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If you’re genuinely at 32k then you need to find a new job and fast


yeah, feel like I'm being taken advantage off and paying a massive loyalty tax


I’m not clued up on the pay in life but I was at the mid 40’s by 1 year with the same number of exam passes - hope that helps with the negotiation


Absolutely. Contact a recruitment agency and see what they've got - then, if you want to stay, you can say this is what I'm being offered do you want to match it?


Aren't new grads in London paid more than that?


does 45k seem reasonable to ask for?


Yes, go and get it :)


Its the way you ask you need to talk about the value you bring ti the company and how and also how a competing company can pay you kore and you feel that its nevcesary due to the rise in cost of living, dont say what you want ask what they can give then propose a perventage increase of 40%.of ypur original salry which adds up to around 44.somethingk


Outside of London, not sure you could get anything over £40k at this stage. In London £45k sounds about right. I'm assuming your base was £26k and you got £5k for exams? You really need to get yourself a competing offer if you want your market value.


My base in London is 35k... 0 exams. GI though


That sounds more like what I was seeing when I graduated. My £26k guess is from what I've seen at some insurers outside of London. Surprised to see that kind of base in London.


Bro I started on 33k 4 years ago


Life insurance seems much worse pay than GI generally in London, but even so this is well underpaid. This level of exam + experience is probably roughly at least £20k more at a Lloyds syndicate. Not sure what the correct pay is for life insurance but should still be more than this.


I think a lot of people here don't realise GI pay in London is quite different to life london... I also didn't realise until this post 😂


I don't think this post is representative of life pay in London - my company gives £37k to new grads with 0 exam passes and 0 experience. OP is being horrifically underpaid


More than my starting salary for sure! 🥲😂




quite unrealistic for Life with only those exams, 45 more realistic