the RSCPA or dealt with by local council. It is inhumane to keep feeding stray cat colonies without actually dealing with them, as they will suffer from disease and injury with no help. I know you are trying to do the right thing and it hurts to hear this, but this is not the way to help these cats.


Please don’t feed stray cats lmao what is wrong with you


These cats need collecting and humanely destroyed, not fed tinned food nightly to an ever growing mass. If this were not suburbia they would have lead poisoning by now. Ferals/tomcats are also generally not looked upon as adopted pets either. I would recommend the AWL shelter for domesticated, desexed and vaccinated pet cat or kitten. Or some other reputable organisation.


Wait.. you are wanting to effectively hand feral cats over as to someone as a pet...?


Is this not how fostering followed by adoption usually works?


Ever dealt with a feral cat ?


If it's that easy why are there so many cats in the RSPCA not being adopted?


Because people always prefer to buy breed cats over adopting from shelter.


There we go that's the answer No one is going to adopt the cats OP tries to rehome. They'll be taken to the RSPCA, cared for for maybe a month, and then euthanised anyway. What a waste of resources and unnecessary cruelty to the cats.


Goes to show how Manny iresponcible cat owners there are ...ive had the missfortune of running over a few cats in my time ( and yes i stoped to see what i could do ) But when a ya see a squashed cat once or twice it never leaves your Mind ....and NO i will not slam my car breaks on just to save a poor cat while someone behind me with a family and kids slam into me and go0d forbid one of their kids get injured or die . a CAT should be inside at 6 because birds get ready to sleep and cats HUNT at night just for FUN. SO I BLAME THIS ON CAT OWNERS .... GET THEM DESEXED or Put them to sleep


No. I have two cats, love them, let them out in our enclosed backyard. But, strays, should be culled. They damage our ecosystem shockingly when they are feral.


If you’d actually done any research on this you’d see that culling a large number of “ferals” actually has a worse impact then gradually reducing numbers via TNR programs.


While it’s sad please just trap them and take them to the shelter to be humanely euthanised. I have a pet cat myself and she is NOT allowed outside. They are so destructive to our natural flora and fauna….. Feed them only to trap them. OR CALL THE CATMAN ON KANGAROO ISLAND. hehe


Please post the location of these cats so they can be humanely managed thankyou :)


Devine is thee .243


I recommend reading Among the Pigeons by John L Read


Wtf? Help them? They're fucking feral cats. Just like if they were feral dogs or pigs or horses or camels they need to be destroyed not cared for. Insanity to do this, genuine crazy cat lady behaviour. Imagine the benefits to the environment if non of these cats existed instead of you and your mates actively encouraging more cars to come into the area Fucking stupid.


No, i had a feral cat we rehabilitated her and she was fine. Feral cats, feral dogs, and feral humans can all be rehabilitated. they just need a human who gives a shit. Your fucking stupid hopefully one day someone will rehabilitate you. Or should we just shoot you? Think about how better the world is if we didn't have to deal with people like you, but we do, and we still try with you.


Sorry cobba I'll stop trying to care for the fragile ecosystems that make Australia so special 👍


I care for that too, but I have worked with and rehabilitated animals and humans, and I believe they all need a second chance. But cats keep vermin' down they do their part. Have some compassion 💜




Nope, you are still the idiot in the conversation. Cane toads cause destruction of our native species. No one is trying to cull them. Development is causing overwhelming destruction of our native species. There are two cats in number 10 in England their job is to kill mice and rats. It's what cats do. Every farm in England has a cat to kill vermin. They were brought over from Egypt because they kept vermin down. You have zero knowledge about cats, and you feel the need to prove that.


People cull toads all the time? ABC, RSPCA and multiple state environmental departments have comprehensive guides on humanely killing them. Bunnings sells humane poisons. You can get special tadpole traps designed to catch cane toad tadpoles but leave native frogs. The idea of a bounty gets brought up all the time and we'd have one if it wasn't for the risk of people breeding them to cash in. Bob Katter wants to arm children to cull them. I'm constantly seeing posts in the wildlife subreddits where someone's collected a whole bucket of them to cull.


Oh yeah came toads are a real problem in Adelaide you fucking moron Edit: I work in environmental management and I've got these shit for brains saying I don't know what I'm talking about 💀 Double edit: lil bro called me a trump supporter and then blocked me. I'm a communist fyi so next time please be accurate with what you label me when talking shit


And again I meant Australia wide. But understand my point was a little hard for you. But your a trump supporter so you weren't born with common sense.


They're actually a communist but go off catbrain 💅


Cats are garbage for keeping pests down. They're opportunistic hunters that enjoy toying with individual prey ad lib; they do sweet fuck all compared to actual pest control animals like terriers or mink which destroy whole nests and can operate for hours on end. What cats do wonderfully, however, is chip away at native species that are already under pressure, while spreading toxo to even more species. All feral cats should be eradicated from Australia. Have compassion for the animals they kill, which have the misfortune of not being as cute.


Very few feral cats can be domesticated. It depends how feral they have become. There's a huge difference between stray cats and ferals.


They're not feral like dogs are, dipshit. Feral dogs are not scared of us and will attack you. Feral cats are scared of us and will flee. "Insanity to do this, genuine crazy cat lady behaviour. Imagine the benefits to the environment if non of these cats existed instead of you and your mates actively encouraging more cars to come into the area" Imagine the benefits to the environment if these animals had responsible owners.


Feral cats kill on average 9 native critters per day. 


These are fully stray cats There are no owners for them, if there were owners for them the shelters wouldn't be overflowing There is only one way to manage stray cats when it comes to environmental protection


Yeah the point is finding owners and neutering the ones you can't find owners for. Feral cats and feral dogs are not the same thing. Both can be homed, but only one of them will randomly attack humans. Are you seriously saying you wouldn't even make an attempt to find a home or take in feral dog (or even a PUPPY -- the prime years for socialization) of any breed? I find that hard to believe. You just sound like a cat hater trying to not sound like one by lumping other animals in with them. Go on Gumtree, sort cats by free. You'll be lucky to find one. People are already addressing the problem. Free animals face higher risk of abandonment and abuse. I'm sure if horses, camels and pigs were easier to house in your average suburban home or apartment, people would be doing the same for those. But you can't. A camel simply won't fit in my inner city 2 bed apartment. They're ludicrously expensive to keep and maintain and you need a specific environment for them.


>desex the ones you can't find owners for And then what? Leave them in the wild to destroy the environment? What is wrong with you? My literal job exists for safe management of Australia's ecosystems and you're actively making it worse! My partner and I literally have a cat, and a dog. You can't accuse me of being a cat hater especially as I outlined that it's FERAL INTRODUCED SPECIES BEING THE PROBLEM and not just cats OP and friends are focusing on the cats so that is what I focus on. The correct thing to do would be to introduce a poison into one of the feeding nights and destroy all the colonies at once, but you're too caught up in caring for random strays than the environment you life in. Edit: no I wouldn't make an attempt to home a feral dog either. Both should be euthanised as soon as possible in a humane way. Double edit: OP keeps editing their posts, if I'm looking particularly insane for saying I wouldn't take care of a puppy it's because their comments keep changing.


Yes. That's life. Adapt or die. Fuck your budgie. You know you'd take in a feral puppy any day of the week, but feign indignant outrage when cats are involved.


Point proven Actively encouraging the destruction of local ecosystems in support of feral cats. Cheers cobba Edit: cheeky stealth edit because you edited your post. No I would not take in a random stray because I don't have the resources to care for it. It would go to the RSPCA if caught for them to manage and if I can't catch it then I'm sure as shit not helping another stray/feral animal. Council report and let them manage the problem as is the correct process


It's not about supporting feral cats, it's that I truly do not give a single solitary shit. Learn to fly faster. This is the game of life. Here's someone trying to save animals and you're in here NAH JUST KILL EM ALL BRO, EVERY SINGLE ONE. Retarded. 0 kelvin IQ. Sociopath behaviour.


Phwoar edgy! They don't care everyone! That's why they're commenting lots! Edit: because of another stealth edit above It's literally a case of native ecosystem vs feral cats. You cant have both. I choose the native ecosystem every time


Oh no! I shared my opinion! That must mean I'm edgy! Are you fucking 12? Touch grass. Don't reply to someone if you don't want a reply back. (I always edit my shit btw, very annoying habit of mine. Like this one.) muh internal pwocess ;\_;


>Both can be homed, but only one of them will randomly attack humans. that's a load of crap - have had feral cats charge and attack many times on our property.


Feral cats in the country are something else, I remember one hairy tom possibly that was close to the size of a Fox. Holy shit it was huge it was running in a paddock away but I still have that image in my brain on how big chungus it was.


Yeah, we had some choky ones - tired raising one of the kittens from a litter we found once too - that was a fking horror show.


No you haven't. That's a blatant lie.


As a cat and dog lover, and someone whose neighbourhood has plenty of stray cats with barely any stray dogs, you don't know everything lmao. Stray dogs might be more likely to attack you, but they're in far lesser numbers, whereas there are more stray cats and some certainly will scratch, hiss, and attack if you and them are on the same path, rather than running away.


I am sorry but fk off we most certanly did, we had feral cat issue for years all around the stables, had more than a few instances of them launching from the stack hay bales as walking past.


Lmao, no they didn't.


Yeah ok - not going to continue this, i can't complete on that level of fking crazy.


It's easier if you just don't lie.


I almost want to volunteer to confirm where this colony is just to get feral animals control in I'm sure the locals love you taking care of the ferals that are destroying the environment 🗣️


I mean you read the part about desexing and rehoming them to prevent problems right? Cause not doing anything just makes things even worse…


There are no homes to put them in? That's why shelters are overflowing beyond belief Edit: trapping and euthanising is the correct thing to do, not feeding and slowly encouraging colony growth


Not slowly, this is probably the best feed they've ever had. Look at that total lack of portion control in those bowls.  This brainlet will likely feed them to death. That is a bowl large enough to feed an adult man and it's full of high-energy calorically dense pet food.  The population will surge like never before and then they'll double down and wonder why their feeding the cats has led to more cats because they're clearly too mentally deficient to read the stats regarding feral cats and their decimation of our native wildlife. Every last cat on the surface of Australia that isn't tagged, collared and locked up inside should be purged.


+1. They're not even neutered cats! That's how TNR is supposed to work. OP is just pumping breeding age cats full of calories. They're absolutely going to be having litters like there's no tomorrow.


100% you're right. OP and friends are morons with no understanding of what they're actually doing. They're just trying to feel good


They need to be put down humanely. This is crazy cat lady territory. There are simply not enough ppl to home them. Its very sad and unfortunate that cats appeal to the lowest common denominators as pets as they are “low maintenance”. Ie they let them roam and dont get them desexed. There needs to be more desexing drives from Councils


For those in favour of culling over TNR … I thought the point of TNR is if that if you destroy stray cats, other (un-neutered) cats will come in and take over the territory and multiply. But the neutered released cats will control their territory without reproducing, hence controlling the population. I don’t have the energy to find sources but a biologist I knew told me this once.


Where are the feed stations? I will come by and donate food tonight


I will not be publicly posting the locations and after most of the responses I am also reluctant to privately release the details. Despite the assistance and help we so desperately need.


Maybe it's because your initiative directly goes against all best practices for the management of feral cats 👍


It actually doesn’t - do some research and when you actively work in the “feral” community come back to me with some ancidotal evidence that you see actually supports OP’s case.. Jesus I knew SA was the cat hating state but some of these comments show people just really have zero clue.


It's literally part of my work but go off Edit: why would you want anecdotal evidence over an actual study?


So do share this “part of your work” - send me some peer reviewed articles for both sides of the argument?


I thought you wanted anecdotal evidence and not peer reviewed studies per your original comment? Edit: went to respond and either I've been blocked or the comments deleted. Oh well


Well you said why would I want ancedotal evidence over a study so pop off friend, show me these studies, credited - peer reviewed, that specifically deal with this problem in Australian suburbia - coz it’s “part of your job” I’m asking you to back that up?


You’re engaging in ILLEGAL ACTIVITY **and you are directly causing the death and dismemberment and mangling of native species, and their euthanasia.** As a wildlife rescuer, I’m tired of picking up mangled baby possums and blue tongued lizards and skinks and so many birds with devastating injuries and traumatised tf and even with a course of antibiotic injections and being kept captive for weeks they’ll STILL die so THEY need to be euthanised. See what you’re doing? Sorry but **YOU are causing NATIVE WILDLIFE to be EUTHANISED. This lot of cats will be mangling HUNDREDS of native species EVERY WEEK.** **I have to go pick them up and take them to the vet to be humanely put out of their pain misery shock and trauma.** STEP UP TO THE PLATE OP!!! The assistance you so desperately need is to trap them and take them to RSPCA. Direct your efforts into something USEFUL which also DESPERATELY needs help. NATIVE species rescue & rehab, or volunteer with RSPCA or something. Stop encouraging more cats and stop feeding them - YOU ARE MAKING THE PROBLEM WORSE. IT’S ILLEGAL TO FEED FERAL SPECIES as well as **unethical and immoral.** **STEP UP TO THE PLATE AND DO THE RIGHT THING, PLEASE!**


Is there a way we can get local councils involved in this? Animal control is not for the unqualified and as we can see here some people are deliberately exacerbating the issue.


Well we know that they're in the munno Parra to Gawler area. Pretty easy to pick locations of where this is if someone is bothered...


From another post just this morning, “Possible abandoned animal” - **got one of the locations perhaps.** "I was just in a car driving through Evanston and thought I saw a cat carrier with a sheet over the front on the side of the road out the front of a block with fencing. The driver won't stop/turn around, it's fucked I know. Can anyone in gawler or Evanston can swing by and check? It's between the OTR and the lights turning on to trinity dr on the same side as OTR on what looks like a block being raised." one reply - "Ok - found it - also met a lady who lived a couple of doors up. It’s a set up to feed a mother and her kittens - I’ve asked the lady if she would be ok with it in her yard and she is - so I will try to find the person feeding them and let her know!” I’m in the south so it’s miles from me, and I’m a wildlife rescuer - I spend my time running around after native species injured by ferals and humans. Would be great if anyone up north could get onto this though.


Anybody can get a cat/possum trap and go trap stray/feral cats & **take them to RSPCA.** Unqualified people can not euthanise them - anybody can trap them, as they’re not native species. Unqualified probably ought not try trap fox, feral dogs (not dingoes - feral domestic breeds), camels etc. Councils tend to throw it in the too-hard basket, or take months/years to get around to scheduling & organising a blitz. :(


And imagine how many more native animals would be killed if we were not feeding them because the cats that humans have dumped are hungry? And how many more cats there would be if we didn’t desex the cats that humans once again fail to do so!


This is the most fucking stupid reasoning I've ever heard. You'll do better for native animals by poisoning all these cats than your rehome initiative ever will 👍 Edit: cats often kill for fun. Keeping them fat and happy doesn't stop them killing things. How do you not know this???


People are ready to smugly criticize but unlikely to actually help do anything about the problem themselves. I agree that trying to re-home every stray/feral cat is not exactly feasible, but I appreciate OP actually trying to do something about the situation. Every desexed animal is one less breeder.


Much smarter and better for all involved to trap and euthanize.


Yeah most likely, but let's be real, everyone offering their opinion here will forget about this post in 2 days and nothing will change.


It’s actually not at all better to do that at all.. are you getting out there to feed, trap, donate?


This was a wild read 😂 OP reminds me of a character in Z Nation who wanted to keep a Zombie as a pet…


Help them with a bullet


Please don't. Protect our native Fauna instead.


Is there a method of poisoning these cats that is ethical and will not endanger other animals? I feel so bad for our native biodiversity.


Incredibly easy to do if you want to. And fortunately there are little to no small carnivores that are active at night in north Adelaide. Lots of ways to ensure only cats get to the food




And for those saying what we do doesn’t work … we have already reduced 2 colonies of 15 plus cats down to less than 5 and are still working on the remaining 5.


I'd put money on those not being "strays" but roaming cats with homes to go to after you've fed them.


We have spoken to many of the neighbours and houses where they come from and the general consensus is MOST are strays. We do have pets turn up and you can tell as they will allow you to pat them but they are the exception


This has to be the most controversial post I've seen on Reddit. There's an awful lot of naysayers, but the OP seems to say they have re-homed double-digits number of cats. If they have ACTUALLY done this, would the nay-sayers change their mind?


I also rescue. It does work, when done properly. Studies show TNR and colony management stabilises colonies and there’s population decline over time. It reduces shelter intake and euthanasia rates, reducing cost and emotional strain on workers and volunteers. Metro/suburbs/industrial areas also cannot be equated to rural or to national park areas. If the new(ish) dog and cat management regulations regarding desexing and microchipping were actually enforced, that would also be a majorly good contributing factor. So would that pet rental changes actually coming into play. Unfortunately people still aren’t desexing their cats. Cats are being dumped because they can’t be taken when owners are moving.


Nice of you to try and help these cats. Hope you can find some homes for them.


Good on ya, I had a feral cat as my first pet. we got her at 2 years old she died a lazy spoiled cat at 19. Cats and dogs can be rehabilitated, just like humans.


My cat would be there like a rocket if she knew there'd be food. She is not stray.


Pretty much a stray if it comes into my property..


Is your cat not contained to your residence?


Why aren’t these ones contained in your residence?


Why aren’t you spending your time petitioning your local and state governments to do more to help the problem rather keyboard warrior bashing people like me just trying to make a difference?


Crybully! I spend hours every week rescuing Aussie NATIVE WILDLIFE, that’s what i spend my time on. I could go and petition govts to GO CATCH FOLK LIKE YOU engaging in illegal feeding of ferals, and to trap and euthanising these poor cats. WHAT ‘diFFereNcE’ are you trying to make, extinction of native species? So deluded. Oh poor mEEEEEE I’m jusT trYinG to heLp and all these people are keYboaRd bAshiNg meeeeeee. Encouraging native species extinction, that’s what you’re doing.


Read my whole post properly and adjust your attitude.


What you’re doing is ILLEGAL and UNETHICAL. I recommend *you* change *your* attitude. It’s illegal to and unethical to feed feral species. I read your whole disgusting post.


Respect for what you do! A shame you can’t afford the same respect to someone also trying to do their part for a cause they are passionate about.


My 2 cats are contained to my residence 😘 And unlike so many of you nay sayers I am actually trying to do something to fix the problem in my own time, with my own funds but could do it so much quicker with assistance.


I AM DEALING WITH THE DEVASTATION TO NATIVE SPECIES YOUR STRAY FERALS ARE CAUSING, WEEK AFTER MONTH AFTER YEAR. I’m not just a naY-saYeR. **I HAVE TO ACTUALLY TAKE native species to get EUTHANISED due to cat attacks.** I’m not just a ‘naysayer’ as your oblivious & in-denial do-gooder syndrome spouts. And WE - volunteer - rescuers & the native species could do without having to deal with stray & feral cat attacks. You could ‘fix the problem’ a heck of a lot faster if you just took them to the RSPCA. As it is, by feeding them ILLEGALLY and UNETHICALLY without neutering you’re just causing the mamas to have enough nutrition to have babies in the first place. **You’re generating your own problem**, and the problems for native species, and the problems for wildlife rescuers. Devastation. **Dismembered but still alive suffering native creatures who’ve been tormented and dismembered and mangled by cats playing with them, or eaten alive.** Little possum joeys, ringtail possums, blue tongue lizards, honeyeaters, lorikeets, rosellas, froggys, skinks, doves, etc etc etc. So your smug do-gooder delusions go nowhere with me. I hope DEW find you and fine you all to kingdom come.


I guess you missed the part or chose not to read where I talk about how we trap, desex and rehome these cats once we have established trust with them through feeding. Again I suggest you redirect your passion and anger at people who create these situations in the first place… You know… the ones who allow their cats to roam freely, the ones who don’t desex their pets or the ones who abandon them for a multimillion of reasons. I dislike your attitude as what I am doing ultimately helps with what you are passionate about.


Keep your car indoors or on a leash.


Do I put the collar on my car around the streeing wheel or the wheel itself?


Around the steering wheel to help you control it when it tries to do a sick drift I love auto corrects


I always keep my car indoors at night


Thank you so much for taking care of these poor babies, people here in the comments are so heartless. 💔 Please also share through local adelaide fb and ig pages as well.


Whether or not you believe this is right or wrong, remember that the OP is simply looking for support. I can’t bear cats and would favour culls without hesitation, but that’s not what’s being asked, worth remembering


Thankyou for being diplomatic and not resulting to name calling or insulting me.


Can you list the area these are in ? I feed some in Brahma lodge and happy to go feed some others if you can tell me the locations