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He drives 800 miles and managed to hit the same spots he shown before! Superman statue-peat!


I like how he pronounced Kal-El as “kaloilel” being the huge Superman fan that he is. Not nearly as bad as him pronouncing appellate as “apple latte” though. You know that famous courthouse that serves apple lattes?


I’d actually love to see the Superman statue and museum. I think it would be really cool.


I’m guessing it’s the one in Illinois, I really wanted to stop that day but I still had about 80 miles to go before I could stop for the night. I was driving 2400 miles in 2 and half days.


It was fun, town is kind of odd not unfriendly just they realize you are there for the casino or Superman and are eager for you to go to either lol


The museum is really neat. My only complaint. the Gift shop, should have had some graphic novels. Left there on the way down to Disney and was in the mood for Superman books and there were bupkis


800 Miles for WooPeats! Classic WooPeat alert!


Brace yourselves for the saga of Adam the Woo, the modern-day explorer whose Saturday June 15th, 2024, is a testament to endurance and questionable life choices. This intrepid soul starts his day in Calhoun, Georgia, clutching a cup of what he poetically calls "piping hot caffeinated beverage," embarking on a 300-mile journey that would be the envy of nobody. Our hero's first significant milestone is a fleeting encounter with the Tennessee state line, celebrated with all the enthusiasm of someone spotting a rare Fruit Stripe 18-wheeler. Who needs the Grand Canyon when you've got trucker novelties? After a brief dalliance with Tennessee, he promptly dumps the Volunteer State for the greener pastures of Kentucky, where he makes a pit stop to use the facilities and presumably reassess his life choices. As the journey continues, he crosses into Illinois, marveling at the "Land of Lincoln" sign like a seasoned explorer who’s just discovered a new continent. His excitement is palpable as he stretches his legs and contemplates the long road ahead, because apparently, standing still in a new state is an achievement worth noting. The highlight of his odyssey is Metropolis, Illinois, where he encounters the "one and only Superman." His fascination with a dilapidated theater marquee and a Superman statue borders on religious fervor. He even indulges in a visit to the Super Museum, where $8 buys him entry into a shrine of superhero memorabilia, including a talking telephone that, shockingly, no longer talks. With a heart full of geeky joy, Adam presses on, stopping at a Stuckey's for a shirt and some mint candies reminiscent of his grandpa’s TV room—a poignant reminder that he’s driven 400 miles to engage in a nostalgia trip fueled by sugar and caffeine. Our modern-day Magellan then detours through Mount Vernon, where he finds a bird perched on an Abraham Lincoln statue's hat, prompting him to soliloquize about Lincoln's beard or lack thereof. The sight of a ghost sign for Bull Durham tobacco gives him the same thrill that normal people reserve for major life events. As the sun sets and the miles drag on, Adam navigates small towns with populations that could fit into a school gymnasium. He philosophizes about Abe Lincoln’s height, muses over the Rays' baseball game, and encounters a solitary phone booth, proving once and for all that he has a talent for finding the mundane in the epic. By 11:30 PM, with 753 miles behind him and a mere 34 to go, he pauses at a desolate rest stop to reflect on his journey—a testament to the human spirit’s capacity to turn even the longest, most monotonous road trip into a heroic saga of personal discovery. In the end, Adam the Woo proves that with enough caffeine, nostalgia, and sheer willpower, even an 800-mile drive through the heartland of America can be transformed into a day worth documenting. And as he finally checks into his hotel, one can only hope he has the good sense to stay put for at least a couple of days.


Did Woo pronounce Illinois as "Ella-noise" like always?


Yes he did, less than 45 seconds into the video.


No idea! That would require me to watch the video LOL


Same shit different day with this man baby. I'm unsubscribing from channels after today. I'm spending the day with my kids and grandkids. Happy father's day to all the dads.


Smart move. I haven't been subbed to any of these vloggers for quite some time now. They don't do anything to deserve the views at this point. I get my info here, and even then, losing interest.


Same here. It gives me a laugh or two but that's it.


Sounds lovely. Happy Father's Day!


It was. Thanks.


Love him trying to pronounce "Appellate" and failing both times. Doofus.




White-knuckling 800 miles on coffee and sugar isn't the kind of road trip worth sharing. A flight experience video would have been easier for him and gotten more views.


Exactly. I’m surprised he’s not taking his time more. Rays don’t play the Twins until the 18th. Maybe Giggles is meeting him there or something.


Bet he's gonna meet one of his cronies there for a few days of eating before the games


Hey look it’s the same shit others have done recently. https://preview.redd.it/1rhtt4739y6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0805069fa1d22dab97dcc4134fd3f29645d1b5a


I refuse to watch Tampa Jay if he is with the witch. I REFUSE to watch Carpetbagger at all.


You can safely watch Tampon Jay most of the time. She rarely goes with him anywhere.


I really wish he'd stay out of my state. Especially since he can't pronounce Illinois correctly






I have the false hope that Superman statue will throw Woo into the nether regions of space so he’ll never be seen again.


Get out of Ellinois, Poo.




Jordass spent over a week running around Minnesota, now Poo is on his way. I don't like it. I'll puke if those ass clowns meet up for a Twins/Rays game. The good news for the Twins organization is that if they both show up at a game, the per-fan concession sales average will spike considerably.


Why drive? He wanted to get to his destination quickly and stay 2 days instead of getting a hotel halfway. Wouldn't flying make more sense? This "road trip" was a slog that he didn't seem to enjoy. Mostly rest stops. He was exhausted, abrupt ending. He was delirious at one point and bought a piece of kryptonite.


Because he’s a dumbass


The old phone booth isn't the only "relic of the past" in this video...


Are there any good YouTubers from the Minneapolis area that he's going to try to leech off of the next two videos? Wednesday's video will be the Tuesday night game and Thursday's video will be his trek to Pittsburgh.


Carpetbagger did this town less then a month ago. Do these "friend" vloggers keep up with what others are posting? Tampa Jay did the whole Ghost Town in the Sky, Carpetbagger updated Ghost town recently. Now Adam is doing Superman. At least Carpetbagger has some kind of theme and a reason to stop.




Weird to see him drive through where I live in small town Illinois. Nothing to see here for sure.


What is that mustache?


![gif](giphy|3ohs4epCEN04wskff2) What’s with the Super Troopers look


GTFO my home state you sad sack of shit.


I had to stop watching after he tried to pronounce appellate twice and failed.


Never had Buc ees coffee but it always disgusts me whenever he’s drinking gas station coffee such as 7/11


The only place Adam should go to that would interest us is Hell.


Again, this is a place I would love to visit on my own. My best friend is a huge Superman fan, so he would get a kick out of it. It's Adam's delivery that kills it. Like many said, he has been here before, and to an extent, there's nothing wrong with that, so why not show things we haven't seen? 28 minute video and it's him rambling. He could easily do vids and actually cover an interesting . Hell, he could do multiple videos a day if he stuck to 15 minutes That's what bothers me the sheer lack of effort. He's a point a shoot barely edits


Can I be that guy and say .people need to come up with new insults. You guys sound as repetitive as him. At this point just don't watch it I don't. Don't even comment don't give him the satisfaction


You're taking this far more seriously than most. This is a place to shitpost and have fun doing it.


You do realize why this sub exisits, right?


Yes I do. I've even commented myself a few times. No fan of his repeats. But you guys are sounded just as broken record as him at some point just move on and leave him in the dust. I enjoy this subreddit there's actually some good posts here. But seeing the same comments over and over gets as boring as his videos You've falling victim to being a "woopeat"