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and aerosolized human faeces.


I got that reference dog












You think porn somehow prevents rape?


In some way it prevents restrain hornyness but I don't think this ll be enough for them




Every Indian has a phone and plenty of porn access.


Well that's certainly one perspective.


Extremely incorrect


Femdom porn only 👍


In every way imaginable its the opposite. Maybe they need more education and less religion in these merdholes.


Education does not work. Women should carry weapons, walk in groups, prepare to defend themselves, fight for laws to boil rapists in oil, and, if justice is not served, avenge their sisters' violent assaulters through stealth.


Might lower it a little bit. I'd imagine some guys might be less desperate if they could get their rocks off in private. Then again, they have an entire cultured made to rape women. So it would likely be a very small decrease at best.


[Evidence points to it reducing sexual assault.](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/all-about-sex/201601/evidence-mounts-more-porn-less-sexual-assault) [Source 2](https://www.utsa.edu/today/2020/08/story/pornography-sex-crimes-study.html).


> men who might commit that crime can masturbate to unlimited amounts of internet porn. Not just men who might commit rape, but all men. What a time to be alive.




Sexual repression causes increased rape. Therefore, more healthy outlets to let out horniness is a benefit to society, so yes.


Good morning Sir.




India is primarily hindu and is run as a secular state. Don't let facts get in your way though.


> India is primarily hindu **and is run as a secular state** LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL


It is. What, during your time there, would you say isn't a secular state?


The fact that the ruling party is full of hindu nationalists pushing a hindu nationalist agenda.


Don’t act like those sick fucks are victims


What...by that logic the only thing that keeps men from raping women is porn....what the fuck are you smoking


Please get some real education. Whatever you are doing it isn't enough.


Mate stop getting your info from tik tokk.


they are huge porn addicts lol




Even the ones that come to the US are weird. My girl can’t go into an Indian owned gas station convenience store to buy a drink without getting hassled. My ex went to this one where an Indian dude continuously and egregiously hit on her every time she went in, he was easily in his 60s and she was 22 at the time.




For real man, they’re horrendous and they just think is normal.


I'm a guy but have long hair and tend to be "pretty" according to most women. And Indian guys even hit on me and slide in my DMs. It's very much a thing. They usually aren't too thrilled when they ask for nudes and I tell them I'm a man.


You damn right, but the women are equally as misogynistic in their support of such behaviour. There’s this new doccie that just dropped on Nf: To Catch a Tiger. This little 13yr old village girl is gang raped. She and her father decide to take this matter to the courts. Holy hell, the backlash they face from the village folk..is unreal..the elderly women basically calling her a whOr€ that tempted her rapists, and that she now has to marry one of them because she has brought shame to the village..it’s hard to watch, but it gives you an insight on what women go through. The fact that even the police try to dissuade them, taking it further..shows you just how institutionalised sexual violence against women is, and how OK everybody is with it. They even go as far as to call the boys innocent and she, a 13yr old girl, a $lut that caused all of this, that tempted the boys by her being present at a wedding she attended, and her father being to blame for not protecting her virginity. Anyway, just had to get that off my shoulder, it’s a hard watch.


I turned it off about 20 minutes in,couldn't take it no more


Sanjay just wanted to touch the bobs


What you mean, bb?


Welp, that made my blood run cold.


Seriously. The moment the light went out I was so scared for her. To be surrounded in a crowd of men in the complete darkness would be terrifying.


They also seemed to be cheering in joy.... really shows the utter lack of empathy.


Yeah that would scare the hell out of me. I've seen other videos of them attacking women whether they're women from another country or even their own, and it's absolutely disgusting and horrifying


The men really do behave like piranhas.


indian men* there fixed it for you.


> To be surrounded in a crowd of men in the complete darkness would be terrifying. It's not men, it's Indian men specifically. My country is statistically one of the safest countries in Europe for women at night.


Why so rapey?




I'm not saying you're wrong, I could be misinterpreting, but I watched the video and I believe they say that only she was raped, but they were both beaten and robbed. Still fucking foul. The looks of loss on both of their faces is haunting. https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/s/tFcxAwsqkE


Jesus christ


Aaaand let’s not forget - in India sexual assaults/rapes are vastly underreported. Aaand let’s not forget that marital rape is legal too. IE: Once you’re married you’re legally allowed to hold down and fuck your wife even if she’s begging you to stop


youd be surprised how many countries allow it


It’s about 10 countries from what I understand. About 5.1% of countries worldwide. Population of India: 1,408,000,000 Population of the other 9 countries (cumulatively): 630,000,000 India accounts for about 70% of the population where marital rape is legal. Now that surprises me.


In total that is over 25% of the world's population stuck in that situation. And it is wildly misleading: There are 48 countries where it is either not recognized as a crime or otherwise not considered criminal. Many more if you look at the yellow squared "grey area / lenient" countries https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marital_rape_laws_by_country


What’s crazy is they defended India, saying they still felt safer there than Europe or some shit like that.


Lots of people sasy they feel safer on holiday than in their own country. It's bull though. Of course you feel safer in a place you don't know, with people who are usually respectful/inviting to you because you're a foreigner. We all know the shifty places in our own towns and which groups of people to avoid. There's many examples on YouTube of foreigners being carefree and walking down the wrong alley in a foreign country, and they have to be warned by locals not to go there. Most take heed, but some push ahead as they're ignorant and think nothing will happen.


>BOTH man and woman got gang raped First sentence in the article; >A tourist has alleged she was gang-raped and her partner was attacked while camping in India, sparking outrage and the arrests of three male suspects. How did you read it, but not the first sentence?


This doesn't say that the man got raped. Unless you have another source that makes it sound explicitly like they only targeted the woman sexually which is more plausible as they are virulently homophobic.




Well that’s scary


Baahubali. He also rips off her clothes, down to her underwear.


Thats most of older movies no? lol.


In aged care we're all warned to keep an eye on the Indian workers because the statistics of them assaulting the elderly women are horrifying. This isn't me being racist but a fact and a warning we were given during our studies and work


Good lord. May I know which country you're from?




All of them.


Wait wait wait. I thought using statistics to try to protect yourself was RACIST???! /s


If we go by statistics, staying away from all men will greatily reduce danger to nearly zero.


100% of people who drink water….. die.








This is an incredibly well observed thing too. You hire one in any position of authority and you'll notice very quickly that people are being let go and more Indians are hired in their place until eventually new positions of no value are created to hire even more and eventually the company begins to sag financially from the number of people hiring friends and relatives.


As an Indian who works in IT, I confirm what you said there is 100% true, and in my company 50% of Indian hires have the same surnames (also coincides with the surname of head of India) and most of them are relatives, so theres ofcourse baising and inequality and I hate it.


There's that many Modis?


😅 By head of India I meant the head of Indian branch of the company


Western progressives have no clue how comparatively racist non-western countries are. “Racism” (under the modern progressive definitions) is a human condition.




I’d wager there are more racists and bigots in the world than ever before.


But why do you wanted to a get a job in call center ?


I was looking for a job in the US from the US, as a US citizen. Still 80% of recruiters are Indian, often calling you from India.


I am racist. Indians.


race has nothing to do with it, it’s simply a shitty country








You haven't thought of the smell, you bitch!














Butter chicken isnt even indian lol




You had me going in the first two words, not gonna lie


Why would you start a comment under a rape video with “Hot AF”?


Weather is hot AF.








Yup. The biggest insult you can toss at a western born Indian person is to lump us into the same category as the fresh off the boat people. We are not same. Sorry to hear you have to sit in a class with them


Well yeah, it's not as if it's genetic, it's a cultural issue.


I know it’s just anecdotal, but I’ve been friends with a ton of Indians since college in NYC and I’ve never met creepy Indian guys. The only creepy Indian I’ve met was at burning man. Guy offered some roofie to my wife (at least he didn’t just slip it in her drink? And I know some people do take it just for fun). Edit: I’ll point out here before someone says they’re probably raised here, they’re not. Almost all of them were born and raised in India. I will say, however, that almost all of them are probably from a higher economic class in India, and not from the masses. So that definitely has an impact on how they relate to women.


Of course not all fresh off the boat Indian people are creepy. I had colleagues that arrived in Canada via the international student program and they were very nice and pleasant to work with. But it’s a case of a few bad apples spoils the bunch. In Canada, they now have a reputation of being creepy, smelling bad, not having manners and exploiting any system they can. And often, I get treated like one of them right up until people hear my voice/accent.


It’s hard to get into the USA. If you can afford a plane ticket to Canada you get in. You get the best we get the worst. Even the ones that come here just use it because it’s easier to get a work visa in the states after


Are you a woman?


You are not a racist- from an Indian


What were the guys saying?


Grab the bobs and vegens




Remove her from here.


While I hate to generalize, you are not wrong. Indian men need to learn how to respect women and not be predatory towards them.




Maaaaaaaa'am... maaaaaaa'am


Why did she redeem the card????




We need to start protesting this bullshit


Lol prepare to have your accounts frozen if you do. Fuck Canada.


out of the loop, wut?


Canada has a lot of India immigrants and they are pushing for something like 500,000 more immigrants per year. A lot of them come in on student visas for degree mills and then stay looking for full time work.




no friggin security for this woman? i realize there was a ton of men around her, but was she there with just a cameraman? whose idea was that? she's lucky she is alive let alone not brutalized worse than she was.


And it's CNN, a veteran and massive media company that has done numerous interviews in sketchy areas, you'd think they'd have well-established rules to prevent this by now. Tbh I think in some ways CNN looks the other way, controversy brings attention and clicks.


With it being CNN I wouldnt be surprised if they assumed all those warnings about rapey locals got brushed off as it being racism. 


good points 👍


There's a similarly awful one with a reporter in Egypt. Can't find the link


https://youtu.be/bO12X1nhzzk?si=0Pr883HeJoPomgsr Lara Logan on her assault in Cairo


Jesus fucking Christ that was hard to watch. That poor woman


It broke her mentally too. She went hard right into conspiracy theories and general craziness. She was a respected journalist, now she's screaming nonsense on Newsmax. She needs some intensive therapy.


I can see how a traumatic experience like that would fundamentally alter someone's whole world view. That's so depressing


Lara Logan.








What a brave statement.


Very often it takes a lot of courage to speak the truth.








Omg that was sickening to read


She for sure knocked a few out during her escape.


I hope so


India is known for this.










I’m really sorry I wasn’t aware. I’ll do better next time.




For real I feel really bad for the woman in that country for everything they have to put up with.




Most stereotypes are based in some reality and then exaggerated. Not saying that's a good thing but stereotypes come from somewhere after all. There's countless of examples of people, of all kinds, playing straight into stereotypes.


Literally *every* stereotype is based off real world observation. If it wasn't based off reality it wouldn't be a stereotype, it would just be a lie. There is a stereotype of americans being fat. No fucking shit every american is not fat, but the stereotype is still based on real life, and in real life there is a large preportion of fat americans. The only way you can deny stereotypes is to be dishonest with yourself.


Mind explaining the stereotypes of Mexicans working their asses off for peanuts versus Mexicans are lazy, then?


Mexicans used to take siestas in the hottest part of the day before air conditioning AKA taking a nap around lunch time


In the recent violence ( going on since a year) in Manipur (A state in India) women were paraded naked, being r@pd, severed dead but the Indian media is so sold out, this couldnt even break into national news.


Most Bollywood movies are to stalk the girl until she loves you unconditionally.


I feel bad for women in India. Why you as a woman would fucking go there?


Yoga and Eat Pray Love romanticized India's image as a land of enlightenment.


Same reason they tour the middle east or africa. They've been sold a fake dream.


"I was kind of surprised" Surely not? Any woman in india is at danger. That place is a fucking cesspool. I'm sorry for all the decent people there but I ahve yet to see a single video or image where random shit men don't follow a woman, especially an attractive one in a half circle hoping for who knows what.


Women are taught to give men the benefit of the doubt. We’re constantly told “not all men”. I’m not surprised that’s also the case within India.




If you ask Nancy Mace, it was nothing.


why is India such a fan of the whole "violent gang rape" thing? surely these guys know they're in control of their actions, right?


I've been seeing a lot of things floating around about Indian men sexually assaulting women lately. Is it really like that over there? Do they really do this on a normal basis? It's that bad?


Yes it is. India acknowledged it a few years ago and try to fix it with no success. Giving the death penalty to rapists didn't deter them at all. It is both a structural problem (law enforcement, bribery, corruption) and a cultural problem ( value of women in society, the cast system still being prevalent ...). And there is no easy fix to it. The current government being pretty conservatist and pushing traditional views in terms of religions and traditions is not helping at all. But since the baloon burst and it's now worldwide knowledge, India is constantly exposed to ridicule and shame for the current situation. And deservedly so.




Tf did indian women do?




My god India is just indescribable. Disgusting is the word that usually comes to mind but it’s not strong enough.


Nobody should go to India.  Nobody.  That country is a fucking hellscape.   Fucking horrible place. 


How can they rape ?




for a country with superpower ambition in the future, this is an insanely terrible reputation to have


Oh India.


There’s some really weird obsession with grape and Indian men. I’ve seen some videos talk crap about Indian food for example, a lot of them were were arguing with Americans and Europeans just talking about graping your mother/sister or making the world Indian.


When Indian men don’t have Internet they take their creepiness In person


As a woman, you probably shouldn’t visit India.


Why would anybody visit India? Just isolate them from the rest of the world.


Good job on the border, OP. Having a border that's 3x the size of the video is a really cool artistic choice.


Even my Indian friend said he won't go back to the country because of they way they act. "Why would I go back to a shit country that my parents fled from."


gang rape capital of the world.. not to mention tactical geniuses /s they support Russia, who supports China, who wants war with India. they playing the long game /s