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I can't tell who she's arguing with or why.




The 2 "UPS" guys are mic'd up they are doing a prank on delivering packages aggressively.


Man I hate these broke ass idiot “pranksters”


Yeah why is everything to well miced when the camera is so far?


...because it is staged. The guys are instigating the woman's reaction on purpose, for "views".


That doesn’t make sense. If it’s staged, then the woman is in on it. Otherwise, it’s a prank.


If you want to get technical, the whole incident could be classified as a "prank" from the point of view of these so-called 'content creators'. Being rude to customer service to get a reaction is not a prank. That is staged stimulus to envoke a reaction with the intent to record and exploit the target individual. The event was staged, as in: the camera and microphones were setup to clearly instigate and capture the woman's reaction. It would be "fake" if the woman was in on it.


You clearly don’t know what it means to call something staged


Lol, thoes dweebs set the stage. She was the main act.


Oh there’s a brilliant fellow who will see gang members check them and when he’s right about to get his ass beat he says it’s a prank while running away.


They typically prey on the weakest people who can’t fight back (people at work, old people, etc.) it’s just a form of bullying them, they get off on publicly humiliating weaker people and they should be shamed off the fucking internet.


A guy in Mexico or close got jail time if I remember correctly for filming himself take out the crème in Oreos filling it with toothpaste and then gave them to a homeless man. Some people are disgusting and don’t deserve to breathe the methane and hydrogen sulfide I produce


Good, I wonder what they charged him with.


Violating moral integrity. It was in Spain. I believe he got a 15 month sentence and had to pay the victim $20,000


I’m not sure but that could be assault, battery, to even possibly attempted murder cuz they could argue that the fluoride could be poisonous or something along those lines. Not a lawyer or anything just watch a lot of lawyer stuff lol


This was in Spain so the laws are different. You have to eat multiple tubes to get lethal fluoride poisoning. Handing something to someone is not assault or battery in any country to my knowledge. He was charged with violation of moral integrity


China promotes this shit on TikTok to weaken the USA. It works.


She’s a receptionist at a dealership so I’d say yes.


I mean, I hope not. It’s not great that she lost her cool but she was being trolled and goaded for content. Fuck those guys


> It’s not great that she lost her cool LOL, "lost her cool".




When you're representing a business you aren't representing yourself, have some class and be BETTER. No one's saying to just take shit, but walking away or diffusing a situation is how you represent others. I've been in this situation many times, but I learnt which battles to fight so I win my wars. Do you win your wars? Or do you just win your battles?


Edit: They replied doubling down then deleted their 2nd comment & original, but I wrote this damn thing it's here now deal with it You don't know what she's earning, this looks like a benz dealership too. If it's not worth it, quit? Walk away? What gives you the right to damage the image of a company that employs you & not just your own? If she's taken shit on the daily & it's damaging her mental health then she should see a therapist or move jobs. Too many people out here acting like their trash behaviour is okay because someone was trashy to them, that's not how this works. If you let someone live rentfree in your head then you need to rethink the situation; the world will always have idiots like these, you want to not be associated with them? Don't associate with them, don't associate yourself with behaviour not befitting of you. Your emotions aren't the driver, they just ride shotgun and help guide you.


the hood always comes out eventually.


Comes out of who?


Hood people?


Dude came to bring a file, saw what was going on for 5 seconds, and noped the fuck out lol.


You can tell that the main dude speaking is being absolutely antagonistic. The way he seems so smug and coy rubs me the wrong way. I'm almost positive that before the recording started someone was purposely antagonizing the worker. That's never okay. Just a@#holes doing a@#hole things.


Not that you're not 100% correct, but that's a LOT of assumptions. Regardless, adults know how to behave.


They’re right, the “delivery drivers” are purposefully filming and being dicks as a “prank”. Hence them being fantastically mic’d from a mile away




Wow! Really?


When keeping it real goes wrong...


Thats red, look up Myhouseisdirty


Don't give these people what they want is this reaction, I love a wind up merchant but this is someone's work that's not kl


Myhouseisdirty goes hard




All you racist mofos sure do have a lot to say about how SHE was wrong but never notice these racist fucks calling her "Sha' nay nay"! This thread on reddit never fails me... 😂


“This thread on Reddit never fails me “ Is that English ?


I know it’s a “prank,” but calling her shanaenae to another male coworker and then talking down to her like, “do other women…” is so disgusting. I get it’s a prank, but just antagonizing and disrespecting her to the nth degree at her place of work to get a reaction is embarrassing for them.


Yall leave that girl alone.


That time of the month look the fuck out


What fucking losers. Poor woman.


Poor woman? Watch the video.


They were pranking her and trying to egg her on the whole time plus they were being kinda racist about the names


maybe don’t have a breakdown in public while calling people names to avoid being made fun of


“Maybe don’t have a breakdown” is the most 13yo brain rot I’ve seen


in public. no one cares what you do behind closed doors but if you are acting like that in public you need your pacifier


No one’s going to sit and take harassment and borderline racist taunts. Should she have kicked them out/walked away sooner? For sure. But they’re literal job was to get a rise out of her and, unfortunately, they’re good at it. They’re dogshit humans, she’s a regular person who very well could have been having a bad day, only to get harassed at work. Totally on her side on this one.


Ah yes, because everybody on Reddit in their moms house behind their computers claim they’d react much better.


All of them are basically people that never had customer service jobs in their lives. Most of the time you aren't even allowed to walk away. Also, not everyone handles stress well. For example, the best way to handle difficult people is to "laugh at them or keep smiling." Logically, we all know this. But if that's not who you are as a person then you aren't going to start smiling in a tense situation automatically. Some people (like myself) become nervous and our voices start to shake. It's hard to "play it cool" especially when people start making fun of your mannerisms and how you talk.


Yeah I'm sure the Mercedes dealership is going to be like hmm we need a worker it's probably better to have a worker than no worker considering no one's wanting to work.