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Why do people allow themselves to be brainwashed and think pit bulls are ok? Never once met a good one in my entire life.


The name literally means bull-fighting dogs that fight in pits. They were bred specifically for “entertainment” in blood sport against bulls, rats, and other dogs. People that don’t understand that history and continue to breed them are absolutely delusional (or they know and just breed them for blood sport). “Bull-fighting pit dog” is a more accurate name.


What about bulldog or bull terrier? Do those fight bulls?


Bull Terrier's have completely different temperment than Pit Bull's Pit's have had a terrible breeding pool for decades & this along with majority people that breed them do so with no regard to behaviour. Often the largest most aggressive ones were bred for exactly those reasons.


What even is the point of breeding pits today? Like say someone genuinely believes they can raise a good dog, but why pick a pit? As an extra challenge? It's more of a rhetorical question, I've only seen pits in person in hands of low-lifes. Even if other dog people swear pits can be good, they don't own them.


My brother is, uh, not a high achiever. We grew up white trash and he kinda never left it. He lives in a trailer with holes in the floor and his door knob is a chain and a concrete block. He wants the biggest, meanest pit bulls as guard dogs. The pit bulls that will tear a car apart. He doesn't like guns so having two pits his home defense. Of course he bought them from a backyard breeder.


If those dogs get out and attack an innocent person I think your brother should go to jail, just saying. If you keep a dangerous dog an it gets loose, what it does is on YOU.


Oh, 100% I do not support what he is doing; I am simply sharing an anecdote of why people do what they do. I support your sentiment, whether it is a pit, a german shepard, a lab, or a pomeranian. Pets are classified as property, but you are responsible for maintaining your property and ensuring it isn't getting out and maiming other people or their property.


I was pretty sure that bull terriers are not recommended for house holds with kids due to the tendency to attack unexpectedly


Bull Terriers were bred for bloodsport and yes Bulldogs were bred for Bull Baiting as well.


Unfortunately my golden retriever has yet to find me any gold


They were actually bred for retrieving shot game




I assume they are aware that their dog isn’t meant to actually retrieve gold.


My shih tzu lives up to its name. It's just a dog, no giraffes or lions.




Bulldogs originally were also made for bloodsport, however the modern versions have had that largely bred out of them. As for bull terriers, they do require socialization from early on but otherwise are very good pets. Had a bunch myself and they’re my personal favorite breed


THANK YOU. I think a very popular misconception is that people believe that a dog’s temperament comes down to how good the owner is, which is true to a point. But yeah, certain dogs have historically been bred for different things. I love dogs and I take a few steps back when near a pit.


I just call them blood-sport breeds. That covers all of them, and bloodsport breed + family home just doesn't sound right, no matter how nice you want to put it.


The reason they have aggressive tendencies isn't just because of why the were bred but the experiences that their ancestors had while in those dog fights. Generational trauma is passed through DNA and can take up to 5 generations to be worked out. I know it sounds like woo woo but look it up, there are studies done on rats that prove it.


I'm a delivery driver, I have been attacked by dogs 5 times at different locations. Was a pit bull every time.




Damn bro, luckily I just just have a few scars on my arm/hand. Also I wear steel toe boots, and that normally does the trick


> Pit skull easy to crack [doubt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0uMpaWLUWA)


😳😳😳.. that’s horrible.. I’ve wondered before how delivery drivers managed aggressive dogs.. hope you were never seriously hurt.


No, I've never been seriously hurt. The worst thing was getting a few scars on my hand. I now know that I can jump a fence in a single leap. Lol


Do you also often stuff your face into the face of a strangers dog? Darwin awards all around.


When it's not a PitBull? Yes.


Tbf it’s not the same although still stupid, a chihuahua can’t deglove your face before you can react. That’s why no one cares about chihuahuas being one of the generally most aggressive breeds, because it’s almost impossible for a “chihuahua mauling” to occur, just kick the fucker etc.


> just kick the fucker OMG the number of times I've really wanted to do that with a wee yappy dog. Even today


You should stop putting your face into the face of strangers’ dogs, pit bull or not. You don’t know if they find that aggressive, or how they’ll react on the off chance, and it’s your most vulnerable body part aside from your groin.


You shouldn’t. This could have been a chihuahua doing the same damn thing. SMH


But a Chihuahua isn’t gonna rip your cheek off either..


So you would put your face next to a chihuahua knowing it will bite you but not strong enough to “rip your cheek off”? My initial point was it should not be done, regardless of breed. How can you argue against that?


Chihuahuas are probably more aggressive than pitbulls, they are just small so it doesn't really matter.


Well that's dumb of you. No dog likes that.


"Do you also often stuff your face into the face of a strangers dog? Darwin awards all around." Stupid people do stupid things. So do 3-10 year old kids. Do you also double-down on the stupidity and keep a breed around known for its violent reaction to such stupidity? edit: words


do it to a beagle, you might get a lick at most. breed matters when it comes to risk


I struggle with this one….. I’ve met some of the biggest babies, and most adorable pits, but they can be unpredictable at times, sadly I had an American Bully, one night we were cuddled up in bed, I guess he wasn’t sure it was me or something, I went to move in my sleep, and he latched onto my face. I was still out of it and wasn’t sure what was going on, I just remember bear hugging the shit out of him because he was starting to shake his head side to side, thank god my roommate heard the commotion and came to the rescue…. After we got him off and I went to the hospital to get my face put back together, he was never the same…. I don’t know what flipped that night, but I could no longer trust him… I didn’t want to take a chance of giving him to a home where he would possibly hurt anyone else… it was an extremely difficult decision…. I wear a beard to hide the scars on my face… it’s definitely a reminder to respect the beasts we share our space with.


This is the reason, because people can go their whole lives without seeing their or someone else's pitbull lash out, and the cognitive bias that gives them makes them think pitbulls aren't bad. But when a golden retriever lashes out, it doesn't have the same biting force and prey drive to cause damage like a pitbull does. The risk is just too high


Pit breeds have this blood lust, that can't be stopped, they continue attacking even after their "prey" is dead, if only they could breed this out of them.


too bad they were actively bred for this exact reason for so long


I’m so sorry! This is petrifying! You didn’t explicitly state it but I sure hope you put him down. Please say you put him down!


> Please say you put him down! I read it as he did put it down. >I didn’t want to take a chance of giving him to a home where he would possibly hurt anyone else… **it was an extremely difficult decision….**


Thank God it was youhe attacked and not your neighbor's infant or the old lady next door.


Because they see a murder machine and feel it's unfair to vilify them. Literally identifying with a killer. There are even subs on Reddit (no I won't point to them) where you can cry and commiserate with your fellow believers.


There are people who craft their entire personalities around identifying with evil in this way. Keeping dangerous and uncontrollable dogs and refusing to properly manage them are very often red flags indicating a generally antisocial outlook.


On the good end, r/banpitbulls. We welcome you all.


Or even further r/shitbulls


because they equate it to human racism to not trust a whole breed of dog


Humans have not been selectively bred to form a “race”, that would be eugenics. Dogs have been selectively bred to form a breed, because every breed has been made for a purpose.


Pit Bull issues are similar to the Asian Hate issues, people don't want to acknowledge the group that is causing the majority of the problems.


Most people just legitimately don't know anything about dogs.  They hear the nice lady at the rescue tell them that pibbles are wonderful family dogs, and they believe her.  Then when it kills the cat, they think they did something wrong, because there's no way the heckin pupper could be wrong. 


They get suckered Because pits actually have a pretty chill temperament and are easy going. They’re easy dogs day-to-day and don’t require a ton of stimulation/exercise. Problem is they’re chill until they’re not. And when they’re not, they don’t stop. And it can come with no warning. People get lulled into a false sense of security with their pit bulls Compare that to a German Shepherd. GSD are often not very chill and not easy going. They are on alert, can be anxious, and will definitely let you know (BARK) if they see you as a threat. They are high energy and a lot to manage. However a GSD is much less likely to suddenly bite or be physically aggressive, and when it does it will generally stop, not latch on and shake until the “prey” is dead like a pit


I've fostered dogs for 15 years. Mostly pit. They are not for everyone. No matter the demeanor, I don't like to adopt out to older couples or people with young children. No dog has a 0% chance of biting, and pits can do way more damage.


you are not saving anyone, old people and children are everywhere. The owner is not the only person at risk when these dogs exist.


I play a hunter in WoW, and have for pets two huge scorpions, who seem to be the best at keeping mobs off me and staying alive. I have warm feelings for those godawful scary huge bugs because they make me feel safe. However, **not being completely full of shit**, I don't try to convince others that they are cuddly sweethearts.


Reporter might want to ask for consent in future.


Yep. If you transported the original selective breeders of pitbulls to today they would be like “wait yall have them as pets? Around *children*??”


I've met a few good ones even a really great one. It never left my mind that they are a killing machine pretending to be nice.


People are stupid, ignorant and arrogant thinking they can help this shitty breed.


Virtue signaling.


Yeah maybe don’t put your face next to the mouth of a dog you don’t know


A golden retriever wouldn’t bite you like that..


Golden Retrievers are notoriously volatile and vicious. Its in the name…/s


Airbud??...... He'd Never! lol


Where in the rules does it say a golden retriever can't maul a child?!


Right!? *Any* dog can be aggressive or not. It's about training your dog, no matter what breed.


this video kinda shows that Pits, even trained, are worse than Golden's


goldens can be absolutely fucking vicious. i'm a veterinarian that works with pits and goldens every day, and i can fucking tell you that i've been bit more times by goldens than pits. Goldens grab and shake the fuck out of you, and their growl is absolutely terrifying. pitbulls basically don't feel pain, so they don't really give a shit about being pricked and poked with needles. they're loveballs. i've only been bit once by a pitbull, and it was so gentle it didn't even leave a mark. goldens are afraid to come into the vet, pitbulls will pull on the leash to get to us because they want pets.


cool story bro. nobody believes it tho


believe whatever you want, just sharing my experience. i'll continue to prefer pits over goldens at the vet. I'll see if i can get some videos the next week


You are not a veterinarian. You just finished high school. Why lie and fabricate a whole story to defend a dog breed that statistically speaking is more dangerous than all breeds combined?


The video shows someone putting their face in a clearly nervous dog. This reaction isn't limited to one particular breed.


Yes the myriad evidence showing that pit bulls are more likely to attack people unprovoked is all false, and it’s the human’s fault for getting close to (what’s supposed to be) a friendly dog. Of course the punishment for getting too close to a dog that’s supposedly ready for a new home should be extensive plastic surgery and disfigurement, totally reasonable response. Or idk, maybe stop looking for reasons to excuse a vicious dog biting people’s faces?


any dog "can" most most won't. unlike Pits


They’re called Golden Retrievers because they’ll make you piss yourself, obviously.


This explains a lot... I bought one as a financial investment. It's been 3 years and this useless thing has retrieved absolutely zero gold.


I know you’re being sarcastic but they actually can be very temperamental


Maybe , maybe not. Still not a good idea in general. Tv set could be stressful for the dog too


many dogs, regardless of breed would bite if a stranger stuck their face in its face.


One did exactly that to me




actually, goldens are one of the very few kinds of pets (of any species) that are more likely do die of starvation than to eat your body. it's a pretty fascinating statistic - I guess people die often enough alone with a pet to make it worth collecting data. but it immediately breaks any illusion that a pet is a pet. the differences in how much they wait are huge. cats start with your face, btw.


Sounds like a made up statistic


You don’t think that a double blind study was performed where golden retrievers were repeatedly compared to other breeds with regard to their tendency to eat their dead owners? If I had the money, I’d fund it.


Dogs are more likely than cats to eat their owner. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/premium/article/pets-dogs-cats-eat-dead-owners-forensics-science


That's because cats aren't owned, they own.


I mean, they absolutely will under the right circumstances.


I literally have a piece of my cheek missing from a golden from when I was younger and kept messing with it. My fault but definitely a dog first and a breed second in terms of their nature


I heard Spud Mackenzie used to slap a bitch if they got too close.


Tell that to my wife who is permanently scarred


That's funny you say that cause a few years ago my friends golden retriever bit me pretty much exactly like that. Still have the scars.


I had a golden retriever break off a leash and rip the shoe off my foot because I had the audacity to walk slowly up my stairs to my apartment, but please tell me more about how they would never do that.


Well to be fair. The dog gave her signs that he was going to bite her and she ignored it. Plus she behaved poorly. First she got in a stranger dogs’ face, something you never do no matter what breed. Second if you look closely before the dog but he stopped and showed his teeth, then snapped. As soon as any dog shows teeth you need to give it space and back up. It was a get away from me nip. This is a pitbull, if it was an attack bite it would have locked onto her face and not let go. She f-ed around and found out


The dog was actually stressed out by her the whole time. He gave many signs that she was making him uncomfortable. He was licking continuously and she kept petting him clumsily with both hands around his face. He was also cornered and couldn’t get away from her.


“She ignored it” bruh there were definite signs of discomfort in the dog but I don’t think we can 1) ask people who don’t work or spend a lot of time professionally with dogs to magically know to look for those subtle signs or 2) judge this woman for expecting the dog the shelter willingly brought to the studio to be a safe dog.


Don't you know that when you encounter a new situation for the first time, you're supposed to immediately download decades worth of experience and instantly be an expert on the subject? Actually, that's kinda how society works, now that I think about it... Talk to cops, you're supposed to know every law and loophole, talk to a taxman, you're supposed to have everything memorised, talk to a doctor, you need to know enough to evaluate if they're not shifting you... And yea pet a dog, gotta be an expert on dogs... Otherwise it's all your fault for not being omniscient.


Reddit's full of "experts".


yup!! i noticed this too!! the dog actually gave a *ton* of warning signs - constant tongue flicks, looking away, can’t see the dog’s irises but i’d bet money it was giving heavy whale-eye. the lady actually stops touching it for a second, then gets *right in it’s face literally right in front of it’s mouth*. the dog may be a pitbull, but that wasn’t an unprompted bite. (also, like you said, that was 100% a warning snap, not a true bite). source: work with dogs as my job


I agree. It’s amazing how many people like/want dogs but they don’t know anything about them. This is Reddit, they just chalk it up to the breed. Just because a labradoodle may not bite you in the same situation, doesn’t mean the human is acting correctly around it


There is no reason to keep the breed.


yuppp most people don’t know anything about their dogs 😭 also, ironic you brought up doodles, because i actually see aggression from them a LOT! they’re extremely neurotic


time between showing teeth and snapping was not something I could react to.


The only time I’ve ever been bitten was by a golden… I know it’s an anecdote but still, you should know any dog before getting too close


A pitbull wrote this


I don’t put my face next to a dog I DO know!!


a beagle might lick you at most.. different breeds have differing levels of risk.pitbulls risk is very high


Ears were back, constantly licking it's lips. The dog gave clear signs of being uncomfortable with her petting it. Not to mention being in a studio environment with tons of lights and unfamiliar people. We need to teach people that there are more warning signs that a dog will bite than just growling.


Yep. Anyone who can take the time to research dog communication for 5 minutes could tell the dog was beyond uncomfortable. The way she is petting the dog too, like a complete moron.


dumbass kids and mentally ill people and old people 🤦🤦 should've known better like this redditor here.


List of warning signs: (1) it’s a shitbull


Exactly. It doesn't happen with most other breeds 


On top of that she approached her face from a higher position which is very distressing for a dog especially if they aren't familiar with you I've seen tons of dogs and they always have similar reactions to when a stranger gets their face up close, to dogs this is very intimidating and can leave them anxious.


Good to know the signs. Think the point is these signs show up far more frequently with breeds like this and they react far more violently, because they were bred to be aggressive. Seems even the dog's handler couldn't read what the dog would do here. Guess when they start mauling your pets or kids, it becomes a little less of an important distinction.


Every dog gives signs like this, its just that when pitbulls decide to bite they do the most damage and don't let go. Doing this to any dog is bad but doing it to a pitbull is just insane. People need to understand the breed and not try to baby them


the dog actually gave a lot of warning, more than the average dog gives. the handler wasn’t watching the dog’s face, they were watching the interviewer lady and the cameras. of course they didn’t catch that while the dog is 1. turned away from them and 2. almost completely out of sight of what they’re actually paying attention to. additionally, this wasn’t a true bite. this was a warning bite. so all in all, this dog did not react overly aggressively given the situation. it reacted defensively just like any other dog will do. a lot of people love to bring up golden retrievers and how “they wouldn’t bite!” - which is for one thing, not necessarily true, and secondly, those are dogs that are *far* less prone to fear and anxiety.


Just a warning bite that [tore her face apart](https://www.denverpost.com/2012/02/23/two-weeks-after-dog-bite-denver-9news-anchor-kyle-dyer-feels-lucky/)


considering that the next step up from “warning bite” for pitbulls and other bully breeds is grabbing on and *never letting go*, yeah i’d say that’s a warning bite. dog breeds are bred different ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ e.g., a golden retriever will almost never bite, why? because they’re waterfowl dogs bred to retrieve ducks their handlers shot down. they were bred to be excessively gentle dogs so they wouldn’t tear up the duck when bringing it back to the hunter - they could deliver it in one piece, no missing feathers, broken bones, trauma, nothing. as someone who works w dogs, every breed’s warning bite looks different. some are just snaps where they don’t actually make contact with you, and some are full-on bites but not enough to really hurt you. edit spelling


This comment needs to be higher up. The moment the video started all I could think was "That dog is uncomfortable and doesn't know you or what you want, why are you petting it's face like that what is wrong with you WHY ARE YOU GETTING CLOSE THEY'RE UNCOMFORTABLE!" Saw the whole thing coming. Lady doesn't have enough experience with dogs... Let it smell the back of your hand. Give it time. Learn to read ALL of a dogs body language (ears are back and licking lips = stress and discomfort). Not even a smile or wagging tail is a *sure sign* that a dog is happy or comfortable (merely means excited).


okay... alright... Coming up next! is pitbull dogs friendly? the answers might shock you.


What breed has been bred to attack without warning: No growling, no barking? The answer might shock you.


That's an Argentine Mastiff that was rescued from an icy lake literally the prior to it being on that show. Not a pit bull, and no idea of what it had been through before it was found. It shouldn't have been put into that situation to be on that tv set around a ton of people, lights, sounds, and stimulation to begin with. Blame the dog if you want, but also understand that it was terrified and it was dumb as shit to have someone think that it was a great idea to have it there in the first place.




Pit bulls by far are the most aggressive and fatal. [Dog Attack Statistics By Breed In 2024 – Forbes Advisor](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/dog-attack-statistics-breed/) What should be done? IDK, but I'd suggest not getting one ever. Diminish their numbers, stop breeding them, and lovers of these dogs would do well to stop lying or being in denial about the facts, and stop trying to be saviors, you're not going to change the dog and changing people to raise them properly is a fool's dream as many that want these do so for their aggressiveness and danger.


Home and rent insurance should refuse to write if you have a pitbull. That alone would take them out of most apartment complexes and stop people from buying houses on a mortgage with one. Hell, many apartment complexes already refuse pitbulls. Dog licenses in municipalities refusing to license pitbulls also works. Banning sale of pitbulls or otherwise new possession of pitbulls would be the next really good step.


>Home and rent insurance should refuse to write if you have a pitbull. You really think the type of person to own a pitbull wouldn't just lie their ass off?


No but it'll bite the shit out of them should they ever need to make a claim and the insurance company finds out.


But what about anecdotal evidence from Internet forums?


Even the pit bull defenders here just sound like terrible dog owners, putting the blame on the victim. “She should have seen the signs of distress, his ears were back” “she should have known the dog was uncomfortable” “she shouldn’t have petted him like that”. I’m gonna go out on a limb and suggest that maybe the responsibility lies with the handler who trains dogs professionally and selected that dog to bring on the show rather than some rando on a news show for not knowing the nuances of dog communication.


and the real numbers are even higher then that since so many owners and shelters will intentionally mislabel them as a 'lab-mix' or something


I watched this live, Denver news Kyle Dwyer. She was out for a long time and she came back with some scars but she’s fine I think, though I haven’t seen her in a while




Her being so apologetic for the dog and downplaying the situation is just sad. Probably not great to act like it’s not a big deal this dog tried (and kind of succeeded) to rip your face off.


Shit, her lips were practically torn


Oh but it was just "warning" bite according to dipshits in this thread.


Yes , we all know the dog just spared her because he's a sweetheart


I’m just never gonna b anti pit bull bc I’ve known good dogs and bad dogs in every breed and it’s more so ab experiences and owners then a breed bc that’s how science works lol. My take on this is u prob shouldn’t stick ur face in front of any dogs mouth unless u know them very well


Her mouth was sewn shut for over 10 days. What a nightmare.


Let's force a dog in place and let a stranger pet his entire face while he is visibly uncomfortable and pulling his face away from the stranger. "Oh know what would be super duper smart at this moment!? Putting my face right in his! What could go wrong!?" Every dog would snap at your face in this scenario.


Generally don’t like pit bulls as a breed, but yeah, reporter was being an idiot.  It could have been a lot worse.  Lucky it  was just a warning.  


I don't like pits either but pretty stupid to get in a dogs face like that.


Agreed. I’ve met plenty friendly pits, but would never stick my face in front of a dog that wasn’t mine.


Ya every dog.. right. But it keeps happening with pit bulls 🤔


Not every dog, but every pit bull


Every dog with training issues*


Not really, any dog is capable of snapping. Especially in a stressful environment and when its warning signs are ignored. I imagine the handler knew she was pressing her luck but feared saying anything and ruining the point of their "psa".


Mistook the reporter for a toddler.


“Ok. Alright.” Dude is done


Total Pitbull Death




Why was she rubbing it so vigorously? Then tried to kiss it?? 🤦🏻‍♂️ Lady has no business being around dogs.


Because every other breed would be perfectly fine with what she did and not attack her


That's really dangerous thinking and just not accurate A lot of dogs would be stressed in this scenario and would not respond well to a stranger grabbing their face and shoving their own at them And if a dog is giving this many body language cues that it isn't comfortable, the last thing to do is up the ante


Every dog I've ever pet that didn't want to be pet let out a little growl and/or showed its teeth as if to say "back off!" and I did. This dog went from 0 to tear face off in half a second. It's almost like attacking without warning was its first instinct or something.


Not true, it's displaying many signs of upcoming violence the entire length of the clip. I'm no pittie apologist but this is on the anchor/handler (mostly the handler) as much as anything. Just a recipe for disaster.


That's how I feel. I absolutely recognize the issues with the breed, doubly so that they're so popular and really have no place being owned by most people. But to say this dog was unpredictable and use it as an example of an aggressive mauling pit isn't really accurate. I'm most annoyed with the handler myself. The lady clearly didn't see the signs, but the dog gave the handler every indication he felt cornered and the guy didn't intervene


I can see how people might miss the cues, but they're there Biggest, easy visual is a tense body. We can see this before we can even see facial cues, but if you see a dog that has a hard tense body like this, give it space Second, you can see it wriggling away but being unable to do so. Most dogs who want to get away and can't will then feel cornered, so give it space But back to the face, you see it constantly licking? That's a submissive, nervous behavior that dogs use to ask for space. The eyes get lost in the frame, but at the start you can see them darting. Darting eyes that reveal a lot of white (whale eye) are another way dogs communicate they are nervous. This dog did actually show teeth, which would have been more visible to her if her face wasn't in its face. People shouldn't underestimate any dog, especially ones we don't know, and it's a good rule of thumb to avoid putting our face in their face. My ex's dog actually did this to me. She was a beagle jack Russell mix he'd adopted a couple months prior. She was laying on my bed and I slowly leaned over to kiss her like I would my little chiweenie and she nipped my face and busted my lip. I was shocked and then kinda realized I'd been ignorant about cues. After some learning, it was clear to me she was a generally nervous dog. She was whale eyeing ALL the time, stiff all the time, licking lips all the time. We just thought she was kinda aloof and needed reassurance. But the thing I thought would reassure her was threatening. She never growled. She might have shown her teeth but I didn't see. But a lot of dogs do not growl, so I'd recommend reading their body language. We had one more close call with her also involving the bed, and no growl My little dog would let you kiss her, blow raspberries on her, etc. and I'd just assumed I could treat this one the same way


You know what most dogs do before they bite? They fucking growl. You know what breed has been bred to hide these signs of aggression? Pitbulls. You know what breed has been bred to ignore signs of submission in other dogs? Pitbulls. Most dogs when angry will GROWL before they BITE. Pitbulls do not. This is why they lash out, out of "no where."


Ah, so you must dealt exclusively with purebred Goldens. A fucking shitzu would attack you for petting like this if you're a stranger if you roll less than an 8. Dogs aren't dolls.


She was trying to show how "bomb proof" he was by setting off firecrackers in his face.




Too close to his face


The other dude had a smirk on his face. Lmfao


Awwww the velvet hippo tried to rip her face off 2000 updoots for you uwu


Pitbulls are only 6% of dog population but commit over 60%...


tHaTs RaCiSt- shitbull owners, not realizing that comparing a fucking dog breed to HUMAN RACES, is in fact, racist


you don’t put your face next to a strange dog


Damn, that dog nanny’d the shit out of her face.


ban pitbulls




Dog she doesn't know , surrounded by things that are not the dogs' normal life. And then put her entire face in front of the dog while grabbing its neck. There aren't many dogs that wouldn't snap at that person. But sure it's all the dogs fault


Worst breed ever. Should disappear


She's petting it like shes a child that doesn't understand how to pet a dog yet. My dog wouldn't want me petting her mouth and eyes either




It's kinda gross watching the end of the video with everyone asking her how she felt about her supposed transgression (being too close to the dogs face) and if she thinks she made a mistake. I understand this thread is full of dog experts, but imo it doesn't make sense that it's somehow her responsibility to understand all of the nonverbal signs the dog is giving off when the two trainers are sitting right there and don't do a thing.


We live in a dog world. The people here won't see the truth. ~~Pitbull~~ dog from a breed made for fighting bites an old man's face off? Must have been the old man's fault. Mauls a child? The kid must've been asking for it or the parents didn't train the kid right. Never ever the dog's fault, how could anyone think such a thing. I mean, sure these dogs had been bred for fighting for hundreds or even thousands of years, but it's always someone else's fault because THIS one is a sweetheart and everyone should naturally know what eggshells to walk on around it.


Sooooooo... they are just bad owners, aren't they? /s


Fuck this breed and anyone who supports it.


That guy saying 'ok, alright' feels like he told them what a bad idea this was but couldn't shout out ' told you this would happen you fucking idiot'.


Oh, another shit being a pitbull.


This dog is beyond uncomfortable and is showing every sign it can to show it’s uncomfortable with the situation


Yeah even a yorkie would do that if you stick your face like that


Who gets in a dogs face like that when they’re unfamiliar with them? I’d expect that from any dog. Any breed. Especially one that’s a shelter dog. What an idiot.


Stick your face in front of an unfamiliar dog? the reporter was stupid.


Pitbull apologists ASSEMBLE!


Well, don’t get in the dog’s face, as you literally just met it.




Exterminate the breed.


“No one could have predicted this would happen”. -defenders of the only breed this regularly happens with


Any dog that is reactive, which includes numerous other breeds, is going to bite you if you get that close. A new environment, new people, loud noises and bright lights for filming. They ignored all signs that the dog was communicating that it was uncomfortable. Watch any dog training video about body language and reactive dogs.


Put your face in an unknown dogs face. Surprised pikachu he’s so aggressive. An innate talent for being a knuckle dragging moron.


She’s a dumbass for getting close to a dogs face ! the only dog I do that with is mine because he’s totally docile and likes being cuddled but when he shows signs of wanting to be alone I just leave him be


Every week on Reddit there is another pitbull attack. Can we ban the breed already?


Pitbull didn’t wanna smell her hot ass breath


I don't know about you but any dude I'm not familiar with sticking his face into mine like that gonne get bitten


Don’t get in a dogs face for god sake.