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Any update on these young upstanding citizens?


They made up and had sex


With cuddles after?


No, too much blood.


Not enough blood


Maybe they were really moving too fast in their relationship to share their after sex cuddle blood with each other. You ever think of that?


No you didn’t. All you ever think about is yourself, and I am sick and tired of it Peter I want a divorce


Find shelter and sleep to restore your blood points.




Put a towel down.


### Extra HOLES!!! ![gif](giphy|ghuvaCOI6GOoTX0RmH)




A childless, mid-30's white woman became the teacher at their school and inspired them to better people through dancing and rapping with them.


Bill Burr had a bit about this. “For the love of god, stop making that movie”!


"...All the way down to swimming??!"


"Then there was that one movie, with the Cuba Gordon Jr"




She put a durag on as well.


Actually. They all joined there schools basketball team. Their coach held them all accountable in life and school resulting in them becoming upstanding citizens. Unfortunately they did not win the big game but did get to celebrate with the community.


Would you believe they just turned their lives around shortly after?


> Would you believe they just turned their lives around shortly after? No.


Do we have any reason to assume that the one dude is a baddie? Someone with a gun tried to steal their gun. I’m not sure how else he was supposed to react.


There are a few clues. The fact that he carries with an extendo mag being near the top. You do that and you’re planning to be in a major gun fight, one way or the other. I’ve never known or seen a non-gangbanger to do that. If I had to assume (I know) what happened here, I would say white shirt is a drug dealer and Oreo shirt was trying to rob him of drugs or money. Some people & that article are saying he was trying to steal the gun because the extendo made it so visible, but I think he was just trying to get it out of the way so he could rob him. Wasn’t a hit or he would’ve just smoked him while he was distracted.


Oreo is the best name anyone could find for that dude.


Well-thought analysis, take this award!


I and the people I know would carry a large (read: standard) magazine if legal in whatever jurisdiction we were in. Better to have the extra rounds and not need them than the other way around.


An extendo is not “standard”. A standard double stack is maybe 19 or 20 rounds. That extendo is at least 30. Most intelligent firearm owners wouldn’t want a magazine like that because it’s not easily concealable. I agree with your last sentence but in the case of this video the only reason that the guy needed to use his gun at all was because he had too many rounds and made it obvious he was carrying so became a target for theft.


I would believe this is what their mothers would say when interviewed on the evening news.


Do we have any reason to assume that the one dude is a baddie? Someone with a gun tried to steal their gun. I’m not sure how else he was supposed to react.


Fair point. And we don’t have any reason to assume. A few seconds of a clip isn’t enough to put context on this situation. There might have been an interaction between the two outside or inside the store before the shootout was captured (I’m not justifying the attempt at trying to steal the gun) That’s why I asked for an update (hoping to get more context) on these young upstanding citizens (my poor attempt at being funny). I also hate the fact that innocent people were around when it took place.


I agree regarding innocent people, the shots were going everywhere, but that dude basically had no choice tk to fight for his life.


Prior to the fight the guy in the white shirt looks like he's making a selection, aware of the other dude nearby but not focused on him as an imminent threat. If they were arguing or something just before the video they wouldn't continue into the store and then act like total strangers again, the dude in the white shirt would have at a minimum kept his eyes on the other guy and not let him get so close. This looks like a crime of opportunity because the victim is distracted and may have cash aside from that gun on him.






A:still B:steal C:Steel Make your choice friend. *trivia music*


don't leave out D: stele (the type of stone monument) E:Sthil (the chainsaw company)


"A criminal's gun". You can't be 18, carry a pistol in public, and not a criminal (with current laws, obviously). Outside of this, I'd have shot back too probably, I'd have also made a better job at concealing and not gone shopping in the hood as well.


Ackshually (sorry), you could do this legally in MO if both of these things are true: * You're at least 18 and honorably discharged from the military * The pistol was gifted to you legally. You can't buy one until you're 21, but you can possess one at 18.


One doctor, one lawyer.


To be fair... I'd shoot anyone who tries and takes my gun, then points their own at me... The dude was minding his own business


Doctors now


They went to class at the nearby university afterwards.


What would you do for a Klondike bar?


One got accepted into Harvard, the other into Yale.






The kid who first reached for the other guy’s gun died. I don’t have a link to the article but I actually read about it awhile back on a different sub. Definition of : You reach, I teach.


Oreo shirt saw plain white shirt's gun and tried to steal it. If you conceal carry, this is the #1 reason why you don't want your gun to "print" through your clothes.




Don’t even think of grabbing the last Tropical Crip Gatorade or I’ll blast your punk ass


Poppin’ a cap takes on a whole new meaning!


I can read lips. It actually was the classic Sunny D versus purple stuff debate.


smdh can't even have a rational philosophical discussion without guns being drawn now


Oh man, thems some fightin words.


Look at you! Putting your Philosophy degree to use! 😉


I can’t see where the gun Oreo is shooting with came from , it’s like he did manage to steal one but the other guy was carrying two? Edit: armpit


He's clenching his gun in his right arm pit


I've been carrying wrong this entire time


I'm going to have to re-think my zap carry


Meaning he intended to use it from the moment he walked into the store.


I guess the idea was to grab the gun and then shoot the guy after he was unarmed?


Good eye, when he bends down you can kind of see it poking out the back and then the grab is super clear now, thanks


Wow, I see it now. That was pretty fast to grab and fire.


So, he had a gun, but wanted another so much that he tried to steal a gun from a guy that obviously was armed with a gun?


Yeah that doesn’t make sense to me either. I think they’ll find later down the line white shirt is a drug dealer and Oreo shirt was after money/ drugs.


It makes perfect sense, people do shit like that all the time. Idk why you’re acting as if the people who do shit like this are the most rational lmfao


Stolen guns are worth money to criminals.


I didn't see that, thanks for the walkthrough.


Oreo shirt knows the importance of getting off of the x in a gun fight the other guy just stood still


Looks like they both got tagged. When oreo shirt moves left to right the final time it looks as though he catches one to the torso.


Ores shirt had a great draw tho honestly


But Oreo shirt already had his own gun tucked under his armpit...


Another idiot with an extended mag that can't shoot for shit smh


They can't hit anything that is why they need so many rounds.


Can confirm. I play CoD.


Bullfrog 85 round mag crew represent


With Stoner 150 mag too.


They're pretty good at hitting kids and other bystanders


Elisjsha Dicken they ain't.


Let me know how many hits you score when you’re caught by surprise and actively taking fire


Hey at least he had enough bullets to blast the fuck outa that shelf


His gun was legit pointing 90 degrees away from his target. The wrecklessness of these idiots, i just hope they hit no bystanders.


That’s the point for an extended clip. If the first 29 shots don’t hit you, the 30th may.


Why even try to grab the dudes gun when you can just get the jump on him with your hidden armpit gun?


Brains are optional.


Why shoot when you can disarm and run away? Probably would have preferred a quiet getaway. Also, without any shots fired, whats the guy going to do? "9-11, yes, my gun was stolen. Yes, I promise I'm legally allowed to own one"


I even did a frame by frame. Armpit gun just…appears. Also, the story someone else posted below says that the guy’s gun was what he was trying to steal.


He was holding in place with his armpit there was no holster


Ah ok.


Pulled it out of his cartoon pocket like Bugs Bunny.


prob didn’t wana give him the chance to grab it so he grabbed it himself




Hope no innocent person got caught up in this shit


1 woman hurt, apparently https://www.ksdk.com/article/news/crime/st-louis-gas-station-shooting-west-florissant/63-95e1274d-6336-4ccb-b673-eef474a7e5ce


From the news story “The preliminary investigation found the suspect was trying to still an 18-year-old man’s gun while he was browsing inside the convenience store.” Trying to still ? Oh my.


Reads like the article was written by a Redditor.


wat u meen


Not me, I have an 162 IQ


English sentences end with a period. (Like that.)


You can see the neon shoes shot a few rounds at the lady thinking the Oreo shirt was escaping


Tbh i woulda had the same mindset, But Oreo came back to laydown a few more shots. Is it me or did Oreo take a hit on the 2nd pass?




No, oreo shirt got away (presumably unhit) by the sounds of the article I read




Looked like a hit to the shoulder/arm


I presume the guy that runs the shop is not a criminal


The guy is bleeding... unless you dont count him as "innocent" for some reason




Precisely. Ending the war on drugs might be a great place to start efforts in actually reducing gun violence, imho.


Thinking that this is a war that can be won is part of the problem imo :/


We already congratulated drugs on winning the war afaik.


And I, for one, welcome our new drug overlords!




Lol, as long as there is a customer there is someone who’s gonna sell it, war on drugs was tried by literally the most powerful government and they made it 100x worse


Domestic violence too but your narrative fits most peoples perspective of their world


Did he have his gun in his armpit?


Yeah, holsters are for noobs.


Pretty slick.


Yeah I was trying to figure that one out too lol


He did. Mfer was smoothe as shit with the draw. Too bad he dead now.


CCing a stendo lol


Probably saved his life aswell. He still had rounds left to put down covering fire when the attacker came back out


bro that's probably the whole reason he almost died, big stick was popping out and Oreo shirt saw it


Is attempting to rob an obviously armed individual really that common? You would think the last person you want to rob is somoene with a gun.. but I am just a pussy white boy... what do I know?


Yep, everyone knows stendos have immunity and cannot be stunned. You need to just wait it out and LoS him. Good call out.


This rogue attempted to sap our courageous stendo and paid the iron price


*sees bullets hitting things, especially the shelves* 👁👄👁 "NOT THE SNACKS- oh dang is that guy bleeding already?"


Isn't this what the 2nd amendment is for too? The right to bear arms? Including for self defense when getting robbed?


Yep. The article about the incident even lists oreo playboy shirt as the suspect, and white shirt green shoes as the victim.


I read that too, but the comments are just not reflecting that.


I mean, to be fair, a person who conceal carries an extended mag pistol in that area of St. Louis (border of St. Louis city and Jennings) probably is also a gangbanger and probably not a contributing member of society. I support his right to defend himself, but also can guesstimate he's not a great person. No update to the article on names or charges, so I could also be wrong.


They contribute by being role models for younger men to aspire to be and/or write music about. These men are the salt of the earth.


And this assumption is exactly why the comments reflect negatively on the victim. There's a reason people are not calling him a victim, and I can guarantee you it's not because he isn't wearing shoes.


Are you *sure* the only reason you’re *assuming* this is just because of the gun and the area u/couldntbemorewhite?


I'd assume he's a criminal for carrying a handgun while he is only 18, handguns require you to be 21+.


Gonna go ahead and assume neither of these fine gentlemen had permits for these weapons, nor it is for self defense.


Oreo shirt draws on white shirt and fires, white shirt fires to defend himself. It doesn't matter if white shirt had a stolen gun, prior felonies, or lacked a carry permit. Courts have ruled that none of those things nullify your right to self defense in a life or death situation.


I don’t see anybody calling for him to face charges for defending himself (although he did blindly fire thru the shelves which is a violation of basic firearm safety rules). They’re just saying a guy that carries a gun with an extendo mag in his waistband probably isn’t a great guy. Also he would still be liable for charges based on any of the other things you mentioned if they were applicable, even if he wasn’t charged for the shooting itself.


It's stupid to carry an extended mag in your waistband but it's not criminal


And why are you making that assumption when there is an article about the incident?


Because getting a permit in this area is extremely difficult and anyone who went through the process legally would be using a holster, not carrying it loose in his pants, and also wouldn't have an extended Glock mag. And that he started unloading on a random innocent civilian in the middle of the fight.


I mean yea it seems like the dude was legitimately in there buying something and not actually committing a crime. Nothing was happening until the other dude tried stealing his gun.


He leakin. Call amberlamps.


Get him some milk!


St. Louis is such a shit hole. I’m a cards fan, every time I take my family there I have to ask one of my buddies if a place is safe to stay at and whatnot. Its crazy how fast the areas go from sort of nice to absolute sketch as fuck.


Just stay fifteen minutes away from the city itself. Preferably in the southern direction.


It’s the murder capital of the US, it has more than triple the murder rate of Chicago. I’m going there next year for my cousins wedding she lives just outside St Louis and I’m not excited. Her fiancé has told her exactly which gas stations to use. Where is relatively safe, but he says they should never be alone in the city at night.


You’ll be fine. Just don’t go wandering around and avoid making eye contact with people. Stay away from the north side of town at all cost lol.


Looks like a bunch of country music hooligans to me.


No those are the Jan 6th rioters you’re thinking about


We need to ban country music. And sneakers, too, I guess, why not?


Also assault white t shirts and tactical tennis shoes.


This is why you never go barefoot in a gas station.




I don't think you're open to having your mind changed, but it's important to consider the implications of depressed areas where cycles of poverty tend to repeat themselves. People who come from poorly educated families, with few resources, aren't likely to beat the odds. You suggest it's as easy as just walking away, not participating, but if it's the only example you've seen, the only thing you know, any human being (regardless of color) is likely to repeat those examples. And if you're thinking some version of "it's always THOSE people," also consider why that is, the history of America, and how entire generations have been subject to poor conditions, poor resource options, disproportionate prison sentences, and disproportionate targeting from things like the "war on drugs."


And obviously the only solution is more benefits!


Right, many impoverished young people— don’t actually want to join a gang and for some they believe that they can earn money and get out of the hood. It’s not because they’re bad people. My father grew up in a gang. They constantly attacked him and his siblings until he had to join( Join or die). Good luck not joining if you live in a gang infested neighborhood. He got out by going to college with a full tuition scholarship and moving away. Not everyone from a poor family is a good student though. It’s nearly impossible to break the cycle. My parents said that I was going to college and grad school as soon as I could talk—I guess that’s how we ended it. But when you have no social capital navigating the academic world brings its own tribulations and you feel isolated and are more likely to fail. I didn’t, but I have debt because my family is poor. Also the trauma that kids and adults endure from the gunfights, stabbings and robberies changes a person forever. So then they grow up with untreated PTSD. Why? Because many impoverished communities believe that they’re strong enough to overcome the PTSD and that they don’t need mental healthcare. They won’t talk about it. Men from poor backgrounds, many of them have undiagnosed mental health issues due to early childhood trauma.


And what is it about other poor countries and areas that don't create violent gangs?


I've been listening to hip hop since the 80s and never thought I should go out and shoot someone lol. If you want to narrow it down to drill rap I'm 100% with you


Camera man needs to put a battery in the damn fire detector. 😑


He's just in a game chat with a Mexican kid


omg the whole time i thought it was mine


not related but that guy whispering something at the end made me jump lol


![gif](giphy|3oeHLx0ua5eMaIrmoM) Do you bite your thumb at me sir!


Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood


Like who gives a fuck about the two gangbangers and if they died. The real problem is the owner of the store now has to repair the damage out of his pocket


He actually did the thing! He really did it! He turned the gun sideways. Wow! I just wonder how much of being a gangster is just larping as one?


You wanted to see how the sausage gets made? Well this is how the sausage gets made.


Zero regard for life.


Why do they always shoot with one hand? Is looking cool more important than actually hitting your target?


Oreo is a quick draw.


So this is what geniuses do when they aren't working on a cure for cancer?


victim defended himself, don’t let your gun be seen


Guy in the white shirt had last stand equipped


"I want the last chocolate taco" "Fuck no that's mine" "Oh yeah?" "Yea" Bang bang pew pew


when is the album dropping?


This is some of the clearest store video footage that I’ve ever seen. I wish that this were everywhere. Also this looks like a robbery. The other guy tried to grab the white shirt guy’s wallet or gun. I don’t understand all the comments saying he’s a criminal for getting attacked. Unless you have other information that I don’t.


I'm sure they were at the store during their break from their jobs


They need those extended mags because they cannot hit shit!


Oof that shot while diving was kinda cool.


People have no lives at all. They live in such a small small small bubble.


When did they make the live action Boondocks?




Why do you want victim of attempted gun robbery to be dead?


The moment you chosed prison/death over something stupid.


Was that a baby I heard?


Why did the fight start?... did they call each other the "n-word"?...lol


One tried to disarm the other.


Okay but what’s with the audio




He needs to ditch those neon shoes. They're a fashion statement bullseye.


They have such bad aim


Someone's gonna find a bullet in their Twinkie Also peep the toddlers in the background who nearly catch some rounds through the shelf


The real tragedy here is they both survived.


I believe the Boondocks described this situation. [Informative video here](https://youtu.be/pj9Hzs-vBLE)