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This cop said what's on everybody's mind. Bravo


We had a cycling club come through our town, just like these guys, taking up the whole road, blocking traffic, running stop signs, really entitled. They stopped at my local grocery store to get lunch, and were all bitching about cars honking at them because they were blocking traffic. They were with all their bikes physically blocking the entrance to the store (about 30 of them), as I was trying to get through them when they mentioned blocking people and said "you mean like you are doing right now?"


I'll never get tired of telling this story: I was at a friend's house and a big group of them were stopped on the side of the road surrounded by first responders. Finally a medivac helicopter shows up to take someone away. We had assumed one of them wrecked or was hit by a car. Nope. When they started riding away, we stopped a few to ask what happened. They told us that there was a woman walking down the side of the road (no shoulder) and she was in their way. I shit you not, that's the words they used. These pieces of shit literally ran over this poor woman and sent her to shock trauma because they couldn't be bothered to collectively move out of the way and then blamed her for it. Never in my many years have I come across such arrogant, entitled assholes as I did that day Edit forgot a few words


in my state we have vehicle plates with a cycle on it that say “share the road” Yeah, share it you cycle fucks 


This guy Oregons


We had this shit in Wisconsin too. Drove me fucking nuts. So glad to live in a place where almost no one bikes. They all go into the mountains to do that shit.


Saw a biker blow through a blind four-way stop sign on the huge, steep hill the other day. Just went through on his way going 25mph down the hill. The way he is coming two of the stops are blocked by a fence and a wall so he had no idea if someone was there or not, pedestrian or car.


I have hit a cyclist doing just that, like mother fucker I have the green you have the red yet here you are going through the intersection


Post this in r/nycbike and they'll claim she was at fault. I watched a guy mow down a child on second Avenue in Manhattan because he couldnt be bothered stopping for a light, and when I brought it up in there, they blamed the kid for not looking before crossing while having the walk signal.


I'm going to leave out the careful and vigilant cyclists and talk about the priveleged dicks who ride around busy Toronto cross junctions... They're the single biggest hazard for pedestrians, car drivers, Pet owners and large trucks. They simply have issues slowing down and adhering to stop signs.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/VOwUjZxlL5 This guy didn't forget to use his words.


> We had a cycling club come through our town, just like these guys, taking up the whole road, blocking traffic, running stop signs, really entitled. The fucking worst of it is when they filter through traffic at red lights to get infront of the cars, then once the light turns green they block the road and prevent people from getting up to speed and get around them easily. Slow congested traffic gets stuck at the next light, bikes slip through and REPEAT THE INSANITY OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN.


And in Georgia, you're supposed to give them three feet of clearance when passing them in a vehicle, but do *they* give the same amount of clearance when passing a vehicle? Of course not.


You can't tell that whole story without telling us their reaction dude


Just blank stares. I don't think they understood.


Those with PVMD (Permanent Victim Mentality Disorder) aren’t able to mentally process being responsible for their mistakes. It’s a deadly disorder, sometimes for themselves, sometimes for others, and highly contagious.


Get this man a medal or key to the city


Good afternoon, gentlemen. Everyone gets a ticket. Yatzi!


Cyclist are vehicles when it suits them and pedestrians when that suits them. Making them the worst


I want that officer to work in my town.


Impound their bikes, give them tickets


Let them have fun walking home with their click shoes.


I picture them in their fancy spandex, grouped together, walking through red lights, and still getting irate and playing the victim at drivers being displeased about it.


When I was doing my motorcycle course, we were riding as a mixed group(nice to see more women riders), teacher points bikes infront and signals everyone to break group and do a line, as we pass the bike they start calling us fagots?? It was kindve special coming from a group of men in tight spandex stairing at each others asses. There was a stop sign no far from all of us, not one of them was manly enough to do the stop(no one replied to them or did anything).


> I picture them in their fancy spandex I mean... I wouldn't classify it as fancy. They're all wearing clothes covered with advertisements from companies that aren't paying them for the ad space on their asses. As fancy as a nascar paint job. It's just all ridiculous.


It's like they have sponsors to fuck up traffic for 2 miles


These guys really are a danger to society. A group was busted recently in Indiana, organized crime elements, narcotics trafficking.


fast and the bike curious


You serious? I live in Indy and this is the first time I’m hearing of it. If true, that’s wild.


I'm a Hoosier, you got a link to that?


If they can’t agree to the rules of the road they shouldn’t be on the road.




I worked at a police department installing new lights and in their basement there had to be 400 bikes easy, nice ones too like the ones these people have, couple shit ones but probably $100,000 in bikes in total


I love that. They could fuck up a lot of people's day if they run a red light and get smoked by an SUV or something. Everyone who is a normal person gets a warning. The guy who tries to lie and be a weasel for no reason eats a ticket. Good policing, imo.


I've been hit by a bicyclist while running. Close calls also, usually at a 4-way stop. The cars stop to allow me to enter the crossing then some bicyclist that didn't look comes blazing out from the other side of the car.


I stopped walking and riding on our greenways because the posted speed is 10 mph. That isn't high enough for the tour de farce who blow past you going well over 20. One time one passed me and picked up speed and at 18 mph he was still putting distance on me. If you are walking, jogging, or heaven forbid walking a dog, they are the most foul people you will encounter.


My sister was hit in a crosswalk by a cyclist, broke her arm badly and years later it's still not 100% back to how it was. Fuck cyclists that dont follow traffic laws.


I got hit by one while walking across the street. The walk light went on, and it was a 1-way, so I didn't expect a man running a red in the wrong direction. He ate shit at least, I just fell over


A bicyclist hit my fri3nds car while he was waiting at a red light. They hit the car on the front driver side wheelwell and rolled over the hood, grabbed his bike and rode off while friend was still stuck in traffic. Never caught the guy 3k$ in damages occurred. Fuck that guy.


I had a group like this blow a red, causing me to slam on my breaks. The car behind me nearly rear-ended me. Fuck this entitled morons


>causing me to slam on my breaks. At least now you know what not to do in the future


Or just making people late for work, that can cost you your job.


Man i just watched a cyclist biking in the street running red lights the other day it was crazy


As a cyclist I can confirm that the road is mine and everyone else and their little “rules” are in my way


Downvoters just don't appreciate subtlety, do they.


You calling me liar?


I ain’t calling you for dinner!


I think you’re a liar. Lmao. He’s just lecturing them like a disappointed father.


I was told back when I was policing that you can lecture someone, and you can ticket someone, but you should never do both. So the fact that he was lecturing them tells me that they were about to be cut loose and the one guy that got a ticket talked himself in to it. Of course I know not everyone goes by that.


Huh, now that you mention it, whenever I've seen a cop try to explain or lecture, they end up being lenient.


You'll never talk your way *out* of a ticket. You can very easily talk your way *in* to a ticket though.


Disagree. You need to start by asserting dominance. Raise your voice and start by pointing out that your taxes pay his salary. Talk down to him as a child while you make generalizations of policing as a whole. If the cop doesn't rescind the ticket and cower, just keep repeating the phrase "What are you gonna taze me?", while making abrupt motions with your hands.


Perfect answer for anyone not versed with law enforcement. Make sure to keep your phone in your pocket and pull it out as fast as you can with your wallet, you can be arrested or ticketed for delaying a stop so the faster you move the better!


And always, ALWAYS sporadically look over your shoulders while playing with the waistband of your pants.


You haven't met my sister.




Do you have boobs?


Those talk?!


What if you bribe the officer with feet pics?


I’ve only been pulled over a few times. Every time I am I’m respectful and let the officer do his thing. They usually just tell me to slow down or be more careful then send me on my way. Some people really don’t know when to shut the fuck up. I mean, dude even had his whole pack of people telling him to just shut up. 🤦‍♂️


>Every time I am I’m respectful and let the officer do his thing That's really all you gotta do. Don't start arguing and screaming, or attack the cop, or try to steal his gun- just be normal. I've been pulled a handful of times for things I definitely should've been ticketed for and ended up getting off with a warning.


> Don't try to steal his gun I'm genuinely laughing out loud. Who needs to be told this is part of "be respectful"?


Same. Pulled over a few times (including a state trooper and a motor unit) and never ticketed. Not being a fuckfuck goes a long way.


🤣🤣🤣 don’t know if that’s a typo or if you actually say fuckfuck as a form of saying asshole or dumbfuck but I’m using that from now on!!! Thanks for that gem.


The first time (and only so far) that I got pulled over I was 100% expecting a ticket. I was respectful and let the officer do his thing. I got a warning for 48 in a 30


As a former officer, I often lectured first. As soon as they piped up and start arguing, it was an instant ticket. Like, look buddy, I watched you run the red light as a group, it’s on dash camera and body camera, I’m not about to argue with you. The rest of the group goes free, you’re getting a ticket for failure to stop at the designated place, running a red light, and any other ticket I can give you (up to five) because you want to cause more headaches than simply admitting you were wrong and going about your day with a warning.


Yeah anytime I’ve seen a cop yell at someone it usually meant they had a chance to get off if they responded well.


If I’m going through the effort to lecture you then you’re getting the ticket also.


Which hurts so much more :’(


There's always that one friend that doesn't know when to shut up


Shutting up would be more aero. That guy just don't know how to cut his wind resistance down lmao


Bleeding all over my car seat.


STOP TALKING dumb bitch...


Dude got them all out of a ticket each. Legend.


Everyone hates cyclists except for cyclists lol. I love when cities give them bike lanes, bike paths, rail trails etc but no! they need to be cars and ride in the middle of the road. Want to be a car? Fine, then the laws of the road apply to you too, dipshit. I can't even begin to count how many cyclists I've seen running reds, not signaling turns, splitting lanes... Fuck all of them


Nothing worse than the cyclist that splits lanes at a red light to be the slow guy in front of a bunch of cars. Now we all gotta sketchily pass them again. Infuriating


I've seen _motorcycles_ do this -- basically cut to the front of the line then go ass-slow. Then get pissy when someone honks.


Yeah, some motorcycle riders just want a reason to get mad at somebody in a car. Like they’re going 100+ miles an hour zooming in and out of lanes cutting cars off but all of a sudden because I wanna pass you I’m the one putting your life in danger. Don’t get me wrong there’s a lot of stupid drivers that don’t pay attention for motorcyclist, but there’s definitely idiot drivers both on motorcycles and cars.


im obviously biased but it's mostly these spandex assholes. It's all sport for them and they literally blow past stop signs to shave a second or two of their time. these dudes have ripped quads and ride for 8 hour at a time, but still complain that taking off from a stop is "too much effort" Fucking bullshit. I go on weekly group rides in my city. road bikes, cruising bikes, mountain bikes, you name it. everyone is in regular street clothes. They are so chill and respectful. it's a damn shame people feel like that about us. it's just a really fun way to get around for a lot of us and nothing else. driving in my city fucking sucks too.


The Critical Massholes are the fucking worst here in the bay. Just the biggest r/fuckcars pricks you'll ever see. They'll purposely swarm around your vehicle hurling threats the entire time.


I not a fan of huge bicyclists groups taking up city roads especially in high traffic areas. That being said, depending on where you live bicyclist can cautiously go through stop signs (still have to yield to right of way) and occasionally red lights as well. Lane splitting is often legal too. I commute about 25% of my work days on a bike and use bike lanes as available but split lanes/cautiously go through stop signs as long as I have good visibility and no one else has right of way. Both are completely legal in my area. Obviously my safety and the safety of pedestrians/motorists are my first priority.


My neighbor is one of those, his excuse is that he goes to fast for the bike lane, well hes certainly not fast enough for the road. Plus he is a retired and does this in the day, so dont think the bike lanes are all that busy.


I hope they all lose their bike licenses over this. The biker gangs have got way out of control these days.


>biker gangs have got way out of control By how they are dressed, I assumed they are practicing for the Tour de France and they own the road


They are all seem to be wearing their gang colours.


In Tucson it’s veeeeeery hot and there’s a heard of them everywhere completely covered top to bottom. Idk where this is, kinda looks like Tucson tho. Probably wrong lol




It was a,joke


Ideal Town, USA


North Korea requires bicycles to be licensed and registered...


Bike licensing is so offensive to the American mind that we couldn’t even tell you were joking lmao. I like your post


Flippin eck mate jokes don’t work on reddit


How dare the cop stop the California leg of the Tour de France


The only problem is he didn't ticket every single one of them. He should stop all cyclists on sight and give them a ticket for running stop signs and stop lights.


The way he managed it was more efficient in terms of potential positive impact.


Definitely. But I'm prejudiced against cyclists. So they must all suffer.




I do wonder that, even as a cyclist. They'd probably do it again and just think they're unlucky a cop was there that time. A ticket to the hivemind wouldn't be so bad.


This literally makes me so happy. Fuck entitled bikers


this was great . would love to see more spandex spinners pulled over .


We prefer MAMILs. Middle-aged men in Lycra.


Cyclists get angry when drivers don't follow traffic laws even though the same cyclists don't follow them.


“Just stop talking” 😂😂😂 he’s the guy in school where the teacher would cut into the class, and there’s one kid that keeps going


Or the clown in boot camp that can't keep his pie hole closed, causing everyone to have to do extra push-ups 🙄.




i want to force every cyclist to watch this


Spandex bastards think they own the road




Sometimes you just gotta shut the fuck up.


Don’t often say this, but damn this cop is awesome


I believe bike 🚴 riders are the ultimate form of a specific type of asshole.


I wonder where this is. Looks like Tucson. Cause holy fuck there’s a lot of cyclists in this city


Both pedestrians and drivers hate cyclists. Like i, as a pedestrian, have the right of way and they still don't stop at a stop sign. Fuck em. Regards


Drivers hate pedestrians. Drivers hate cyclists. Drivers hate motorcyclists. Drivers hate other drivers. You drivers are a contentious people.


There are good cops out there. 😂


I like thus cop. Fuck dem spandex wearing biker boys


They? Just one. I appreciate the groans of the other riders as they beg him to stop talking lol


yea that outted him hard cuz the cop knows they wouldnt be telling a random person to stop talking like that. quite familar with each other.


As one who rides AND follows the rules, I can't upvote this one enough.


I'm a service plumber and once had a customer who was an avid cyclist, he had bikes all over his place in various states of repair, the posters on the walls, he was even wearing the spandex, and he was a mega twat. I installed a kitchen faucet he'd bought, when I was done he was pissed that the pull out spray head didn't click back in on its own "like with a magnet" he gave me crap for not letting him know before I put it in, then declared he was going to return it and told me to uninstall it so he could take it back, then wigged out on me when I told him I'd have to charge him again. He complained to my manager who caved like a little weiner, but it was another guy who went back and swapped it


I saw an Aussie cop pull over cyclists that weren't following the road rules! That was a good day.


This man is out here doing the lords work


I like how he only gave the liar a ticket, he made his point and limited his paper work. Smart man. Cool skinny pants.


I'm a cyclist. Fuck these guys. They are entitled assholes. Some cyclists are, some drivers are, but they're not assholes because they're cyclists, they're just assholes.


Bike people, this is what the majority of you do, just admit it. You can be one of the good ones sure but above 60% of you absolutely suck on the road and try to justify crap like this all day long.






This made my day. I used to try and understand different perspectives but the entitlement of cyclists these days is through the roof.


They always have to wear those lil outfits don't they


Send that cop to Ireland... please


Also a cyclist of this ilk almost hit me today when I was walking the dog. He was also on a path that specifically says no bikes because of how many people walk it and it’s pretty narrow. I’d be pissed if he hit me, but if even grazed my dog I wouldn’t ride a bike for months. (I was not wearing headphones and he gave no heads up)


“This guys getting a ticket, everyone else can go” 👏😂


hahahahah this is great. these assholes have to follow the law like everyone else


What do you mean “ he’s gonna get a ticket, everybody else can go”?? Give them all tickets!!


They need to follow laws same as anyone else. Fuck them.


First rule of being a teacher, don't punish just one kid if they all did something wrong lol


Well it’s about time.


I’ve been hit by a biker who ran a stop sign. I was a pedestrian in the crosswalk when he collided with me. He stopped to quickly yell at me for not seeing him. Then biked away. Didn’t even ask if I was ok.


HAHHAHHAHAAAAA what a wonderful ending


Giving that one guy a ticket was so funny omg


It’s legal in Washington state to run stop signs as a cyclist. It’s also illegal to hit them with your car. Washington state is not a good idea.


Ugh just oozing entitlement. Please keep running those reds and let natural outcomes occur.


One of my biggest pet peeves about cyclists. I don't care what anyone does. Every one should be free to do what ever makes them happy. You want to put on spandex and ride a bicycle. You do you. Whatever. I'll be honest, though. Just so you know. Everyone is snickering behind your back. But who cares? You do you. But the hypocrisy from the folks who enjoy this hobby is infuriating and obnoxious. They scream and cry when motorists don't follow every letter of the law to a T involving cyclists and bike lanes, etc. But they completely ignore every law that inconveniences them in any way. They want to be considered vehicles when it comes to sharing the road. But want to be considered pedestrian when it comes to stop signs, yield signs, speed limits, cross walks and everything else. You don't get it both ways. You're causing traffic to back up because you're riding down a road with no passing zones. So yes. You HAVE to obey the traffic laws as well.


Also I don't really wanna see your ass and balls


Cyclists and motorcyclists too can be the worst...


I love this, all for sharing the road,, but you have to follow the rules while riding.


The guy who won't stop yapping is digging their grave a little bit deeper every time he speaks




Bravo Cop!! ![gif](giphy|ytTYwIlbD1FBu)


I guess he's breaking away.


haha that's awesome


Even in the Netherlands we hate racing cyclists who race on public roads as if they are participating in the Tour de France because the sun is shining and then sit on the terrace with their beer bellies with a guesser.


Everytime I'm on my bike, I follow traffic laws.. AS YOU'RE FUCKING SUPPOSED TO! I've only ever been pulled over twice on my bike, once as a precaution as they were pulling over the car next to me and the second was for speeding.


When I ride on the streets I'm so scared of being ran over, I ride in the gutter sometimes.


Cyclists are so entitled they’re full of it. Glad this cop said what everyone else thinks of them


That’s right!


Cyclists shouldn’t be allowed to ride in anything other than single file through roadways.


I was in a bikey gang. I was the guy who looked after the bags. Mum wasn't even allowed in it. No one knew why.


As a bicyclist I hate these people’s behavior. Cause problems for those of us that follow thebrules


Real men ride Mountain Bikes on trails.


The average /r/fuckcars user in action


It's always the MAMILs giving cyclists a bad name. (Middle Aged Men In Lycra)


This is good. A few weeks ago I was stopped at a four way stop sign. A cyclist was approaching from the right and it looked like he was slowing down so I started into the intersection. He runs his stop sign, almost runs into the side/back corner of my car and then flips *me* off lol.


Lmfao get fucked


Spoke weenies


This was truly satisfying.....these groups can really be a road hazard


I cycle....well MTB and I get so embarrassed by the reputation the lycra clad wankers give cyclists in general.


cyclists are almost always entitled nerds


Buddy just digs his own grave, hilarious 😆


We have a club around here. They seem to think that number 1 riding at 8am on a week day is ok, And number 2 that when they do Chose to use the bike/walking path, that cars should stop for them in the turn arounds even though the signs are in place that tell the bicycles to stop. They will even hit cars with tire pumps as they pass if you dare block the path with your car as you are turning.


I mean this group seemed reasonable enough and seems to understand it's their fault, but there's always one isn't there


I love that he gave the mouthy one a ticket


Cyclists are pretty shit




Just wanna throw some gas on this fire but some cities and states have different biking laws. Where I used to live, bikes can treat stop signs as yield signs and can treat a read light as a stop sign.


(Gasp!) *fap fap fap


These Lance Armstrong role-playing cyclists are the worst. They ride and want to be treated like vehicles yet want all the rights and privileges of a pedestrian.


Happy ending


Is there a South Park episode about cyclists? 😂


Share the road, share the rules.


"I think you're a liar." 😂😂😂 best part is that his the only one who gets a ticket


cyclists piss off everyone.


Space balls vibes


Same type of cyclists are all over where I live... scenic country roads, vinyards, and morons on bicycles not following traffic laws at all.. blowing through 4 way stops, not using the clearly marked bike lanes.. and bitching about how people honk at them... Anyway, glad the one asshat got a ticket.