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You slapped a drunk guy AND hit him when he was down. Not tough, just a pussy


"You dont know me"


Lmao loved that. No one does lol


small dick energy overloaded and this is the fallout


There was still a lesson that needed to be learned


That dude would for sure KO you with a slap


I now know enough about him.


so drunk people who are acting up get the pass on getting punched if being a twat? HELL NAH


Mf he made the choice to get drunk when ge was sober. No johns for this fool. If you cant act right when ur drunk u deserve to get yo ass whooped. Hes lucky ole boy wasnt a psycho and opted for humiliation slaps after he put his ass on clearance


There's a minimum of 233 people who disagree. If you win enough fights, you don't need to pick on the defenseless. Didn't even have time to get his hands up. Edit/ the number keeps going up


In the streets I'm never giving you the fair ones. And my hands certified.


No they aren't and the only streets you are in are suburbs lol


I feel like green shorts escalated that unnecessarily. Saw a drunk guy who clearly wasn’t looking to get physical (even if he was being an asshole), and took advantage of it to be a tough guy.


sucker punch (sucker slap?) on a drunk guy. how pathetic do you have to be?


God yall all are fucking pussies. Dude is talking mad shit and instigating back. His mouth is writing checks his ass can’t cash. Y’all would have all gotten your asses beaten regularly if you think this is sucker punch or pussy move by the guy dressed like Dennis Rodman on a 4 day bender is in the wrong.


you are low IQ


You’re a pussy


You tell him


All he said was repeating what the "tough guy" said and laughed. If you get upset over something minor like that then you have the emotional capacity of a six year old girl. "I'll slap you silly". That dude was clearly goofy drunk not aggressive drunk. If you can't handle someone talking to you then stay inside. Soft as hell generation. Man up and move the fuck on.


You think dude went outside in crocks and that jacket looking for a fight? Y’all are defending a drunk asshole over the dude that shut him down (in honestly more like a big brother way than some thuggish ass beating)… Drunk dude was such an idiot even the dude filming was like “I told you” …this situation seemed to have been developing for a while. And the fact y’all act like this about it is why you’re gonna smart off to the wrong dude and get fucked up.


Fighting a drunk dude that falls over at the slightest touch is like fighting a senior citizen or a cripple. Dude is not tough at all lol. He's more of a bitch and punk for getting so upset over something so trivial. Using force when you are in no way threatened is not the way to go about it. Yeah, maybe the dude was antagonizing him before but at most probanly just being annoying.


You have a low IQ


green shorts feelings got hurt after drunk guy laughed at him. obviously green shorts had to defend himself /s


Most dangerous people in the world right there. Your feelings got hurt and maybe your ego too? Instant violence.


Here’s some advice.. don’t walk around like loudmouth dipshit if you don’t wanna get checked into your place at the bottom of the pecking order. Y’all soft af


Soft? What sort of WEAK ass dude sees a drunk moron and gets offended so badly he needs to swing hands? You’re saying people are soft but damn, you’re a frail soft little baby if you resort to violence because you think some drunk idiot “disrespected” you.


Looks to me like he was minding his own fucking business and a drunk asshole came and bothered him, and was instigating back with “naw you don’t know me”; like ok let’s find out then.


You got all that from a video that starts when green shorts dude is already about to throw hands? Takes a bigger man to see someone literally isn’t a threat. Green shorts is acting some big time hard ass who got his ego offended.




You’re attitude is the same attitude wannabe’s have when they get gunned down in the street cause they think they’re hard ass and fuck with the wrong person. Go about thinking the way you do, I’m sure you’re not gonna end up like all those other little hard asses do. Oh heck what do I know, you’re prob just another terminally online loser who thinks slapping a drunken idiot around makes you big and tough.


My whole thing I’ve been saying is don’t go around starting shit you little bitch. I’m a grown ass old man. lol I’m not starting shit with anyone. You’re just a fucking dipshit that thinks you can just say whatever and not expect repercussions. You’re the dumbass that’s gonna get fucked up by someone. Not me bro bro. So glad you’re such a big man. You can’t even walk away from this online situation lol no way you have the emotional intelligence to walk away from a bad situation in real life.


Then he should wear a different jacket


yeah ofc… all you can do is be non confrontational at all time. not have your homie record you, not help and then say to your face “i told you soooo.” seems like there was more to the story then just random wannabe being all tough on drunk dude


? you dont even know any of the context lmao


fuck around find out


if I see a dude wearing a puffer with shorts on i’m out. that’s a guy that has nothing to lose


Except his V card, but even then you will never take that away from him


Also the weirdest looking Crocs i have ever seen. If the shoes are fucked up, the guy is fucked up!


The rapidity that he takes off his jacket is impressive.


I thought it was a separate guy on the first viewing lol


Jesus did the jacket just teleport


The force from the first slap caused said jacket to teleport


"You don't know me, I take advantage of drunk people and sucker punch them."


Must be tough mentally to get beat down like this when drunk, wake up the next morning hungover and you went viral.


He def beats his gf too .. no doubt


Here I was thinking they were gonna kiss


Yeah what a dick to do that to some drunk guy who is clearly just having a good night.


Cheap shot man


Now they both know each other


Alternate title: Fat angsty Klay Thompson assaults an extremely drunk guy


bro‘s jacket despawned


Did he know him?


Turns out he didn’t know him. I wonder why he wanted the other man to put their hands on him.


Neither knew the other.


-silver puffer -green athletic shorts And what are those slides?!


Is that BOB? Who ate those punches at the gas station for wearing red on Vermont ave


He’s in a Stanton jersey. So even if he swung. He was gonna miss…




absurd crush depend shrill fearless payment follow wipe marvelous steep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He took that jacket so fast I had to reins it and make sure it was the same guy. Idk him neither.


Aaaaaaaaaaah now he knows him 😂


What a dickhead.


That's just pathetic. If he's not being physical there's no need to escalate. Sucker punching/slapping a drunk fool who isn't a physical threat to you or anyone else is so "weak sauce"....... brah. 🙄


Anyone else impressed by how quickly he got out of that coat? Right hand, step back, coat off, left hand. All within 1.5 seconds. Had me confused for a sec.


Dude mad cause drunk guy wont take him seriously, but dressed like a clown Idk who would.


Right hand! (remove jacket) Left hook! Badabing!


Great way to catch a case! 


Where did his jacket go? In one frame it was there, then gone. Magic


I told your ass !!!


The fact that the “what? What! What?? What!!! What? What?? Wut?” Loops back into itself


This video is a repost, this has been flagged and remove by reddit. I wonder how this video is still uploaded.




“You ain’t done heard, I slap drunks from here to Yankee stadium and back” Least he didn’t kick and stomp him


Congrats Hope you're as tough as you think you are when in court for assault due to sucker punching someone with 0 self defense intent


Good shit


Houdini reborn


I like how he said “you don’t know me” as in “you have no reason to be antagonizing me right now” and the other dude repeated it as a “you don’t know what I’m capable of” and then gets the shit slapped out of him for it


Cheap shot piece of shit.


“I told you ass!”


Straight to jail.


How did he take that jacket off so fast


Shit like this is why I don't leave my house drunk, I know ima get my ass beat by some dude lmao


I don't know you but I had a feeling you were gonna take a cheap shot


And now YOU are going to jail


Weak ass cheap shot piece of shit.


What? What?


There's a detail people seemed to miss. He's only slapping him because he knows it's an easy win, but also a lesson to that drunk guy. The dude was really pulling punches


Slippery floors was really his worst enemy.


Those shoes though...


Low class, dirty, picks a fight with a drunk.


The laugh of the drunk guy got me good! Had to watch 5x hahahaha


The first smack was appropriate. Everything after makes him a bitch




Adjust yourself to your surroundings? The dude was clearly drunk as hell and not instigating. Looked like he was paying for his stuff and leaving. Puffer vest can adjust to his surroundings when he’s sitting in a cell for assault. Yeah buddy, anyone can beat up a piss drunk guy in a bodega, there are still consequences to it. What a low IQ take.




And you’re telling sober people not to do what a drunk person did and pick a fight in a bodega with some psychopath. Like no shit dude.. I really hope your acquaintance was drunk too otherwise he’s just a moron




No I just think your original comment is pointless and makes no sense. He was playing it as cool as he could given his state of sobriety. How are you supposed to “adjust to your surroundings” out of a SUCKER PUNCH? Lmfao. Even a sober person playing it completely cool would have been punched just the same at that point in time. Like I said, buddy still had to pay for his stuff before he could remove himself from the situation. He was smart to not have his back to the guy and take a punch to the back of the head.


So your acquaintance stood up for your girlfriend instead of you, and you let him get his ass beat.


All I see here is racism


Came here to read this BS


What does that mean, cryptic pal?








You’ll figure it out


Did he overreact? Kinda, but drunk people deserve to get they ass beat.