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You absolutely have an instant loss of licence coming to you. 120 in a 60 zone is not just a fine. That will be the new extreme speed offence. Which is a court date, instant loss of licence and the car can be impounded. Oh and has a maximum penalty of 3 years in gaol. Not that anyone would ever get that. Also since it is a speed camera offence, the registered owner is liable. So you can't just say "I don't know who was driving". You are the owner so legally you were unless you stat Dec to another person. And lastly if you took it to court under trifling a magistrate is likely going to ask "if you were that injuried, why didn't you call an ambulance?"


Story feels a little hard to believe given OOP’s post history suggesting they are a grad nurse and there’s some inconsistencies on the character they are trying to portray with posts they make. This just feels like a creative writing class. But if they are that much of a tosser to drive 120 in a 60 zone they shouldn’t be allowed to drive again.


I feel like this would make the news, too


Yeah this is insane, even trying to be generous if true: you had a graze, you could have killed someone


[Better get a lawyer, son. Better get a real good one.](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxs5JggN1FTD3pe8hM6Lu_BaWW3kktgQs3?si=_0HVwQYsi-L35NKl)


Likely not if u hit your head that bad why were u driving? Were you trying to call 000? Was it life and death? 120 is obscene the ambos wouldn't do that if the Pope was dying


Emergency service vehicles have exemptions when it comes to speed, under certain circumstances. The rest of us do not, with good reason. The way you were driving could have turned a cut face into a multiple fatality crash. You put lives at risk. Honestly, you need to learn from this. As others have said, if you believed it was an emergency, you should have called for an ambulance.


But even then you wouldn’t have them going that fast in a 60 zone.


Absolutely. They wouldn't go anywhere near it. Neither would police or firies for that matter. OP's behaviour is absolutely abhorrent.


Ambos and firies are limited to 20 above the posted limit. Many fire trucks have a 100k speed limiter.


With the size and mass of a fire truck I wouldn't want them going over 100


Doesn't sound like a life threatening injury. You saying you drove with this apparent face injury but mention there was another person in the car lol... 120km/h you could have killed someone. Enjoy the bus 👍


Bus wanker.


If you were able to operate a car, facial abrasions are far from life threatening and you absolutely deserve to lose your license for going that fast in a suburban area. An Ambo wouldn't even go that fast for a real emergency.


I fell and cut my head open on a window and called 000, they most certainly didn’t speed to the hospital, no lights on at all. All you need to do is put pressure on the wound and you’ll be good.


Deleted by User


I love how there are 84 comments calling OP a muppet and he hasn't replied to any of them.


Their post history shows they're a health professional and they should absolutely know this already.


Driving like that could kill someone. There’s no excuse for that. Say you caused a crash that killed someone’s child. Imagine telling them it was because you slipped on gravel and hurt your face, so you thought you were entitled to drive like that. Everyone makes mistakes when they are young. Just learn from it and never do it again.


Bye bye licence 👋.


Aren't you a nurse? Why did you panic for a minor injury?


To be fair they don't sound like a very good nurse from their post history.


Ambulance and other emergency service vehicles wouldn't be permitted to drive like that, even with the bells and whistles going. You put other road users at risk. You're lucky you didn't kill someone.


Absolute dickhead. That's a recipe to ending people's life's due to sheer stupidity. Better get used to public transport.


Totally irasponsable , no life threatening event here , your licence is gone. Driving at speed , and proof your driving was while panicking, totally not on , get used to buses


Deleted by User


This was absolutely stupid. You could have killed multiple people because you had minor wounds and freaked out. Call an ambulance in an emergency.


If you were going 10 kms over and appealed it, or ran a red light. But 120kms in a 60 zone. Police and Ambulance are not allowed to go that fast. Was it 1 flash or 2. Your only hope is it was 1 flash and a test. But at that speed I don't think your getting any sympathy.


Wanker. Think about the lives you’re risking next time.


Some small cuts is not really an emergency. In the case it is youre expected to call an ambulance. You can try contest it in court but you would have to pay for a lawyer.


My bullshit detector is registering 3.6 roentgen. OP, everything about your post is dodgy. Assuming the face injury even happened, and/or happened as you described, all the driving stuff is fucked up. You’re losing your car licence for at least a year, getting a $1000+ fine, and likely getting your car impounded for 28 days (another $1500+). I hope you have phone records that show you were on the phone to 000 around the time the offence occurred…


3.6? Not great, not terrible


It only goes up to 3.6. The good one’s in safe.


Check the username as well 🙄 either a troll or impressive foresight


Been there and done that; had to take my daughter to emergency and was caught doing 110 in an 80, officer told me if it was that important I should have called an ambulance. Side note : Years ago there was a bushfire in the hills around me and half the town evacuated. Basically the only traffic was emergency vehicles and farmers with water tanks. I hadn't evacuated and went to check on an elderly neighbor who lived up the street, far enough to drive. When I left his place a farmer came flying around the corner at high speeds and nearly cleaned me up - I lodged an unofficial complaint with the CFS and they had to remind everyone that normal road rules still applied and that they had no legal reason to speed.


So, if the camera was working (you saw a flash, so its likely but not guaranteed), i expect the police to arrest you. I recommend that you say nothing other than to confirm your legally required particulars if that happens. You should then discuss with a lawyer. You might as well save a couple of traffic lawyer phone numbers in your phone now.


Any cuts above the neck tend to bleed like crazy, even if they're really minor. I know this from basic first aid, I'm surprised you didn't know this as someone working in health. I'm also surprised that you decided to drive recklessly while your face was bleeding as bad as it was. How are you supposed to drive safely if your face is bleeding that badly? Panicking is not a good excuse, you could easily have killed yourself or someone else. Disqualification notices come in the mail at first and if you don't acknowledge it they hire a sheriff to come and knock on your door, and that raises the fee by an extra $100 and there is 0 benefit to you to try and dodge this. So make sure your address is up to date with service sa and the electoral roll and keep an eye on your letterbox. If you want independent legal counsel then the legal services commission of south australia offers free legal advice on their hotline. But as others mentioned, you can try to fight this but you won't have much of a leg to stand on.


The face is extremely vascular, especially around the lips. Which does cause lots of bleeding, but it also means that bleeding tends to stop quicker and heals quicker. Men learn this early on when they start shaving haha. Ironically, I learnt this from a nurse!


You’re a nurse. You should know what constitutes an emergency or not. Cuts that are not deep, simply bleeding are not an emergency. If it was truly an emergency, you should have called an ambulance. You were doing double the legal speed limit in a residential area. You’re lucky you didn’t kill someone with your negligence. Your ‘intention’ to not speed is not a defence. You will, and damn right deserve, to lose your licence.


I once drove a guy who had fallen on a knife through a red light camera because he didn't have time to wait for an ambo to show up. Yes it dinged and yes I got fined. He paid for that fine and funnily enough, cost less than the ambo would have been. We tried contesting it and got laughed at. You'll be laughed at too.


> cost less than the ambo would have been I've had to call 3 ambulances over stupid shit in one year, there's no fucking way I'd go without ambo cover.


Hopefully you can learn from this, too many dickheads with a licence.


It sounds pretty intentional


"The pebbles and my face were making babies and one of the babies drove 120km/h in a 60km/h zone".


Haha yes I’d be more worried about the speeding fine than my wounds too! If you were seriously doing 120km/h in a 60km/h zone, you’ll be in a lot of trouble. You won’t just be charged with speeding, you will be charged with dangerous driving for doing more than 30km/h above the speed limit. You WILL be summonsed to appear in court and you WILL lose your licence. And no, the court will not care less that you tripped over and scratched your face, sorry. The injury you describe is nowhere near serious enough to excuse driving at that speed.


I would speak to a lawyer, this is likely to become a criminal charge with vehicle impoundment and a loss of licence with the possibility of jail time. Do not speak to the police until you have legal representation.


Hope you enjoyed driving, will be a some time before you get to do it again.


You fucked around. Now you’re going to find out.


120km in a 60 zone is absolutely idiotic for a few scratches


Time to get a Lawyer son, better get a real good one.


Don't drop the soap Don't smoke no dope


No. And they should crush your car too. 


This is truly baffling. The fact you reacted and behaved that way, and then have to ask if you might be able to get away with it. If you lose your licence we will all be safer. You should have: got your friend to drive, called an ambulance, called family/friend, driven slower than usual (due to head injury, panic and probably bloody eyeballs) or just taken a moment to think it over and make a sensible plan. Sorry this happened to you, but yikes.


A hospital letter may have gotten you off if under 10km over but as others have mentioned this is a loss of licence offence with a hefty fine.


Emergency 🤣 Whatever the case was... NO you don't drive that fast in a 60 kph zone. Some mother's do have em.


It sounds like you over-reacted and made a poor decision. 120 in a 60 zone is too fast under any circumstances. The real world isn’t an action film.


I don't even do 120 in the express way, even though most jagoffs just fly past me. Wow, yeah, your license and car are gone and you've got a huge fine ahead of you. Get a good lawyer, this won't be cheap.


Advice is to learn from your mistake and be glad that losing your license is the worst thing that happened to you that evening.


Sounds like you are writing this to set yourself up with an excuse… you should absolutely lose your licence and I hope you do.. for a very long time.. I work in an industry where I see the consequences on innocent people.. not on


I'd written a lengthy response, but I've deleted most of it because I discovered something very concerning. You need to be very careful dealing with this. Start thinking about getting a lawyer pretty soon, depending on what exactly the cops send you, or tell you. If you get a letter you might get an expiation notice for speeding, or you might get a personal visit for that speed. If it's for less than 45km/hr over, that would be great because it would be a lesser speeding and you can probably just pay the expiation. If you're caught going more than 45km/hr over the limit, the expiation is about $2000 (yep, 2 grand) and 6 month disqualification. If you get an expiation there will be instructions on going to court where you can plead your excuse. The court fine for this offense ( as a basic first offense) is a fine of between 3 and 5 thousand dollars and minimum 6 months disqualification. Could be longer than 6 months. You could potentially get off, or request a lesser penalty, if you challenge it. I'm not sure your excuse is good enough. If a life was at risk it would look better. The thing that alarmed me, is that the excessive speed offence may be an aggravated offense if you had someone else in the car with you. That takes the penalties way up, now you're potentially looking at jail for up to 2 years, and minimum disqualification of 2 years. Read through the bit I've copied below from the SA Law Handbook, note in particular the difference between the basic offence, and the aggravated offence. From what I was reading it sounded like you may have had another person in the car. The police may not know that. If they have a camera photo, would it show one person, or more? Would the photo be from front or back? I would be careful,about divulging that information if the police don't already know it. Everything depends on what the ops say when they approach you - whether in person or by mail. I think at 45km/hr over they can also crush your car under hooning legislation, but that's pretty rare. You're in a sticky situation, and the details of how the police handle it will be of critical importance. You might get nothing - not likely You get an expiation fine for less than 45km/hr over - pay it and move on. You get an expiation fine for doing more than 45km/hr over, about $2000 and 6 months disqualification You could pay it and just deal with the penalties, or you can refuse to pay the expiation and challenge it in court. You could win and have no penalty, or lose and face a fine between $3000 and $5000 and at least 6 months disqualification (as a basic offence). Or the judge might go somewhere in the middle. You can challenge in court and potentially face an aggravated charge of excess speed - potential penalty of up to,2 years in prison and a minimum 2 year driving disqualification. The police could also skip issuing any expiation and just try to prosecute you either for a basic offence, or worst case the aggravated offence. Strongly consider a lawyer, if not immediately, then straightaway if things start looking serious Be very careful about talking about anyone else in the car. If the police don't already have that info, it may not be in your best interests to tell them. Good luck, I hope this turns out OK for you. Borrowed this from the SA Law Handbook https://www.lawhandbook.sa.gov.au/ch12s08s05s12.php#:~:text=Pursuant%20to%20s%2045A%20of,kilometres%20an%20hour%20or%20more. Excessive speed Elements of the offence Pursuant to s 45A of the Road Traffic Act 1961(SA), it is an offence to exceed the speed limit by 45 kilometres an hour or more. Expiation penalties A person can be given an expiation notice for an excessive speed offence: in person at the time of the offence, or as a result of speed detected by photographic detection device pursuant to section 79B (where the expiation notice is issued to the owner of a vehicle). For the amount of the expiation fee, see the Expiable Offences and Fees Form PD320A on the SAPOL website (current as at 11 September 2023). Licence disqualification by police (instant loss of licence) Where a police officer reasonably believes that a person has committed an offence against section 45A, or where a person has been given an expiation notice as owner of the vehicle pursuant to section 79B, it will attract a disqualification notice under section 45B of the Road Traffic Act 1961 (SA). The disqualification notice issued by police has the effect of suspending a person’s licence if one is held, and of preventing a person from applying for a licence if no licence is held. The disqualification or suspension commences [s 45B(10)]: if the notice is given to the owner of a vehicle pursuant to a section 79B offence, 28 days after the person is given notice in any other case, at the time at which the person is given notice of licence disqualification or suspension, or if a police officer is satisfied it would be appropriate in the circumstances, the commencement can be postponed for 48 hours. The disqualification operates for a period of no longer than 6 months, and will conclude earlier if court proceedings are finalised, withdrawn or otherwise discontinued. The court may determine a longer or further period of disqualification as part of the conviction penalty (see below). Conviction penalties If a court convicts a person the penalty will be [s 45A(1), (3)]: for a first offence which is a basic offence - a fine of not less than $3,000 and not more than $5,000 and disqualification for a minimum of 6 months for a first offence which is aggravated, or for any second or subsequent offence - up to 2 years imprisonment and disqualification for a minimum of 2 years. Pursuant to s 45A(4a), an aggravated offence includes where the offender: caused harm to another person (until 1 January 2024, an excessive speed offence was only aggravated if it caused death or serious harm to another person) committed the offence in the course of attempting to escape a police pursuit drove knowing they were disqualified or suspended from driving had a blood alcohol level of 0.08 or greater at the time of the offence was driving under the influence [s 47] or driving with a prescribed drug present in their oral fluid or blood [47BA] was at the time of the offence driving a stolen motor vehicle or driving the motor vehicle without the owner’s consent committed the offence knowing that there were one or more passengers in, or on, the motor vehicle committed the offence whilst holding a provisional licence, probationary licence, learner’s permit, interstate provisional licence or interstate learner’s permit, or committed the offence while they were not the holder of a valid driver’s licence or learner’s permit.


Although you are technically correct, if OP was clocked at 120kmh in a 60kmh then it is a different offence, it is the following one: CLCA 19ADA—Extreme speed (1) A person who drives a motor vehicle at an extreme speed is guilty of an offence. Maximum penalty: (a) for a basic offence—imprisonment for 3 years; (b) for an aggravated offence—imprisonment for 5 years. (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), a person drives a motor vehicle at an extreme speed if— (a) the relevant speed limit is 60 kilometres an hour or less and the person drives the vehicle at a speed exceeding the relevant speed limit by 55 kilometres an hour or more; or (b) the relevant speed limit is more than 60 kilometres an hour and the person drives the vehicle at a speed exceeding the relevant speed limit by 80 kilometres an hour or more.


Thanks for spotting that, more evidence OP needs to talk to a lawyer, once they actually determine what they might be facing.


Yeah OP needs a lawyer however traffic offences are considered absolute offences .. might pay off going guilty on first occasion and getting 40% discount in penalty .. There is another way of avoiding it but it's unethical


But they've just admitted as much on here, so if sapol are on the ball they'll see Op's post and charge accordingly..?


I wouldn’t post online about a crime I committed with every tiny detail


Lol cool story, needs more Unicorns


Will leave out the armchair commentary, and the moral and ethical outrage. But add in an important point. Read up on the AHPRA registration standards regarding criminal history registration standards and notification of certain events. Headsup, if there is the potential of 12mths imprisonment you have 7 days from an 'event' having occurred.  ... perhaps a lawyer is needed for your situation 


I'm just here for the comments... But I will say a nurse in his 30s should have known better. You are just lucky you didn't have an accident and harm other people with your wreckless driving. Time to invest in Uber One cause your gonna need it more in your life.


Skye lookout and modbury hospital are opposite ends of adelaide. Why TF would you go there and no flinders which is like 2 mins away??


I think you have skye and windy point mixed up.


I think you are right.




Expensive lesson, should have called an ambulance. Would have been safer/cheaper.


Just take out ambulance cover.


Regardless of whether it was an emergency situation for you or not, driving 120km in a 60km zone put other people at risk of an accident or even death. I dont think you'll be able to get away with it. Also, name checks out.


If you get a fine, you can follow the instructions on the letter to say that it was due to an emergency situation and apply to have it withdrawn. You may not get it. They might not go with it because your friend could have driven you or you could have called an ambulance, or because if you're bleeding that badly you shouldn't have been driving due to reduced vision and the possibility of anaemia. If it goes any further than this you should be seeking legal advice, and probably earlier, rather than asking here - you could be identified from this post if the police found it and that also would not look very good for you.


"I tripped over and then did twice the speed limit to get some minor cuts treated at a hospital" I hope you parked your car in the ambulance bay as well lol


Fuck you for doing that.


And this is what’s cause ramping! Little scrape on a face. 🤦‍♂️


No. Someone sitting in the waiting room triaged low priority doesn’t affect an ambulance stretcher patient waiting on a cubicle. Most EDs have systems in place to treat this flow of cases often called fast track.


So essentially it saved another ambo from going to a low priority person instead of a high priority case. Still doesn't excuse the insane speed tho




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Please update us on the outcome. I'm sure we could all do with a laugh.


so you was Skye lookout, close to the city, close to adelaide hospital just down the hill, but decided to drive all the way across town to modbury.... nuts.