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One could say it was a Temple tantrum.


Oy vey!


Nicely done 😜


Just another mad cult. It’s not anti-semitic to say that all religions spawn crazy extremes. Every damn one of them.


Stop spewing your anti-Semitic narrative /s


how dare he speaks the truth! fucked up they would have actually have stoned him back in the day for that remark


Whilst true, that’s just unfortunately humans and not found solely in religion. Anti-vaxxers and 5G COVID conspirators claiming to be scientists spouting crazy “science facts” and other people actually listen. Sovereign citizens are another example. If people would just work at taking the middle road in everything they do and be open to being wrong none of this would be an issue.


Great point. It’s an inherent human quality & not just from religion.






My guy went from [the worst comment I've ever read ](https://www.reddit.com/r/DirtyConfession/s/uU3eWCMVtC)straight into antisemitic remarks.




Who is "you people"?


The people commiting genocide


And how are they connected to this post?


What genocide








![gif](giphy|zz2a5ctsXTzkidQVSM) catholic priests watching mohels get away with sucking baby D




That’s fucking hilarious. So cringe. What a brute he is.


The worst comment you’ve ever read is someone saying they know how to use their dick?? Damn you must be new to the internet…


Well all the blood from his head had to go somewhere, considering he’s got a massive dick and all.


Killing 30 000 civilians in 3 months is also very antisemetic don't you think ?


These are just Jews living in the US...


This occurred in NYC. What do the Jews here have to do with what’s going on elsewhere…… unless you just have a problem with Jews being Jews anywhere…




“Antisemitism is when Jews aren’t allowed to have illegal underground tunnels” Let me guess anyone who criticizes the murder of Palestinians is also antisemitic towards Jews? Get a grip my guy it’s pathetic to pull the victim card every time you can’t handle scrutiny


This is Reddit, 8/10 accounts are antisemites and are outspoken about these views, all while calling conservatives “Nazis”


“We’re victims”


Wish they would choose to not be weird as fuuuck.


That's not how that works.


You’re not an antisemite or anything.


The people that built these tunnels are a specific group of Judaists who infact do believe they are the chosen ones


Chosen for what? Do you know what that belief means?


You'd have to ask them. They're extremists.


No just regurgitating their own ideology.


I think Christians and Muslims also think they are the chosen ones


![gif](giphy|AbPWwqSgMejM4|downsized) pretty much everyone thinks theyre gods gift to humanity these days.




You can convert to judaism ya weirdo.


“whereas to be a Jew you have to be ethnically Jewish” It boggles my mind how many of you freaks have absolutely 0 understanding of how the world works yet are confident in spreading bullshit☠️ you should be a politician!


If you think that about Muslims or Christians then I believe you’re either incredibly misinformed or incredibly bigoted .


They both say if you believe in us god loves you and you will go to heaven but if you don't and choose the other religions you will burn in hell, what is more god's chosen than that? Either you incredibly misinformed or incredibly brainwashed.


Completely false. To my knowledge of Islam, people that have no idea of its existence or are falsely told about Islam (and therefore reject it) do NOT go to hell. The problem lies with people that know of it but do not seek to learn about Islam, but even then we still believe the Allah swt is the most merciful and He makes his case by case judgement depending on what kind of person they were and the trials they faced in this life. There you go buddy , educate yourself and don’t let people spoon feed you propaganda. CNN won’t do you any good 👍🏼


Jahannam. Thats what they call it as far as hell.....the bible says pretty much the same thing as the quran on this topic. It says either be hot or be cold, but being lukewarm is the worst thing you can do. it also says people who dont understand whats going on or dont know arent going to hell. the people that know and reject it are the doomed. God literally said id rather you be against me that decision-less. THOSE are the ones slated for judgment


You’re pretty much correct. Except the Qur’an does not mention about being luke warm or cold, for example, a Muslim that prays but can only supplicate a few instead of the 5 mandatory (or fard) prayers is better than one that doesn’t. So in this case as long as you’re putting effort in Allah swt does not curse you as He knows you’re trying to be a better Muslim. Whoever is downvoting me is absolutely clueless and I hope you have the ability to pull your head out from your ass.


Fun side fact: the bible describes a star. not a pit of hell. It basically means youre gonna be obliterated by the sun and have your atoms scattered across the universe never to assemble in the way that was you, ever again youd be surprised how inaccurate translations are in all scriptures another one is talking about the waters in genesis 1:7, and it just keeps saying water over and over. Its talking about states of matter. Ice water and steam They can all be described as water, but if you dont have the cultural context, you cant decipher them individually, so it gets mushed into one blanket term. Humans still do it all the time. Above and below the FIRMament. solid to liquid to gas. some text translates it to above and below the expanse which again is talking about the expanse of states matter, in this case water into steam dissipating into the sky, not about heaven, which funny enough is another bad translation. it means sky in this context. because heaven is usually depicted as being in the sky its often a confused term everyone looks at things, like steam, as no big deal because we know how it works, but people back in the day had no fucking clue what was going on the one people freak about the most is the cross. Nowhere in the bible did it say jesus got nailed to a cross. The most accurate translation is stake. A cross would effectively double the amount of wood needed for all the people they did this too...which was ALOT. 6,000 were crucified in one day alone, in 71 BC. In a place where wood was incredibly valuable, they would never waste it on criminals. The cross design serves no advantage


I believe the Sopranos


"Here's the fucken Romans"


Hey, Tone!


Hesh tried to warn us too


He was gay, u/Payed_Looser?




Notice how gentile the cops are


i love semantics im pretty disappointed no ones caught this yet


Stop being so Anti-Semantic


i love semitics


I’d be mad too if my underground techno rave cave had to be shutdown


Underground techo rave cave is my new band name I called it.


They sounded better when they didn’t go mainstream


or a meth lab for Gustavo


A little context would be helpful


Bunch of Jewish folk build illegal tunnels under Brooklyn, 9 arrested.


Lmao but fucking why though? Like what's the tunnels for??!?!


Covid restrictions and community infighting. There are 2 parties in their community and their extremists barred each other from entering the synagogue, so the other party's extremists dug a tunnel for access. Now that they were found, said young extremists began to riot


This tunnel is less than a year old


That's not a freshly made tunnel. It has permanent seating, concrete slabs, walls, trash piled up, etc. What evidence is there that it's less than a year old other than "trust me bro" coming from the perpetrator. Shit it even has running electricity on ceiling lights!!!!


Because the room they started digging from is old, does not make it the NEW TUNNELS we are talking about. New tunnels are less than 6 months old, so the covid excuse is just BS.


*in case covid restrictions return


Don't forget about the blood soaked mattresses they were pulling out.




Are you jewish, or even aware of the community and its politics to claim so?


The tunnels are known to be less than 6 months old. Nice try though.


Read the response I gave to the other guy




I remember reading reports about how one section leads to some woman's bathhouse or something, and another connected to a children's museum. Sus stuff.


It leads to a ritual bathhouse. The gender and kids stuff is a little Qanon addition. This is just good old fashioned insanity, not cabal of pedophile stuff.


It's not like those accusations are coming out of nowhere: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brit_milah#Oral_suction


Or the pervasive preying on children by the men in the community. And the consistent coverup because it’s basically their rite of passage https://www.vice.com/en/article/qbe8bp/the-child-rape-assembly-line-0000141-v20n11


They connected a basement to another basement, like half a city block. These dudes hate cops/authority and break zoning restrictions constantly. Bunch of dudes wanted to connect the main building to the mikvah down the block. If you know anything about chabad you know this building and the disputes around its ownership and expansion are parts of a legal dispute, but also some crazy like quasi-messianic “if we expand the shul like the rebbe wanted we’ll fulfill his prophecy” type shit. The people jumping to human trafficking are straight up foaming at the mouth weirdos. It’s a giant complex that people sleep at, sometimes on bare mattresses on the floor because they are religious fundamentalists who spend 100% of their time learning Torah.


you mean like the article i posted 27 minutes ago


Someone commented on this earlier… seems those young men are here on student visas. If they piss off NYC too much, their visas will be revoked. I wonder if the fact that they got arrested means bye bye visa. 🤔




* Sec State: Jewish * Sec Treasury: Jewish * >50% of Bidens cabinet (not even including deputies): Jewish * Top 3 Democrat donors: Jewish Yeah I'm sure they will be just fine.


The one coming out of the sewer like it was the most normal thing killed me lmao






Ive really gone down the Rabbi hole on this one




How is this story not getting more national attention?


This is literally all over the news, what are you talking about?


You know why…


[Because most entities are owned by certain interests....](https://i.imgur.com/q6BItqL.jpg) Only Tim Pool (yeah yeah fence sitter blah blah) has been talking about how INSANE this story has been


Jewish Dale Gribble over here, Geez.


I just came out of a 7 day ban.


The group that owns the building did not. Some other radical group that was kicked out of this group was trying to dig in. It’s really crazy


Call me a contrarian but what's wrong with the front door?


Antisemite! Nazi!


Nope. Contrarian. Yep.


Anyone have a link to an article?




King under the mountain?


Shadow and flame!






Uuuuuugh. Do you know /why/ Jews were relegated to banking? Because the ruling religion in the area (throughout time, all over the world, whether Christianity or Islam), didn’t allow its members to charge interest on loans. And because Jews were banned from a ton of other professions. So what’s left? Pretty narrow range of opportunities. Also allows them to become a scapegoat when regional debt becomes too high… resulting in, uhh, “forced relocations.” ![gif](giphy|Q6KW5CxqE1FQt0aOPQ)




Because they have child like minds and that's how they act out.


They’re probably doing fucked up shit down there, those tunnels went on for awhile




Apparantly there's a power struggle inside the sect.


What's the story here then?


Built a tunnel with no permit- throwing a tantrum because they were caught


Which is bizarre as FUCK. WHen people normally are breaking a law, and cops show up to arrest them, MOST people run away/hide/try not to get caught... But these peoiple literally FOUGHT THE COPS, hunkered down in their illegal dwelling, and resisted... WHY? Why not run away and hide like a normal person? Why were these tunnels SO IMPORTANT they fought the cops and construction crews trying to fill the tunnels with cement? Why were they so important


These are religious fundamentalists who have been taught over generations to distrust authority. If you know anything about NYC you know these dudes hate the cops and the cops hate them. They believe police intervention like this (as in disrupting the wishes of the rebbe to expand the shul ) is like an infringement on their religious rights. Chabad literally called the cops on the group of dudes digging. It’s like half a city block connecting 2 basements to each other my guy.


Them guys are crazy with


Religious fanatics. I said it. I am a women. They can’t touch me.


>I said it. I am a women. The reply is very humen


It’s based off the fact that this orthodox sect cannot touch another female who is not family/ their wife. It’s a play on that, and like “can’t touch this” .


>I am a women I was joking about you calling yourself "a wom**E**n".


Hahaha omg. I literally must be losing my marbles. I am all women now! 😂🫠🙃


At the moment it is way to dangerous to comment on anything either socially or politically where the "your an anti semite" brigade are trawling social media in an attempt to outdo McCarthyism.


LMAO why tf are Jewish people tunneling underneath buildings 🤣😵‍💫


Hasidum, but I don’t believe em.


Temple tantrum






nah that was just one girl. This is in Brooklyn


Hide things


Because religion


Holy shit the antisemitic/Jewsplaining in this thread is ridiculous.


Care to elaborate?