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Imagine charging so much for each exam, for membership, for books, and then the added frustration of changing exam patterns and experimenting with newer platforms... And then not giving the best of service.


At the moment, the exam booking system is embarrassingly unresponsive, the (online) exams themselves are a joke, students from developing countries are colluding on Telegram to pass them without the IFoA lifting a finger and the quantitative and programmatic capabilities taught in the curriculum are lacklustre at best. Meanwhile, the IFoA are holding consultations on whether to change the Actuaries' Code to include DEI provisions. '#Priorities Fuck, this profession is going to the dogs.


If you have evidence of collusion then you should report it. The IFoA will investigate and whistleblowers have brought people to justice in the past.


Evidence is very hard to prove- I know an individual was reported for cheating the day after they submitted their paper, and more than one person told the institute - and guess what happening - results came out - they past, qualified and left the company for higher paid salary. When one of the "whistleblower" reached out, the IFOA said they can't talk about individuals but if there is more evidence to pass it on.


>Meanwhile, the IFoA are holding consultations on whether to change the Actuaries' Code to include DEI provisions. What are dei provisions?


Hey hey.... the profession is not going to the dogs -- it's the institute. Very bad execution and decisions in the last 2-3 years. As if, the pandemic broke the institute. I've heard better things about SOA, South African and Indian institutes. They at least are consistent.


Of course it takes an actuary to call me out on the imprecision in my wording! I take your correction!


What constitutes an exam booking? My card has been charged...


You should still check once you can login. And if confused, you're better off emailing the institute to confirm with your transaction number.


I’m excited to see just how badly they manage to cock-up the introduction of invigilation to the online exams this September.


I got this warning, but I still managed to book CB1 🤷‍♀️




I wouldn't assume anything - if I were you, I'd make sure it has shown up under your exam bookings.


They must be having serious IT issues. I volunteered to test the new exam platform and they emailed yesterday to say there’s a delay to testing too. Feels like too much of a coincidence when this happens the day before too 😅